Wart on the leg how to get rid of folk remedies. Treatment of warts on the foot in a child and adults

Plantar warts are often disguised as calluses, and curing them is an order of magnitude more difficult. What to do when a wart appears on the foot, how to get rid of it as quickly and efficiently as possible? Is it possible to deal with plantar warts and growths on the toe at home? We analyze all the ways to get rid of warts on the foot in this article.

Friends, hello everyone! Svetlana Morozova is with you. We continue the topic of papillomas on the body and the fight against them. Warts on the feet are one of the most frequent and unpleasant: they are picked up easily, often hurt when walking, and are located in a place that is difficult to access for treatment. Today I will tell you how to cure a wart on the leg - a medical approach and folk methods. Go!

Wart on the foot: how to get rid of different types of papillomas

Warts on the legs are treated with a complex of procedures, and not in 1 day. The selection of drugs or the method of hardware therapy sometimes differs depending on the type, location, size of growths.

What are they:

  • Ordinary (vulgar) - round hard growths that look like a knot. They practically do not differ in color from the rest of the skin, they can darken over time. The top layer often flakes off, and the wart itself itches.

Simple warts "jump up" more often on the back of the foot, on the toes and between them, near the nails and even under them, on the knees, heels. Less often - on the very foot.

  • Flat - smooth formations in the form of spots, practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. Sometimes several flat warts grow together in one place. They may not be felt, not itchy. Soak after shower.

These papillomas are located on the heels, back and sides of the foot, lower leg, toes, on the feet in the toe area. Often they are confused with corns, however, unlike the latter, flat warts do not have a skin pattern.

  • Pointed, otherwise "cock", "chicken", spines - high, rough, hard warts with many "roots" on the surface, quickly grow in breadth and deep into the skin. In the thickness of these warts, black dots are visible, as in the photo - clogged vessels. If you soak such a build-up and rub it with a pumice stone or washcloth, blood will appear from the black dots.

Spikes are formed on the heels, on the entire inner surface of the foot, on the back of the toes and between them. Often they can appear in the child's arms. They itch and feel painful when walking. They can grow up to 2 cm in diameter.

At the same time, warts often disguise themselves as moles, calluses, and sometimes (in very rare cases, but still) turn out to be malignant. Therefore, only a doctor should diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Now let's look at how you can get rid of warts on the legs.

Medical technologies for getting rid of warts

What is most often used to treat plantar warts:

  • Surgical removal of the wart. A simple operation to cut out a wart. For the treatment of outgrowths on the sole, especially a deep "chicken" wart, this method is used most often - cheaply and cheerfully, and the scars will not be visible after the wound has healed.

The formation is cut out under local anesthesia, then a bandage with an antiseptic is applied. Until the tissues grow together, the bandage will need to be applied regularly at home.

  • Electric cauterization. Otherwise electrocoagulation. Discharges of high-frequency current cause the cells affected by the virus to curl up. After burning out, a crust remains in place of the wart; after its healing, scars do not remain, with the exception of large and old warts.

The electrocoagulation procedure is carried out to remove all types of warts on the feet or legs. Everything takes place under local anesthesia, however, electrocoagulation is practically not used to burn formations and other sensitive areas.

  • Burning out with liquid nitrogen (cryolysis). Nitrogen confuses the growth cells, something like a burn is formed, a bubble appears. Therefore, this method is not used for plantar warts - the vesicle cannot be injured. Several sessions may be required to remove a "chicken" wart or an overgrown vulgar wart.
  • laser treatment. The laser burns out small formations, no more than 5 mm in diameter. Suitable for flat and ordinary papillomas on the foot, as well as young pointed warts that have not had time to grow. The procedure and healing are painless, no scars remain.
  • Radio wave therapy. Radio waves destroy the structure of the wart, while not damaging the tissue - this is a non-contact, non-invasive method. Therefore, healing takes place very quickly - up to a week.

Previously, another method was used - chemical burning. The wart was treated with caustic acid or alkali. Now this method is practically not treated anywhere - injuries are high, the risk of damage to surrounding tissues, and healing takes a very long and painful time.

Drug therapy for warts on the legs

Medicines are prescribed in a complex: antiviral and antibiotics for external action on the wart and for oral administration, as well as products in the form of ointments, gels, patches, aerosols based on acids and alkalis.

Here is a list of effective external preparations against papillomas on the feet:

  • Salipod;
  • Cryopharm;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Kollomak;
  • Panavir;
  • Podophyllin;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Sallicylic ointment;
  • Oxolinic ointment.

Inside, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs are simultaneously taken:

  • Viferon;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Isoprinolin;
  • Immunal;
  • Cycloferon.

Folk remedies can speed up the healing process. Nature has given us many plants that can destroy the virus, soften the tissues of the wart, improve the penetration of drugs to the roots of the growth, accelerate the regeneration and replacement of affected tissues with healthy ones.

What "grandfather methods" have such effects:

  • Cauterization of a wart with juice from a fresh cut of celandine, dandelion, milkweed, mountain ash, Kalanchoe, aloe;
  • Grated puree from the top layer of raw potatoes with skins;
  • Masks of chopped garlic, onion, horseradish, cabbage;
  • Lubrication of the growth with lemon juice or sour apple;
  • Cauterization with apple cider vinegar;
  • Treatment of a wart with a cotton swab dipped in tincture of mountain ash, wormwood, calendula;
  • Spot cauterization with iodine;
  • Mask made of grated laundry soap.

With effective folk remedies conspiracies and mystical rituals with potatoes are in no way connected.

Don't self-medicate. Folk recipes should not replace a full-fledged treatment.

Note: how to prevent warts on the feet

Feet are very susceptible to the papilloma virus: it is humid here, microcracks and chafing often appear - ideal conditions for the spread of the virus.

How can you protect your feet from this:

  • Pay enough attention to foot hygiene, wash them daily with soap and change socks / stockings every day or more often, as they sweat;
  • Monitor the condition of the skin and nails on the feet: make baths and masks, remove rough skin, lubricate with a nourishing cream, seal cracks and calluses;
  • Do not walk barefoot in public places: baths, pools, saunas, after visiting, wash and dry your feet thoroughly, you can treat them with antiseptic sprays;
  • Do not use someone else's shoes, including slippers at a party - it is safer to bring your own;
  • Keep your shoes clean and dry, dry them regularly, treat the insoles with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice, soda.

These simple rules will allow you to forget about the discomfort that a wart on the foot brings, how to get rid of it can be difficult, long and expensive.

Perhaps this article has come to an end. Follow the link and learn even more about how to get rid of warts.

Human papillomaviruses easily penetrate the epithelium through the smallest cracks, scratches and abrasions. Warts may appear on the feet - large keratinized growths on the soles and fingers. Weakening of the immune system contributes to the spread of the virus in the skin.

Symptoms of warts on the feet

The foot or sole is in direct contact with the ground. Plantar warts appear on this part of the foot, as external manifestations of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a painful and intractable type of benign formations. The skin of the ball of the foot and heel is rough, thick, constantly experiencing strong pressure. The body of the growth in this part of the foot is located inside the epidermis and dermis, which causes irritation of nerve receptors.

Symptoms of a wart on the foot (plantar):

  • Rough to the touch skin on a limited area of ​​the sole, on the toes.
  • Pain when walking, pressure, friction.
  • Diameter from 0.2 to 2 cm (when confluent).
  • Height above the epidermis up to 3 mm.
  • Bleeding on injury.
  • Black dots in the center.
  • Itching (sometimes).

The outgrowths on the sole do not immediately become noticeable during external examination. First, a small nodule with a smooth surface appears. Over time, a rough crust protrudes above the level of the skin, a ring-shaped corn is formed, as in the photo. Tiny black dots inside are capillary clots. When the horny scales are destroyed, a slight bleeding appears in their place.

Plantar warts often cause pain, are combined in groups of several. There are mosaic formations that are difficult to treat

The arch of the foot is rarely affected by HPV. Common and flat warts may appear on the back surface. The former rise above the skin by several millimeters, have a denser texture, and a rough surface. The latter look like smooth plaques of flesh, white or yellow-brown color. On the toes, plantar warts are more often formed (from below, on the pads). Occasionally there are growths of other types: periungual, flat, ordinary.

Viral warts on the soles of the feet are highly contagious. Sweating, microtrauma contributes to the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin. Horny scales, fragments of nails when walking barefoot remain on the floor and other surfaces. Factors such as reduced immune defenses and skin irritation increase the likelihood of HPV infection.

Difference from corns and calluses

Excess keratinization on the feet increases with a lack of vitamins A, E, C and zinc in the body. Calluses are formed in people suffering from seborrhea and follicular keratosis, endocrine, fungal diseases, diabetes, psoriasis. In this case, pain also occurs when walking, but there are no characteristic symptoms of a viral infection.

When the epidermis of the foot is subjected to trauma and friction, corns appear - dry plaques or blisters with liquid inside. They differ in non-infectious origin, the preservation of the papillary pattern on the surface. Both warts and calluses appear more often with bad care behind the skin, make it difficult to wear shoes, reduce physical activity.

Options for getting rid of a wart on the foot

Viral formations on the sole of the foot are difficult to treat, they often reappear on the same or adjacent areas of the skin. There may be various reasons, but basically resistance to therapy is due to constant pressure when walking, rubbing shoes, heavy sweating (there are a lot of sweat glands on the foot). If nothing is done, then the growths deepen, capture areas of healthy skin.

Methods for treating warts on the feet

Means and methods of treatmentApplication
Salicylic acid preparationsOintments and patches to remove the upper infected layers of the skin
AntiviralsOintments Viferon, Panavir, Isoprinosine tablets
aromatherapyEssential oils of thuja western, tea tree, eucalyptus
PhytotherapyJuice of celandine, dandelion, garlic, lemon, potato
laser removalDestruction of the growth on the skin without bleeding
CO2 laserRemoval of formations resistant to other methods of treatment
CryodestructionApplications of liquid nitrogen in a dermatologist's office or CryoPharma aerosol at home
Interferon injectionsInjected interferon enhances the body's own immune response
ElectrocoagulationCauterization of the tumor with alternating electric current supplied through the electrode

Cryosurgery, laser destruction, electrocoagulation are radical methods of treatment. Some decide to immediately resort to the help of a dermatologist-surgeon. In connection with the upcoming operation, patients are interested in how to get rid of a wart on the foot in order to avoid a recurrence. The risk of neoplasm re-growth after laser destruction is about 5%, after freezing with liquid nitrogen - less than 30%, after surgical removal with a scalpel - 50%

Pharmaceutical products - keratolytic, cauterizing, mummifying - give a positive result in 65-85% of cases.

The price of removing warts on the foot with a laser or electric current in Moscow clinics exceeds 1000 rubles. The high total cost of the procedures is one of the reasons why many seek conservative treatment first, which is less expensive.

Softening warts for better removal

The use of drugs should be preceded by water procedures: foot baths, lotions. They soften the hard horny surface, have a calming effect. Surrounding tissues are less injured, discomfort decreases.

Foot baths or compresses are done immediately before applying the agent that destroys the wart. Add sea or kitchen salt, baking soda to the water. The solution softens and disinfects the skin of the feet, facilitates the rejection of horny scales (exfoliation).

How to take foot baths:

  • Pour 2 liters of hot water into the basin and dissolve 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and baking soda.
  • Add a few drops of iodine or 250 ml of celandine infusion (chamomile, thyme).
  • Steam your feet for 15-30 minutes.
  • Dry the skin and rub the warts with a pumice stone.

Soda-salt solution is desirable to alternate during the week with whey, decoction of oak bark, pine needles and buds, spruce. Warts soften when applying compresses from steamed herbs of fresh or dried celandine (raw materials are crushed).

Alternative medicine for wart removal

There are many active substances as part of herbal and other products that will help get rid of growths on the soles, fingers. Alternative medicine recipes are a good addition to the treatment of viral formations on the skin with drugs.

Celandine is considered a strong herbal remedy, the juice of which can cause the death of skin tumors. Ready-made preparations in a pharmacy with celandine extract: tincture, oil, cream. Other herbal wart helpers include garlic, dandelion (juice), banana (peel), potato (juice and pulp).

The use of folk remedies for warts on the feet:

  • Rub several times a day with celandine (warthog) juice. Continue treatment until the growth turns black and dries.
  • Soak garlic or onions in vinegar for a few days. Then apply to the wart and secure with a band-aid.
  • Cut the peel of the lemon along with a piece of pulp, fix it on the tumor with a bandage and cling film.
  • Apply aloe pulp to the affected area in the form of a compress (for the whole night).
  • Apply a cotton swab with propolis tincture to the wart, secure with a band-aid.
  • Rub tea tree oil on the wart several times a day.

Any home remedy used must first be crushed, placed on a clean cloth or folded bandage. Then apply to the wart, secure with a plaster or bandage, wrap with cling film, put on socks on top. After the compress, you need to clean off the stratum corneum on the surface of the wart.

Keratolytic agents

The simplest and most affordable method of conservative therapy is the use of substances that have a keratolytic effect. At the first symptoms, treatment of the wart on the foot with solutions and ointments with salicylic acid should be started.


  • salicylic acid (more than 2%);
  • salicylic ointment (more than 2%);
  • sulfuric salicylic ointment;
  • plaster Salipod;
  • drug Mozolin;
  • Kolomak liquid;
  • urea.

Keratolytics are used after the sole has been treated with some kind of antiseptic solution, such as alcohol. Then apply an ointment under the bandage or stick a corn patch. To better soften the warts, wrap the feet with cling film. The horny substance exfoliates, it is easier to clean it off with a pumice stone or a foot brush.

Recipe with acetylsalicylic acid:

  1. Grind 10 aspirin tablets into powder.
  2. Dissolve in 250 ml of 70% alcohol (moonshine can be used).
  3. Leave for 1-2 days to infuse.
  4. Use as pharmacy salicylic alcohol to treat a wart.

Corn patch Salipod is an effective keratolytic agent, easy to use. First you need to soften the growth on the foot with warm water, clean the horny substance on the surface. Then stick a patch with salicylic acid. You may need several such procedures within a month. The wart will soften, the pain will decrease. A bandage with sulfur-salicylic ointment is also applied to a pre-steamed foot for the night.

Antiviral ointments

The active components of drugs can reduce the activity of the pathogen. Such properties have immunostimulating and antiviral agents. The best effect is achieved when using combined drugs. For example, urea in the cream Vartoks has keratolytic properties, softens the surface of the wart. Glycyrrhizic acid has an antiviral effect.

Ointments for warts on the soles of the feet:

  • Oxolinic (3%);
  • Alpizarin;
  • Riodoxol;
  • Terbofenovaya;
  • Panavir;
  • Vartoks.

Antiviral ointment Viferon is applied 2 to 4 times a day on the surface of the wart. Treatment is carried out until the skin is completely cleansed of coarse horny substance. As a rule, the course of therapy lasts a month. It is more difficult to get rid of periungual warts with ointments, the base of which is less accessible for medicine.

Cauterizing and mummifying agents

Wart removal gels and liquids contain podophyllotoxin, organic and inorganic acids, and alkalis. These are powerful drugs that require very careful use. A small wart turns black and dries up a few days after a single application of an aggressive substance. There is a death of living tissue, along with skin cells, papillomaviruses die.

Preparations for removing warts on the foot:

  • Kolomak solution with polidocanol, lactic and salicylic acids;
  • liquid Supercleaner with concentrated alkali;
  • liquid Duofilm with lactic and salicylic acids;
  • liquid Solcoderm with concentrated acids;
  • Verrukacid, Ferezol with phenol and metacresol;
  • Dermavit gel with urea, alkali, salts;
  • gel Antipapillom with alkalis.

The selected agent is applied to a pre-steamed wart with a special applicator or glass rod. After a few hours or a day later, the top of the growth darkens. Then the exfoliation of the keratinized skin begins. To cleanse the foot of larger warts, it is recommended to reapply the solution or gel. In total, one to five procedures may be required. At the site of the wart, a crust remains for some time, it gradually disappears, the skin brightens.

Warts on the human body are not uncommon. Neoplasms in the form of papillomas appear on the hands, head and face. The most frequent localization of warts and the most diverse course of the disease are characterized by the legs. In order to know how to get rid of warts on the legs, you need to familiarize yourself with the points of placement of papillomas on the leg.

The article will answer all questions regarding the appearance of warts on the legs, their symptoms and treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

The mere presence of a virus in the human body is not enough for the appearance of warts.

Where do warts on the legs come from?

The appearance of warty neoplasms is due to the "awakening" of the human papillomavirus. The human papillomavirus, which infects more than half of the world's population, has many types.

The connection between individual types of HPV and the subsequent degeneration of the wart into cancer has been proven.

Warts on the legs are provoked by the papillomavirus 1,2,3 and 4 types. These types rarely become malignant.

The appearance of benign neoplasms on the legs occurs according to one of three scenarios:

A photo

Types of warts on the legs

Neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus have a diverse appearance, the nature of the course. All warts are divided into types, diagnosis and treatment is carried out according to this classification.

There are 4 types of viral neoplasms on the legs:

Places of education

The exact location of the neoplasm is essential in determining the type of wart and prescribing treatment tactics.

In different parts of the legs, metabolic and thermoregulatory processes proceed differently, so the nature of the neoplasms will also differ.

On the heel

The heel is an area with severely roughened skin, which is subject to the constant pressure of a person's own weight.

On the heels, only plantar warts - spines can be localized.

The spikes have the appearance of a flat corns with a rough keratinized surface.

If you look closely or scrape off the top layer, you can see that the wart on the heel is pierced with black threads - these are dead capillaries with blood remaining in them.


Stepping on the heel or pressing on the neoplasm causes quite strong painful sensations.

If the regular hygiene measures legs in the form of peeling, you may not notice the heel wart, since it will be hidden under the keratinized layer of the skin, only painful sensations will indicate the presence of a neoplasm.

On the foot or feet

The back of the feet is available for development two types of warts: ordinary (vulgar) papillomas and senile papillomas.

Patients note a gradual increase in the number of neoplasms that appear.

Neoplasms occur on delicate skin, do not cause discomfort.

Treatment of common warts on the foot should be carried out for two reasons:

  • with warts, you can infect someone in your family or neighbors at the gym;
  • feet - an uninsulated part of the body, constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical and thermal effects. The slightest damage to the integrity of the wart with shoes or anything else will lead to the penetration of infection into the layers of the skin, which will cause suppuration.

Photo gallery

on the sole

The sole is the classic site of plantar -.

Flat keratinized neoplasms are characterized by internal growth, since the pressure exerted by the human body prevents them from protruding outward. Such a growth scheme provides the plantar papilloma with a good blood supply - over time, with the deepening of the neoplasm, it turns out to be completely permeated with small blood vessels.

Excellent blood supply and innervation turn papilloma into a painful structure, removal of a neoplasm is a delicate matter, since the procedure quite painful and, to some extent, bloody.

Neoplasms on the sole rarely turn into an oncological tumor, the need to remove papillomas is due to painful sensations, the inability to step on the foot and rapid growth papillomas.

A chicken wart on the sole of the foot is able to multiply and delay in treatment entails the appearance of several more of the same painful neoplasms.

On the toes

The toes are the site of all types of warts.

On the pads of the fingers, as well as on the sole, spines are able to develop. Their development and course on the fingers does not differ from papillomas localized on the heels.

The knuckle area on the outer surface of the finger can become a haven for flat warts. This type of papillomas occurs more often in children and adolescents. Despite the flat shape of the neoplasms, there is a high probability of damage to their structure and infection.

Methods of treatment

Let's compare the data, why papillomas on the legs must be treated:

  1. Constant contact with clothes and shoes, detergents, can injure the neoplasm, damaging the structure of the wart. This is fraught penetration of infection, the development of inflammation or even suppuration. Some types of papillomas with frequent mechanical damage capable of being reborn malignant neoplasms.
  2. The presence of growths on the legs increases the likelihood of infection of those around the human papillomavirus, since papilloma is an accumulation of viral agents.
  3. Papillomas have an unpleasant appearance, wearing open shoes can be a problem.
  4. Some types of neoplasms (thorns) cause pain to their owner, which manifests itself with each step on the diseased area.

Doctors have developed optimal effective treatment regimens for HPV and warts.

Getting rid of warts can occur in different ways.

Pharmacy funds

The drug effect on the neoplasm is aimed at destroying the papilloma and removing it from the skin surface. This effect is carried out in two ways:

The use of antiviral ointments. After the elimination of the virus, the healing of the neoplasm occurs as soon as possible.

Antiviral ointments include:

  1. Zovirax;
  2. Allizarin ointment.

The use of cauterizing and mummifying solutions. A point effect on papilloma with such a drug causes a kind of chemical burn, destruction and necrosis of neoplasm structures.

In the treatment of small papillomas, one treatment is enough, sometimes the treatment has to be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Aggressive drugs include:


There are several methods of radical disposal of viral neoplasms. These methods differ not only in the way they affect the papilloma, but also in the rehabilitation period, efficiency and price.

To non-contact methods surgical treatment warts include and.


During this operation, it is difficult to control the depth of exposure to low temperatures, there is a risk of wart recurrence or scar formation.

Healing and recovery period 7-30 days.

- a method of excising a wart with an electric knife, when exposed to high temperatures.

The operation is quite painful, there is a high probability of scarring.

In the case of extensive growth of warts, they resort to the most radical method - the removal of neoplasms with a scalpel.

The procedure is painful, the recovery period is 2-3 weeks, scars almost always remain at the site of the neoplasm.

Folk remedies

Grandma's Recipes traditional medicine promise to save the owner from all types of papillomas.

A folk recipe without the use of healing drugs is a guy's legs.

Up to 3 times a week, for half an hour, arrange a foot bath with water of about 50 o.

This will cause expansion of peripheral blood vessels and activation of local immunity.

How to remove a chicken wart on the leg? Garlic will help. With fresh juice of these plants, it is necessary to wipe the wart up to 6 times a day, for 14 days.

Folk remedies for warts on the legs are also replete with recipes using potatoes. Raw juice should be lubricated with growth 3-4 times a day, mix with glycerin in equal proportions, make a compress for 5-6 hours, repeat once a week. Apply aloe juice, a cut leaf to the papilloma for 15 minutes twice a day.

Useful video

The maximum effect of treating a wart on the foot is achieved with a complex effect on the papillomavirus.

It is recommended to combine the use of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs orally (Cycloferon, Groprinosin, Amizon), vitamin therapy and lifestyle adjustments with external methods of treating neoplasms.

Why do they appear in children?

The appearance of papillomas on the legs in children is a frequent occurrence. Even if everything is in order with complex immunity in a child, in 90% cases, local immunity suffers.

Children lead an active lifestyle with outdoor games. This leads to a violation of hygiene and the appearance of small abrasions.

In the kindergarten, sports studio, children use common household items, change toys, try on someone else's shoes.

Children's skin has still imperfect defense mechanisms, so it can rarely withstand a viral attack.

Children are prone to flat and common papillomas, very rarely - plantar warts.

Flat neoplasms or feet, ordinary - on the back of the feet, ankles, fingers.

There are several methods to distinguish between these types of neoplasms:

  1. Steam the leg, make a soft peeling of the growth and evaluate the picture that opens: a lot of black dots, threads - papilloma, keratinized structure of flesh or white color - corn
  2. Perform point pressure on the border of the affected and healthy area: pain - papilloma, absence of pain - corn
  3. Application of corn plaster. In the case of a viral neoplasm, there will be no effect
  4. Medical methods: ultrasound, scraping.

What to do if it hurts to walk?

Anesthetic ointments and sprays will not have the expected effect if the cause is a viral papilloma, due to the deep damage to the structures.

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist who will make a competent diagnosis of the neoplasm and prescribe a treatment regimen for the plantar wart.

Self-treatment of a plantar wart rarely leads to good results, only prolonging the patient's suffering.

Plantar growths always cause discomfort to their owner. They interfere with walking, hurt, quickly grow in size and give the limb an unaesthetic appearance. It is quite possible to get rid of warts on the legs at home. It is really possible to do it with pharmaceutical preparations, and with the use of folk recipes.

Over-the-counter wart remedies

The growths on the foot are often referred to as spines or chicken warts. The reasons for their appearance are associated with infection with the human papillomavirus, which penetrates through micro-wounds on the skin from its carrier. Spines are found in children and adults, and dermatologists are involved in their diagnosis.

If the growth on the heel or other part of the foot is large, it is better to remove it under the supervision of a doctor. Large warts are excised with a laser, radio waves, electrocoagulation, or other minimally invasive methods. But small or medium spikes can be removed at home using the means described below.

Salicylic acid

At home, salicylic acid preparations will be the most affordable. You can remove a wart in this way:

  1. Pour warm water into the bath, hold your foot in it for 10 minutes.
  2. Dry your feet with a towel.
  3. Clean off the keratinized tissue from the wart with a pumice stone, sandpaper.
  4. Wash your feet again and dry.
  5. Gently lubricate the spine with salicylic acid, dry.
  6. Repeat application of medication.
  7. Seal the wart with a plaster, tie with a bandage.

Procedures should be carried out daily, removing dead tissue until the spike disappears. Duration of treatment - no more than 14 days. The skin around the wart should be lubricated vegetable oil regularly to prevent cracking or damage.

Salipod patch

Salipod is an adhesive-based patch impregnated with salicylic acid and sulfur. With it, you can improve the condition of the skin of the legs, removing any growths. Substances applied to it soften the tissues of the spine, dry them and contribute to rejection.

The rules for applying the patch are simple. It must be cut strictly according to the size of the build-up, glued and worn for 1-2 days. After removal, you should steam your leg in water, and then remove dead tissue with a pumice stone. Next, a new piece of Salipod is glued onto the dried skin, and so on until the wart disappears completely. Do not use the patch during pregnancy and under the age of 10 years.


As part of the Japanese drug - a mixture of propane and dimethyl ether, it is available in the form of an aerosol with applicators. it effective remedy for cryotherapy at home. It helps to remove all warts, kill viruses, as it freezes the skin with very low temperatures. Cryopharm can be used by children from 4 years of age.

Usually, a single application of the agent to the spike is enough, after which it completely disappears within 10-15 days. For hardened growths, 2-4 treatment sessions will be required. Small warts need to be treated for up to 15 seconds, large - about 25, chronic - up to 40.

The composition of the ointment is represented by human recombinant interferon, a protein that is produced in response to viruses entering the body. The ointment acts on the site of the greatest accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, so the growth of the spine stops, and it gradually dies off. There are no contraindications to the use of the ointment; it is allowed for children and pregnant women.

The method of using the product is simple - they take it on the finger, gently apply it to the problem area, rubbing it lightly. The procedure is performed four times a day. An existing wart can be cured in 14-28 days. The effect will be higher if Viferon suppositories are placed in parallel for systemic therapy of the human papillomavirus.

Ointment oxolinic

In the treatment of spines, you can use the simplest remedy - 3% oxolinic ointment. It works great against major types of viruses, including HPV. The substance disrupts the process of replication of microorganisms, stopping the growth of papilloma.

For treatment, the ointment is applied 3 times a day to the growth zones, as well as to the healthy skin around them. It is advisable to pre-steam the leg in water for 5-7 minutes. There may be a slight burning sensation during the application of the ointment, which quickly passes. The course of therapy is 14-60 days. Usually, after a week of use, the wart already begins to crust, and by the end of the treatment it dies and disappears.

Ointment rhyodoxol

Ointment with a 1% concentration of triiodresorcinol has a strong antiviral effect. Riodoxol ointment is applied to the affected skin of the foot three times a day, the course of treatment for papillomas is 1-4 weeks. It is better to pre-steam the leg, and after rubbing the product, seal the skin with a plaster.

Powerful medicines for warts


One ampoule of Solcoderm solution is enough to get rid of 4-5 warts. Due to the content of acids (nitric, acetic, lactic, oxalic), as well as copper trihydrate, the drug has a mummifying effect, cauterizes papillomas on the legs. Further, the growth changes its color - it becomes yellow, brown, gray and disappears.

The drug is suitable for removing even the oldest, largest warts. It is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant women. The order of application is as follows:

  1. Remove the stratum corneum after steaming in water.
  2. Treat the spike with alcohol.
  3. Apply with applicator.
  4. Wait for complete absorption.
  5. If after 5 minutes the spike does not change color, re-apply the solution.

You can repeat the procedure after a week, but usually one treatment is enough.


You can quickly get rid of a wart with this remedy, which consists of carbolic acid and metacresol. It is available as a solution in a vial with an applicator. Apply it only after consulting a dermatologist, and at home it is applied to the skin with great care!

Before using the remedy for papilloma, salicylic ointment is dripped for 20 minutes, then the leg is steamed into hot water with soda. Next, the top layer is cut off and the medicine is applied. Spikes up to 2 mm are lubricated once, larger ones - up to 4 times with 3-minute breaks. Usually, even the largest growths can be completely removed in 2-3 sessions with an interval of a week.

super celandine

The use of this drug can cause severe pain, so it is forbidden for children, people with sensitive skin, pregnant women! In the composition - potassium hydroxide, sodium, salt of hydrochloric acid. These products, when they come into contact with healthy skin, cause severe burns, so the areas around the spine must be protected with a plaster or greasy cream.

A single application of the drug after steaming the sole in the amount of 1 drop leads to skin exfoliation, the wart falls off after 3-7 days. Only with deep spikes may need to be re-applied after a week.

Folk recipes for warts

There are many different recipes among the people that will get rid of unpleasant growths at no cost. The best folk remedies for plantar warts are described below.

Lemon and Vinegar

Finely chop one lemon with peel, combine with half a glass of 25% vinegar. Insist for a week, closing the lid. After straining the liquid, moisten a cotton pad in it. Tie a disk to the steamed wart with cellophane and a bandage, leave overnight. Remove the growth in the morning.


Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, put the mass on a piece of cellophane, tie it to the problem area on the leg. In the morning, scrape off the softened part of the papilloma, then make the same compress at night. Repeat until the spine is completely removed.

Aloe and Kalanchoe

Make a foot bath with soap and soda solution (hold for 10 minutes). Then apply a gruel of aloe or Kalanchoe, or a piece of a cut leaf of a plant, to the wart. Leave all night. Repeat regularly until the spike disappears.

Plum and salt

Pour 50 ml of water into a glass, add a tablespoon of salt. Separately grind the pulp of ripe large plums into gruel. Combine the components, insist for a day. After pour 15 ml of 9% vinegar. Apply the mixture as a compress to the spike every night until it falls off completely.


Lubricate the spikelet with celandine juice up to 4 times a day until it disappears. The process may take 2-3 weeks.

Vinegar and garlic

Grind the garlic into a pulp, combine 1 tbsp. l. with the same amount of natural apple cider vinegar, add 1 tsp. rendered lard. Add a little flour to form a "dough". Apply such a cake to the wart, protecting healthy skin with a plaster. From above, wrap the leg with cellophane, a bandage, leave overnight. In the morning, clean off dead tissue, repeat until the skin recovers.


Knead a piece of propolis in your hand, make a cake, stick it with a plaster to the growth. It must be worn for 14 days, after which part of the spike can be removed by scraping with a file, scissors. Then the treatment is repeated, the general course is 4-8 weeks.

Biologically active preparations for warts

Now pharmacies sell a number of multicomponent preparations for papillomas, they can be used against different types neoplasms.

Balm Papillok

In the composition - potassium hydroxide, sodium, carbolic acid, perlite oil. The drug not only burns out growths, but also slows down the division of viruses, preventing a new appearance of the problem. After thoroughly washing the skin, squeeze out 2 drops of balm from the first vessel, apply evenly to the growth. After 5 minutes, repeat the procedure, taking the drug for skin regeneration from the second bottle. It is necessary to use the remedy for 1-2 weeks until the skin heals.

This medicine contains active ingredients - salicylic acid, tea tree oil, castor oil. The tool has an antiviral effect, disinfects the skin, and also helps to gradually dissolve the wart with the removal of its keratinized tissues.

After using the drug, no scars remain, no severe pain during treatment, contraindications. It should be applied pointwise with an applicator three times a day. The course is 1-2 weeks. During this period, papillomas dry out, and new ones do not form in their place.

Ointment Stefalin

The ointment contains a number of herbal extracts and oils, the exact set of which is kept secret by the manufacturer. It should be applied to the wart up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks. During this period, the tissues of the formation are necrotic, it disappears. The tool does not include chemicals, so scars do not form after removal.

Prevention of warts

For the prevention of pathology, it is important to remember about foot hygiene, to prevent wounds and hyperhidrosis, to eat more vitamin food, and to maintain normal immunity. You need to wear high-quality natural shoes that fit the size. You also need to be especially careful when visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths, do not use other people's personal belongings.

The activity of papillomaviruses in the human body causes a change in the functioning of organs and systems. Embedding in the DNA structure of skin cells, pathogenic strains cause the growth of the skin epithelium. As a result, various neoplasms appear on the skin, having a different shape and structure (multiple papillary formations, warts, bumps, flat spots and other skin changes).

Growths affect different parts of the skin - mucous membranes ( oral cavity, inner region reproductive system), body (on the face, neck, back, in the armpits). Warts may appear on the arms or legs.

Warts on the legs are benign. Why do they appear, and what causes them? Growths are formed due to the activation of a certain type of HPV activity in the human body. The appearance of the growth also depends on the characteristics of the HPV that has affected the body. The infection may not manifest itself for quite a long period of time. The factor leading to the formation of growths on the legs is the weakening immune system as a result:

  • transferred colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza);
  • chronic diseases;
  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • violations of the regime of the day and nutrition;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).

Warts mainly appear on places that are often injured, where the skin comes into contact with the surface of tight shoes (toes, feet, heels), comes into contact with household items for public use (knees).

The growths that appear on the legs are often confused with corns and corns. How to distinguish a corn from a wart?

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, warts, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you, most medicines "treat" warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who wind up hundreds of percent on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia earns a lot of money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to be treated if there is deceit everywhere? Doctor medical sciences Anatoly Makhson held own investigation and found a way out of this situation. AT this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on link.

Warts on the soles of the feet

Very often, flat growths form on the foot and it is difficult to understand what exactly appeared there. When examining this area, you can often find only a keratinized area. However, it is necessary to determine the nature of the formation in order to prescribe further treatment.

Plantar or plantar warts are similar to calluses that occur on areas of the feet that are subject to intense pressure.

Both calluses and warts are hard to the touch. When walking, unpleasant, and sometimes quite strong pain sensations appear. Seals may become wet and bleed. From above, the growth is covered with a layer of coarsened skin, due to which it is very problematic to consider structural changes in its structure.

How can you determine what exactly formed on the foot? To find out what kind of problem arose, and to understand the nature of the growth, the foot needs to be steamed with a foot bath. Then you need to remove the upper keratinized layer of the skin. If at the same time densely located papillae of white-pink color with characteristic black dots are noticeable, then you can be sure that this is not a corn, but a wart. At the same time, its main part is located in the depth of the skin epithelium.

Are plantar warts contagious and why are they dangerous? Like any other neoplasms caused by the vital activity of HPV, plantar and others contain viruses in their bodies.

How does infection occur? The HPV virus enters the human body in the following ways:

  • through wounds on the skin of the legs;
  • in case of non-compliance with hygiene requirements (when wearing someone else's shoes, using towels, washcloths);
  • contact-household way;
  • sexually;
  • vertically from mother to newborn.

Neoplasms are often damaged, as a result of which, the disturbed growth provokes the formation of new warts on other areas of the skin.

The main danger is that when the growth body is injured, an infection enters the wound, the neoplasm can begin to become inflamed and bleed, there is a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching, pain.

Important! When any formations appear on the legs, they cannot be removed on their own, so as not to cause the appearance possible complications, one of which is the degeneration of body cells of warts and the formation of skin cancer of the legs! To determine the nature of the build-up, you should consult a dermatologist!

Foot warts cause HPV #1-4. On the sole, growths appear in the form of oval or round spots, up to 2 mm in size. Their color can be flesh, pink, pale brown. When the layers of the skin become keratinized, the growth becomes yellow-gray. In addition to the foot area, growths can appear on the toes (mainly on the little finger), and an interdigital wart may form. Sometimes infected areas appear under the toenail as well.

The opinion of doctors about the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson, the chief physician of the Moscow City Hospital No. 62, describes his vision on this matter.
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating papillomas and warts in people for many years. I tell you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can lead to really serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

Everyone has human papillomavirus on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the world's population has it. By themselves, they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

It's incurable malignant tumors, which kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries such a high percentage cancer and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

The only one medicinal product, which I want to advise, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, this is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective tool, but also to make it available to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.

What are the types of warts on the legs

Warts of various types can appear on the legs, mainly this:

  1. Flat. They are yellowish formations of a round or oval shape in the form of a tubercle with a flat top. Such growths are usually small in size (up to 5 mm). They may itch, but do not cause much pain. Most often formed in children and adolescents and affect the skin of the legs - soles, lower leg, knees, feet.
  2. Ordinary. Warts are round or irregular in shape and are flesh-colored bumps with a dense wrinkled surface. They are located on the back of the feet near the nails. They affect people of all ages. Not causing much trouble, except for itching.
  3. - dense to the touch growths of a gray-yellow color with black dots inside (clogged blood vessels). They look like corns. Appear on the soles (feet) at the points of contact with the shoes. They can form at any age. When pressing on the spine, pain and a burning sensation may occur.
  4. Senile warts. Such formations are reminiscent of their appearance nodule, coatings with roughened dry crusts. These are rather large growths (up to 6 cm) of a dark, almost black color. Their shape resembles a polyhedron. Occur after 40 years and affect the surface in any place except the soles. Pain is not caused, but often itchy.

Attention! Foot warts can be distinguished from each other by the available signs. In any case, when they appear, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment of warts on the legs

Which doctor treats leg warts? If any changes appear on the surface of the body, they turn to a specialist specializing in the treatment of skin problems. As a rule, this is a dermatologist. It determines what and how to cure the disease.

The specialist examines the skin and decides on the appointment of further diagnostics - blood tests, biopsy, histological and cytological examination.

If an oncological disease is suspected, a dermatologist can give a referral for a consultation with an oncologist or dermato-oncologist.

How to get rid of a wart on the leg?

Sometimes warts on the legs can go away on their own without treatment. This happens with an increase in immunity, when its activity suppresses the activity of HPV.

In any case, when warts appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe a complex therapy, which includes the removal of growths and the use of antiviral, immunomodulatory and restorative drugs.

How to deal with emerging formations? Warts can be removed in a variety of ways. You can remove them with special tools or medicines(cauterize the body of the wart with aggressive liquids). The attending physician determines how to deal with growths, how to remove them and what tools to use. The following effective wart removal methods are used:

  1. (the most painless and most effective type of removal);
  2. removal with a radio wave knife (the growth is removed under the action of radio waves);
  3. cryodestruction (freezing warts with cold);
  4. electrocoagulation (destruction of growths by current);
  5. exposure to chemicals and aggressive liquids (necrotization of the body of warts with acids);
  6. surgical removal (surgery with a scalpel).

Basically, warts can be removed using laser removal, chemical liquids and cryodestruction. The operating method is used extremely rarely in the presence of special ones.

Treatment of warts on the legs at home

After the methods of treatment are chosen, methods of treating wart-covered skin surfaces can be applied at home, using various ointments and gels.

How to remove growths and avoid recurrence of the disease? Warts can be removed by using in combination such methods as removing neoplasms, treating the wounds remaining after destruction with antiseptic agents (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide) and taking immunomodulatory drugs.

What are the remedies for warts on the legs?

You can get rid of growths using the following medicines and therapies:

  1. Fukortsin. The drug has antiseptic properties with antifungal action. It is used to treat skin from which warts have been removed;
  2. Ointment for warts (imiquimod). A good therapeutic effect is given by the application of Viferon ointment. The drug contains synthesized interferon, which helps fight against viral infection, improves the functioning of the immune system, helping to fight the manifestations of skin changes. Before applying ointments, it is recommended to take hot foot baths, treat the skin with the product and apply a gauze or plaster on top;
  3. Cream (, Vartoks);
  4. Gel (Antipapillom, Bodyton);
  5. Solutions (Papillaite,). The medicine is applied pointwise to the body of the wart;
  6. Plaster from warts (Salipod). It is glued to the area affected by warts. The patch has a keralitic and antiviral effect. Attach it for a day. After that, the foot is steamed in a hot bath and treated with pumice, exfoliating the skin. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  7. Bump Pencils (Wartner, Lapis Pencil, Helps get rid of thorns and other plantar warts.
  8. Tablets (Immunal, Isoprinosine and other antiviral drugs).

Folk remedies for warts on the legs

Treatment with traditional medicine is possible only after consulting a doctor. How to get rid of warts with their help? Growths can be removed:

  • Celandine juice;
  • With the help of garlic;
  • Dandelion juice.
  • Medicinal decoctions (wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle) are taken as a general tonic.

Warts on the legs in children - what to do?

Why do warts appear in children? The reason for the formation of growths in children is the imperfection of their immune system, which is not always able to cope with viruses attacking the body. How do they look?

A child usually develops common (on the toes), plantar (on the foot, heel) and flat warts (on the knees). The disease most often affects children 12-16 years old.

How and how can warts in children be cured? Treatment methods are prescribed by a doctor. It determines what means will be used from growths. For this, drug therapy, removal by laser or other methods, the use of creams and ointments can be used.

In this video, the doctor talks about his many years of experience in treating foot and other warts and about the most effective remedy in his opinion: