What are people who don't sleep called? This is what happens to a person who does not sleep for a long time

This Hungarian soldier was a completely ordinary person who did not stand out from everyone else. Paul Kern was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian troops in the First world war while being a cadet. During one of the battles of 1914 as part of the shock troops, he showed courage, for which he was awarded a medal. A year later, he was transferred to another company, in which he fought against Russian troops. During one of these battles, a Russian soldier shot Kern in the head, he was seriously wounded and was sent to the Lemberg hospital. The bullet went through Paul's head right in the temple area and destroyed part of the frontal lobe of the brain.

The Hungarian was supposed to die, but still survived - and forever stopped sleeping.

Waking up in the hospital, Kern could not sleep anymore. As it turned out, the bullet hit the temple and destroyed part of the frontal lobe of the brain. Usually such a wound turned out to be fatal, but Paul managed to survive. His problem was dealt with by Dr. Frey, a professor at the University of Budapest, but could not help Kern return to his former way of life.

Paul Kern has become a real headache of medicine in the 20th century. After the unfortunate injury, he not only forgot about sleep, but also stopped experiencing pain in principle, and also lost his feelings of exhaustion and fatigue. Bullet destroyed part nervous system Kern. Until the end of his life, he was a very active person, worked in an organization to help pensioners and died in 1955, having never fallen asleep for 40 years. Kern's story is an inexplicable and therefore even more surprising paradox.

It is a pity that this is all the information about such an interesting person. I would like to know what he did and how he lived these 40 years. By the way, do not confuse a perverted fascist doctor with a complete weasel.

Another well-known case of long wakefulness.

Ngoc Thai, a positive Vietnamese peasant, has not slept since 1973. He was born in 1942 and was a completely healthy and normal child, and from 1973 he stopped sleeping.

As Ngoc Thai himself says, the dream disappeared after suffering a bout of fever, and since then he has not slept a day. Thai admits that he does not experience health problems, but "feels like a plant without water." Fact on the face - he just does not sleep. At first it was difficult for him, and irritability was manifested, then, apparently, the brain adapted and resigned itself to the new rhythm of work.

This is truly a unique case, because a person cannot live without sleep, just like without food. The inability to switch the brain to delta and theta rhythms creates the effect of hallucinations, from which you can easily go crazy. By the way, in ancient times, keeping a person awake was considered a very cruel torture.

Ngoc Thai has managed to use his either a gift or a curse to his advantage and works even at night, while everyone is safely resting. Due to the double load, his farm is in excellent condition, which he has been doing all his adult life. He is married and has four children, all of whom are healthy and sleeping well.

In fact, history has about two to three dozen such cases. And that's just the known and registered ones. For unknown reasons, people simply stop sleeping and do not get tired and die from lack of sleep.

Have you ever met such people?


Man does not sleep for 32 years

“Time for me seemed to have stopped in the distant 1979. And since then, one long, long day has lasted ... ”So says Yakov Tsiperovich, a man about whom the press wrote a lot in the 80s and 90s. About 70 films were made about him, including by foreign television companies. And all because, after suffering a clinical death, Tsiperovich lost the ability to sleep. Moreover, after some time, he realized that he had stopped ... aging.

In 2011, he turned 58 years old, but outwardly he

Remains a 26-year-old young man. Late 90s

Yakov Tsiperovich with his wife and son moved from Minsk to

Germany, in the city of Halle, near Leipzig. "AiF"

got through to the man-phenomenon. And heard on the phone

Like a roly-poly

- Jacob, so what happened to you in 1979?

My ex-wife tried to poison me. More precisely, not

Tried, but poisoned - out of jealousy. Was strong

intoxication, pressure dropped sharply, and against this background

clinical death occurred. I was taken to one of

Minsk hospitals. Clinical death lasted an hour, and

Then I was in a coma for a whole week. When I woke up

I couldn't utter a word for six months.

Others, as if not mine at all. In general, oddities

there were many. I felt bad in my body, as if

was in limbo. All objects suddenly became

easier than they were before. Perception has changed

surrounding people, I seemed to read their thoughts, felt something

The same as they are. If someone near something hurt,

this pain was transmitted to me. Finally, I am completely

could lie.

- What is it like? Like a roly-poly, or what?

Quite right. Should have taken horizontal

The position literally threw me out of bed.

As soon as oblivion began, it was as if something clicked in my head

and brought me back to my waking state. That's why

I couldn't sleep at all. I swallowed sleeping pills, but it did not

helped. This made me panic and terrified, I

regarded what had happened as a punishment for his misdeeds.

It took several years before I realized: you can live

And in such an incredible state. And it's more like

a gift, not a punishment. So the time before 1995 I spent

actually on his feet, in a state of absolute


- Did you manage to fall asleep in 1995?

I started doing yoga, through meditation and

Eastern practitioner has learned to achieve the state

half asleep. I enter a state of nirvana, artificially

I turn myself off. But it's still not a dream, I'm all the time

hear what's going on around. But the body got

ability to take a horizontal position -

however, no more than 2-3 hours. The key is energy

- What did you do at night until you learned


Filled them with the usual things. Certainly not at night.

You make some noise, so you often read or write poetry. Well

tried to learn to sleep - developed his own system

exercises. After all, sleep loss is energy loss. Her

needs to be filled. I created a system of exercises that

completely block all aging processes in

body and compensate for the losses.

- And what is its essence?

- These are yoga-based exercises. Let me give you an analogy with

Damaged plate. She spins on the record player

and she got stuck. So are my exercises: they stop

the internal time of a person, do not allow him to go forward.

After all, a person programs himself for only 70-80 years

life. And I believe that we can and should live to 200

years. And I'm trying to prove it by my own example. The thing is

that over the past 30 years I have not changed at all


By the way, when did you realize this?

I noticed this when I was in my 40s.

Regularly met with classmates, and they all

more often they began to say: “Something you don’t age at all!”

- Jacob, did the doctors examine you?

On my own initiative, I went to bed several times

Surveys. I visited professors Vein and Ilyin.

Alexander Vein was at that time the most famous

sleep specialist, he worked in the 1st

Moscow medical institute. Traveled to Leningrad

at the Brain Institute. I was examined: filmed

encephalogram, took tests. And then they said that

everything is fine, there are no anomalies. And that I'm not

I sleep, the doctors didn’t pay much attention, it’s their

somehow not interested.

At the Institute of the Brain, they generally told me: “You never know why

The man is not sleeping! A lot of people don't sleep." Then I tried

to be treated for their "disease" by psychics, even

June. But everyone said: "You are absolutely healthy."

Here, in Germany, I also went to the doctors. in Galle

there is a university, and in his clinic there is a sleep laboratory. AT

In 2003 they examined me. More precisely, they just wanted

make sure I'm really awake. Connected to

I got sensors, they did a computed tomography of the brain.

For a whole week I was in this laboratory, no

no pathologies were found.

What advice would you give to our readers?

Remember that the main thing is to saturate the body with energy.

As soon as a person begins to lose energy, he

gets sick. Any illness is a consequence of such a loss.

So, we need to find a way to compensate for it. For someone

it's simple healthy lifestyle life, for someone

special exercises. Look for your way, your method."

PEOPLE WHO NEVER SLEEP very Interesting Facts read here Gennady FEDOTOV, Correspondent "Anomalous News" 2007

Numerous studies of the human brain and abilities have proven that a person cannot go without sleep for more than 11 days in a row. Prolonged wakefulness leads to serious negative consequences for the body and can be fatal. Exceptions still exist, there is a person in the world who never sleeps. This unique phenomenon has not been explained by scientists and doctors for many years.

Why is sleep so important?

Experiments in the complex realm of human dreams have been carried out all over the world. Military specialists were especially interested in this topic. Serious research was aimed at creating an army in which the soldiers could go for many days without rest. applied various methods on the brain, however, after 5-6 days, the subjects still fell asleep. All attempts to artificially deprive a person of sleep ended in failure. Each subsequent night spent awake affects the body in the following ways:

  • one night - fatigue and decreased concentration;
  • two nights - deterioration of vision and coordination of movements, nausea, irritability;
  • three nights - impaired speech, weakness in the limbs;
  • four nights or more - memory disorder and hallucinations.

Prolonged lack of sleep eventually leads to numbness and complete indifference to the outside world.

A person cannot do without sleep, so insomnia is one of the most painful diseases. People suffering from this disease age faster and have many health problems. During sleep, the work of all organs slows down, the most important systems of the body get rest, and the process of cell renewal accelerates. The brain works in a special mode, systematizing emotions and memories. Sleep is a vital process necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but there are unique examples in the world that prove the opposite. Science knows a man who never slept and people who have lost this ability in the process of life.

Phenomena People

There are many cases of prolonged insomnia recorded in the world, but one of the most unusual is the story of Al Harpin, a resident of the USA . In the 1950s, researchers were interested in a ninety-year-old man living in the slums of New Jersey. He never slept for a minute in his long life. In order to verify this, many experiments and observations were carried out, the result of the study turned out to be incredible. Al Harpin could indeed go without sleep. After hard physical work, it was enough for him to sit for a while, delving into reading, and his strength was restored. The intellectual and physical abilities of the unique old man were at the level of an ordinary person, in addition, he had excellent health. Scientists have not been able to identify the cause of the unusual feature, but the elder himself claimed that he was injured in the womb due to a strong blow. Contrary to all known facts, the man who never slept lived to a ripe old age, being active, healthy and able to work.

More famous is h man-phenomenon from Minsk Yakov Tsiperovich who lost the ability to sleep after a tragic accident. The jealous wife tried to poison him with the strongest poison, as a result, Jacob survived clinical death. After a long course of rehab, he returned to normal and found himself unable to sleep. All attempts to turn off consciousness and forget at least for a moment ended in failure. Exhausting insomnia, according to Yakov, caused him inhuman suffering, but a year later everything changed. The lack of sleep stopped bothering him, and fantastic processes began to occur in the body:

  • incredible physical strength and endurance appeared;
  • significantly slowed down the aging process;
  • opened up new knowledge about the environment.

Ability to go without sleep, remarkable physical abilities and virtually unchanged appearance Yakov interested scientists from all over the world. As a result of the examination, it turned out that his body temperature does not exceed 35 degrees, the body seems to be in a state of suspended animation. In all other respects, Jacob is completely healthy. The man who does not sleep became the hero of many films and TV shows, newspapers wrote about him. Well-known doctors have examined the brain of the phenomenon, but its unique abilities.

They say that a person can live without sleep only 10-11 days. But there are exceptions to this rule. There are several dozens of people in the world who do not sleep for years and even decades. Among them are a Vietnamese farmer, a British teacher and a resident of Minsk. For some of them it has turned into a curse, and someone almost does not suffer from a strange disease.

Nervous system disorder leading to total absence sleep, doctors call colitis.

Ordinary people feel discomfort, even going without sleep for a day or two. The mood deteriorates, at times they become dull or, on the contrary, painfully sharpen their eyesight and hearing, and their working capacity drops catastrophically. Without coffee and other stimulants, it becomes impossible to concentrate. This state was experienced by every student preparing for the session. On the third or fifth sleepless days, more serious problems: hallucinations, waking nightmares, quite serious depression may develop. Not a single doctor will recommend to put on such experiments.

However, in nature there is a rare ailment that refutes all medical laws - lifelong insomnia, or, scientifically, kolytes. Throughout the history of medicine, its isolated cases have been known.

Lived in New Jersey between 1940 and 1950 an old man named Al Harpin. The old man was about 90 years old, and he was practically a beggar. Homeless people like him huddled in huts made of leaves and tree branches. Al built the same one for himself, only in his shelter there was nothing like a bed or a couch. He simply did not need these items: as far as he could remember, Al Harpin could not sleep. He just didn't need it. There were legends about the wonderful old man, and doctors began to visit his hut. None of them could understand the secret of Harpin, who was truly awake. For several hours he rested sitting or lying down - and thus restored his strength. The old man himself innocently believed that he acquired his peculiarity even before birth: his mother told him that during pregnancy she hit her stomach hard.

The following note was published in an American newspaper of the late 19th century. "David Jones has aroused particular interest among local doctors, as a few years ago he went without sleep for 90 days, a year later - 131 days, he is currently experiencing another wave of insomnia." The author of the note said that the surprised doctors established round-the-clock surveillance for Jones and made sure that the man really did not sleep. According to those around him, David did not complain and did not seem to experience any discomfort - on the contrary, in his free time, he willingly took care of the affairs of his farm. He also could not find any reasons for his condition - except that he told the doctors that he smoked a lot in his youth. In the end, the doctors just left him alone.

Unfortunately, not everyone tolerates colitis as easily as the American tramp Harpin and Farmer Jones. For forty-year-old teacher Joan Moore, lack of sleep has become a curse. In the evening of 1962, she returned home from the school where she worked at the time. Joan was tired during the day. She felt sleepy, yawned ... and then something happened that neither the woman herself nor the doctors can still explain. Joan says that at that moment she saw her dead mother in reality, and then in her head it was like "something shifted." Miss Moore did not sleep that night or the next. She never slept again. Unfortunately, having managed to survive without sleep, she feels terrible. Joanna says that the desire to sleep now overcomes her day and night. She constantly feels weak and, but cannot fall asleep, no matter how hard she tries. No sleeping pills and sedative drugs couldn't help her. Doctors who examined Joanna Moore concluded that part of her brain was affected. Oddly enough, according to other medical indicators, Joan's health is normal. But psychologically, every sleepless night becomes a test for her. “In silence and emptiness, I feel like the only living person on the whole Earth,” she complains.

Vietnamese Thai Ngoc does not sleep for the 39th year in a row. Colestitis struck him after suffering a fever. Long years the Vietnamese remained healthy and able-bodied. But in an interview in 2006, Tai admitted that the lack of sleep made him feel "like a plant without water."

Tai Ngoc's compatriot, the peasant Nguyen Van Kha, has not closed his eyes a little less - for 27 years. According to Nguyen, the last time he slept properly was in 1979. Then something strange began to happen to them. One evening, closing his eyes, Kha felt a strong burning sensation under his eyelids, and an image of a blazing fire appeared in his mind. Since then, this has happened every time I try to doze off, and Wan Kha has been unable to sleep. Moreover, he stopped closing his eyes altogether. Over the past years, the phenomenon of a sleepless Vietnamese has not found a scientific explanation. On the recommendations of various doctors, Kha tried a large number of different European medicines and oriental medicines, but all was in vain. Fortunately, Kha, he says, feels quite well and does not suffer from his bizarre ailment in any way.

One of the most famous "sleepless" is Yakov Tseperovich, a resident of Minsk. At the age of 26, he experienced clinical death. According to some reports, the jealous wife tried to poison him by adding something to the wine. The man became ill and was taken away in an ambulance. Doctors literally "got" Yakov from the other world. True, he returned a different person.

Jacob came to his senses for a long time, learned to talk again, corresponded with others on a piece of paper. But amazing changes took place with his body: the young man felt an amazing surge of strength. He was visited by fresh thoughts and ideas, some of which were clothed in poetic form - although Tseperovich had never written poetry before.

The oddities didn't end there. Finally returning to normal life, Jacob found that he had lost the ability to sleep. At first it was a huge pain. I really wanted to sleep, as happens during ordinary insomnia, but the man could not fall asleep. When trying to lie down, Yakov heard a click in his head, and, according to his own description, felt as if some outside force was forcing him to sit up in bed. "It was a real nightmare," he recalls.

After some time, a turning point occurred: Jacob's body, apparently, learned to do without sleep. Physical strength began to arrive as if by magic: Yakov, without any fatigue, could do push-ups for hours, lift weights. The most interesting thing is that, according to eyewitnesses, Tseperovich stopped aging. Photos in which he is 40-43 years old are indistinguishable from pictures taken at 25-26 years old.

“I have such a state, as if there is no time at all,” Yakov says. “I don’t feel the years I have lived. It feels like the same day goes on endlessly without breaks and gaps.

Doctors soon became interested in his condition. They established that the man was indeed awake and found that his body temperature did not rise above 34 degrees. No more pathologies and changes in his body were found. Now Yakov Tseperovich lives with his second wife, they have a son. In order to temporarily "disconnect" from the outside world without the help of sleep, he practices yoga and meditates.

Despite his seemingly excellent health, Yakov yearns for the lost opportunity to sleep and does not consider the freed night hours a "gift". “Oddly enough, I don’t use this time in any way,” he once said. “The Lord gave me life, and I just live. Besides, understand, for me this is not extra time, but just the usual time that everyone has of a person, and I fill it with ordinary affairs. Of course, at night you will not do noisy business when everyone around is sleeping. Therefore, at this time I read, write, think. "

“I still want to become a person who can sleep,” admits Tseperovich.

Insomnia ... Who among us has not suffered from it? All night you toss and turn in bed, and in the morning you get up with a headache and weakness all over your body. And this is just after a few hours without sleep! How should people feel in whom insomnia lasts not for hours, but ... for years? It turns out, for the most part, quite comfortable.

When only the legs "sleep" ...

For 27 years in a row, out of his 49, Vietnamese Nguyen Van Kha has not closed his eyes in the literal sense of the word. At the same time, despite the lack of proper sleep, Kha feels absolutely healthy and vigorous.

The last time a peasant slept normally was in 1980. It all started, he told reporters in April 2007, that once, closing his eyes, Kha felt a strong burning sensation in them, and a picture of a blazing fire clearly appeared in his head. Everything immediately stopped as soon as he opened them again. This happened every time Kha tried to sleep. After all this, he stopped closing his eyes altogether.

Over the past years, the phenomenon of the Vietnamese has not found a scientific explanation, as well as the means to eliminate it. On the recommendation of dozens of doctors who examined him, Kha tried a large number of different European medicines and traditional oriental medicine - all in vain. However, the lack of sleep does not cause him the slightest discomfort and does not harm his health.

"The doctors cannot explain the reason for the insomnia of Kha's compatriot, a 42-year-old peasant woman, Man Thi, from the village of Donghai in central Vietnam. This woman has everything like ordinary people. Except for one detail - she, according to the Lao Dong newspaper, has not slept since 1975 of the year!"

Her health is excellent, she has four healthy children. For a long time, fearing to alienate others from herself, Man Thi pretended to be asleep at night - she even decided to tell her husband about her ability to do without sleep only in the third year of marriage.

English farmer Eustace Burnett stays awake even longer. In August 2007, he will turn 85 years old. In his youth, he lived on his farm near Leicester and was no different from the local farmers, until one not the most beautiful night he suddenly lost the desire to sleep. And for 56 years now, he has been reading books at night, listening to the radio and solving crossword puzzles, while the rest of the family snores sweetly in their sleep.

Why didn’t doctors visit him to see with his own eyes a sleepless person and make sure that he was completely healthy?! Of course, the medics tried to get him to sleep, but they were wasting both their time and Burnett's time. The hypnosis didn't even make him sleepy, and the sleeping pills gave him a headache. After the departure of the doctors, Burnett returned to normal life: at night he lay in bed for six hours to give his body a rest, while the brain continued to work.

However, the “record holder” for insomnia is an old Buddhist monk who has not slept for 90 years! Researchers working under the auspices of the World Health Organization discovered it in Tibet in 2003. Dava stopped sleeping, that's the monk's name, when he was only 11 years old.

“Imagine,” says German scientist Dr. Bernard Holzmann, who studies the phenomenon of the Tibetan monk, “he did not sleep during both world wars, did not sleep when Russia launched a satellite into space in 1957, nor when the first man set foot on the moon ... You can list all the significant world events of the past century, and the wonderful old man literally overslept none of them."

Experts, after conducting a series of state-of-the-art tests, came to the unanimous opinion that Dava is able to maintain a meaningful conversation while his vital signs, according to the instruments, decreased to the level of a sleeping person! It turns out that Dava's body still switched to sleep mode, which is necessary for every person, but the brain and body at the same time managed to function in wakefulness mode.

The researchers say that if they can uncover the secret of Dava, then life without sleep will be possible on the entire planet.

The cause of the disease is stress

According to the International Somnological Center, 71% of patients with sleep disorders attribute the onset of their long-term insomnia to some kind of illness or stress. For example, 61-year-old Romanian Maria Stelica stopped sleeping eleven years ago when her mother died.

“At first I did not sleep on purpose - I was afraid to see my mother in a dream,” says Maria. Then I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. After a while, I no longer needed it, so now even sleeping pills cannot make me fall asleep. ”

One of the attending physicians of Maria Stelica said about this: “We cannot understand why she is not sleeping. We have no explanation for this phenomenon."

The Yugoslav peasant Stanko Drazkovic did not sleep for 50 years in a row as a result of a serious shock. At the same time, according to doctors, his heart and lungs were like those of an athlete, and his blood pressure was like that of an astronaut. He only sometimes fell into a light half-sleep, sitting in an armchair. In this borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, he could answer questions, read and write.

He lost sleep forever during World War II after suffering a severe concussion on his 23rd birthday. And, probably, this disease was somehow reflected at the gene level, because his son also began to suffer from insomnia after 23 years. One day he came home from training very tired and lay down to rest. However, he could not fall asleep and since then, like his father, he has been constantly awake.

Father and son were examined in many European clinics, but nothing could help them.

Stanko Drazkovic lived for 73 years without any particular health complaints and died of old age, surrounded by family and friends.

Joan Moore, a resident of Manchester, is now in a slightly different position, for whom long-term insomnia has turned into a real nightmare. Now this woman is turning her prayers to God so that death will come when she can close her eyes in a calm and endless sleep. Exhausted and weak from her nightly vigils, sleep-deprived 60-year-old Joan spends every night sitting in a chair in her nightgown, waiting for the dawn.

“In silence and emptiness, I feel like the only living person on the planet,” says Joan. - The Lord subjected me to severe trials. Oh, how I wish I could remember what sleep means.

Her sleepless nightmare began on a typical evening in 1972 when she returned home from a busy day at the school where she worked as a teacher. That day she was very nervous in one of the lessons.

“I remember that evening very well,” says Joan Moore. - I had a strange feeling in my head. I was somewhat surprised by him and from that day on I could no longer fall asleep. ”

The best neurosurgeons in the country have been studying the Joan phenomenon for several years. “After several months of research, I came to the conclusion that she suffers from a very rare form of the disease - chronic colitis,” says one of the doctors. “The disease affected the part of the brain responsible for sleep, which led to a complete loss of sleep.”

Since 1974, 60-year-old Cuban Thomas Nunez has been awake all 24 hours a day. He talks about his illness as follows: “As a child, I often had a sore throat. The doctor suggested removing the tonsils. The trouble came after the operation - I forgot what sleep is. For a while I was silent about what had happened. Then he told his parents, who themselves suspected something was wrong. Walking to clinics and hospitals began. For a long time he was under special supervision. There were several councils. Unfortunately, all the conclusions practically meant one thing - the case is incredible and ... inexplicable.

The only consolation for Thomas in this situation is the fact that there are hardly two dozen such “sleepless” unique ones like him all over the world.

You can not sleep for the sake of a record.

According to scientists from the newly established Sleep Center in Beijing, most patients with sleep disorders were born in winter.

Employees of the center examined more than 700 people and found that 40% of them were born in November, December and January. These months are the coldest in China. And among those born in spring, summer and in the first two months of autumn, only 20% suffer from sleep disorders.

Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that winter newborns are more vulnerable. Before being born, they are exposed to many negative factors inherent in the cold season, and the restless state of the fetus turns into a habit in the future person.

Scientists estimate that 100 million Chinese have similar problems, and only a hundredth of them were examined for lack of sleep. However, this is only the beginning of the research, which is now in full swing ...

Meanwhile, Fyodor Nesterchuk, a 63-year-old resident of the city of Kamen-Kashyrsky, Volyn region of Ukraine, has not been able to sleep for more than 20 years. None of the sleeping pills help him.

A resident of the Volyn region resigned himself to his illness. “Where are you going - you have to put up with it,” says Nesterchuk, “since so much time has already passed.”

During the day, a Volhynian of retirement age works in the field of insurance, and at night he reads. “First you read periodicals, and then literature. You see that your eyes are tired, turn off the lamp and continue to doze, you can say, you try to fall asleep, ”says Nesterchuk, who at night for many years has already re-read the entire home library several times.

However, according to experts, Nesterchuk still sleeps at least a few hours a day. He just doesn't give himself credit for it. In a recent study by Russian sleep scientists, it turned out that people who claim to have not slept for several days in a row actually sleep, only their sleep is shallow, intermittent. At the same time, a person does not perceive the intervals between awakenings as a dream, being absolutely sure that he has been awake all this time.

Prolonged lack of sleep, somnologists say, must necessarily affect memory, emotional state person. He will be irritable, may suffer from depression, loss of appetite, lack of sexual desire.

At the same time, “if a person feels comfortable, then this is not a pathology,” says Fedor Koshel, head of the Lutsk city health department. According to him, Nesterchuk does not look exhausted due to insomnia.

From myself it should be added that the case with Tony Wright can probably be called a real pathology. This resident of Cornwall in the southwest of England broke the world record in June 2007 for continuous wakefulness. He managed to go without sleep for 11 days and 11 nights.

As the 42-year-old "record holder" recently stated, he went on this experiment to find out how the human body responds to sleep deprivation. According to him, the right left hemisphere brains require different amounts of sleep, and by loading them in turn, you can be in good shape for quite a long time.

The previous record was set by the Guinness Book of Records in 1964, when American Randy Gardner spent 264 hours without sleep. After that, representatives of the Book of Records stated that they would no longer register attempts to break this record, as this could pose a threat to human health.

However, Wright claims that he feels good, albeit very tired. During the experiment, he struggled with sleep by playing billiards and updating his online diary. In addition, a diet of raw foods helped him cope with fatigue. The most difficult part of the experiment, according to him, was that he had to stay in the same room all this time, where he was under round-the-clock video surveillance ...