Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy. Effective and safe suppositories for thrush during pregnancy Pregnant women can take suppositories for thrush

Thrush during pregnancy can be treated in two ways: systemically and locally. What does it mean? In the first case, oral tablets are prescribed. Properly selected and sufficiently effective, they are scary at this time.

After all, once they enter the body, they affect all its systems and tissues, including the fetus. Hence - possible negative consequences in the form of pathologies of its development and so on.

Another thing is vaginal suppositories. They act systematically, and therefore quickly and accurately. The active antifungal substance they contain penetrates deep into the mucous membranes, destroying not only the source of inflammation, but also the pathogen that caused it.

With all this, they have other advantages:

  • Ease of use;
  • speed of action - they quickly dissolve in the vagina, therefore providing rapid relief of symptoms;
  • uniform distribution over the mucous membranes - here, rather, they can be compared with antifungal ointments, with which it is quite difficult to cover a completely infected area;
  • no effect on the fetus - substances from suppositories are not absorbed into the blood, unlike substances from tablets that are taken orally, which means the threat is minimal. Of course, subject to the correct choice of drugs (meaning those allowed during pregnancy).

In addition, it has been proven that suppositories do not cause side effects for the expectant mother, but choosing them yourself at any stage is dangerous. Only a doctor, based on test results, can tell which ones and to whom.

It is worth noting that even the best suppositories against candidiasis will not give results if only one partner is treated. At the first unprotected sexual intercourse, the so-called ping-pong effect will occur when the infection occurs again.

Therefore, you can avoid it by undergoing therapy together with your spouse or partner. The ideal option is to completely abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment. If that doesn't work, you should use a condom.

Both in the early stages and in the late stages, the method of treating thrush is the same: at night, or less often in the morning, a woman should insert a suppository into the vagina as deeply as possible while lying down. It is better to do this before bed to eliminate the risk of it falling out. For ease of use and to protect your laundry from contamination, it is better to use panty liners: the candle will leak out as it melts, staining everything around it.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 10 days, it all depends on the severity of the pregnant woman’s condition. In any case, its duration is determined by the doctor. Moreover, you must definitely listen to him. Some suppositories for thrush, even inexpensive ones, help get rid of unpleasant symptoms literally from the first days. If you are lucky enough to use them, that's great! Enjoy the result and, most importantly, under no circumstances, do not interrupt the treatment.

Otherwise, in the near future the source of inflammation, and with it the itching and unpleasant discharge may return with renewed vigor. As a result, you will have to undergo treatment again, choosing a more effective drug.

I would also like to mention individual intolerance. It happens that the doctor prescribes good, and most importantly, inexpensive and effective suppositories for thrush, but they only worsen the situation. That is, a woman, having inserted them inside, immediately feels even greater itching, or even burning. What could this indicate?

That's right, about an allergic reaction. It can arise from any remedy, and this is not surprising. If this happens in your case, you should take a shower to wash off the remnants of the drug and contact your doctor with a request to replace it. You cannot tolerate discomfort and suffer: this can affect the child.

Other side effects are possible:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • redness of the vaginal mucosa, rash;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

True, you shouldn’t be afraid, although they do happen, they are very rare.

The best and safest

Please note that suppositories for candidiasis, selected by a doctor, are safe. Therefore, there is no need to think about the need to use them.

  • Betadine is a Hungarian-made drug that has pronounced disinfectant and antiseptic properties. It is popular among consumers who note its only drawback is the abundance of oil in the composition. When these candles melt, it stains the laundry greatly. Betadine is allowed in the 1st trimester.
  • Zalain is another Hungarian consumer leader, whose main advantage is that it is used once. Just imagine: one night with sertaconazole (that’s the name of the active substance) and you can forget about thrush. True, not always, as it doesn’t help some. The medicine prevents relapses. Can be used during pregnancy, but only with the permission of the gynecologist. Simply because no research has been carried out regarding its safety in an interesting position, so it is prescribed in advanced cases when the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the baby.
  • Livarol – has fungistatic and fungicidal effects. It helps well with itching, discharge and pain, and the effect of its use lasts for a long time, if, of course, both partners were treated. The downside is that it is prescribed, as a rule, only in the 2nd – 3rd trimester. Previously it was undesirable.
  • Macmimore complex is a new Italian combination drug. Effective and easy to use. His candles are coated, so your hands don’t get dirty when inserting them. The downside is the high price (about 700 rubles)
  • Pimafucin is a drug with high efficiency and an average price (about 300 rubles). It has a fungicidal and antifungal effect. It helps literally from the first days, although, judging by the reviews on the Internet, sometimes not for long. During pregnancy, it can be prescribed both in the 1st and 2nd trimester. Moreover, it is safe even in 3, although it is not always effective.
  • Terzhinan are French vaginal tablets that help after the first use. Their average cost is about 350 - 400 rubles. They are allowed in an interesting position, although they have one significant drawback: they must be soaked before insertion.

These drugs for thrush are good, but if they are expensive, tell your doctor about it, and he will most likely select cheaper options.


Among the budget funds:

  • Good old Clotrimazole. A drug that is very popular because it helps well with thrush. Allowed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, and prohibited in the 1st trimester. It is prescribed for trichomonas vaginitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and other ailments, as well as as a prophylactic agent before gynecological manipulations. It is worth noting that Clotrimazole is not a suppository, but a vaginal tablet that does not leak so much. True, introducing them is more difficult. But their price is quite affordable - from 12 rubles.
  • Nystatin. Effective, effective, especially if treating candidiasis with its help is carried out for the first time. In subsequent courses, relief may come later or not come at all. The main thing is to never prescribe it to yourself. This medicine is from the group of polyene antibiotics, which can cause harm in an interesting situation. Price – about 80 rubles.
  • Hexicon. A good drug that acts on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. The course of treatment with its help is 10 days, but, as reviews indicate, the result of its action ends with this course, although not for everyone. In any case, consult a doctor before use. Cost - about 60 rubles.
  • Sea buckthorn candles. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They help with thrush, but only if prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that they have contraindications in the form of individual intolerance. One of the “advantages” is the affordable price – from 80 rubles.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor may also recommend medications to increase immunity, because one of the reasons for the development of thrush is its decrease. Sometimes, along the way, it is recommended to use a solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin or ordinary brilliant green, which is used to moisten a cotton swab and wipe the walls of the vagina in order to remove the combs from the walls mechanically.

Every girl is familiar with this disease, and many have even met it personally. Thrush especially manifests itself during pregnancy, when the immune system and the body as a whole are in a weakened state. During this period, many medications are prohibited for treatment, because they can harm the development of the child. The safest remedies during pregnancy are suppositories for thrush.

Characteristics of the disease

Vaginal candidiasis, or otherwise thrush, is an infectious disease that occurs on the epithelial mucosa in a woman’s vagina. As a rule, thrush brings great discomfort, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and discharge. This disease is especially encountered by pregnant women, who have an increased risk of Candida fungus multiplication. It is difficult not to notice it, so at the first symptoms it is advisable to start treatment that will give a good result.

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every woman. At this time, you should especially pay attention to your body. If any problems arise, you should contact only a qualified specialist who will prescribe correct and high-quality treatment. Only a doctor can suggest an effective method of therapy that will not harm the patient and her child.

Signs of the disease

As a rule, no woman can confuse thrush with other diseases. During the development of candidiasis, itching and burning are clearly felt, which are accompanied by copious discharge, causing discomfort. A sign of thrush is also painful sensations during sexual intercourse, which are acutely felt by a woman and are difficult to miss. As for the discharge, it is usually white. Painful sensations often occur during urination. The girl feels discomfort immediately, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

Danger of the disease for pregnant women

As a rule, thrush itself does not adversely affect the fetus. It only causes discomfort to the woman throughout the day. Incorrectly selected medications can have a negative impact, which can affect the development of the fetus.

If thrush is not treated, the woman will eventually begin to experience severe discomfort. As a result, the psyche suffers. This is especially acute in case of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. The emerging neurosis can negatively affect the fetus.


As a rule, after the first symptoms, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and discharge, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Especially if this disease affects a pregnant woman. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications. Typically, the most common treatment is the use of vaginal suppositories.

Benefits of using candles

It is known that vaginal suppositories are a drug that I use topically. They have a number of advantages, for example:

  1. Ease of use. To use candles correctly, no special skills are required. In any case, a doctor can advise before use;
  2. Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy tend to dissolve easily and quickly, which does not cause discomfort during their use;
  3. There is no absorption into the blood;
  4. They have the property of being evenly distributed over all walls of the vagina.

Thus, there is no need to doubt the convenience of their use if the girl was prescribed exactly this method of treatment.

As a rule, only vaginal suppositories can effectively eliminate fungus. Candles do not harm the fetus or the young mother.

Features of treatment with vaginal suppositories

The most important feature is that they can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, pregnant women are not prescribed medications in the form of tablets that are absorbed into the blood. Thus, they may have negative effects on the fetus. That is why doctors prefer to recommend and prescribe topical agents.

It is known that when taking pills, the substances included in their composition can affect the development of the child. As a result, premature birth can be provoked, which often has negative consequences.

It is known that suppositories for thrush for pregnant women differ in composition, the substance that has an effect, as well as the effect on the body. Thus, before using these drugs, a woman undergoes a full examination. This is done in order to identify the degree of fungal damage in the body, as well as its type. Only after an examination, the doctor has the right to prescribe the correct drug, which can guarantee recovery in the shortest possible time. Please note that self-medication in this case is not worth it. There is especially no need to listen to the advice of “knowledgeable” girlfriends, as well as users of various women’s forums. Prescription of medications should only be carried out by the attending physician.

It is worth noting that in the modern world medicine has advanced quite far. There are a huge number of different drugs on the market that have a positive effect on the body, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and pathogens.

The first place in terms of their effect is occupied by Pimafucin candles. As a rule, they contain quite strong substances that cope with the fungus. These candles are the most popular. But it should be understood that they are prescribed mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Terms of use

The main requirement when using vaginal suppositories is to abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment. As a rule, if a girl is diagnosed with thrush, her partner who has had intimate intimacy with her in the near future should undergo treatment. This is especially true for married couples who spend time together.

Together with your doctor, you should discover the cause of thrush. It is known that only the elimination of provoking factors can guarantee complete recovery. As a rule, during pregnancy, most girls are exposed to this unpleasant disease. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, all diseases that were previously hidden can become aggravated. Many bacteria begin to actively multiply, causing some infections.

When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to visit all possible doctors in order to identify diseases.

Disadvantages of using vaginal suppositories

In addition to the advantages, candle treatment has many disadvantages that cause discomfort. These include:

But, despite the disadvantages, pregnant women are prescribed vaginal suppositories, which are effective.

What suppositories can pregnant women have for thrush?

When a girl is pregnant, she must carefully monitor the condition of her body. If any problems arise, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe effective and correct treatment. You should not self-medicate on the advice of your friends, especially those who treated thrush without being pregnant.

There is not a wide choice of medications that can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, their number is significantly reduced. Thus, only those drugs are selected that will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

So, the following suppositories are allowed for thrush during pregnancy:

  1. Vaginal suppositories Pimafucin, Primafungin. The active ingredient in them is Natamycin. The doctor prescribes Pimafucin with sufficient caution, especially if there is a risk to the health of the mother and the child who is in the womb.
  2. Macmiror complex, which is a combination drug. It is often prescribed to pregnant girls with thrush.
  3. Clotrimazole, Nystatin. As a rule, these drugs are prescribed strictly in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  4. The drug Terzhinan. It is combined and is prescribed only if there is no risk to the health of the mother and baby. Otherwise, there may be a deterioration in the development of the fetus, as well as in the well-being of the young mother.


It is worth noting that the most unsafe drug is Fluconazole. Its use, especially in the first trimester, can cause congenital heart defects in the child, which, as is known, cannot be treated. As a rule, this drug is prescribed in a small dose and in cases of extreme necessity, when other drugs do not work or the disease has become severe.

Vaginal suppositories are popular during the first trimester of pregnancy, when women are strictly prohibited from using medications in the form of tablets. This is due to the fact that suppositories have no side effects, and treatment in this way causes virtually no discomfort.

It is advisable to cure thrush at the stage of pregnancy planning. Thus, treatment will take place faster under the influence of stronger medications. If a girl develops thrush during pregnancy, she should only require treatment with topical medications. This reduces the risk of exposure to the fetus.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy can cure the disease in just a week if used correctly and all necessary requirements are met. Otherwise, the disease may further develop and develop into an advanced stage.

It should be noted that thrush is an immunodeficiency disorder. If the disease does not go away completely, then this may indicate the presence of some kind of infection that is the causative agent of the disease. It is advisable to take medications that enhance immunity while using vaginal suppositories. Thus, the likelihood that the disease will be eliminated within a week increases.

Complex treatment

When treatment with vaginal suppositories is prescribed, drugs that have a positive effect on the immune system should be included. For example, such drugs often include rectal suppositories with Viferon. Doctors often prescribe medications that contain bifidobacteria.

During treatment, you should follow all the instructions of your doctor. Self-medication in this case is not a good option. All possible diseases, including thrush, should be excluded when planning pregnancy. As a rule, candidiasis remains in a woman’s body for a long time. Provoking factors can influence diseases. In this case, this factor is pregnancy. Since in this position the woman’s immunity is quite weakened.


During treatment you should abstain from sexual intercourse. A good option is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as proper nutrition, which will provide the necessary level of vitamins that enter the body. Thus, the likelihood that the disease will not bother you again increases. It is advisable to review your diet completely and exclude some foods that provoke the development and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. For example, foods that should be excluded include dairy products.

As is known, physiological immunodeficiency during pregnancy is a provoking factor for the occurrence of acute or relapse of chronic urogenital candidiasis in women. Allowed suppositories for thrush during pregnancy will help cope with painful manifestations and eliminate the pathogen from the vaginal cavity.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are an absolute contraindication for the use of most of the different pharmacological groups. At the same time, the occurrence of any disease in a woman during this important period for her always requires the appointment of therapy, both for the mother and for the prevention of infection of the fetus.

Pregnant and lactating women are not advisable to take oral antifungal agents due to their possible teratogenic and embryotoxic effect on the fetus. In addition to the direct entry of substances into the woman’s bloodstream, and accordingly through the placenta to the child, the drug also enters the tubules of the mammary glands. Therefore, during feeding, metabolites enter the child’s body with mother’s milk.

For the safety of the fetus and the unborn child, the best choice is approved suppositories for thrush during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The best suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women

The pharmacological market has a sufficient number of safe options.

Let's consider effective suppositories for thrush during pregnancy:

  1. Gynoflor.
  2. Pimafucin.
  3. Polygynax.


Gynoflor vaginal tablets are an effective local remedy in the fight against mild to moderate thrush. The lactobacilli they contain normalize the vaginal biocenosis and synthesize lactic acid, which equalizes the pH and protects the mucous membrane from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, including yeast-like fungi.

The drug also contains estriol, a synthetic analogue of female sex hormones. It has a stimulating effect on the vaginal epithelium, accelerating the growth and reproduction of its cells. As a result, the mature epithelial membrane becomes a good barrier to various types of infections.

As a local therapy for thrush, 1 or 2 suppositories are prescribed once a day, preferably before bedtime, which must first be dipped in water for 5-10 seconds. The optimal duration of therapy is from 6 to 12 days. Adverse reactions are extremely rare and can manifest themselves in discomfort after administration of the drug, a burning sensation and allergic reactions.

Gynoflor is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the substances of the drug, in the presence of vaginal or uterine bleeding, malignant neoplasms that produce estrogens and endometriosis.

The drug is available in pharmacy chains with an average cost of 900-1000 rubles.


Pimafucin suppositories are also effective in the treatment of urogenital candidiasis and are allowed in any trimester of pregnancy and lactation. The drug has a detrimental effect on fungi due to the natamycin contained in it. It inhibits the bioproduction of ergosterols, which are necessary for the normal construction of the cell membrane of fungal cells. As a result, the pathogen stops its growth and is destroyed.

Pimafucin acts only locally, practically not being absorbed into the systemic circulation. Available in both cream and cream form, vaginal suppositories are the form of choice for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women.

They are prescribed one at a time, 1 time per day at night, and should be administered in a lying position. The average duration of the therapeutic course is from 3 to 6 days. After all symptoms disappear, it is recommended to continue administering the drug for at least another 2-3 days.

After topical use of natamycin, short-term discomfort may occur in the genital area. It is not prescribed to women with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The average price is in the range of 300-350 rubles.


Intravaginal suppositories Polygynax are classified as combined local medications.

Due to the presence of an antibiotic, antifungal substance and hormone in them, they are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system of various origins and as a prevention of infection during minor surgical interventions in gynecology and obstetrics.

It is necessary to administer one suppository before bedtime for 6-12 days. Contraindications include only allergic reactions to active substances or their combination.

You can buy Terzhinan suppositories in almost every pharmacy; the price varies from 300 to 400 rubles per package.

What suppositories will be effective during lactation?

Breastfeeding requires a woman to adhere to a special diet and not take systemic medications unless necessary.

The most effective and approved suppositories for thrush during lactation:


Vaginal suppositories called Betadine are local antiseptics and are effective against some fungi, bacteria and protozoa. Prescribed for mixed vaginitis, candidiasis colpitis with acute and chronic course.

Before inserting the suppository into the vaginal cavity, it must be gently moistened in water for a few seconds. Use one candle for a week. In case of severe or chronic disease, the course can be extended to two weeks.

The drug is strictly prohibited for people who cannot tolerate iodine, have thyroid dysfunction or a history of Dühring's dermatitis. After topical use, a burning sensation or sensation may occur, which will regress as the drug is discontinued.

The average cost is 300 rubles.


Sertaconazole is the main ingredient of the drug, which has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. By suppressing the production of fungal enzymes, it increases membrane permeability and leads to the destruction of the pathogen.

Zalain suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina in the evening. The patient should take a horizontal position with her legs bent at the knee joints. As a rule, one day of use is enough to relieve acute thrush. If you register, then it takes 7 days.

Among the adverse reactions, transient hyperemia of the skin was observed. It is not recommended to use such suppositories for women with hypersensitivity.

Price – 300-340 rubles.

McMirror Complex

Vaginal suppositories for thrush Macmiror Complex contain nifuratel and nystatin and are active against protozoa, fungi and bacteria. Nystatin increases the permeability of the fungal cell wall, which ultimately contributes to its destruction. The inability to be absorbed through mucous membranes and the low toxicity of the drug allow it to be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The standard dosage is 1 suppository at night deep into the vagina. The minimum period of use is 8 days. The attending physician can adjust the duration of therapy depending on the clinical form and severity of the disease.

Macmiror suppositories are contraindicated for children and women intolerant to nifuratel or nystatin. Among the side effects, skin allergic reactions have been reported in rare cases.

The average cost is 710 rubles for 8 candles.

Excess fibrinogen, hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity are the main reasons why women, being in an “interesting” situation, encounter candidiasis. According to statistics, a fungal infection occurs in every third pregnant woman; doctors say that this problem affects literally everyone.

In such a situation, the most preferable are local agents that are not absorbed into the blood and have minimal effect on the development of the fetus. Number 1 on the list of the most popular medications are suppositories for thrush during pregnancy. BUT we draw the attention of readers to the fact that only a doctor makes a specific prescription, based on the following parameters:

  • type of infectious agent;
  • form of course (chronic or acute);
  • trimester;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

The duration of the course is also adjusted individually. We offer an information review regarding popular medications.

Primary attention should be paid to the active substance (indicated on the packaging or in the instructions), since trade names differ in different countries.

Especially for expectant mothers, we present a list of antimycotics, the use of which can negatively affect the child's health:

  • miconazole;
  • fenticonazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • ciprofloxacin.

Most questions arise regarding suppositories with nystatin for thrush. During pregnancy (especially in the early stages), any drug is chosen extremely carefully, weighing all the risks. This particular active component, firstly, is considered ineffective and outdated, and secondly, there is no evidence base regarding its effect on the fetus. But since suppositories are minimally absorbed and do not accumulate, they are still sometimes prescribed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester under the responsibility of the doctor. Typical regimen: administered intravaginally in the morning and evening, course – two weeks.

The main advantage is that the drug is inexpensive ($0.8-1 per pack of 10 pieces).

A relatively safe and effective alternative is combination medications, for example, Macmiror complex.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers warn: carefully(we read - as prescribed) therapy with Ginezol 7, Gino-pevaril, iodine preparations and Metronidazole is allowed.

  • Ginesol 7

The active ingredient, miconazole nitrate, has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. It is prescribed for candidiasis, combined and secondary infections caused by gram-positive bacteria.

Pros: in most cases, quickly relieves unpleasant manifestations of the disease (itching, burning); does not dry out the mucous membrane; convenient to install using the applicator; the packaging is designed for the average duration of therapy.

Cons: relatively high cost ($6); in advanced cases it does not have the desired effect.

Directions for use: Ginesol 7 is allowed with, but only in consultation with a gynecologist. Suppositories are placed at night, one at a time during the week.

  • Metronidazole

The active substance corresponds to the name and is characterized by antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects. Recommended for mixed complicated infections, but not for thrush in its pure form. Women in an “interesting” position are prescribed from the 2nd trimester in exceptional situations.

Pros: complex effect on pathogenic microorganisms, affordability ($2.75).

Disadvantages: rapid penetration through the placental barrier, toxicity, high likelihood of side effects (with local use this is the appearance of discharge mixed with blood, rarely - nausea and diarrhea). Feature - the use itself can cause vaginal candidiasis.

How to use: the suppository is placed overnight, the duration of treatment is determined individually (usually 7–10 days).

What suppositories can be used for pregnant women for thrush?

The main advantage is relative effectiveness with minimal likelihood of negative effects on the fetus.

Additional arguments in favor of choosing suppositories:

  • quickly neutralize the unpleasant manifestations of candidiasis (, burning);
  • providing additional action - preventive.

Negative aspects of this treatment:

  • duration of the course (usually 3-14 days, but there are tablets for one-time use, but they are toxic);
  • inconvenience of use (in the seventh month and later, when the stomach is large, lying for 5-10 minutes with legs raised is problematic);
  • the need for strict adherence to the therapeutic regimen;
  • melted ones stain laundry.

Guidelines for deadlines

The opinion of doctors is ambiguous. Some say that it is better not to use antifungal agents at all until the eighth (twelfth) week, since there is a risk of negative and functional activity of the placenta. Others insist on treatment, arguing that the infection can transform into a chronic form, and its manifestations cause women a lot of inconvenience.

Suppositories for thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • (until the third month);
  • You can also choose one of the universal options, the list of which is presented below.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy - 2-3rd trimester:

  • (Kandibene);
  • Livarol;
  • NEO-PENOTRAN (analogue – vaginal tablets Klion-D);
  • Polygynax.

Livarol suppositories for thrush during pregnancy are recommended in 7 cases out of 10.

The active ingredient is ketoconazole, it is prescribed for both acute and chronic forms of the disease, for preventive purposes. Auxiliary components, in particular macrogol, contribute to complete elimination from the body.

Fundamental advantages: efficiency, accessibility.

The duration of the course is adjusted based on the degree of neglect and the form of the infection (3-10 days, at the discretion of the doctor).

80% of women do not find any downsides to the drug at all, the rest present a standard list of complaints (high price, long therapeutic course, leakage).


A combined drug (metronidazole + miconazole), which is characterized not only by an antifungal, but also by an antibacterial and antiprotozoal effect.

Pros: according to patient reviews, this is one of the most effective remedies that relieves itching after the second or third use. A nice detail is the presence of disposable fingertips in the package.

Disadvantages: frequent occurrence of bloody discharge, long and expensive course ($10–12 per pack of 7 pcs.).

According to the standard regimen, 2 suppositories are placed per day (one in the morning and one in the evening), the duration of therapy is 7–14 days. The nuances are adjusted individually.

Suppositories for thrush for pregnant women without any time limits:

Hexicon, Macmiror complex, (Primafungin, Ecofucin), Fluomizin.

  • McMiror complex.

Contains two antifungal components: and nifuratel., It is also characterized by antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects.

Pros: slight toxicity, does not have a pathological effect on the vaginal microflora.

Cons: frequent complaints about the leakage of a melted suppository; in rare cases, local allergic reactions occur.

Directions for use: apply overnight, approximate course duration is 8 days.

  • Zalain.

The active component - sertaconazole nitrate - stops the growth of fungi, prevents their mutation and reproduction.

The main disadvantage cited by women who used Zalain suppositories for thrush during pregnancy is the high cost ($8-9 per 1 piece).

Pros: when used topically, it does not penetrate into the blood or other organic fluids, single use is sufficient, minimum contraindications.

It should be noted that in relation to this drug, pharmacologists take insurance by making the note: “With caution.”

Inexpensive suppositories for thrush during pregnancy: TOP-5

One of the best options is Clotrimazole (pack price ≈ $1.5).

Attention, the drug is prohibited, at a later date - with the permission of a doctor.

The reviews write that after use there is often heavy discharge, but gradually everything returns to normal.

You will have to spend about $5 on a course of treatment with Pimafucin and Livarol. Betadine is the same price for suppositories for thrush in early pregnancy.

More expensive: Macmiror, NEO-PENOTRAN – $12 (10 supp.).

The best suppositories for thrush for pregnant women

Absolute indicators are not appropriate in this situation. Pharmaceuticals that help cure candidiasis in one case do not give the expected effect in another. The doctor makes the specific choice based on the results of the smear and the course of the infection.

During pregnancy, a number of changes occur in a woman's body that contribute to bearing a child. First of all, this period is characterized by hormonal changes and weakening of general immunity. This can lead to various diseases, including the proliferation of candida fungal infections in the genital tract. Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy will help solve the problem and avoid complications. In modern pharmacies they are presented in a wide range.

Thrush during pregnancy is a common occurrence that requires immediate treatment for the following reasons:

  • the infection can spread deep into the genital organs, negatively affect the gestation of the fetus and provoke infection of the child in the womb;
  • the symptoms of candidiasis are extremely unpleasant and cause discomfort to the expectant mother;
  • candidiasis during childbirth is naturally transmitted to the newborn with a 90% probability; this figure decreases after cesarean section, but still remains high.

Gynecologists recommend monitoring the health of the genital organs even at the stage of pregnancy planning, since the chronic type of candida fungi can be complicated by infertility. In women who often suffered from candidiasis before pregnancy, the risk of recurrence during pregnancy is high.

Not all suppositories and tablets are suitable for treatment, since in addition to being effective, many of them have a number of contraindications and the ability to have an abortifacient effect. But pharmacology offers a decent selection of suppositories for thrush, approved for pregnant women. They must be used strictly as prescribed by the gynecologist.

Approved drugs

Thrush can be treated during pregnancy only under the supervision of a gynecologist. He selects the drug based on the current period, the causative agent of the disease and the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body. Among all the medications for thrush, suppositories are most often prescribed - inexpensive but effective.. They are easy to use, eliminate itching and burning from the first use, reduce the amount of cheesy discharge and prevent further growth of fungi.

Popular suppositories that pregnant women can use for thrush:

  1. Pimafucin, which has no side effects and is good for treating the disease at any time.
  2. Terzhinan, an analogue of Pimafucin, which is most often prescribed in the last stages of pregnancy, preserves healthy microflora and in isolated cases has side effects. Expensive.
  3. – allowed in all trimesters, use may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation.
  4. Clotrimazole is contraindicated in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but is effective in later stages.
  5. Neo-Penotran and are very easy to use and effective, but during pregnancy they are prescribed in exceptional cases.
  6. Betadine - contains not only an antifungal substance, but also iodine, which has an antiseptic effect.
  7. Polygynax is an effective remedy, but can negatively affect the healthy microflora of the vagina.
  8. – due to its availability and harmlessness, it is even used for preventive purposes.
  9. Livarol - quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of candidiasis in late pregnancy, but has a number of side effects.
  10. Gino-pevaril has virtually no side effects, the course of treatment lasts only 3 days.

In the first trimester

In the first trimester, the fetus is most vulnerable to external invasions, so the choice of medications for therapy is approached with extreme caution.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the suppository Pimafucin is most often prescribed. Its advantages include:

  • quick course of therapy – 3 days;
  • the package contains 3 or 6 candles, which is enough for 1 course;
  • You need to light a candle only once a day;
  • relieves itching and irritation from the first use;
  • has virtually no adverse reactions.

  • relatively large suppositories, which cause discomfort in some women in the first minutes after administration;
  • relatively high price, which is justified by a short course of treatment;
  • very rarely, those with sensitive skin may experience a burning sensation in the genital area;
  • the product flows out of the vagina after some time, this must be taken into account and hygiene taken care of.

Suitable for treatment at any week of pregnancy and Zalain. Advantages:

  • only one candle per day is needed;
  • the drug is very effective;
  • the product does not leak from the vagina;
  • has virtually no side effects.

Disadvantages of Zalain: relatively high price and very rarely - an allergic reaction to the skin of the genital organs.

If a pregnant woman does not have an allergic reaction to iodine and the thyroid gland is healthy, Betadine can be used in the early stages to treat thrush. What is noteworthy is that it is during this period that the active substances of the drug do not enter the placenta, and already from the second trimester there is such a danger. Benefits include:

  • a relatively short course of treatment (7 days) provided that 2 suppositories are used per day;
  • in addition to antifungal, it has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  • low price.

The disadvantages of Betadine include:

  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction to iodine;
  • with the introduction of 1 suppository per day, the course of treatment lasts 2 weeks;
  • the product leaks, so when using it you need to take care of hygiene;
  • negatively affects the microflora, drying out the vaginal mucosa;
  • rare, but provokes bleeding;
  • It is inconvenient to remove candles from the blister.

Hexicon is an intervaginal suppository approved for the treatment of thrush in all trimesters of pregnancy. Advantages:

  • highly effective for treating mild forms of the disease;
  • the likelihood of side effects is minimal;
  • 1 candle per day is enough;
  • low price.


  • an allergic reaction may occur;
  • the course of treatment is long - from 7 to 10 days;
  • leakage of medication;
  • there is a slight risk of bleeding;
  • in the acute form of the disease the drug is ineffective.

In the second trimester

Among suppositories for thrush during pregnancy, Clotrimazole is most often used for treatment in the second trimester, their advantages:

  • availability;
  • highly effective in fighting fungus;
  • administration of 1 suppository per day.


  • an impressive list of possible side effects;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • fungi adapt to the active substance of the drug and are less susceptible to its effects each time.

Polygynax is a suppository that effectively gets rid of thrush in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Advantages:

  • candles are easy to use;
  • effectively eliminate the infection;
  • relieves symptoms of the disease after the first use;
  • 1 suppository per day.


  • course of treatment – ​​12 days;
  • the medicine is leaking;
  • soft consistency of the candle, which makes insertion difficult;
  • the likelihood of allergies;
  • ineffective for chronic candidiasis;
  • high cost.

Livarol suppositories are also used to treat thrush in later stages. Their advantages:

  • the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days;
  • You need to administer 1 suppository per day;
  • manifestations are eliminated after the first dose;
  • effective control of fungi.


  • a number of side effects;
  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • in case of chronic form of candidiasis, the course of treatment lasts at least 10 days;
  • high cost;
  • adaptation of fungi to the product.

In the third trimester

Almost all suppositories used for thrush during late pregnancy are those drugs that are approved for use in the early stages.

Terzhinan: treatment is allowed from the second trimester, but is more often used in the third. Advantages:

  • maintains healthy microflora of the genital organs;
  • effectively eliminates fungus;
  • in addition to antifungal properties, it fights harmful microbes and reduces the inflammatory process;
  • side effects occur in extremely rare cases.


  • the full course of therapy is quite long – from 10 to 20 days;
  • high cost;
  • high probability of an allergic reaction.

Neo-Penotran Forte is prescribed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester only for serious indications. Advantages:

  • It is convenient to insert the candle thanks to a special cap;
  • you need 1 candle per day.


  • the course of treatment lasts a week;
  • an impressive list of possible adverse reactions;
  • high cost;
  • relatively high likelihood of allergies;
  • relapse is possible.

Gino-pevaril is an effective, but not the most popular drug for the treatment of candidiasis in the third trimester. Advantages:

  • quickly and effectively eliminates symptoms;
  • the course of treatment can be only 3 days if 150 mg suppositories are chosen;
  • Only one suppository is administered per day;
  • There are almost no side effects, in rare cases there is a slight burning sensation.


  • if you use 50 mg suppositories, the course of treatment lasts 2 weeks;
  • there is a high probability of relapse;
  • allergic reactions may occur;
  • high cost;
  • not always available in pharmacies.

Complications for mother and baby

If the discharge and other symptoms of the disease were ignored by the woman and she did not consult a doctor, did not use pregnancy suppositories for thrush or other medications, there is a risk of serious complications:

  • if the disease appeared in the first trimester of pregnancy, then there is a high probability of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • the occurrence of more serious infectious diseases;
  • placentitis is a dangerous pathology that is not accompanied by pain: it can only be recognized by copious purulent discharge and blood tests;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus or infection during childbirth, developmental delay, hypoxia.

To avoid dangerous consequences, you must see a doctor at the first symptoms and follow his treatment recommendations.