Again from Pereslavl - KALAKAZO — LiveJournal. Theodore, Metropolitan of Volgograd and Kamyshin (Cazanov Nikolai Lvovich) How the Bishop was kind to others and strict with himself

December 25th marked one year since the founding of the Pereslavl diocese. What difficulties and joys there were in the past year, what prevents modern people from coming to Church, and also about the danger of substitution in spiritual life, the ruling bishop, Bishop Theodore of Pereslavl and Uglich, spoke.

Your Eminence, the first anniversary of your episcopal consecration is approaching. Looking back, you are probably already analyzing your ministry. Tell me, please, what did you consider the most difficult thing in the episcopal service before your consecration and what turned out to be so in reality?

The most difficult thing is to understand the will of God for yourself and for your flock and fulfill it at the moment and throughout your life. I thought so before, and now my opinion has not changed. Sometimes it is better to do nothing than to act. Just be patient, pray, be silent, although this can be much more difficult. Or, on the contrary, as Kipling wrote, “force your heart, your nerves, your body to serve you” in order to move forward. It is very difficult to live up to your high purpose and not turn from an Angel of the church into a prince, to be everyone’s father, sometimes even a mother, and not an official in a cassock.

- You have visited almost all the parishes of the diocese in a year, what is your impression of the parishioners and the priests?

The impression is different, mostly good. The overwhelming majority are kind, sensitive people, and most importantly, they sincerely believe in God. I’m talking not only about pastors, but also about parishioners and those in power with whom I had to work and pray together. We clergy have a lot to learn from the common people. Sometimes you see devastation, but a strong church family is very important. When the priest has a spirit of despondency or idleness, there will be neither income nor income.

- Could you draw a portrait of a modern priest of the Pereslavl diocese?

Remember how they invented the universal computer and decided to test it. They ask: “Can all mushrooms be eaten?” Answer: “Everything, but some only once.” What can I say? Let's not put cliches and put everyone on the same page. They are all unique and surprisingly different. The most important thing is that they serve God and pray for world peace. And they are also very kind.

Anyway, they are all my family. And in a family, like in a family... I always pray for them and thank God.

Have you ever encountered hostility or claims against the Church and its ministers from low-church and non-church residents?

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. Somewhere, of course, the priest can turn up the heat, but basically hostility is a consequence of the wrong life position of the person himself - the Church owes him everything, and he owes it nothing. It would seem that there is a desire to communicate, but there is no desire to do it correctly and with respect. This is where claims arise as a derivative of the consumer’s worldview.

Is enough missionary work being done? How are things going with catechesis in parishes and what are your plans for its development?

Mission is one of the main forms of service to the Church. “Go and teach all languages, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:16-20). It needs to be built not only among indigenous non-Christian peoples, but also here, in the Russian hinterland, among the local population. Baptized from childhood, but not enlightened, or not baptized at all, but historically and ontologically belonging to the Orthodox faith, although they have not yet clothed their lives in Christ the Savior, somewhere in the depths of their souls they are looking for a meeting with Him. Missionary work must be built systematically and systematically. Today, a diocesan Council has been created to coordinate the church mission with all areas of church ministry. Therefore, it includes all diocesan departments, including youth, educational, social, cultural departments, etc. In parishes, all priests know that before baptizing or marrying, it is necessary to have a spiritual conversation with people on the subject of faith and the sacrament performed, prepare for a great event in their life - a meeting with God and the acceptance of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And another very important area of ​​missionary service is enlightenment from the darkness of pagan malice and idolatry, which is now gaining popularity among those people who do not strive for perfection, but want to justify and realize their most violent, animal passions.

- Tell us about your vision of the spiritual education of priests and laity and your plans in this direction.

Today in our diocese, approximately two-thirds of the clergy need additional education. For this purpose, we are preparing a special program following the example of the Moscow diocese. Anyone who has not received a theological education, or who has completed more than five years since graduating from theological school, must undergo training. This applies to clerics under 60 years of age. Some disciplines will be taught by our specialists, but the teaching basis will be professors from the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary, fortunately not far from us.

In Uglich, theological courses are open for the laity; in Pereslavl, the spiritual and educational center “Axios” is based on the Orthodox gymnasium named after. Alexander Nevsky. The task is to help a person at all stages of development and formation of personality not only acquire a certain amount of knowledge and skills necessary in society, but clearly and correctly build a system of life values. In this system, we work at the level of preschool and additional education; it is planned to conduct advanced training courses for teachers and, of course, special attention is paid to parents. It is necessary that the family, school and leisure environment create a unified system for raising a full-fledged individual and a worthy citizen of his Fatherland.

Sunday schools are certified in parishes. Although we have four full-fledged comprehensive Orthodox schools-gymnasiums in the diocese, the situation at the general parish level leaves much to be desired.

- How to deal with formality in faith, ritualistic attitude to worship, ritualism?

This is probably one of the most difficult and most important moments in religious life - the substitution of values. You can eat to live, or you can live to eat. Food is a form, a means that serves to achieve the goal - the continuation of life. If there is a shift in values, then the means can become the goal. The Holy Fathers always teach to check yourself, to compare where you are on the spiritual path, and whether your purpose in life has changed. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians: “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). All means to achieve one goal - God. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God. Love is above the law, and the Spirit breathes where it wants. Rite and ritual as a certain form help us communicate with God, but will never replace Him.

- In your opinion, why, although churches are filled year after year, do some people leave the Church?

One day a hetaera approached Socrates and said: “Philosopher, you keep teaching these young men something, but I just have to blink my eye, and they will immediately leave you and follow me!” “No wonder,” answered the teacher, “the way down is always easier.” The Church calls through thorns to the stars. But modern man does not want to go through thorns, and, in general, the light of the Star of Bethlehem becomes distant and illusory in the prism of a well-fed life, false freedom and many temptations.

People lose the meaning of going to church; they don’t understand why it’s necessary if everything is fine anyway. When it presses, it’s a different matter. There is no understanding of cause and effect. I lit a candle, but there was no more money. It's a shame! Modern man is a consumer who is used to taking and is not used to giving. God and the Church for him are only a means of realizing his desires. Something between the occult and a fairy tale. And if life is good, it’s generally not clear what to do in the temple, unless you are a fanatic.

There is a Christocentric value system and there is an egocentric one. In the first case - everything is for God and for the sake of Christ, in the second - for your loved one. The world lives according to the second system, and it, as the antipode of the first, not only does not accommodate it, but strives to destroy it. Christianity is foolishness for them. We remember that the disciples also retreated from Christ because His teaching ran counter to their lives and was incomprehensible. Today among us there are both Peters and Judas. And if we want to know who we are, then we need to ask ourselves why we live and how we live.

- What could you highlight among the most notable projects started in the diocese?

We glorified the anniversary memory of our diocesan saints: Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, Tsarevich Demetrius of Uglich, Venerable Irinarch the Recluse. All of them took place in the light of solemn services, religious processions and festive events. It was possible to resume the religious procession on the water on Lake Pleshcheyevo in memory of St. Euphrosyne and in Uglich in honor of St. Paisia. The First International Orthodox Children and Youth Festival-Competition “Alexander Nevsky” was held, in which about four hundred children took part, and the diocesan festival “Easter Pereslavl” was held. In addition, the diocese became a co-organizer of the 1st Interregional Youth Forum “Alexandrova Mountain” in Pereslavl. A club of young diplomats and a foreign language school began their work, and the military-patriotic club “Phanagorians” resumed its activities. The First Festival of Orthodox Patriotic Songs took place in honor of St. Irinarcha. By the way, a scientific conference at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences was dedicated to this same saint. Today, two humanitarian aid centers have been opened under the social department of the diocese in Pereslavl and Uglich.

In addition, it was possible to celebrate Liturgies in the most remote corners of the diocese, where there had never been a bishop or where no bishop’s services had been held for more than a hundred years.

Many other events took place over the past year, but it is probably impossible to remember and list them all. The main thing is that they all bear fruit and leave a good mark in the hearts of people.

And each of us in our lives has experienced the desire to do something necessary quickly, somehow, in order to finally move on to something that you enjoy. The basis of formalism lies in dislike for the work you are doing. Therefore, in order for us to get away from a formal attitude, we need to love this business.

It's sad if a pastor has such tendencies. They testify that he is cooling or has already cooled towards his ministry.

We understand that there is a form that we must comply with, but there is also content. External prayer - it is recognized to only begin us, to instill the skill of communication with God. And when we only outwardly move with our lips the words of the Holy Scriptures or prayers, but our heart, as Christ says in the Gospel, “ far from God“(Mark 7:6) is a sign of cooling and the beginning of internal destruction, destruction of the shepherd’s personality.

Here we must follow the principle: little is better, but better.

The Lord looks not at the quantity, but at the quality of our communication with Him. He addresses us from the pages of the Holy Gospel so that we do not talk too much. And that before we ask, He knows everything about us, our situation, and our heart. The wise Sirach focuses on what God needs from us: “ Give Mi, son, your heart"(Proverbs 23, 26)

Our wealth lies in the heart. And if we suddenly see that it does not strive to go to church, does not strive to pray; that it grieves over fasting, abstinence, or perceives church obedience as a duty - it means that this heart has squandered spiritual wealth. New values ​​have appeared there that are dissonant and conflict with true values.

You need to start by stopping, as it were, in the internal movement of life, and, as the holy fathers say, try to evaluate your inner state, the state of your mind and heart. Understand the direction: where are we going after all? what are we aiming for? What do we collect and what do we waste?

In order to dispel this spirit of coldness and once again light the lamp of our prayer, we need to begin to gather attention. And everything we are going to do is to do it with attention. When we read morning prayers, the first lines encourage us to gather our minds, our feelings, and mentally imagine ourselves before the Almighty and All-Seeing God. And already in front of His Face we begin our conversation, prayer appeal.

We must behave the same way in church, at the altar. Even before crossing the church threshold, stop, cross yourself, and gather yourself internally. Where do we enter? To the House of God. We have come to God, where His presence is immediate. And woe to those clergy who cross this threshold out of habit, who enter the altar as if they were going to work.

This is a terrible state, which testifies to the breath of spiritual death, which the shepherd has approached.

It is no coincidence that we know stories from life when our brothers lose their sight right during the Divine Service or even die precisely because they have lost the spirit of reverence. First, a sense of the living presence of God; and secondly, a sense of distance, that distance of the heart that does not allow us, on the one hand, to boldly approach the Divine, and on the other, to cool down, moving away from Him.

The consequence of this formal life is internal duality, when the priest begins to behave differently: one is in the temple, the other in society, in the social environment, the third in the family.

Many of us have experienced this ourselves. In church we set an example of a prayerful arrangement; our whole face turns into a face, our movements are smooth and concentrated. But as soon as we leave the church, our gestures acquire a certain impetuosity, our phrases acquire a not always appropriate gaiety. Like an actor who changes his behavior when the scenery changes. And this is a very dangerous condition, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our time.

I know of cases where people who were rooted in such a dual life later encountered mental disorders, even to the point of hospitalization. Either he simply, or church life in general, and chooses what his heart has already become close to. We also know such examples.

Let us recall the experience of Father John of Kronstadt and Fathers Alexy and Sergius Mechevyh: when a pastor experiences formalism and spiritual emptiness, he is obliged to warm up the gift of God that was given to him in the Sacrament of Ordination. Through work, through heroism, sometimes through violence towards oneself.

One of the best medicines in all these pastoral temptations, according to the holy fathers, is mortal memory. Always have yourself before the living God, Creator and Judge, and remember that He who gave us today did not bind Himself to the obligation to give us tomorrow morning.

And also, as Father John Krestyankin said about one hieromonk in Pechery: he is a real monk, because he always read the rule. No matter how tired he was, no matter how tired he was, it was a principle for him. And for us it is also important that there be at least some minimum principle. After all, why is it called a “rule”? Because we must always fulfill it, in any state.

Our city, although not big, can be called an Orthodox pearl. On its territory there are five monasteries and seven parishes, not to mention the regional ones. And one temple did not close even during times of persecution. In general, we can say that our prayer life did not stop. The parishioners of different parishes generally know each other and one might say that they have their own Orthodox community. The news of the formation of a new diocese and the appointment of its bishop was received positively, because many still remembered our Pereslavl Bishop Anatoly, who had established himself as a true Bishop with a capital B. For us he was a Shepherd and a loving father. Therefore, when we learned that our city would again have its own bishop, we were quite proud of this and waited impatiently for Vladyka Theodore, because we heard that he was once a student of Vladyka Anatoly. Of course, some of us heard unpleasant reviews about Vladyka Theodore when he was the abbot of the monastery, but then we did not attach any importance to these rumors. And so, already last Easter in the Cathedral, Vladyka showed his attitude towards us, ordinary parishioners. During congratulations, he began to throw wooden eggs at us, many dodged, but he still managed to hit one pensioner in the face. From the outside it might seem like a joke, but we are not used to such jokes and do not want to get used to them. We remember many bishops, but not one of them allowed himself to do this. The next incident made us pay even closer attention to his adequacy - last year he was invited to the consecration of the throne at the Trinity Church. We don’t know what guided the Vladyka’s actions, maybe he wanted to show off his brave prowess or show off in front of someone, it was all so strange and unexpected - he began to stagger and push the throne of the temple! And after some time, he still pulled him out of the concrete floor. After this, declaring that the throne was not fixed, he turned and left! People are shocked by this behavior, there is no explanation for this, many asked what is happening? But what outraged him most was his last feat. On September 2, immediately after the Eucharistic Canon, in front of everyone, in irritation, the Bishop blew the ashes from the censer onto the throne, onto the Holy Gifts! The Royal Doors were open and everyone could see everything very well! We don’t know why the concelebrating priesthood did not react, because if the cloud of dust was visible to us, the priests could not help but notice it. But apparently they are afraid of the bishop, we explain it to ourselves this way. Is our bishop not a believer at all? This is blasphemy! If the bishop has no reverence for the Holy Place, if he behaves outrageously before the Body of the Lord, how can he set an example for us, the parishioners? Who does he think he is that he allows himself to do this in front of the people! Who are we for the bishop - extras or scenery? Will he take us into account, or are we no longer people? We will collect signatures and write a letter to the Patriarchate. We will not allow such tricks on our land! Let him return to his home and learn to first see the people around him before he becomes a Shepherd.

  • September 6, 2017

Dear good people, allow me to add my share of sadness to the already sad history of the modern church. As often happens, people previously did not believe stories from other dioceses about abuse of the clergy by the ruling bishops. Well, you think, it can’t be, the slander of ill-wishers, the ravings of envious people. And so, I waited... One gets the impression that a campaign is underway to destroy the church from the inside. Okay, time to move on to the story.
It has been almost two years since the Yaroslavl Metropolis was divided into three parts: Rybinsk, Yaroslavl and Pereslavl. We will talk about the now long-suffering Pereslavl diocese. Yes, already long-suffering! The newly ordained Theodore (Cazanov) was appointed manager of the newly created diocese. A man born in Yaroslavl, graduated from Yardu, became a monk and was ordained, so to speak, without leaving the cash register. In short, he was “his” person to the core. Most accepted his appointment with great joy, because they knew him personally as a good person. When his Eminence appeared in the newly discovered diocese, specks of dust were blown away from him (literally). An experienced protodeacon was sent from Yaroslavl, knowing all the subtleties of bishop's etiquette. Also, a certain metropolitan, as an aid to the new ruler, provided him with all the necessary clothes and trinkets. It would seem, live and be happy. But......the protodeacon was the first to break down. A man with a cheerful and sociable character, at one fine moment he simply exploded - His nerves gave way, because his Eminence turned out to be that heartless brute. It turned out that the main feature of his policy is to “drive” a person and squeeze all the juice out of him. Constant nagging for any reason, it all depends on which side the reins got under the tail. For example, last year there was such a case: His Majesty got into a fight with his photographer, he freaked out and left. Theodore, turning to the priest standing next to him, said: “I got blown up ahead, caught up, and before you have time, I’ll take off the cross.” His word to the clergy at the first diocesan meeting was remarkable: (PABAM) We, the bishops, are the Church (short pause) and so are you a little. Nobody paid any attention to this then. As it turned out later, it was in vain. The desire to build and puzzle the priesthood progressed with enviable speed over time. Verbal prohibitions and all sorts of magpies and constant threats have begun to bear fruit: thoughts about changing the diocese are in the air among the clergy, someone has already fled, leaving a good parish in the center of the city. An important role is also played by the fact that the bishop does not want to pay anyone. A noticeable indicator of the love and generosity of this satrap is that even hippodeacons flee from him. At first, there were three normal guys in his circle (don’t think anything bad - all of them are married), so two of them have already given up, the third is still holding on, but that’s for now. But the guys dreamed of ordination, endured arch-caprices, and humbled themselves as much as they could.
By the way, this eminent individual does not want to ordain anyone; during his reign he elevated one old grandfather to deacon. And in general, the bishop has a special love for the deacon rank. He doesn’t want to get himself a pair of his own, trained in the ceremony - he has to pay, so he pulls poor fellows from everywhere into his service. The local deacons, in addition to their small number, are also, for the most part, dark and old people. And from the first “unforgivable offenses” of the clergy, it started - magpies, magpies with exiles, and monks, and married, and those involved and sympathizers and just passing by. And at every service, from the bottom of my heart: I stood up in the wrong place, bowed in the wrong way, “yes, you’re all collective farmers here,” “yes, we should drive you all out here, but why the hell,” “yes, why am I paying you money.” According to rumors, one young deacon received four or five magpies in a row, followed by a demotion to sexton. And not only the worldly receive the lord’s buns, one local hierodeacon suffered special attention from a caring shepherd, who fled from his monastery to become a hermit; according to rumors, he lives in a tent on the shore of a local lake as an inaccessible subscriber in order to remain in fasting and prayer. The priestly class suffers no less, from the deprivation of awards to the prohibition of service for an extinguished lamp. Such is the romance.
The situation in the diocese is heating up, and if at first some were even flattered by the appearance of a high-ranking person, now the bishop has stopped being invited to parishes and monasteries. And it’s not just the extortions that are annoying, I think it’s such a squeak, but it would be tolerated. What is more unpleasantly surprising is the attitude towards people: both towards the clergy and towards the laity - some kind of malicious corrosiveness, a search for a reason to find fault and a desire to punish at any cost.
These are the very sad things that are happening on the land of Pereslavl.

On December 26, 2015, at the end of the all-night vigil in the Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, in the Throne Hall of the cathedral church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' led the rite of naming Archimandrite Theodore (Casanova), a cleric of the Yaroslavl diocese, as Bishop of Pereslavl and Uglich. At the naming, Archimandrite Theodore addressed the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and the hierarchs who served His Holiness with a protege.

Your Holiness, Most Holy Lord and Father! All-honorable archpastors!

On this sacred and great day for me, I stand before you as before the face of God with fear and trembling. Divine providence elects me to the sacred service of the holy Mother Church with the rank of bishop. This is a terrible and responsible service. But remembering that “from the Lord a man’s feet are made straight” (Ps. 36:23), I believe that Christ the Savior will not only not give me a cross beyond my strength, but He Himself will help me to apply labor to labor, to be ready to “lay down my soul.” for the sheep” (see John 10:11).

Looking at the past years of my life, I remember with gratitude the abundant and rich mercies that the all-generous Lord poured out on me. I would like to express my gratitude to teachers and mentors, both spiritual and secular. A special place in my life is occupied by Archbishop Micah (Kharkharov), from whose hands I received monastic tonsure and the grace of the priesthood. The Lord vouchsafed me to be his cell attendant and personal secretary in the last years of his life. Bishop Micah taught me his instructions both in word and deed: from his actions I learned how to “humble yourself under the mighty hand of God” (see 1 Pet. 5:6), how to love your neighbor and be forgiving of his weaknesses, as necessary work and pray. Remembering the bright image of my spiritual father, I can only quote the words of St. Macarius the Great: “I am not a monk, but I have seen monks” (Memorable tales about the asceticism of the holy and blessed fathers).

I cannot help but express words of sincere appreciation and gratitude to His Grace Metropolitan Panteleimon of Yaroslavl and Rostov, whose life example taught me to care for the flock of Christ and see the needs of every person, to care for the glory of God and the well-being of the Holy Church, to be everything to everyone, “to save at least least some” (1 Cor. 9:22).

Being a bishop has never been easy. The modern world challenges the Church and all humanity, confusing the concepts of good and evil. The bishop, more than anyone else, must pay unflagging attention to what is entrusted to him. I have to guard the purity of faith and preserve the unity of the Church, protect it from disorder and false teachings, testifying about the Savior to those who have not yet found Him. I must take care of the construction of new and restoration of destroyed churches, and return the shrines taken from the Church during the years of persecution. I realize that in my activities I should establish interaction with secular authorities, actively involve young people in the mission of the Church, develop social work and educational activities.

Now I prayerfully turn to the help of the host of saints of the land of Yaroslavl, so that at the archpastoral service ahead of me, the grace of Christ “will not be in vain in me” (1 Cor. 15:10). I entrust myself entirely into the hands of Providence, so that God’s good and perfect will may be done to me.

Most Holy Lord and gracious father! Venerable archpastors! Filially, I ask you to pray for me, a sinner, so that our Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen and instruct me “the right to rule the word of His Truth.”

The clergy and believers of the Pereslavl land are joyful from such news and such words, directed to our souls - this is the return of the centuries-old dignity of the Pereslavl Diocese, mentioned already in the eleventh century. This dignity was lost in the twenties of the last century due to the insane violence of godless revolutionaries who destroyed the Church of Christ.

A witness to this was the Hieromartyr Eugene (Elkhovsky), who served in our parish of the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, who left in his warm lines about how the Hieromartyr Bishop Damian (Resurrection) was appointed to the Pereslavl See.

... Only since the famine of 1918 has the episcopal see been restored here, abolished more than a hundred years ago. Thanks be to God! Pereslavl was very happy with the appointment of Bishop Damian here.

For his friendly look, truthful, kind and fearless soul, courtesy, accessibility and affection, ability to serve and preach the word - and he was representative in his camp - he was soon loved here. But he was not lucky enough to live here. The first time he was arrested and put in Vladimir prison for more than a year, allegedly suspected of politics, based on sermons delivered in church. Touching pictures of stories came from Vladimir at that time, how he was often accompanied along the city streets in prison guards by Red Army soldiers under rifles. Another time he was exiled for two years to the city of Tejen in Turkestan, thanks to pressure from the “living church.” In total, he was listed as Bishop of Pereslavl for nine years. Now, at the beginning of summer, unfortunately for the Pereslavl people, he was recalled to a new place of service in the city of Poltava in the rank of archbishop. His farewell was very sensitive: many cried at farewell to him and at the speeches of the clergy; He also cried a lot when he left. Among the first, as a colleague at the cathedral, I then had to say a farewell word to him, before the prayer service, at his last Liturgy. The temple was full of worshipers; Almost all the clergy came, as never before. And since very many people liked this word of mine at that time (dozens of listeners later came up to me and thanked me for the truth expressed in it) and since it, thus, is, as it were, an exponent of the mood of many, I am placing it here in full. So, I start transmitting it:

“Your Eminence, Your Eminence Vladyka, our dearly beloved archpastor!

Expressing our inspiring feelings of joy and wishes regarding your elevation in the archpastoral service, may the Lord God give you the strength of mental and physical strength to serve for many more years for the good and glory of the Holy Church, we at the same time cannot help but express our other the feeling that controls us at a given time. This feeling of sadness and sorrow that you are leaving us, that now you have to say the last word “forgive”, so that you and I can part ways in peace with each other for the rest of our lives... Master! It's hard for us to put up with this!

Look, our dear father, a lot of us have gathered, both the pastors of the church and our flock! What prompted us? Our love for you!

I remember the first years of your entry into the local Pereslavl department. Then I was not yet your colleague here at the cathedral. But then God brought me to have frequent communication with you, when, remember, many parishes and entire streets, almost the entire city, invited you to serve in churches and when the parishioners of those churches took holy icons to their homes, I remember, from the cathedral, from the monasteries, from us - from Nikola, from Prince Andrei, and from other churches in which you served that day. That’s when, Vladyka, the love of the people of Pereslavl for you began! When you lived with us, it grew in us: now the Pereslavl residents see you off with great regret, with tears...

They say that love begets love. This happened to us too. During all these years of being with us, how many will say, I ask, that he was humiliated, offended or punished by you? With your friendly words, responsiveness of soul, accessibility and closeness to us, over the years, living among us, you have attracted and increased the number of the believing flock - your admirers.

Through your diligent service and almost every time, with a simple and understandable word of edification for everyone in this holy temple and wherever you had to serve, you were able to once again warm up both love and zeal for God’s temple in the hearts of many that had cooled during these years. I most of all consider the large gathering of believers in the temple of God, here, at least in the cathedral, to be the fruit of your labors and pastoral instructions.

Yes, our dear archpastor and loving father, justice demands that I tell you that it was not for nothing that your life passed among us. By your example of steadfastness in the faith, by your firm confession of the One Holy and Apostolic Church and, finally, by your suffering that befell you, you strengthened many weak, wavering in spirit, and with your kind and loving heart you brought the hearts of many closer to yourself.

At any time, it happened that we went to you, as to our own father, without fear, easily and freely, and each of us met you with a warm welcome and lively participation. With your affection and kindness you did not spare even small children... There is one, well-known, expensive painting depicting the Savior’s blessing of children - it is often depicted on the walls of churches. And this picture often came to my mind when I served with you, when I saw how almost the same children surrounded you on all sides in the altar. They would not come to you with such joy, affection, with such a childishly open soul, if they did not feel and see in your heart the warmth, affection, and kindness that warms the soul. And this is how you lived with all of us all the time in peace, love and harmony. And I think that I will not be wrong if I say that you could not do conscious harm to anyone: it could not coexist in your kind heart, just as clear and muddy water cannot flow from the same source.

Please accept, our dear archpastor and good father, the sincere assurance that we all send you away from us with love and uncontrollable sorrow. Know that your life, your service was fruitful for us! You do not leave a dark trace between us and a reproach to your memory. With you, no one felt cramped and with your transition it will not become more spacious and freer, as is often the case. All of us, believers, feel loss and deprivation in you, as in our kind, loving father and archpastor.

And now the last word, Master: forgive us for what we sinned against you and, perhaps, when we insulted you. There, far away, on a side alien to us, do not forget us in your holy prayers before God...

Forgive and bless forever the Pereslavl flock who loves you and is devoted to you!”

I’ll also add to my story about Bishop Damian, which I just remembered.

He was arrested for the third time, being listed as the Bishop of Pereslavl, but only under house arrest, which he had in Moscow for six months. This time he was escorted out of the city of Alexandrov, where he temporarily moved to live for the convenience of managing the entire Vladimir diocese, which was entrusted to him. Instead of exile somewhere far away, at his request, he was allowed (in honorable exile) to live in Moscow, without the right to travel anywhere to the Vladimir province. And before he left Pereslavl for Alexandrov, I want to tell you what else was connected with the name of Bishop Damian.

At one time, five or six people, cathedral choristers, got drunk. The money in their pockets has long been drunk, but the intoxication in their foggy heads is still fermenting. "Guys! Let’s go to the bishop to ask for money for vodka,” one suggests. “Let’s go, let’s go, of course!” - they answer him. And so they enter the enclosure of the cathedral, where Damian lived in the gatehouse. They see the bishop sitting near the apartment, walking. With honor, the revelers came up for the blessing and sat down next to him, first addressing him as “You.” In response to the request of drunken visitors, the bishop gave them two rubles for vodka. One of them immediately ran to buy it, and the rest sat freely and chatted with the bishop about all sorts of things. Here they have already become close to each other. And they tell him this: “That’s what you are, bishop! Don't leave us for Alexandrov. You don't feel bad with us, you won't find anything better anywhere. It’s so good here, but life there will be worse.” At this time a man came running with vodka. “Here you are, bishop, sit here for now, and we’ll drink to your health over there behind the church by the wall; Then we’ll sing you songs, and you listen to us!”

And after this they drank and sang. The bishop at this time continued to sit in his place and listened...

As we see from these lines, a truly heavy cross is placed on the ruling bishop with the faithful observance of this field. Let us commemorate with warmth the Most Reverend Vladyka Theodore, Bishop of Pereslavl and Uglich, at every Divine service and deep prayer, entrusting our souls to his care.

Through the prayers of the Holy Martyrs Fathers Damian and Eugene, Lord, help us all to be faithful flocks of Christ

On October 14, 2018, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Transfiguration Cathedral in Uglich, led by Bishop Theodore of Pereslavl and Uglich.

At the end of the Liturgy, the

“Today the Virgin stands in the Church, and from the faces of the saints she invisibly prays to God for us: the angels and the bishops bow down, the apostles and the prophets rejoice: for for our sake the Mother of God prays to the Eternal God.”

The miraculous appearance of the Mother of God occurred in the middle of the 10th century in Constantinople, in the Blachernae Church, where the robe of the Mother of God, Her head covering (maforium) and part of the belt, transferred from Palestine in the 5th century, were kept. On Sunday, October 1, during the all-night vigil, when the church was overflowing with worshipers, Saint Andrew, the Fool for Christ's sake (October 2), at four o'clock in the morning, raising his eyes to heaven, saw our Most Holy Lady Theotokos walking through the air, illuminated heavenly light and surrounded by Angels and a host of saints. The Holy Baptist of the Lord John and the Holy Apostle John the Theologian accompanied the Queen of Heaven. Kneeling, the Blessed Virgin began to pray with tears for Christians and remained in prayer for a long time, then, approaching the Throne, she continued Her prayer, having finished which, She took off the veil from Her head and spread it over the people praying in the temple, protecting them from enemies visible and invisible. The Most Holy Lady shone with heavenly glory, and the cover in Her hands shone “more than the rays of the sun.” Saint Andrew contemplated the wondrous vision with trepidation and asked his disciple, Blessed Epiphanius, who was standing next to him: “Do you see, brother, the Queen and Lady praying for the whole world?” Epiphanius replied: “I see, holy father, and I am horrified.” The Most Blessed Mother of God asked the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all people calling on His Most Holy Name and resorting to Her intercession. “O Heavenly King,” the All-Immaculate Queen standing with the Angels said in prayer in the air, “receive every person who prays to You and calls on My Name for help, so that he may not depart from My Face empty-handed and unheard.” Saints Andrew and Epiphanius, honored to contemplate the praying Mother of God, “looked for a long time at the veil spread over the people and at the glory of the Lord shining like lightning; as long as the Most Holy Theotokos was there, apparently there was a veil; after Her departure, it also became invisible, but, taking it with Her, She left the grace that was there.” In the Blachernae Church the memory of the wondrous appearance of the Mother of God has been preserved. In the 14th century, the Russian pilgrim clerk Alexander saw in the church an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos praying for peace, painted as Saint Andrew contemplated Her. But the Greek Church does not know this holiday.

The Russian Prologue of the 12th century contains a record of the establishment of a special holiday in honor of this event: “Behold, when I heard, I thought; what a terrible and merciful vision, and more than our hope and intercession, that there should be without celebration... we wished that Thy Holy Protection, the Most Blessed, would not remain without celebration.” In the festive service of the Intercession of the Mother of God, the Russian Church sings: “With the rank of the Angel, Lady, with the honest and glorious prophets, with the supreme apostles and with the holy martyrs and with the bishops, pray to God for us sinners, the feast of Your Intercession in the Russian land is glorified.” It should be added that Saint Andrew, who contemplated the wondrous vision, was a Slav, who in his youth was captured and sold into slavery in Constantinople to the local resident Theognostus. In Russia, churches in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God appeared in the 12th century. World-famous for its architectural merits, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in 1165 by Saint Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Through the care of this holy prince, the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God was established in the Russian Church around 1164. In Novgorod in the 12th century there was a monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the so-called Zvorinsky monastery); In Moscow, Tsar Ivan the Terrible built the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God near the Church of the Holy Trinity (known as St. Basil's Cathedral).

On the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, we ask the Queen of Heaven for protection and help: “Remember us in Your prayers, Lady Virgin Mary, may we not perish for the multiplication of our sins, protect us from all evil and cruel misfortunes; We trust in You and, honoring the holiday of Your Protection, we magnify You.”