How is syphilis transmitted? How is syphilis transmitted and what you need to know about this insidious disease. Can you become infected with syphilis by touching it?


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease that negatively affects human organs, skin and mucous membranes of the body.

This disease is one of those diseases that are mainly sexually transmitted.

The first signs and symptoms of syphilis are very diverse and appear depending on the period of the disease.

  • The origin of the disease is acquired or congenital.
  • The stage of syphilis is the first (primary) stage, the second stage, and the third stage of the disease.
  • Time of onset of the disease - early dates and later.

Syphilis - methods of transmission of the disease

Syphilis disease is transmitted in several ways:

  • sexual contact not protected by a condom;
  • oral and anal sex;
  • through blood from a sick person to a healthy person;
  • in utero from a sick mother to a newborn child;
  • through mother's milk when feeding a baby;
  • through general hygiene items;
  • It is quite rare that the disease is transmitted through saliva.

The most common causes of syphilis are unprotected sex and sharing a syringe among drug addicts.

Many people are interested in the question,is syphilis transmitted through kissing??

Infection Treponema pallidum through kissing occurs in rare cases. Treponema is very susceptible to the external environment, so environmental conditions simply destroy it.

Situations when syphilis is transmitted through a kiss:

  • hard chancre is on the lips;
  • chancre on the tongue;
  • syphilitic chancre on the tonsils;
  • ulcers on the cheeks, gums, larynx.

And also during the period of secondary or tertiary syphilis, when there is a large number of erosions and rashes throughout the body.

Can you get syphilis through a kiss?? If on your body and in oral cavity there are microtraumas, then there is a high probability that the epithelium from the chancre on the lip can get into the microtrauma on your body, and thereby transmission of infection may occur.

Syphilis begins its development from the genitals and affects the penis with syphiloma, in women first become infected labia, pubis and anus.

Is syphilis transmitted through saliva?? With oral sex, syphilis can will be transmitted into the oral cavity and enters the body with saliva. In this case, the lymph nodes become inflamed, oral syphilis develops, and syphiloma begins to penetrate the organs and systems of the human body.

Incubation period for syphilis disease

As soon as the treponema bacterium is in the body, it passes into the blood supply system, and passes into the lymph, and with the help of these systems it is carried to the organs.

From this moment a person becomes contagious , although at first he feels absolutely healthy.

The first signs appear on average from 21 calendar days to 50 days after the bacterium enters the human body. Duration incubation period Syphilis diseases prolong:

  • a condition of the body that is accompanied by elevated temperature;
  • treatment with a complex of antibiotics;
  • age than older man, the longer this period.

If a lot of treponemas enter the human body, then the incubation period is significantly reduced and the manifestation of the disease begins faster.

From the first day syphilis from infected partner, transmitted to a healthy partner, through sexual contact.

Signs of syphilis in the first stage

Syphilis in the first stage of the disease - signs manifest themselves in enlarged lymph nodes and chancre. Towards the end of this period the following symptoms appear:

  • state of general malaise;
  • constant headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pain in muscle tissue;
  • aches and pain in the bones;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • significant increase in leukocytes.

Chancroid is a round ulcer with a diameter of about one centimeter on the patient’s body. They are red and blue in color, sometimes they are painful, but mostly not

Chancre can resolve on its own, even without drug treatment after, from one month to two months. It goes away almost without a trace, although if the ulcers are large, dark spots may remain.

Symptoms of syphilis in the second period of disease development

Syphilis and its symptoms at the secondary stage begin no earlier than 90 days after infection and last up to 5 years. During this period of development of the disease, periodicity appears, and after 30-60 days it passes without leaving traces, and so on throughout the entire period.

Signs of syphilis in the second period of development include skin syphilides - a rash that does not itch and lasts for several weeks.

Syphilides, which form on the mucous membranes, manifest themselves in the form of several types of sore throat and pharyngitis, and in the second stage of syphilis, hair loss is possible.

The main complication of syphilis in the second period of development of the disease is that it can develop into neurosyphilis.

The third stage of development of syphilis

Tertiary syphilis can begin a period of destruction of the body many years or even decades after the secondary period.

Syphilides on the skin of the tertiary period form tubercular and gummous syphilide.

Nasal gummas are gummas that destroy the bridge of the nose and deform the nose or hard palate.

Linguistic gumma deforms the tongue, which atrophies over time and cannot properly perform its function.

Syphilis symptoms and treatment during this period are the most difficult of all stages of the disease.

Complications are gummas that form on internal organs human body and can lead to the destruction of this organism and death.

Drug treatment of syphilis

The disease must begin to be treated at the first stage of development, because an advanced disease can lead to serious consequences for the health of the body.

The main drugs used in the treatment of primary syphilis are antibiotics of different groups and directions:

  • penicillins;
  • macrolites;
  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Together with antibiotics, the following are involved in the treatment of primary syphilis:

  • antifungal drugs;
  • immunomodulators;
  • multivitamins;
  • probiotics.

Treatment of syphilis at the initial stage using the following method: administration of penicillins every 3 hours for 24 days in a hospital setting. Patients with early hidden appearance are treated in the clinic for at least 3 weeks. After this, you can continue treatment on an outpatient basis. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and its severity. In case of an allergy to penicillin, the patient is administered macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines and drugs based on bismuth and iodine. This complex of drugs can increase the effect of the antibiotic in the body. Also, when treating a disease, in addition to antibiotics, vitamins and immunostimulants are prescribed to the patient.

If syphilis is diagnosed, both sexual partners must be treated.

Drugs for the treatment of syphilis:

  • Josamycin 750 mg 3 times a day;
  • Erythromycin - 0.5 mg taken 4 times a day;
  • Doxycycline - 0.5 mg 4 times a day;
  • Extensillin - intramuscular injections, two injections are enough;
  • Bicillin - injections, two injections, every 5 days.

For local treatment of chancre with primary syphilis, lotions on chancre using benzylpenicillin and dimexide are necessary.

Chancres that are in the mouth must be rinsed with solutions of: furatsilin, boric acid;

The earlier an infection is detected in the body, the sooner treatment of the disease will begin, and the duration of the course of drug treatment may be minimal. In this case, self-medication is unsafe for the body. Only a competent doctor can establish a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Compliance with all doctor's instructions, healthy image life, maintaining hygiene will give a positive result in curing syphilis at the first stage of the disease.


What is syphilis? Syphilis (aka lues , from the Latin lues - infection) iscommona disease surrounded by myths and prejudices due to lack of awareness,how to get infected with syphilis.

IN initial stages Syphilis can be successfully treated, but in advanced cases it can cause serious consequences, ranging from disability to the severance of social ties, loss of family and even death of the patient.

Before the discovery of antibiotics, there were patients with frightening consequences of late stages - ulcers, sunken noses, perforation of the hard palate, progressive paralysis, which formed fear and disgust in society, and the psychological defensive reaction "I Not I’m like that, I’m moral, this can never happen to me.” Under certain circumstances it may be important to knowways of contracting syphilis.

Syphilis is transmittedin the vast majority of cases sexually, but not infection through contact with blood, lymph (ichor), or saliva of a sick person is excluded.

Syphilis is caused by treponema pallidum, a member of the group of spirochetes. Microorganisms from this group do not have a pathogenic effect on humans. Spirochetes are anaerobic organisms - they do not need air for their life. In air, spirochetes live up to 12 hours; if the host dies, viable spirochetes can survive in a dead body for up to 4 days. When boiled, treponema pallidum dies almost instantly, but when frozen it retains the ability to activate for a very long time.

How is syphilis transmitted?

  1. Most often sexuallyduring sexual intercourse without using a condom. Sperm and vaginal discharge with syphilis contain a high concentration of the pathogenic microorganism. WITHIphilis is transmittedboth during genital contact, and during oral and anal contact. During anal unprotected sex, infection has an almost 100% probability due to inevitable injuries to the rectum.Possibility of contracting syphilisin women during genital contact with an infected man, more than in a healthy man with an infected woman, which is explained by the greater likelihood of microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa compared to the skin of the male penis.
  2. Hemotransfusion (with blood transfusion).Transmission of syphilisin this way is unlikely, since donors are examined before donating blood, but Not completely excluded. During the incubation period, the result of serological tests is negative; it is believed that at this moment the syphilis pathogen has not yet entered the blood. But cases infection during blood transfusions from donors during the incubation period of syphilis were recorded.
  3. Through non-disinfected instruments that came into contact with the blood or secretions of the patient’s mucous membranes. First of all, this applies to drug users who become infected by injection, using one syringe in a group. Less likelysyphilis is transmittedduring trim manicure and pedicure, if the master Not sterilizes instruments after each client, similarly when applying tattoos and piercings. Sterilization is precisely long-term boiling in a sterilizer or heating in an autoclave over 100˚C, and Not wiping with alcohol or placing instruments in a glass with a disinfectant solution (which is quite common). Do not hesitate to ask the master how the instruments are sterilized: if he starts to prevaricate, walk away from the salon. There you can get not only syphilis , but also hepatitis and AIDS. A conscientious master will be happy to show how instruments are sterilized; this is an additional advertisement for his work.
  4. Is syphilis transmitted? by everyday means? Yes, the everyday route is possible with close contact with sick. By using shared utensils (toothbrush, glass, spoon or fork, washcloth, razor, towel, scissors, cigarette), you can become infected. In a humid environment, the causative agent of syphilis can live for 12 hours. Maybe infection when kissing a patient, especially if he has syphilitic rashes in his mouth. There are quite exoticmethods of infection with syphilis: infection cannot be ruled out during a fight with mutual cutting of the skin or through bites.
  5. In a professional way they can get infected physicians during operations and manipulations in case of damage to gloves and skin and contact with blood, saliva, mucous secretions of the patient. You can easily become infected when providing first aid to a victim in contact with his blood if you do not have gloves and there are abrasions or cuts on your hands.
  6. The fetus is infected through the transplacental route from a sick mother (the so-called verticalroute of infection with syphilis). Treponema pallidum infects the placenta, overcomes the placental barrier and enters the fetal tissue, which often causes fetal death or premature birth. If a child is infected but born alive, the likelihood of severe pathologies is very high. If the child is not infected in utero, he gets infected when passing through the birth canal, in contact with the vaginal mucosa and the mother’s blood. In this case, a caesarean section is practiced, which reduces the likelihood of infection of the child. If a woman becomes pregnant while sick, or becomes infected early in pregnancy, the risk of infection of the fetus reaches 80%. If a woman is infected at the end of pregnancy, the risk of infection of the child is minimized. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo testing for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (including standard tests for serological reactions) before pregnancy, and not after its onset.
  7. Breast milk also contains the causative agent of the disease, so newborn children of sick mothers immediately receive artificial formula.

Stages of the disease

At different stages of the disease, the infectiousness of the patient changes.

During the incubation period in a patient infected through sexual contact, the causative agent of the disease is detected only in vaginal secretions or semen. This period lasts from 1 - 2 weeks to 6 months from the moment of infection, lengthening when taking antibiotics to treat another disease. The person does not notice any warning symptoms, but He contagious through sexual contact.

First signs stage of primary syphilis - the appearance of a painless ulcer at the site of penetration of treponema (hard chancre). A high concentration of pathogenic microorganism occurs in the chancre, He extremely contagious.

Next signs of syphilis infection. Secondary syphilis is manifested by the appearance of a weeping rash on the body. At this time, infection becomes possible through contact with the skin (and through a towel, washcloth, underwear). The rash discharge contains a large amount of the pathogen. This most the infectious period without treatment lasts 1 – 2 months, then the rash disappears on its own and syphilis goes into a hidden (latent) period. Usually after 3 - 4 months the rash recurs, again giving way to a latent course. Recurrences of the rash can occur up to 4-5 years, each time becoming less pronounced. A continuous latent period is also possible until the onset of tertiary syphilis. Man is not watching symptoms and considers himself healthy, but it's contagious through sexual contact and through blood.

Tertiary syphilis can appear 3 - 5, sometimes 10 years from the moment of infection. If the person has not been treated or He was treated incorrectly, the probability of tertiary syphilis reaches 50%. Unfortunately, even with properly treated syphilis, there is a chance of developing the third stage of the disease (3 - 5%). The likelihood of tertiary syphilis depends on the person’s immune status and increases with concomitant diseases (tuberculosis, rheumatism), alcoholism or drug addiction, poor nutrition, exhausting physical work. Tertiary syphilis affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also bones, blood vessels, and the nervous system. One of three options for the development of the disease is predominantly realized:

  • the formation of deep infiltrates of the skin and mucous membranes with tissue breakdown and subsequent scar formation;
  • defeat nervous system– neurosyphilis (Bayle’s disease, syphilitic meningitis, cerebral vascular syphilis, gumma cerebri). The syphilitic etiology of these diseases can be difficult to diagnose, since standard tests for seropositivity in 60-70% of cases give a negative result, and patients often receive inadequate treatment;
  • damage to bone tissue (usually limbs, nose).

Tertiary syphilis is slightly contagious; the pathogen is usually in an atypical form (spindle-shaped, rod-shaped, etc.).

Can it be transmitted active pathogen from a patient in the tertiary period? Unlikely, but possible: the presence of unchanged infectious spirochetes cannot be completely excluded.

During the syphilitic process, non-sterile (infectious) immunity occurs, which persists as long as the causative agent of the disease is present in the body. But, according to recent studies, it is possible that active syphilis may resume in a patient in the latent period reinfection , that is, the person again becomes infected . A person cured of syphilis does not retain immunity to it and mayre-infection with syphilis.

How to find out whether you have been infected with syphilis

The primary ulcer at the gate of infection is painless and is often not detected by a woman (an ulcer deep in the genital tract), as well as by a man, if He was the passive party in homosexual contact. Before the weeping rash appears, they can not knowing about your illness. After questionable unprotected sexual intercourse, you should not have sex without a condom with other partners.

H a month to a month and a half after it, it is strongly recommended to undergo standard serological tests in order to determine if you are infected you or not, even if there are no rashes on the skin of the body.

The likelihood of infection is reduced if, immediately after questionable unprotected sexual intercourse, the contact surfaces are treated with miramistine/chlorhexidine.

Ways of transmission of syphilis

Ways of transmission of syphilisallow us to determine who is at greatest risk of getting sick, these are:

  • sexual partners of patients with syphilis;
  • men who practice homosexual intercourse without a condom;
  • persons with multiple sexual relationships or engaged in prostitution;
  • injection drug addicts;
  • alcohol lovers who, when drunk, do not control their sexual relations;
  • declassed individuals.

So which way Is syphilis spreading? Most common transmission route sexual syphilis. Sometimes syphilis is transmitted through household contact. Basic precautions and adherence to sanitation rules can protect from infection.

Some sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted not only through sexual contact. All biological fluids are the source of certain infections. That is why it is important to know whether you can become infected with syphilis through a kiss. After all, this disease is very dangerous, and if left untreated, it can be fatal.

Syphilis in humans develops when Treponema pallidum enters the body. This microorganism has a spiral shape, thanks to which it easily penetrates the skin and mucous membranes of its victim.

Bacteria in an infected person are contained in biological fluids:

  • blood;
  • saliva;
  • sperm;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • discharge from skin rashes, etc.

When exchanging them with healthy person pathogen transmission occurs. The main routes of infection are:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • kiss;
  • penetration of infection through the placenta from mother to child;
  • blood transfusion;
  • organ transplantation;
  • working with non-sterile medical instruments;
  • close contact with an infectious person;
  • use of other people's personal items.

Whether syphilis is transmitted by kissing in all cases or in certain circumstances - this question should be considered in more detail.

Features of infection through a kiss

Whether it is possible to become infected with syphilis through a kiss depends on several factors:

  • degree of prescription of the disease (obsolete and latent forms are less dangerous);
  • the presence of manifestations of the disease in the oral cavity (if they are detected, the risks increase significantly);
  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane (microtraumas, gum disease, wounds are excellent condition for the introduction of treponema).

The saliva of a person with syphilis contains spirochetes, and the largest number of them is observed in the primary and secondary forms of the disease. Tertiary syphilis does not pose an infectious threat.

When kissing, an exchange of biological fluids occurs - saliva. If a patient has syphilomas in the mouth or lips, their secretions become an additional source of pathogenic microorganisms. Another factor favorable for the spread of the disease is the presence of wounds, even the most minor ones.

It is worth noting that you can not get infected even with a light kiss on the lips or cheek, for example, if there are razor cuts, scratches or consequences problem skin. Such cases are far from isolated.

What increases the risk of infection?

There are some factors that can increase the risk of contracting syphilis several times, including the following:

  1. Discharge of liquid consistency. Since treponema like to live in a humid environment, various liquids (sperm, mother's milk, vaginal discharge) are considered the most contagious. You can become infected with syphilis through saliva only if there is syphilide in the mouth of a sick person.
  2. Elements of a dry rash are less contagious. As for ulcers, bacteria can only be detected in them at the edges; they are absent in pus.
  3. Period of development of the disease. With active syphilis, the most dangerous erosions are on the head of the penis and the cervix. With the development of tertiary syphilis, the likelihood of infection through sexual contact is minimal.

Important! The greatest danger is hidden syphilis. Patients are unaware of their problem, do not take any action, but spread the pathology to others.

  1. Presence of concomitant diseases. People suffering from genital herpes and other STDs become infected with syphilis much more easily, since the mucous membranes are damaged as a result of the inflammatory process.
  2. Weakened immunity. With a weakened immune system and the presence chronic diseases the likelihood of getting infected is higher.

In order not to expose yourself to the development of numerous diseases, you should be more attentive to your health and immune system.

How to avoid getting infected with syphilis?

Prevention of the disease is simple and does not require any special effort from the patient:

  • You should observe the rules of personal hygiene, use your personal belongings and objects;
  • when having sex, it is recommended to use contraception; casual relationships with unfamiliar people should be abandoned;
  • after contact with a sick person, you must seek help from a venereologist;
  • It is recommended to visit a doctor several times a year and undergo preventive examinations;
  • use only folk remedies for the treatment of syphilis is prohibited;
  • before planning a pregnancy you should undergo full examination both partners;
  • communication and contact with a sick person should be limited.

By following these simple rules, you can completely protect yourself from contracting such an unpleasant and dangerous disease.

Consequences and prognosis

The prognosis directly depends on the stage of development at which the disease was detected. With timely diagnosis and timely treatment, the consequences will be minimal. In order to prevent relapses, you should regularly visit the hospital and undergo examination.

Unfortunately, after syphilis, the mark remains for life. Most dangerous stage the third is considered, in this case many systems and organs are affected. But thanks to developed medicine, pathology rarely reaches this stage.

Complications that may develop after an illness are as follows:

  • loss of vision;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • infertility;
  • mental disorders.

Syphilis is an extremely dangerous pathology. The cost of developing the disease is high and can cost a person’s life. Cure is possible only with early diagnosis, otherwise numerous irreversible consequences remain.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Late syphilis

Several years ago I had sex with a man with syphilis. I did not develop chancre, but now I saw that there were small pimples on my back, and my nose also hurt. Could this indicate the development of syphilis?

Most likely this has nothing to do with syphilis. But in order to eliminate your concerns, I recommend taking an anticardiolipin test. Consult an otolaryngologist and dermatologist.

Incubation period

Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to become infected with syphilis from a person if he or she is in the incubation stage?

The length of the incubation period is different for each person. In addition, the disease has not been studied so deeply. Contact persons must undergo preventive treatment.

Possible infection

Can you get syphilis through saliva?

Infection in this way is indeed possible, but only if there are chancres in the oral cavity of the sick person.

Trauma and syphilis

Not long ago, a small injury was received on the shaft of the penis, after which a hard chancre appeared. Tell me, can this indicate symptoms of syphilis if I have never had sex?

If you have never had sexual intercourse, then it is not a chancre, but just a hematoma, which will resolve on its own after some time.

The disease syphilis has been known to mankind since the 15th century, and until a certain time, namely the era of the discovery of antibiotics, this disease was a severe and disabling pathology that significantly shortened human life.

However, today the active use of antibiotics in the treatment of other diseases in some cases contributes to lubrication clinical picture and the development of latent syphilis in the population.

Modern syphilis is widespread. The main age group is young people 15-40 years old with a peak incidence at 20-29 years of age. The risk of infection is higher in women (microtraumas of the vagina contribute to infection), but today the increase in the number of homosexuals leads to more frequently reported cases of syphilis in men.

Syphilis is the third most common sexually transmitted infection, killing about 12 million people every year. However, these statistics do not reflect the real picture, since some of the sick are treated independently, hidden, or do not contact doctors at all. And many people think about how infection with this sexually transmitted disease can occur other than through sexual intercourse, is syphilis transmitted through everyday contact, through saliva, through kissing, is it transmitted to a child? This is what our article is about.

How long after infection do symptoms appear?

The incubation period, calculated from the moment Treponema pallidum enters the body until the formation of chancre, averages 3-4 weeks (see details about). The following latent phase options are possible:

  • shortening to 8-15 days with simultaneous infection from several sources
  • extension to 100-190 days while taking antibiotics for the treatment of another pathology

That is, after infection, a person does not feel any symptoms for at least 2-6 weeks, which when large quantities sexual partners makes it difficult to determine the source of infection.

How is syphilis transmitted?

Knowing how syphilis is transmitted, you can easily protect yourself and your loved ones from this unpleasant disease.

  • Infection with syphilis through sexual contact

Sexual intercourse, which occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse without the use of barrier contraception, is the main one in the epidemiology of the disease, as a result of which syphilis belongs to the group of STIs. Sperm and vaginal discharge are an excellent environment for the vital activity of Treponema pallidum, and even a single sexual intercourse (with vaginal, anal or oral penetration) with a sick person is characterized by a 50% risk of infecting the second partner.

Any type of sexual intercourse is equally dangerous, but anal penetration is characterized by the greatest risk of infection, since trauma to the rectal mucosa is likely. If we consider sexual intercourse with vaginal penetration, a woman has an increased risk of contracting syphilis than a man, and this is explained by the ease of trauma to the vaginal mucosa during sexual relations.

An insidious feature of syphilis is the contagiousness of a sick person at any stage of the disease. Not knowing about his illness, during the incubation period, a sick person can involve more and more new partners in the vicious circle of the disease by engaging in sexual relations.

  • Infection with syphilis through saliva

Syphilis is transmitted through the saliva of a sick person if the rash is located in the mouth or on the lips - only in this case is treponema pallidum detected in the saliva. Such patients pose a risk of infection during deep kissing, when the oral cavities are in direct contact with each other.

According to statistics, syphilis is transmitted through a kiss, through saliva very rarely, since syphilitic rashes on the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips are quite rare. In addition, a healthy person must have microtraumas of the oral mucosa so that the causative agent of syphilis can penetrate the bloodstream.

  • Infection through breast milk

Treponema is found in the breast milk of a sick woman, so she can infect her baby through breastfeeding. Because infants, especially newborns, have an impaired immune system, they are at increased risk of contracting syphilis.

  • Infection with syphilis through blood

Since the causative agent of syphilis is present in the blood, transfusion of infected blood or organ transplantation of a sick person will lead to infection with this pathology. However, this route of transmission of syphilis can be realized with a very low probability, since both blood and transplanted organs are carefully checked for the presence of various infections, including syphilis.

A more likely route of infection with syphilis through the blood is the use of one syringe among a group of drug addicts or one container for preparing a solution of a narcotic drug. If the mucous membranes and skin are damaged, for example, during a fight, you can also become infected with syphilis from a sick person.

From the very first day of infection until last day diseases - the blood of a patient with syphilis is contagious. This means that not only through a blood transfusion is infection possible, but also when the mucous membrane or skin is injured by medical instruments, instruments in manicure and pedicure salons (without treatment), which have been exposed to the blood of a patient with syphilis, it can lead to infection of a healthy person. Any external manifestations of syphilis (papules, ulcers, erosions) with scanty discharge from the patient are very contagious; the presence of microcracks in the skin of a healthy person in contact with the skin of such a patient leads to infection with syphilis through everyday contact (contact).

  • Infection during professional activities

This route of transmission of syphilis occurs among persons in certain professions: medical personnel, cosmetologists and other persons whose activities involve invasive procedures and contact with saliva, vaginal secretions, and blood of infected people. Among medical workers, infection most likely occurs through accidental injuries from instruments that were used on a patient suffering from syphilis. Cosmetologists can become infected through personal use of instruments that have not been disinfected, which were used during procedures on a person with syphilis.

A prerequisite for transmission is a violation of the integrity of the skin of a healthy person. Simply touching infected blood to intact skin does not lead to syphilis infection.

  • Infection with syphilis through domestic means

Many people are interested in whether syphilis is transmitted through household means - after all, someone has to live next to a sick person. Transmission of syphilis through household items (towels, cutlery, dishes, linen, cigarettes, personal hygiene items) is likely during close and prolonged contact with a sick person, moreover terminal stages diseases when active release of the pathogen occurs in external environment(disintegrating gummas, ulcers). When treponema dries, it loses its pathogenicity, so transmission of syphilis is possible only with particles of saliva or other liquid on objects.

  • Infection is transplacental

This path is realized during the pregnancy of a sick woman - syphilis is transmitted from mother to fetus. To the question of whether syphilis is transmitted to a child in utero from a mother who is not receiving treatment, the answer can be unequivocally yes. First, treponema infects the placenta, and, having destroyed the protective placental barrier, easily penetrates the tissues and organs of the fetus through the umbilical vein or lymphatic system. A woman is especially contagious in the first three years of the disease, but in the future the likelihood of infection of the fetus remains.

  • Infection with syphilis during childbirth

Since the pathogen is present in the vaginal environment, and the birth process itself is accompanied by contact of the mother’s blood with the fetus, this route of transmission is easily realized. If a child managed to avoid intrauterine infection with syphilis, then during natural childbirth it is almost impossible to prevent this. In this case, a caesarean section is performed, during which the risk of infection of the child is significantly reduced.

How to avoid getting infected with syphilis?

Compliance with basic personal safety rules will help avoid this unpleasant and shameful disease. Knowing how syphilis is transmitted, it is easy to protect yourself from all possible situations in which the likelihood of infection is high.

  • Use a condom for all types of sexual relations.
  • The use of local antiseptics for treating the genitals, oral cavity, and rectum after sexual intercourse (Chlorhexidine). This measure is justified both during protected and unprotected sexual intercourse - in the second case, there is no complete guarantee that infection will not occur, but the likelihood of this is significantly reduced.
  • Contacting a venereologist within 2 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse for a prescription preventive treatment(antibacterial therapy from the choice group).
  • Artificial feeding of children born to mothers with syphilis.
  • Strictly individual use of personal hygiene and body care products.
  • Use of disposable syringes for any type of injection (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, etc.).
  • Strict adherence to professional safety rules for persons at risk.
  • Mandatory treatment for a pregnant woman if she is diagnosed with syphilis.
  • Timely, regular preventive screening for STIs.

How are blood tests for syphilis evaluated?

Diagnosing syphilis, especially latent syphilis, is a rather difficult task for doctors, since test results can be like:

  • at the stage of the incubation period - negative
  • and false positive - sometimes such results can be due to previous malaria or against the background chronic tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, sinusitis, chronic hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, oncological diseases, during pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome. Therefore, tests should be repeated after stopping chronic foci of infection and treating somatic diseases.
  • when undergoing antibiotic therapy for other diseases, the results of reagin titers may not be high.

In world practice, to establish the diagnosis of syphilis (terponemal) and assess cure (non-terponemal), the following tests are used:

  • non-treponemal test - RPR / VDRL, a decrease in these titers by 4 times within 1 year after treatment is considered a criterion for cure
  • treponemal tests - passive hemoagglutination reaction (RPHA - TPHA)
  • treponemal tests - immunofluorescence reaction (RIF-FTA)

Treponemal tests are used only to establish the diagnosis of syphilis, but not to monitor cure. To establish a diagnosis in Russia, the Waserman reaction (compliment binding reaction) is also used, as well as RIBT - the immobilization reaction of Treponema pallidum. The RPR test is usually supplemented by RIBT, PCR, and RIF analyses.

Result evaluation RPR/VDRL REEF RPGA
  • or incubation period
  • or early stage
  • or no syphilis
- - -
  • or you have syphilis and it’s untreated
  • or recently treated syphilis
+ + +
  • or false positive result of RIF and RPR
  • or primary syphilis
+ + -
  • or false negative RIF
  • or false positive RPR and RPGA
+ - +
  • or late untreated syphilis
  • or treated syphilis
- + +
  • biological false positive reaction
+ - -
  • or false positive. RIF analysis
  • or recently treated syphilis
  • or early primary syphilis
- + -
  • or false positive RPGA
  • or treated syphilis
- - +

After infection at the end of the incubation period the following may be positive:

  • 1-2 weeks after the onset of chancre (that is, 4-5 weeks from infection), nonspecific antibodies may be positive
  • IgG to treponemal antigens becomes + 4 weeks after the onset of syphilis
  • specific anti-treponemal IgM antibodies may appear at 2 weeks of illness
  • when symptoms appear, blood tests for syphilis may show positive total antibodies IgM + IgG

During the entire course of treatment, test results may change; with adequate therapy, IgM titers in blood tests quickly decrease, but IgG titers remain in the blood for a very long time, sometimes until the end of the patient’s life.

weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
incubation period chancre primary roseola
enlarged lymph nodes polyadenitis
Reagins (IgM + IgG) positive. MR (RPR/VDRL)
Antitreponemal IgM + Ig M - ELISA/IgM -immunoblotting
Antitreponemal IgG + ELISA, RPGA, RIF

For mass screening of the population, inexpensive, simple and very fast test systems are used - non-treponemal tests. The following categories of citizens are subject to mandatory examination:

  • Military personnel
  • Pregnant women
  • Those serving sentences in prison
  • Before any surgical intervention and upon admission to hospital treatment
  • Organ donors and blood donors
  • Professional examinations of workers in the field of education, medicine, food workers

Syphilis is an infectious venereal disease known to mankind since the 15th century. In 98% of cases, the disease is transmitted sexually, but there are also household methods of infection. For prevention purposes, every person needs to know how syphilis is transmitted in order to avoid this unpleasant disease.

Medicine identifies several common ways in which the disease is infected:

  • sexual (most common);
  • domestic;
  • blood transfusion;
  • professional;
  • dental;
  • lactic;
  • transplacental.

Syphilis can be transmitted through kissing, and it is also common among drug addicts.

Sexual route of infection

Most often, infection with syphilis occurs through sexual contact. Unsafe sex leads to this problem. Even if sexual intercourse did not occur, but oral sex was used, the probability of infection is 99%. In addition, anal sex is also among the most common mode of transmission. Even a seemingly healthy partner may turn out to be a carrier of the disease. The most dangerous category of disease carriers are prostitutes. They rarely think about a healthy lifestyle and have a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases.

IMPORTANT! You can protect yourself from infection by using personal protective equipment - condoms.

Let’s look at a common question: “Is syphilis transmitted through household contact?” This is not the most common method, but it still exists. Places of infection include common areas, such as a sauna or public toilet in an establishment. You can become infected by using the patient’s utensils or hygiene products. Treponema pallidum bacterium lives in environment just a few seconds. But moist air in a bathhouse or sauna prolongs its life by several minutes.

Transmission of the infection through blood can occur in the everyday environment, for example, by shaking hands. Such cases are typical for people whose professions involve manual labor. Microscopic wounds form on the skin through which the infection is transmitted. To prevent it, you need to wash your hands with soap more often, and use alcohol-containing and disinfectants to treat injuries.

The blood transfusion route involves infection with syphilis through a blood transfusion. The probability is practically reduced to zero, since donors undergo thorough verification, but it exists. Sometimes patients after a blood transfusion do not understand how they become infected with syphilis, because we are accustomed to trusting medical workers and are confident that the blood has passed all levels of testing for the presence of viruses.

The professional method belongs to the category of household ones, spread by contact. Most often, the infection is transmitted from an infected patient to doctors and nurses. In this case, we must not forget about personal protective equipment – ​​medical gloves, a mask. When injecting, you need to use disposable syringes. Medicine has recorded cases of pathologists becoming infected with syphilis during an autopsy, as well as cases of infection of nurses in the dermatovenerological departments of the hospital.

The probability of contracting an infection in the dentist's office is 1-1.5%. Unscrupulous personnel did not properly treat the instruments, and as a result, both the doctor and the patient become infected.

According to statistics, 3% of young children become infected with syphilis. Medicine divides infection into two types:

  • Intrauterine infection (through the placenta).
  • The disease is transmitted through mother's milk infant(Milky Way).

A pregnant woman may not know that she has syphilis, as a result of which the child is born already infected. Often expectant mothers get sick during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the use of a condom during sexual intercourse is reduced to zero, and the risk of infection increases.

IMPORTANT! Condoms should be used not only for protection against unwanted pregnancy, but also to prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Maternity clinics, promoting healthy sex, place posters in their offices and hallways with information about how syphilis and other infectious diseases are transmitted.

Infection of an infant while breastfeeding is less common, since mothers are registered with a gynecologist and are periodically tested for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. The immune system infants is unstable, so there is a risk of disease. The only way To avoid infection and not pass it on to your child - lead a healthy lifestyle, use personal protective equipment, and have sexual relations with a trusted partner.

Infection through a kiss

Among teenagers, the question increasingly arises: “Can you get syphilis through a kiss?” In answering this question, we will not limit ourselves to a short “yes”. Treponema bacteria live not only in the sperm and genitourinary tract of men and women; the causative agent of syphilis is found in the blood and saliva. When kissing, the exchange of saliva occurs naturally. The chance of infection increases if there is a chancre in the patient's mouth.

Primary syphiloma (chancre) is a small ulcer. Chancres are most often observed on the genitals, found in the mouth, on the thighs, abdomen and shoulders. But even the absence of ulcers in a sick person does not guarantee that the partner will not become infected. Among teenagers who are afraid to have sex with strangers, this is the most common method of infection. Question: “Is the disease syphilis transmitted through a banal kiss?” — should concern not only young people. There are couples who have been married for ten years and have infected their partner through saliva.

A dangerous route of infection with syphilis occurs among people with drug addiction. If two or three people share one syringe, the chance of transmitting infection increases. Therefore, drug addicts are registered at dermatovenerological dispensaries and regularly take blood tests to check for the presence of infectious diseases. The speed of spread of the disease through the blood is lightning fast. It only takes one use of a reusable needle to become infected. There are known cases of special infection of healthy people by infected drug addicts.

Detection of the disease

As mentioned above, syphilis can be transmitted in various ways. If you suspect the presence of a disease, for example, after unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner, you should consult a doctor. You can take a blood test at a skin and venereal disease clinic at your place of residence or at any paid medical center. It doesn’t matter how you became infected, the Treponema pallidum bacterium penetrates the blood within one month and will definitely be detected when tested.

IMPORTANT! Both partners must be tested.

In the later stages, the disease begins to manifest itself, as already noted, with the appearance of chancre. The infection penetrates the lymph nodes, accumulates and multiplies. The appearance of ulcers is not accompanied by pain; after some time, if left untreated, they can go away on their own. Syphilis is one of the diseases transmitted sexually, domestically and otherwise, through minimal contact of an infected person with a healthy person. Therefore, it only takes a few seconds for infection to occur.

The second stage of infection is characterized by the entry of treponema into the blood. White cells begin to accumulate in the blood. This period can last for years, going through stages of exacerbation and remission.

The onset of the third stage threatens the appearance of gummas in the genital area, armpits and mouth. Unlike chancre, gumma are painful, cause extreme discomfort to the infected person, and provoke damage spinal cord and the central nervous system.

The peculiarity of the disease is that bacteria do not survive in the environment. For example, the likelihood of becoming infected from a sick person when he coughs or sneezes is reduced to zero.

Syphilis is transmitted only to humans; animals do not get syphilis. Treponema pallidum does not tolerate hot air. At a temperature of 60 degrees, its life is 13-15 minutes, at 100 degrees - only 1.5-3 seconds. Low temperature helps her live longer. In an oxygen-free environment, the infection can survive at temperatures up to 170 degrees.

Is it possible to become infected with syphilis in the early stages of the disease? It is the initial period that is the most dangerous. Ulcers that appear in the genital area, rectum and mouth are active distributors of bacteria that instantly penetrate the new body in any convenient way - through blood, semen or saliva. This period is dangerous because the patient does not suspect that he has an infection, and the routes of infection with syphilis can be absolutely any. In later stages, the infected patient is kept under strict control.

Prevention of disease

The routes of transmission of syphilis are so unpredictable that safety measures must be used constantly. TO preventive measures should include:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • sexual contact only with a trusted partner;
  • using condoms;
  • personal hygiene;
  • regular medical examinations and taking tests;
  • use of disposable syringes for injections;
  • compliance with industrial safety rules while performing work;
  • artificial feeding of a child born from an infected mother;
  • visiting trusted dental offices and clinics;
  • when using a public toilet, use disposable toilet wipes;
  • avoiding using other people's combs, toothbrushes, lipstick;
  • After shaking hands, wiping your palms with an alcohol-containing solution.

To avoid getting sick with syphilis, the routes of transmission of the infection must be reduced to zero. If you follow these measures, you will not be afraid of bacteria that are transmitted in various ways.

Everyone is promoting sexually transmitted infectious diseases, including syphilis. medical institutions. On posters in clinics and hospitals you can read information about how you can become infected with syphilis, about its varieties and modes of occurrence, learn about what household syphilis is, and what safety measures need to be taken to avoid infection.

If an infection enters the body, you must immediately consult a doctor and get tested. The result will be known in a few days. Medical clinics carefully check the tests several times. Often the material is sent to laboratories to confirm the diagnosis. If the result is positive and treponema pallidum is detected in the blood, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible, completely eliminate sexual contact and limit communication with other people.