How many days does a tan hurt. How to remove redness after sunburn

A seductive tan is attractive and beautiful. In the summer, many try to spend more time in the sun to give the body a chocolate shade. Tanning is especially popular among the fair sex. But, unfortunately, there are cases when, instead of tanning, redness and signs of burns remain on the skin. We will talk about how to remove burns and redness after sunburn.

It should be understood that redness after sunburn is a sign that burns have been received. Today there is a huge variety of cosmetics that are designed to be used during sun exposure. Creams, sprays, serums, foams, which include components of protection against dangerous ultraviolet radiation that can protect the skin. And you should not forget about them, so as not to look for a way to remove burns.

Traditional medicine offers a number of remedies, thanks to which it is possible to relieve the feeling of heat and redness. For example, you can use aloe juice. Its leaves contain natural ingredients that relieve inflammation, fever, and pain well. If you have aloe growing at home, you can use this plant in its pure form. If not, you can buy products containing aloe at the pharmacy.

Great for redness and burns after sun exposure olive oil. It is recommended to use it in its pure form, applying to damaged and reddened areas. The oil is applied to the skin without rubbing, left until it is completely absorbed.

It has long been known that painful redness can be eliminated with raw potatoes or cucumbers. Potatoes need to be peeled, grated and, without squeezing the juice, apply to the body. By the way, the potato not only relieves the burn, but also removes the tan itself, because it has a whitening effect. At the same time, potato juice eliminates peeling and prevents the formation of bubbles on the skin.

Cucumber juice also cools the skin very well and relieves redness. Everyone knows how to remove burns with kefir, yogurt or sour cream. But not everyone has heard about the use of tea. In fact, loose leaf tea, pre-brewed and chilled, can quickly relieve the feeling of heat and eliminate redness after sunburn. Those who have already tested the effect of tea after sunburn on their own experience recommend using black tea, and not in bags, but leaf.

Their beneficial features in the fight against redness and burns after sunburn, vodka also showed. It is used to eliminate heat, since the evaporating alcohol cools the skin very quickly. With caution, vodka is used to eliminate redness on children's skin. It is better to dilute it in a ratio of 1: 2.

To save the skin of the face from burns, you can use this tool. Potatoes are boiled in their uniforms, then peeled, softened with a fork to the consistency of mashed potatoes, mixed with sour cream. You should get a mushy mass, which is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton swab or cool water, then apply an after-sun cream. The mask can be repeated in the morning and evening, and if necessary the next day.

A little secret: how to remove burns in the nose and cheeks. There, redness usually appears very quickly, and in order to cope with them, you can powder these areas of the skin with starch.

Severe redness after sunburn can be removed from the skin with the help of herbs and plants used in traditional medicine. For example, you can make an infusion from chamomile: 1 tbsp. dry collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, use for rubbing and lotions on the affected areas of the body. It is also known how to remove burns with alcohol tincture. For 1 tbsp. dry chamomile will need half a glass of alcohol or a glass of vodka. You can add an emollient cream.

St. John's wort also has sedatives. 1 tbsp this plant is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, left on fire for 15-20 minutes, and then immediately filtered. The resulting product is used for rubdowns or lotions.

Oak bark, or rather a decoction prepared from it, copes well with burns and redness. For 30 g of dry collection, take 200 ml of water. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, strain. The resulting decoction helps not only with intense heat and burns, but also with wounds that do not heal for a long time.

In the summer, it's not a problem to find a watermelon. And do it not only to quench your thirst and get a boost of vitamins, but also to remove burns and redness after exposure to the sun. Watermelon juice is mixed in equal proportions with fresh cucumber juice. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the reddened areas of the skin. St. John's wort can also be used to make butter. So, the dried plant is mixed with a glass vegetable oil, leave to brew for at least three weeks in a tightly sealed container. Then the product is filtered, stored in the refrigerator. This remedy for tanning lovers can be prepared in advance, for example, in the spring, in order to prepare in advance for the summer season.

In folk medicine, quince is used as a means of combating redness. Seeds are poured with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:50. Shake well, stirring for 5 minutes, strain. The result should be an infusion with a viscous, slimy consistency. After severe burns, this remedy is applied to the skin every half hour, wiping with a cotton swab or napkin.

All supporters of tanning should remember that any redness is a natural reaction that our body exhibits to ultraviolet light. Abuse of sunbathing can lead to more unpleasant and undesirable consequences than just reddening of the skin.

A tan is highly valued by modern young girls, which is perceived as a kind of symbol of quality rest. But often being in the sun or in a solarium does not bring a long-awaited tan, but burns to the face and body.

A big problem is the reddening of the face, provoked by a burn, since it is quite difficult to hide it even with makeup. In these cases, you need to think about how to remove redness and how to whiten your face after sunburn. To do this, you need to stock up in advance pharmaceutical preparations and remember the wisdom of our ancestors using folk remedies.

Pharmacy means

You can deal with a little inflammation on your own, but if blisters or blisters complement the redness, then you can’t do without going to the doctor. Redness after sunburn is always a reaction to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and more unpleasant consequences can occur from it.


At home, you can remove redness after tanning in a solarium or on the beach using products containing panthenol. They have a cooling effect, contribute to the restoration of cells and further healing of the skin. These products are usually available in the form of ointments or sprays. Sprays are more convenient in terms of use, because you do not have to touch the damaged areas of the skin.


Quite effective is the ointment "Rescuer". Despite the low cost, the product has a regenerating, antibacterial, analgesic and soothing effect. There are a number of ointments, creams, balms and other products with a similar effect, but when choosing, it is important to rely not only on numerous reviews on the Internet. It is better to familiarize yourself with the composition and action of drugs, choose the maximum natural drug or consult a doctor, especially if there are any dermatological problems.

Folk remedies

After an unsuccessful tan on the beach or in the solarium, you can use your grandmother's recipes. Some of the necessary components are sure to be found in the house:


A real miracle cure for various problems is aloe juice. It contains substances that have wound healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Instead of juice, you can use aloe oil or a cream that contains the right substance.


A very popular remedy for sunburn on the face is raw potatoes. You need to peel three potatoes, grate them and apply the resulting gruel on your face. This tool will not only remove the redness obtained from tanning in a solarium or under the scorching sun, but also whiten the skin.


Cucumber will be another assistant in the fight against redness on the face. Cucumber juice will cool the skin and relieve inflammation. Cucumbers are simply cut into circles and superimposed on the place of redness, or you can grate them or finely chop them with a knife, applying this liquid gruel to the damaged areas of the face.

Sour-milk products

A lot of people, burned on the beach, are saved by sour-milk products. Kefir, curdled milk, sour cream and even yogurt will be of invaluable help to those who have not calculated the time of their sunbathing. They also help whiten the skin.

Olive oil

To quickly relieve redness on the face from sunburn, you can use olive oil. It is applied until completely absorbed, and as necessary, this procedure is repeated.

Leaf tea

Tea is also used to relieve redness from the face after sunburn. Leaf tea needs to be brewed and cooled, and then wipe the face with this liquid. This method helps to relieve the feeling of heat and relieves inflammation.

Sour cream

More complex products are popular, for the preparation of which several components are required. Many "burnt" note the effectiveness of the remedy from potatoes with sour cream. The potatoes are boiled with their skins on, then peeled, crushed with a fork and mixed with sour cream. This mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off or removed with a cotton pad.

Herbal infusions

For connoisseurs medicinal plants the following recipes will be useful: chamomile infusion (a glass of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of the collection), St. John's wort (the same proportions), oak bark (30 g of the collection are poured into 200 ml of boiling water). After cooking, such decoctions are filtered and used for lotions and rubbing.


Our skin is constantly renewing itself, so the tan after a beach holiday or a solarium will one day “wash off”. To whiten your face quickly, you just need to speed up this renewal process. In salons, various peels allow you to do this, but they are expensive procedures. Much easier to use folk remedies for skin whitening after sunburn, which abound:


Lemon has bleaching properties, and therefore it is important to use lemon juice. However, it may well provoke allergies, so it is appropriate to mix it with egg white, which also helps to whiten the skin. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice are squeezed into the whipped protein, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thick layer on the face. If not allergic reactions You can mix lemon juice with honey.


Wheat flour also copes with the problem of unnecessary tanning. After mixing it with water to the consistency of a paste, you can apply it to the desired areas of the face for 20 minutes.


Sandalwood boasts a rejuvenating and brightening effect. Sandalwood powder is mixed with turmeric and rose water or almond and coconut oil. Such mixtures are used as face masks.


Parsley quickly copes with lightening the face. It also relieves swelling, refreshes, soothes and prevents skin aging. Recipes with parsley differ depending on skin type. For dry skin, a vitamin mask of finely chopped parsley with sour cream or cottage cheese is more suitable, and for oily skin, with kefir or whey.


You can whiten your face with an almond scrub. It is necessary to pre-soak 5-6 nuts in water and leave overnight, and in the morning crush them, mix with milk and bring to a paste. This paste is left on the face all night and washed off in the morning. cold water.

cosmetic clay

To whiten the skin after sunburn, you can use white cosmetic clay. To create a mask, you need to dilute it with a small amount of milk. After mixing, the mask is applied to the face in an even layer and left for 10 minutes, then washed off with water.

All these whitening procedures are carried out until the skin meets your beauty standards, i.e. will not return to its normal shade. At first they are carried out 2 times a day, and then you can reduce the number of procedures to 2-3 per week. If suddenly one of the remedies caused a negative reaction (a rash, itching, redness or peeling appeared), you should no longer use it. You have to choose that miracle traditional medicine, which will not cause various manifestations of allergies.

17 Jun 2015 1517

With the arrival of the beach season, many people tend to spend as much time as possible on the beach in order to get a beautiful tan. But sometimes, instead of a beautiful bronze color, the skin turns red. This is the result of improper exposure to the sun. The skin just burns, becoming reddened. Most often, the face and décolleté area suffer from immoderate sunbathing, since the skin on them is the most sensitive. Redness after sunburn goes away by itself, after 1-2 weeks, depending on the degree of the burn. But you can speed up the process by using various means.

Redness after sunburn: prevention is better than cure

Most effective method how to remove redness is to prevent it. To do this, it is important to observe the rules of being in the sun. They are elementary and do not require special knowledge. You can sunbathe in the sun only before lunch and after. You can not take sun baths from 12 to 15 hours. At this time, the sun is the most scorching, so instead of beautiful color beauty will appear on the skin. It is better to sunbathe in the shade than under the open sun. Especially this rule must be observed when traveling to southern cities and countries. The body is not accustomed to high temperatures, any solar exposure perceives as negative. To adapt, it is better to sunbathe in the shade at least for the first time. This will help avoid burns. In addition, a tan obtained in the shade lasts longer in time. And, of course, you can not go out in the sun without anointing the skin with sunscreen. They should be selected taking into account the features of appearance. So, the lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the level of protection should be. Do not forget about after-sun products. They soothe the skin, relieving irritation.

Developments of modern cosmetology in the fight against redness

If the burn did occur, you should immediately take up its treatment. To date, on sale you can see a lot of products that help remove redness after sunburn. If the burn is severe, then it is better to give preference to special ointments that are sold in pharmacies. These include "Panthenol", "Rescuer", etc. In specialized stores, you can also buy anti-redness products. It is best to give preference to those that include aloe. The plant has a calming effect. If the redness is not strong, you can use baby body milk. It is more gentle than an adult, and nourishes the skin better.

Folk methods

Before the advent of special means, people struggled with redness of the skin. folk methods. All of them can be used now. The most common is the lubrication of reddened places with sour cream, kefir or fermented baked milk. Apply them in a thin layer. After the first layer dries, you can apply the second. Wash off the mask with warm water.
Compresses of black tea or potato juice will also help relieve irritation.
Many people during a burn are advised to apply olive oil to the affected area. Needless to say, they are wrong. The oil clogs the skin, preventing it from breathing, which is important in case of damage. This is especially true in cases where the skin burned badly.

Redness after sunburn is an unpleasant phenomenon. Fortunately, today there are tools that help get rid of it in a short time.

Sunbathing on the beach or even in the solarium, you want to get a beautiful tan.

But often sunbathing turns into a real disaster, when instead of a tan, a distinct and unpleasant redness appears on the body, and the skin begins to hurt.

How to remove redness from sunburn from the face and body?

If after exposure to the sun you find redness on the skin, then you got a sunburn. Yes Yes exactly! And all because you sunbathed incorrectly.

You may have been out in the sun for too long, at the wrong time, or you haven't used sunscreen.

And as a rule, the skin of the face and décolleté area suffers from immoderate sunbathing in the first place, since in these areas the skin is most sensitive.

How long does redness go after sunburn? Of course, red skin will not stay with you forever - it will disappear on its own within one or two weeks, but not everyone is willing to wait that long, and therefore you can try to speed up the process of skin recovery.

How to prevent redness?

After getting burned, your skin will begin to peel off and hurt, in addition, you will not get good tan until it heals to the end, and this is not a matter of one day.

In general, it is better to try to prevent burns, the appearance of beauty, than to treat them later (all the more prevention will not take you much time and effort).

What is needed for this?

  1. First, you must love and purchase sunscreen and body lotion to use before and after tanning. Such products are selected taking into account your skin type and the expected brightness of the sun.
  2. Secondly, for sunbathing there is a certain time when it is better to sunbathe and when it is highly undesirable to do so. So in the morning hours (before noon), you definitely will not get a heat stroke or a burn. If it was not possible to sunbathe during the specified period, then wait until 16.00 - only after four in the afternoon the sun again becomes less dangerous and hot.
  3. Also try to avoid direct sun rays and, at least at first, sunbathe somewhere in the shade: in this way your body will gradually get used to high temperatures, and the tan obtained under an umbrella or a special canopy will last longer.
  4. In addition, it is necessary to sunbathe gradually. For example, people with very pale and sensitive skin are most at risk of getting burned during the first 30 minutes, especially if they are sunbathing in some very hot country. Try to tan for no more than twenty minutes on the first day of your stay on the beach, then, day after day, increase this time, because your skin will already get used to the sun, and this procedure will not result in unpleasant consequences in the form of redness.

How to get rid of redness on the face at home?

Is your face very red after exposure to the sun? Well, in this case, various salon procedures will help you, but, alas, they are not cheap.

That's why it's better to use home remedies - they save you money, and they're just as effective.

  • First of all, use a product that contains aloe. As you know, this plant perfectly soothes the skin and helps relieve inflammation. Even just aloe juice will do.
  • Another well-known remedy is yogurt and kefir. Any of these fermented milk products are advised to be gently applied to the skin of the face and wait until it dries, after which the mass should be washed off with cool running water.

How else can you remove redness after sunburn? In addition to the listed natural remedies, why not make a homemade compress or mask? They are easy to prepare, and they do a pretty good job of eliminating redness (but, of course, not in one procedure).

So, there are several recipes for such remedies:

  1. Brew regular green tea (even tea bags will do), then cool it down and then add some fresh aloe juice to it. Mix everything, moisten gauze in the solution and make a compress, applying gauze to your face. Hold this compress on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. The following recipe will help you quickly remove redness after sunburn and whiten your skin. To prepare it, you will need one fresh cucumber, which you must grate. Apply the resulting slurry on your face for half an hour. For convenience, it is recommended to lie with cucumber mask on the couch or bed and do not move, otherwise it will begin to slide off the face. After the specified time, the mask should be washed off with clean cold water, without using any additional products (foams, soaps, etc.).
  3. No less effective for eliminating redness from sunburn on the face is an ordinary potato. Raw potatoes are cut into circles, and then applied to the reddened areas. From time to time, some circles are replaced by others, fresh ones. However, it is allowed to slightly modify this recipe: just grate the potatoes (also raw) on a grater and apply the resulting mass on your face. When the moisture from the mask is absorbed into the skin, you can wash off the product from your face with water.
  4. Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of vodka and with its help they removed inflammation and redness from the skin. In order for the product to help, wash your face with cool water before going to bed, and then apply a small amount of vodka to your skin. The next morning, the result will be almost perfect - your redness on your face will noticeably decrease.
  5. If there is oatmeal in the house, then pour 4 tablespoons into 100 milliliters of boiling water, stir, leave the gruel to cool completely and apply it on the reddened areas of the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mass should be washed off with cool water.

Ointments and creams sold in ordinary pharmacies will also help to quickly get rid of redness after a sunburn.

One of the most effective and popular are products that contain panthenol, because it helps to cool the skin and heals it well.

If you do not want to touch the skin, even a light touch hurts you, then get a spray - it is convenient to use, you do not have to touch the affected areas, and it is not inferior to ointments in terms of effectiveness.

As for ointments, the “Rescuer” will come to the rescue: although this remedy does not belong to the cheapest, it has a very good effect on damaged skin, relieving pain, soothing the skin and accelerating the recovery of its cells.

Methods for eliminating redness on the body

Unfortunately, redness can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body - on the hands, in the décolleté area, etc., therefore, you need to know the methods by which it will be possible to eliminate such an unaesthetic problem in a short time.

For the most part, such methods are based on applying special lotions prepared from natural ingredients to damaged areas of the skin:

  1. Chop or twist the aloe very finely, adding sunflower or olive oil to it;
  2. Make cold mashed potatoes and add a small amount of sour cream to it;
  3. Grate one or more (if the affected area is quite extensive) raw potatoes on a grater.

You can also anesthetize the places reddened after sunburn and remove the heat from them with the help of home ointments:

  • mix vegetable and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil;
  • prepare a solution of vodka and medical alcohol;
  • mix watermelon juice and some yogurt, sour cream, cucumber juice or curdled milk.

Now you know how to remove redness after sunburn, which means you can take the necessary protective measures in time. face and body skin.

Redness after sunburn not only spoils the face, but also causes burning, swelling. You can save burning skin with simple homemade products. The face is cooled with a wet compress and a mask of yogurt or cream is applied.

Bronze tan is beautiful and healthy, because the sun's rays contribute to the production of vitamin D in the body. But there are cases when, instead of tanning, unattractive redness and burns form on the skin. If redness on the body can be hidden under clothing, then the face always remains in sight.

Under the influence of sunlight, the protective pigment melanin is produced in the skin. With an excess of radiation, the skin does not have time to produce the right amount of pigment. Cells die, an inflammatory reaction develops: redness, soreness, burning, swelling begins.

The first thing you can do with redness of the face after sunburn is to cool the skin. The face is rinsed under cool

shower, wipe with an ice cube, apply a cool compress. After cold procedures, a soothing redness mask is applied. Ingredients for masks also cool slightly in the refrigerator. Keep the product on your face for at least 30-40 minutes, rinse with cold water.

fruit masks

Ripe apricots, strawberries, raspberries or elderberries are rubbed and applied liberally to the face. Fruit refreshes, reduces inflammation, and has a slight brightening effect. For oily skin, a mask made from the pulp of lemon, lime is suitable. Since citrus fruits dry out the skin, a moisturizer must be applied after the mask.

If the redness of the face arose during a tan in exotic countries, local gifts of nature are used. A ripe papaya is chosen, the pulp of the fruit is mixed with liquid honey and applied to the face. The mask allows you to remove burning and itching.

Coconut milk actively moisturizes the skin. Coconut pulp is grated, poured hot water and insist for about an hour. The liquid filtered from the chips is applied to the skin.

Even seeds from fruits can remove redness. A teaspoon of quince seeds is poured into a glass hot water. After 5-10 minutes, a thick mucous infusion is formed, which is applied to the skin affected by sunburn three times a day.

Vegetables for redness

White cabbage has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Juicy leaves are rubbed on a grater and, without squeezing, applied to the face.
  • Several layers of gauze are applied on top, leaving the eyes, nose and lips free.
  • Keep the compress as long as possible. Cabbage will draw heat and redness out of the skin.

By the same principle, masks are made from cucumber, pumpkin, potatoes, and a little sour cream is added to enhance the effect.

Another option for using cabbage: add a teaspoon of lemon juice, turmeric and pea flour to grated vegetable gruel. The mixture is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Lemon and turmeric will help to remove redness of the skin, and substances from peas promote its healing. In addition, you can use not only fresh cabbage, but also chilled sauerkraut.

medicinal plants

To relieve heat and redness, the face is washed with infusions from the following parts of medicinal plants:

  • succession grass;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • plantain leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • Oak bark.

Tannins from infusions soften inflamed skin, prevent the development of microbes, and heal. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, strained through several layers of gauze and rinsed with a face. You can wash your face with strong brewed black or green tea.

Aloe helps relieve redness, improves local skin immunity. applied to the affected skin 2-3 times a day and covered with a gauze napkin. You can use whole leaves of the plant, previously peeled.

Plants help restore the skin essential oils. They are used for 2-3 days after sunburn, when the main redness has already disappeared. In the base of sea buckthorn, olive or burdock oil add a few drops of tea tree oil, cinnamon. Apply at night instead of a nourishing cream.


To remove redness and pain after sun exposure, use the entire range of dairy products. Chilled cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir gently envelop irritated skin, and whey is used to wash the face. Dairy products are used both independently and in combination with auxiliary components.

To prepare a refreshing yogurt mask, a tablespoon of natural yogurt is mixed with the same amount of tomato juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice and apply on the face.

A combination with oatmeal will help relieve inflammation from delicate skin. A decoction is made from cereals, like a viscous jelly. Cool and mix equally with yogurt or sour cream, apply on the face.

If not the whole face is reddened, but only the forehead, nose or cheekbones, you can try a mixture of milk with ordinary toothpaste. The ingredients are mixed and smeared on the reddened areas for 5 minutes. The mixture cools the skin and helps reduce redness.

It should be noted that homemade recipes are effective with relatively little redness of the skin. If a pronounced edema appears on the face after sunburn, blisters with transparent liquid contents, the body temperature rises, then you should treat the skin with one of the pharmaceutical preparations and consult a doctor.

Pharmacy preparations

The pharmacy chain offers a large selection dosage forms from sunburn. These are sprays, ointments, creams, gels, foams. Easy to apply spray - no need to touch irritated skin. Gel forms moisturize and cool glowing skin.

The most common pharmacy remedy after an unsuccessful tan - preparations based on dexpanthenol. Produced under the trade names:

  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Panthenol-D.

Restores skin cells, helps relieve heat from the face. Bepanthen contains an antiseptic substance that has a detrimental effect on microbes.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments are produced on the basis of calf blood protein components, which activate tissue metabolism and accelerate skin recovery. Complex ointment Rescuer contains calendula, sea buckthorn and turpentine oil, beeswax. Covers the skin with a protective layer, moisturizes, allows you to remove redness, itching, pain.

Psilo-balm is used, which is essentially an anti-allergic drug, so it effectively blocks inflammation, reduces itching, swelling, and cools the face that is burning after sunburn.

An alcohol compress is also applied. Medical alcohol is diluted in half with water, gauze is moistened in several layers and applied to reddened areas of the face. Evaporating, alcohol vapors help relieve fever and pain.

Recovery of the skin after redness from the sun is a long process. During this period, you need to drink plenty of fluids, and protect the delicate skin of the face with a special sun cream.