Calcarea phosphorica 6 instructions for use. "Calcium phosphoricum": instructions for use, indications and reviews

Calcarea phosphorica (calcium phosphoricum)

Calcium phosphate - Ca3 (PO4) 2.

The first three dilutions are prepared by trituration.
Introduced into homeopathy by Jahr and Schussler.

Action on the body.

Calcarea phosphorica in its action on the body is characterized by the effects of its constituent chemical elements - phosphorus and calcium.
These two elements, combined in one substance, predetermine the tropism of the drug for bone and nervous tissues, and have an effect on the glands.
Calcium changes the state of the vascular wall, increasing its fragility and permeability, which occurs in many pathological conditions.
Both calcium and phosphorus are the main elements that, when combined in salt, form kidney, bladder, and gallbladder stones.
Phosphorus predetermines high meteorological lability and sensitivity to various radiant energies.

Indications for use

1. Headaches with indefinite localization that occur in schoolchildren and students as a result of intense mental work.

2. Fractures of bones with delayed fusion.

3. Arthritis, aggravated in the off-season, especially in spring, from exposure to damp cold.

4. Urolithiasis with the formation of phosphate stones. Renal colic. Phosphaturia.

5. Bronchial asthma, with attacks worse in early spring when the snow melts.

6. Frequent colds, pathology of ENT organs.

7. Allergic dermatitis, urticaria, aggravated by exposure to damp cold, after eating fish.

8. Adenoids.

10. Anemia.

11. Dyspepsia in infants, accompanied by vomiting after milk. Diarrhoea, with greenish stools, foul-smelling and much flatulence.

12. Enuresis.

13. Night terrors in children.

constitutional type

Calcarea phosphorica children have other things in common with representatives of the constitutional type of calcarea carbonica: slow closing of fontanelles, which can reopen, problems with bone growth, increased sweating, slow development, fatigue, pale waxy face. However, the children of calcarea phosphoricus are not complete.
They are thin, mobile, lively, often angry or sad. Asthenia due to too rapid growth. Adults belonging to this constitutional type are tall, asthenic, with long spindle-shaped fingers, large nail plates.
Such people have large and long teeth, usually yellow, caries. Tolerance to physical and mental stress is reduced. This fact is clearly manifested at school age, when students have headaches by the end of the school day. Physical activity causes increased sweating. Characterized by high emotional lability, choleric response to events.
Calcarea phosphorica is characterized by a craving for smoked meats, pickles, eggs, fried and fatty foods.


Worse in cold damp weather, during snowmelt, in early spring, from bathing in cold water, from mental exertion. Better in warm dry weather, in summer

The predominant side is the left.

Calcarea phosphorica

Calcarea phosphorica / Calcarea phosphorica - lime phosphate

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C6, C12 and above. Powder (trituration) C3. Drops C3, C6, C12 and above.

Indications for use. An often indicated constitutional remedy. Digestive disorders in debilitated, emaciated subjects, especially children. Colic in the abdomen. With a cold, pain all over the body. Headache. Bone fractures.

Lymphatic symptoms are manifested by enlargement of the tonsils and reaction of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Fibrous goiter with hypo- or euthyroidism, less often with parenchymal goiter. Rachiocampsis.

characteristic signs. Flaccid joints and muscles, as a result of which there is a tendency to sprain and dislocation. Dark urine with a very strong smell. Severe pain in the kidney area when lifting weights or blowing your nose (increased intra-abdominal pressure). Frequent urination with a feeling of weakness.

This medicine is often needed by children as they grow up. The main indications for the appointment are the slow development of the bones of the skull or the discrepancy between the growth of bones and the growth of the child. Consideration should be given to the use of this remedy in cases where the child loses weight rapidly, is slow in learning to walk and other skills, when the legs are not strong enough to fully bear the weight of the body, or when the child is mentally retarded (compare Baryta carb., Borax, Phosphoricum acidum, Natrum muriaticum, Calcarea carbonica). Sluggish, shriveled, emaciated children. Non-union in fractures, swelling of the condyles, these symptoms appear in all sources and are the characteristic features of this remedy. It is effective for polyps in the nose, rectum and uterus. It helps with an increase in the cervical, inguinal and peritoneal lymph nodes. Rickets, with open fontanelles, with diarrhoea, in emaciated children. Rheumatic pains in the joints and limbs, worse from cold weather or any cold spell. Pale, waxy skin; anemia. Night pains in fast growing children. Tuberculosis. Bone diseases. Easily ulcerated. Stitching, burning eruptions. Sensitivity to cold. Sensitivity to shock.

Shooting, drawing, aching, burning, pressing pains. A shaking chill extending downwards is characteristic. Dry heat in the evening. Profuse night sweat. In general, all the complaints of this remedy tend to be less during rest, come on during motion, and are greatly aggravated by any exertion or exertion. Stiffness when moving in bed. General weakness. Numbness in many parts of the body. Trembling. Complaints arising from fear; heartbeat.

The attack is like an electrical discharge of such force that the patient cannot stand on his feet. Epileptic convulsions. Seizures in children; to achieve the maximum effect, the medicine should be prescribed only when there are no seizures. Mental symptoms reflect weakness and fatigue from brain activity. Weak memory, inability to withstand mental stress. Complaints from the head after mental stress. Avoids mental effort. Inertia of mental processes. Dementia. Mentally impaired children. The child puts his head in his hands and screams piercingly. Thoughts of illness cause or increase complaints. Increased irritability. Diseases caused by bad news, anger, unrequited love, annoyance. The patient tends to be left alone with her own thoughts when she has to go against public opinion. The patient is not satisfied with his own environment, constantly moving from place to place.

Vertigo from being in a cold wind, from mental and physical exertion, on rising from a sitting position, after walking in cold air.

Head symptoms are even more pronounced. Boring, dull headaches in schoolchildren - children return home from school with a headache. The head is sensitive to shaking, pressure, wearing a hat; desire to pour cold water on her: wants to be in silence and solitude. Pulsation and burning in the head. Rheumatic headaches, which seem to cover the whole head, in cold weather, from being in a cold wind; worse walking, exertion, at night. In many cases, medication can prevent hydrocephalus. Headaches are frontal, in forehead and eyes, worse from pressure exerted by a hat. Sweating of the head; forehead cold to the touch. Tearing pains in the bones of the skull. Cold neck. Eczema on the head. Ulcers in the head.

The remedy is indicated in children who show strabismus, diarrhea, and great loss of body weight, as a result of cerebral congestion. Bright, shiny circles before the eyes. Pain in eyes from reading in artificial light. Fog in the eyes. Soreness in the eyeballs. The pains are aggravated when the patient thinks of them. Ulceration of the cornea. Eyes feel hot. Lachrymation easily occurs.

In cold weather there are tearing rheumatic pains in the eyes. Ears feel cold. Continuous dull pain deep in the ears. Enlarged, painful parotid glands. Eruptions around the ears. Noise in ears after stool. Dry catarrh of the middle ear.

This remedy is very useful in chronic catarrh of the nasal cavity, provided, of course, that the general characteristics agree. Polyps in the nose. Cold, as if ice cold, nose. Acute coryza, coming on in a cold room; symptoms are greatly relieved in a warm room. Nosebleeds.

Pale, waxy face, dirty-looking skin. Rheumatic pains in the face with every cold spell. Cold sweat on face, attacks of facial neuralgia at night, in cold air; worse from exertion, better from heat; sensitive to pressure (Magnesia phosphorica is ameliorated by heat and pressure). Dark pimples and pustules on the face. Upper lip swollen, sore, hard, with burning pain.

Teeth erupt late or decay quickly. The teeth are sensitive to touch, pressure, and chewing. Complaints about teeth in children. Bad taste in the mouth, bitter in the morning. In the morning, the tongue is coated, swollen, numb, immobile.

Growing children suffering from chronic throat problems. Enlarged tonsils. Any cold "settles" on the tonsils (Baryta carbonica, Alumen). Lots of mucus in throat. Dryness in the throat at night.

Great desire for salted bacon, smoked meat. Strong appetite. Children are constantly hungry. It is easy to experience indigestion, pain or diarrhea, which can be provoked by the use of cold drinks, ice cream, fruits. Belching and nausea. Pain in the stomach. Fetid belching, nausea and vomiting. Burning in stomach. Nausea when clearing the throat or larynx. Vomiting in newborns, in children, during pregnancy. Sharp pains in the stomach; diarrhea aggravated after any, even a small amount of food. Gnawing sensation, feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

After a period of chills, there are pains in the liver, soreness in this area, aggravated by eating and movement; the patient wants to rest. Sharp stitching pains in the liver on deep breathing or sudden movement. Pulsation in the region of the liver. Cutting pains in the spleen. Sensation as if "everything is sinking" inside the abdomen. Burning sensation in the abdomen, rising to the region of the chest. Pain in abdomen, better after passing flatus. Colic, which then turns into diarrhea. Umbilical ulceration in newborns. Gases produce a movement in the abdominal cavity, reminiscent of the movement of a living being. The belly is large and pendulous.

Abdomen with diarrhoea.

Green, slimy and hot watery stools; white, soft stools, copious, offensive flatus. Diarrhea after fruit, ice cream, cold drinks, or from vexation and trouble. Diarrhea in the morning in tuberculosis patients. Very offensive stool.

Constipation, stool hard, difficult to pass. Bleeding from rectum and anus during stool. The protrusion of the hemorrhoidal cones is so painful that for several weeks the patient has to lie in bed; pains are aggravated by standing, walking, from touch; ameliorated by heat; accompanied by general symptoms, occur with a sharp cold snap. Hemorrhoids itch, burn, yellow pus is characteristic. Itching in the anus in the evening. Sharp, stitching pains in the anus, with or without haemorrhoids. Vesicles and abscesses around the anus, discharge bloody and purulent. Fistulas in tuberculosis patients. Fissures in the anus, with burning, stitching pains.

Weak and easily irritable bladder. Bladder catarrh. Frequent urge to urinate. Copious excretion of urine. Pain in the neck of the bladder before and after urination. Cutting pains in the urethra. Sharp, stitching pains in the prostate. Dull, aching pain in the empty bladder. This medicine is good for diabetes. Sharp pains in the region of the kidneys.

Increased sexual desire. Painful erections. It works effectively in cases of chronic gonorrhea with discharge typical of chronic urethritis, sharp pains in the urethra and prostate. Long-term gonorrheal rheumatism, aggravated by cold (Medorrhinum).

For a woman there is no friend more reliable than Calcarea phosphorica. This remedy is excellent for the complaints of puberty, especially in cases of delayed puberty. No other remedy is so effective when a girl catches a cold before her first period, which causes very painful menstruation. This pain persists throughout life. Before the onset of menstruation, there may be sharp cramps in the uterus and groin, which last for several hours, after it begins, these symptoms usually decrease. Pain brings the patient to tears. Great sexual excitability (as in Platina, Gratiola, Origanum). Feeling of weakness and omission in the pelvic region. Prolapse of uterus during stool and painful urge to urinate. Polyps in the uterus. Pain as from labor pains at the onset of menstruation. Profuse menses with very dark clots and membranes. Day and night, the secretion of leucorrhoea, resembling egg white in appearance, persists. Trembling and pleasant excitement in the vulva. Burning in vagina and uterus during menstruation. The child refuses mother's milk. The remedy may be given to a woman who has given birth to one or two children, who in turn are suitable for Calcarea phosphorica. Then the next child born to her will be stronger, will have a more prosperous and harmonious constitution.

Often the patient has to cough up some mucus from the larynx before speaking or singing. Hoarseness, dry, barking cough day and night. Tuberculous laryngitis.

Suffocation after the slightest exertion, on going up stairs. Thin, pale, sickly patients with a dry, hoarse cough and rheumatic constitution are worse in cold, damp weather. Sputum is yellow.

Sharp, stitching pains and weakness in the chest. Difficulty coughing up sputum. It is very effective in cases of tuberculosis and hemoptysis. Violent sweating of the chest. Rattling in chest, with difficult expectoration, like Causticum. The chest is painful to touch. Palpitation with trembling of limbs.

Pain in the back, worse in cold weather, in thunderstorms, the symptoms are accompanied by stiffness, which is worse in the morning. The back is sensitive to drafts. Back pain after heavy lifting or excessive exertion. Rachiocampsis. Tearing, shooting pains; tension and dull, aching pain in the back. Pain in the region of the sacroiliac joint. Pain in the lumbar region and sacrum during menstruation.

Rheumatic pains in limbs in cold weather, worse from motion, better at rest and in heat. Trembling in all limbs. Stiffness after a period of rest, in the morning. Dull, aching pains in the bones, like growing pains. Gouty changes in the fingers and toes, which become sore in cold weather. Ulcerative pains in bases of nails.

Very severe, shooting pains in the lower extremities. They are always cold to the knees, perhaps this is the direct cause of such pains; in general, all the complaints of this remedy usually arise in the chilled, frozen parts of the body. Sharp pains in the tendons of the lower extremities. Intense, dull, fatiguing pains in knees and long bones. Pain and soreness in the tibia. Drawing pains in them. Spasms in the calf muscles. Ulcers on legs, chronic, with weakness; granulations are not characteristic. Rheumatic affections of the ankles. Osteomyelitis of the calcaneus. Sharp and shooting pains in the toes.

Sleepiness both at night and during the day. Insomnia if the patient goes to bed about midnight or later. Sleepiness in the morning. Vivid dreams. Children scream and cry in their sleep. The patient starts and wakes up from frightful dreams.

From the book Homeopathic Clinical Pharmacology author Ernst Farrington

LECTURE 64 Calcarea phosphorica and Hepar Calcarea phosphorica (Calcareaphosphorica) Calcarea phosphorica:1. Cinchona, Zincum, Phosphorus (head dropsy). 2. Dulcamara, Silicea, Sulphur. 3. Rhus, Causticum. 4. Sulfur, Calcarea ostr., Silicea, Phosphorus.5. Baryta carb. Complementary remedies for Calcarea phosphorica are: Zincum, Ruta graveolens and Sulfur. Zincum serves as a supplement for

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Calcarea phosphorica (Calcareaphosphorica) Calcarea phosphorica:1. Cinchona, Zincum, Phosphorus (head dropsy). 2. Dulcamara, Silicea, Sulphur. 3. Rhus, Causticum. 4. Sulfur, Calcarea ostr., Silicea, Phosphorus.5. Baryta carb. Complementary remedies for Calcarea phosphorica are: Zincum, Ruta graveolens and Sulphur. Zincum is a complement to Calcarea phosphorica in head

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CALCAREA PHOSPHORIC; CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA - CALCIUM PHOSPHATE Specific action. On metabolic processes, accompanied by an acceleration of bone growth in childhood and adolescence, on the nervous system. Symptoms. Increased mental and physical fatigue, headaches

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MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICA, MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA - MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE Specific action. On the central nervous system. Main symptoms. Any neuralgic, spasmodic, convulsive pains that come on suddenly and are better from bending the trunk (main property), and also under

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PHOSPHATE OF LIME (CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA) This remedy is used in scrofulous diseases of the bones, such as caries or destruction, softening, curvature and enlargement near the wrist and ankle joint in children; curvature of the back; spina bifida; slow eruption

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Calcarea phosphorica Calcium Phosphate The specificity of the type is seen in the fact that both calcium and phosphorus are included in the composition of this remedy. “Under the influence of phosphorus, which enhances the action of calcarea, the epiphyses of the bones hypertrophy ... the bone grows in length ...” (J. Charette). Young people

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Magnesia phosphorica Magnesium phosphate One of the commonly used homeopathic remedies for pain. The pain of this constitutional type is very strong (cutting, penetrating, shooting, stabbing), its convulsive variety is most characteristic. Pain comes from heat

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Alumina phosphorica Alumina phosphorica / Alumina phosphorica - aluminum phosphate from 9 X. The symptoms are characterized by worsening in the morning, before noon, afternoon, at night; before midnight, after midnight. Strong desire for fresh air; fresh air improves. Expressed

From the author's book

Calcarea phosphorica Calcarea phosphorica / Calcarea phosphorica - lime phosphate Main dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C6, C12 and above. Powder (trituration) C3. Drops C3, C6, C12 and above. Indications for use. An often indicated constitutional remedy. Disorders

From the author's book

Magnesia phosphorica Magnesium phosphoricum / Magnesium phosphoricum - magnesium phosphate Main dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C6, C12 and above. Powder (trituration) C3. Drops C3, C6, C12 and above. Indications for use. Any sudden onset pain that improves with flexion

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Calcarea acetica Calcium acetate It has a brilliant clinical effect in inflammations of the mucous membranes, characterized by membranous exudation, on the other hand, its action is similar to that of Calcarea carbonica. Cancer pain. Head. Dizziness in the fresh

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Calcarea arsenica Arsenic calcium Epilepsy, with flushing of the head before an attack; the aura is felt in the region of the heart; feeling of lightness, flight. Complaints in obese women in the premenopausal period. chronic malaria. The initial stage of enlargement of the liver and spleen.

From the author's book

Calcarea phosphorica Calcium phosphate One of the most important tissue agents. Although the general pathogenesis of this remedy is similar to that of Calcarea carb., there are still some symptoms characteristic of Calcarea phosphorus. It is especially indicated for delayed teething.

From the author's book

Magnesia phosphorica Magnesium phosphateEffective antispasmodic agent. Muscle cramps with radiating pain. Neuralgic pains ameliorated by heat. Especially suitable for tired, lethargic, exhausted people. Indisposition to mental work. Goiter. Psyche. All

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Strychnia phosphorica Strychnine phosphate This remedy acts through the cerebrospinal system on the muscles, causing twitching, rigidity, weakness and loss of strength; on blood circulation, causing irregularity of the pulse; on the intellect, reducing self-control, causing unstoppable

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Colocynthis - Magnesia phosphorica The same relationship exists between Colocynthis and Magnesia phosphorica. Both drugs have in their pathogenesis the same acute spasmodic pains in the abdomen, which force the patient to double over, to lie on his stomach. It is easier for the patient when he has released gases, but after a small

Calkarea phosphorica is one of the common homeopathic medicines. calcium phosphate.
Indications for the use of Calcarea Phosphorica, modern instructions for its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Calcarea phosphorica in homeopathy. The main indications for use or key symptoms of calcarea phosphorica

In homeopathic materia medica there are about a hundred key symptoms of the remedy.
Consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence (essence - the essence).

This drug is one of the most commonly used in the treatment of children.

The child is lethargic and always dissatisfied, constantly naughty, whining. Walking can calm him down. Worse symptoms during snowfall and melting. They do not tolerate damp cold.

Headache in schoolchildren. Especially strong when there are many lessons. Poor mental tolerance. High sense of duty.
Late closure of the fontanel, violation of psycho-emotional development.
Intolerance to mother's milk.
The need to take a breath. These children often sigh.
They love to travel.
They love smoked meat.
Sensitivity to drafts. "Closes" the neck.

Nosologies in which calcarea phosphorica is most often used

Inflammatory diseases of ENT organs, lymph nodes.
Vomiting of infants, disturbances in the assimilation of food, impaired psycho-emotional development.
Bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Rashes of an allergic and infectious-allergic nature.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis, inflammatory diseases of the joints, scoliosis.

Calcarea phosphorica can be successfully used in other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Phosphorica Calcarea. Instructions for use

Calcarea Phosphorica can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug - the homeopath decides, depending on the initial state of the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of the homeopath is to maintain the activity of the body's defenses (homeopaths call this the life force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used, the homeopath determines individually for each patient.

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Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that is very popular with many people. It is used in the treatment of minor diseases that do not threaten human life. For example, with a lack of calcium in the body, doctors often prescribe the drug Calcium Phosphoricum. Its use leads to the strengthening of bones, teeth, hair and nails. Let us consider in more detail its instructions, composition and principle of pharmacological action, as well as reviews of people who have tried this medicine on themselves.

Composition and form

This drug is considered a homeopathic remedy, which is among the salts patented by Dr. Schuessler. He is the creator of therapy, which is based on the use of inorganic substances in the treatment. The product is usually produced in tablets that are designed to dissolve in water. The mass of one of them is 250 mg. In pharmacies, the medicine is supplied in glass bottles packed in a cardboard box. The minimum cost of the drug is about 150 rubles. You can buy it without a doctor's prescription. You can store the medicine in any place inaccessible to children or animals. Its implementation period is 5 years. The drug is produced by the German company Schwabe.

"Calcium phosphoricum" consists entirely of potassium phosphate - the active active substance. Auxiliary components are magnesium stearate, potato starch and lactose. It should be noted that it can only be used as maintenance therapy. It is not recommended to replace them with medicines prescribed by your doctor.

"Calcium phosphoricum" (homeopathy): indications for use

Doctors usually prescribe this remedy in addition to more serious medications. Before using homeopathy, you should always consult with a specialist. Potassium phosphate is an important mineral salt of inorganic origin. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, nervous system, muscles and bones of a person. Therefore, it is prescribed for adults suffering from complex and poorly healing fractures, bruises and sprains, varicose veins, osteoporosis (increased bone fragility). The drug is used to improve the condition of teeth, hair and nails. The drug is prescribed as a maintenance treatment for serious bone diseases.

Small children can also take Calcium Phosphoricum. It is included in the diet when stunting is detected. Salt strengthens bones and promotes their development. Homeopathy can be treated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, you still need to consult your doctor before taking it.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Calcium phosphoricum" has practically no contraindications. Homeopathy is considered a safe method of treatment, but at the same time, studies have not confirmed its high effectiveness. Doctors do not recommend the use of such drugs for tuberculosis or the presence of any malignant neoplasms. Do not take homeopathy for people preparing for surgery or recovering from it. It is also better to minimize the use of this drug if the patient has acute infectious diseases.

Since the product contains a large amount of lactose, it is not recommended for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Allergic reactions may also occur in patients who do not digest potato or

Side effects

When using homeopathic mono-remedies, side effects are extremely rare. Was no exception and "Calcium phosphoricum". Instructions for use describe only the possible occurrence of food allergies to lactose or starch, which can be expressed by nausea, flatulence, irritation and skin rash. The drug does not affect the reaction rate when driving a car.

Sometimes when taking homeopathy, patients also complain of a temporary exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. In this case, you must stop taking the medicines and consult a doctor for advice. If you suspect that the drug causes any other side effects that are not described in the instructions, then also be sure to inform the specialist.

"Calcium phosphoricum" (homeopathy): application

The amount of the drug that is necessary to have a positive effect on the body can only be prescribed by a specialist. Please consult your healthcare professional or a qualified homeopath for proper dosage prior to use. Adults should take the medicine half an hour before meals. Tablets should not be swallowed or chewed, it is best to let the agent dissolve slowly in the mouth. You can take the medicine after eating, also after waiting about half an hour after taking it. In addition, before use, the drug can be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water, drinking it in a tablespoon several times a day. The course of treatment with this remedy lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the complexity of the disease.

In acute conditions of the body, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to drink 1 tablet no more than 6 times a day. In chronic diseases or for prevention, the drug is taken 3 times a day. Small children need to significantly reduce the dose. Usually they are prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. Before taking them, they also need to be dissolved in warm water. The maximum serving for infants under 1 year is 1 tablet per day. It must be diluted in a teaspoon of water and poured into the mouth through a special pipette. When breastfeeding, the mother can take the drug instead of the child. During the treatment period, homeopaths recommend excluding mint products, coffee, citrus fruits and dark chocolate from the diet.

drug overdose

"Calcium phosphoricum" is a homeopathic mono-remedy that does not have a serious effect on the body. Therefore, severe symptoms caused by an overdose of the drug have not been identified in practice. However, when using a dose that is many times higher than the daily dose, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine for a while and consult a doctor.

Positive feedback about the drug

Homeopathy is a controversial science, therefore, before using Calcium Phosphoricum, patients prefer to read the reviews of people who have already been treated with it. There are few of them, but often they evaluate the drug well. As a rule, doctors prescribe it for young children. We list the main advantages that users noted:

  • the result of treatment is visible within a few days after the start of the drug;
  • non-toxic product that will definitely not harm even the smallest child;
  • low cost of the drug, one package is usually enough for the entire course of treatment;
  • with the right dosage, you can instantly eliminate the acute symptoms of the disease;
  • the absence of any side effects.

Negative reviews about the drug

However, you can often see negative reviews about the drug. Most often, people complain about the ineffectiveness of the drug. They drink it for several months, but there is no visible result. In addition, in recent years, finding the right homeopathic remedy is quite difficult. Ordinary pharmacies are less and less likely to sell such medicines, and there are specialized institutions only in large cities. It will also cost a lot to see a qualified homeopath, so many people prefer to be treated with traditional medicine.

A good auxiliary drug can be "Calcium phosphoricum" (homeopathy). Indications and contraindications for use, instructions, composition and patient reviews - these issues were most fully considered in our article. It is worth recalling that only a qualified doctor can prescribe treatment. It is not recommended to turn to homeopathy for complex diseases requiring emergency medical intervention. Moreover, traditional medical care should not be abandoned in her favor.

Calcarea phosphorica
Lymph nodes are inflamed and swollen
Pain worse at night
Slow teething

Physiological-chemical data
Calc.phos. essential for proper growth and nutrition of the body.
This salt is found in blood plasma and blood cells, saliva, gastric juice, connective tissue bones, teeth, milk, etc.
It gives strength to bones.
Calc.phos. has a special chemical affinity for protein, which forms the organic basis for this salt in tissue cells, and it is required wherever protein or protein substances are found in secretion.
It also promotes the formation of new blood cells and is therefore the first remedy for anemia and chlorosis.
It is of great importance for soft and growing tissues, promoting cell growth, providing the very initial base for new tissues, therefore it is essential for initial growth.
It is the salt that provides nourishment to the periosteum and through it to the bones.
Necessary for blood, because without it, coagulation does not occur.

General biochemical action
Calc.phos. is a remedy for a disease caused by a disturbance of the action of the molecules of lime in the body, as, for example, will occur in delayed formation of calluses around the ends of broken bones, in unnatural growth and defective nutrition of bones and other tissues, which is found in rickets and similar disease states. Thus, the scope of the remedy includes all diseases of the bones, depending on the poor quality of the blood of a discreet nature, including also dermoid tissues with calcification.
When, regardless of the cause, a lack of lime phosphate accumulates in the body, the vegetative system suffers first, causing a nutritional defect.
improper cell growth and subsequent destruction and destruction of tissues, especially the bone and lymphatic system.
It is used during teething, for convulsions and spasms occurring in weak, scrofulous subjects, stimulating nutrition, etc.
Another important feature of it is its ability to recover from acute diseases, either directly or by preparing the way for other remedies, causing the body to react, and thus being an important intercurrent remedy.
Schussler, believing that red blood cells originate from leukocytes or from their embryos and suggesting that this remedy stimulates the formation of leukocytes through nutrition, stated that it enhances the formation of erythrocytes not directly, but through the formation of white blood cells.
In fact, this remedy has proved to be a real tonic in many cases: in chronic wasting diseases and in hectic ones, and also when phosphate is found in excess in the urine, which corresponds to incorrect secondary assimilation and malfunction of the excretory organs.
In anemia in young, rapidly growing people, in women with frequent pregnancy, prolonged breastfeeding, or excessive menstruation or leucorrhea, in cases where the disease is accompanied by wasting discharge, such as in chronic bronchitis, tuberculous diarrhea and night sweats, abscesses and scrofulous eruptions. Due to its pronounced action on secretions, it has a healing effect.
In old age, when the regenerative processes in the nervous tissue decrease, Calc.phos. has strong indications for use, moreover, we find that it is indicated in senile skin and vaginal itching, and also in recovery from severe acute diseases.
In pulmonary tuberculosis with emaciation, night sweats, hemoptysis, and other marked physical manifestations, Calc.phos. in low potencies gives a greater chance of lessening the severity of the case. In addition, it is useful in wet dreams in young married men (and in sexual arousal in women) and in masturbators.
In bone growths in rickety children, Treger used cider externally and internally, and at the same time gave Calc phos. or Calc.fluor.
It was also his favorite remedy for chlorosis (cider, and three times a day about 10 grains of the second trituration of Calc. phos), and he preferred it over the usual treatment with iron.
In chorea during puberty, salts of lime are more effective than the medicines usually recommended.
Pains where the bones form seams or joints, and numbness; slowly spreading pains with chilliness, due to anemia, aggravated by dampness, tendency to sweat and enlarged tonsils.
Feelings that have a point localization.
Phosphorus diathesis
General lack of vital warmth and aggravation from dampness.
If the molecular exchange Calc.Phosph. is disturbed in the epithelial cells of the serous membranes, then serous-protein exudation occurs in the cavity.
So there is dropsy of the knee or hygroma of the patella.
Minimum doses Calc.phos. cause the absorption of these secretions.
If the cells of the epidermis lose Calc.phos., then the protein will come to the surface and dry out, forming crusts. This desquamation can be removed by prescribing Calc.phos.
A similar protein secretion will take place in mucous membranes if their epithelium suffers from a loss of Calc.phos.
Spasms and pains caused by anemia are treated with this remedy. These pains are accompanied by paresthesias, a feeling of chilliness and numbness.
It is often useful when the symptoms seem to warrant the administration of lime or phosphorus, combining the metabolic and nourishing properties of lime and the stimulating and nourishing properties of phosphorus.

Leading symptoms and characteristic indications
mental symptoms
Decreased memory, restlessness and anxiety
Inability to exercise mental effort
Children with mental retardation
Capricious and irritable children, dull, with reduced perception
After grief, trouble, disappointment

Head and scalp
Vertigo in old age. Headache ameliorated by sudden sneezing, leaving an irritated feeling in the nostrils. Sensation of coldness in the head, the head feels cold to the touch.
Headache before and during change of teeth. Worse at seams, after mental exertion, from dampness and change of weather.
Headache with bloating
Rheumatic headache, tearing in the bones of the skull.
Slowly spreading headaches, sensation as if ice water in the upper part of the occiput.
Headache in schoolgirls, growing, nervous, restless, mobile, with diarrhea caused by sour and jelly-like foods.
Sensation of ice lying on top of occiput
The fontanelles remain open for a long time, the skull is thin and soft
Chronic hydrocephalus, very large head, bones separated from each other.
Syphilitic lesion of the head
Scalp painful, tense, with paresthesia, numbness. Itching scalp in the evening
Scrofulous ulcers on vertex
Hydrocephalus conditions, whether acute or chronic, may also work as a prophylaxis for these conditions.
Areas of baldness on the head.

Spastic conditions of the eyelids, if Magn.phos. gave no effect.
Blindness and cataract
Inflammation of the eyes and great dryness during dentition.
Cannot use eyes in gaslight.
Corneal ulcers
Opacity after inflammation of the eyes.
Scrofulous keratitis
Ophthalmia in scrofulous patients
Congenital amblyopia in children with a rickety constitution and scrofulous diathesis.

Feeling of cold ears
All the bones around the ears hurt and ache.
Pain in the ears with rheumatic conditions, associated with swollen glands in scrofulous children.
Chronic inflammation of the ears, along with throat problems.
Dermatitis of the ear canal with serous exudate, almost odorless, white scales and discharge of sebaceous glands, weeping. The discharge is soft, semi-liquid, located inside the canal.
The ear canal is red, swollen, inflamed, itchy and feels hot.
The ear is sensitive to cold, and the patient also has affections of the mucous and lymphatic glands in general.
Fullness in the ears, with great deafness, but tinnitus rarely occurs, the tympanic membrane easily bulges, which causes gurgling sounds in the ears and an immediate improvement in hearing.
Aching, tearing around the ears, with ulceration around the pinna.
Decreased hearing and tinnitus.
With inflammation of the Eustachian tube and eardrum in children, struma in adolescents.
When a patient is suffering from a wasting disease, gradually losing weight, and has a thin, foul-smelling discharge from a large number of granulations in the middle ear cavity, I do not remember that lime phosphate did not have a significant effect.
Calc.phos. characterized as a remedy especially indicated for the treatment of suppurative inflammation of the middle ear in tuberculosis patients (Rounds)

The tip of the nose is cold as ice
Swollen, ulcerated nose in scrofulous children
Colds of the nasopharynx, with albuminous discharge from the nose, thin in a cold room, ceasing in warm air and outdoors.
Sneezing and sore nostrils.
Chronic cold in anemic and scrofulous patients.
Large pedunculated polyps in the nose.
Ozena, with Kalk. Fluor.
Nosebleeds at noon
Pressure at the root of the nose, with pain in the forehead or over the eyes on one or both sides, especially if there is concern that the frontal or ethmoid sinuses are involved.
The mucous membranes are pale and relaxed, or with a fungal growth on them.
Loose and pronounced
Weak mucous discharge, mixed with crusts and at times with blood.

There are a lot of acne on the face, especially in girls.
Painful appearance, the skin looks impure, oily.
Cold sweat on face.
Pain in the face, pain in the upper jaw, worse at night.
Swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands, with pain in the ear.

Bad taste in mouth in the morning
Bitterness with headache
He tries not to open his mouth because of the pain in swollen tonsils.
Upper lip swollen and painful

The tongue is swollen, numb, inactive, with papules on it, white, with a coating.
Bitterness in the morning with a headache

Delayed development of teeth, diseases during dentition, too rapid deterioration of teeth.
Cramping during teething, after Magn.phos.
Toothache, tearing, boring, worse at night.
Gums are painful, inflamed, or pale

Superficial lymph nodes are painful
Hoarseness day and night
Burning in larynx and back of tongue
Sore throat, numerous pains radiating in various directions on swallowing.
Constant chuckling and expectoration when talking.
Chronic enlargement of the tonsils
Throat lecturer
Relaxed sore throat

Irritability in the throat, with difficulty swallowing
Pain, whining when swallowing. Burning from surrounding tissues to throat.
Thickening of mucous membranes
Dryness and burning on empty swallowing, if one has not spoken or swallowed for some time, then the first sip worsens something (Kant. Burning on swallowing with spread downwards, Actea rac pain on empty swallowing).
Sore throat, with tickling cough in the evening, worse after going to bed.
Something like a spasm in the throat, as if crying a lot or after running.
Sore throat on waking in the morning, worse on the right side, deep in the back of the mucous membranes, better on swallowing, disappearing at breakfast.
If the patient catches a cold, the cold is accompanied by dryness and sore throat, the palatine tonsil, nasopharynx, pharynx, or bronchi are the main targets (in Calc. carb., catarrhal conditions cause aggravation). Stitches in throat and chest, heat in upper chest and arms.
On empty swallowing, sensation as if the uvula were being swallowed. It sticks to the back wall, causes choking, which is only better from repeated swallowing. The sky is relaxed.
Feeling of fullness in the throat, either as a sensation alone or due to the presence of bloody sputum
Nasopharyngeal discharge that is more viscous than copious. The patient constantly clears his throat, trying to get rid of thick mucus.
Expectoration of yellow-white thick sputum, crusting down the larynx.
Pale, loose hypertrophy of the tonsils, with possible ulceration in punctures, or chronic inflammation and hypertrophy of the pharyngeal follicles, accompanied by enlargement of other glands in young persons of a lymphatic constitution or prone to goiter.
Chronic tonsillitis with inflammation of the middle ear. Throat hurts more when swallowing saliva than when swallowing food or warm drinks (merksol)
The tonsils, if hypertrophied, are smaller than those of other Calcs. More often greater density when touched by a probe. Palatine tonsil as in Kalk k., but more natural in color.

stomach symptoms
Heartburn and gas
unusual appetite
Sucking feeling in the epigastrium
Pain after eating, and whining on pressure
Gastric complaints are worse from even a small amount of food.
Dyspepsia with discomfort in the stomach, temporarily relieved by eating and passing flatus.
When fasting, the pain goes to the spine
The baby wants to suck constantly at the breast, often and easily vomits.
Pain in the stomach with weakness
Vomiting from cold water and ice cream
Headache and diarrhoea, worse after eating
Desire for bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats.
Strong gas formation
The abdomen is drawn in and flabby
Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes
Colic every time you try to eat

Belly and stool
Colic with green, slimy, diarrhoea, undigested food with offensive flatus.
Cholera of infants, strong desire for indigestible foods: ham, smoked meat, etc. The abdomen is drawn in, flabby
tuberculous diarrhea
Stool hot, watery, copious, offensive, noisy, splattering
Useful in summer diseases, congestion and teething in children.
Diarrhea worse from fruit
Fits of screaming caused by pain and whining around the navel every time the baby is breastfed.
Removes predisposition to worms in anemic and weak patients (sodium phos)
gallbladder stones, prevents the formation of new ones
abdominal hernia
Chronic hemorrhoids with persistent discharge in anemic and debilitated patients.
Anus fissures
Anal fistula alternating with chest symptoms or in patients who have pain in all joints at any change in weather
Painless fistula
Tendency to constipation, hard, bloody stools, especially in the elderly, with depression, dizziness, headache and chronic cough.
Hernia in anemic patients.
Tabes mesenterica.
Fetid pus in stool
Anus neuralgia
Sharp pain in the lower part of the sacrum that occurs after a stool and lasts all day until you go to bed

Urinary organs
Wetting the bed, general weakness
Frequent urge to urinate
Cutting pains in the urethra and neck of the bladder
Enuresis in the elderly and young children, severe weakness
Diabetes mellitus, with involvement of the lungs
Profuse urination with fatigue
Bright's disease, with protein (alternating with potassium phos)
Sand, stones, phosphorus deposits, increased amount of urine with fluorescent sediment.
Stones in the bladder, prevents the formation of new ones

Sex organs
Sexual desire is increased
painful erections
Gonorrheal rheumatism, aggravated by any cold (medorinum)
Chronic gonorrhea in anemic men with acute urethral and prostate pain, itching and pain
Swelling of the testicles and scrotum

Female reproductive organs
Weakness and discomfort in the uterus
Malposition of uterus with rheumatic pains
Uterine prolapse, with weakness and faintness, worse after stool.
Throbbing in the genitals, with a feeling of sexual excitement, also indicated in masturbatory tendencies in scrofulous children.
Nymphomania, worse before menstruation
Sharp pain in the back with pain in the uterus
Pain in the sacroiliac joint
In leucorrhoea, as a constitutional tonic, discharge like the white of an egg, worse in the morning, with sexual excitement, the patient is not disposed to move.
Periods too early for girls
The discharge is bright red, recurring every two weeks, less painful than the rest
Menstruation during lactation
In adults menses too late, dark, especially in rheumatic subjects, preceded by sexual excitement, accompanied and followed by great weakness, discomfort and rheumatic pains
Labor-like pains before and during menstruation, sometimes after stool or urination, aggravated by change of weather
Burning in the vagina
Thickening of the mammary glands.

Pain, burning, nagging in the mammary glands, they seem to be enlarged
Mother's milk spoils, it is salty and bluish, the child refuses it
After childbirth, deterioration in health, as well as during pregnancy
Prolapse in debilitated patients (with kali phos)
After prolonged breastfeeding, voice weakness, cough, weakness and pain between the shoulder blades
Weakness in all limbs during pregnancy

Respiratory system
Hoarseness and cough day and night
involuntary sighs
Cough with expectoration of yellow mucous sputum, not watery, worse in the morning with sore and dry throat
Pain in the chest when touched
Aching pain in the region of the sternum and collarbone, with spasm in the chest and difficulty in breathing.
Frequent spitting to clear the voice
Chest complaints associated with anus fistula
Chronic cough in tuberculous patients suffering from chilliness in the extremities.
Initial tuberculosis in anemic patients
Profuse sweat, especially around the head and neck
Whooping cough, stubborn cases, or in teething children with a weakened constitution
Choking cough in children, better lying down, worse sitting.
Attacks of suffocation in children after breast-feeding, worse after crying, face blue, followed by relaxation, rapid, short, labored breathing
Catarrh in people with a scrofulous or gouty constitution with anemia
Spasm of the pharynx when teething is delayed

Circulatory organs
Palpitation with anxiety followed by weakness with tremor, especially in the calves
Non-closure of the foramen ovale
Circulatory failure
Slow circulation, body parts feel numb
Sharp pain in the region of the heart during inspiration

Neck and back
Skinny neck in children
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the neck from the slightest draft.
Lower back pain in the morning on waking
Cramping pains in the neck and scapular region, in the lower back, in the kidney region, when lifting heavy things or when blowing your nose
Pain in the sacroiliac joint
Aching pain in the coccyx
Pott's disease
Curvature of the spine in girls
spina bifida
Numbness of buttocks, back

Aching pain in shoulders and shoulder blades, along arms, cannot raise arms
Shooting pains in the elbows
Cramping pains in the forearms, wrists, fingers, and especially in the thumb
Jerking pain at the base of the fingers
Gouty nodes
Rheumatism of the joints with feeling of chilliness and numbness
Rheumatism worse from weather, better in spring and worse again in spring.
Numbness of the limbs and their chilliness or a feeling of insects crawling over the affected areas
Feeling that parts of the body have lost sensation
Rheumatic gout, worse at night and in bad weather.
Pain in all limbs, with great weakness
Rheumatic pains, rapidly changing localization
Aching soreness in the thighs
Pain in the knees, worse when walking
Numbness of the lower extremities
Feet icy like ice
Ankle pain
Cramps in the calves
Ankle joint hurts like a dislocation
Coxarthrosis, third stage
Chronic synovitis
Swelling of the epiphyses
O-shaped legs in children
Late learning to walk
Ulcer with fistula in the joints of the feet and ankles
Pott's disease
Abscess in the lumbar region
Syphilitic periostitis and ulcers

Symptoms of the nervous system
Neuralgias beginning at night, recurring, deep-seated, as in bones, tearing pains. Worse from any change of weather, with crawling sensation, numbness and chilliness, or as from electric shocks.
Point pains
rheumatic paralysis
Weakness, fatigue, especially when climbing stairs
Not willing to work
Tremor of the limbs
Severe asthenia after a debilitating, acute illness
Teething cramps
Spasms of any kind, after Magn. Phos. had no effect

Drowsiness, especially in the elderly, associated with gloomy thoughts
Difficulty waking up in the morning
Children cry at night
Constantly stretching and yawning

Fever symptoms
Slowly spreading chill
Profuse night sweats with TVS
Cold sweat breaks out on the face and coldness all over the body
Chronic malaria in scrofulous children
Cold spreading throughout the body

Skin dry and cold, wrinkles
Redness and itching after washing
Spots, in color, reminiscent of copper, many pimples
Pimples on the upper body
Ulceration in the area of ​​scars
Skin abrasions, skin irritation
Itchy skin
Senile skin itching
Eczema with yellow, white scales or vesicles in an anemic, scrofulous, or gouty constitution
Reducing the number of freckles with this remedy
Herpes, acute or chronic, with itching
Pruritus, itching
Vaginal itching in older women
Protein exudations into or onto the skin
Nodules on the skin
Blisters form ulcers

Anemia and chlorosis, for the formation of new blood cells
Flabbiness, wrinkling in malnourished children
Skin looks waxy, greenish, white
Exostoses, osteophytes, bone diseases
swollen ankles
Bone fractures do not heal
spina bifida
Polyps, nasal, rectal and uterine
Bones are thin and brittle
Irregularity of development
Wasting that accompanies illness
Too many white blood cells
Bronchocele, goiter, cysts
Tumor albus.
Diseases of the pancreas
Articular bag disease
Pain in tendons and joints

Symptoms generally worse from cold, motion, change of weather, sensitivity to cold, getting wet, and dampness in general.
Many symptoms are ameliorated by lying down, from rest.

Low triturations: 3x-6x are the potencies most commonly used and probably give the most satisfactory results, although higher potencies: 30-200 give brilliant results.
Schussler appointed 6 x
Large doses are useless and even harmful
Long-term administration causes renal colic and the passage of small stones.
Elderly patients are not investigating to give this remedy in low potencies.

Very similar to Calc.c., but patients Calc.phos. have dirty white or brown skin, are usually emaciated. This remedy is suitable for more acute lung affections.
In general, phosphate favors dark builds, dark eyes, and hair, while carbonate works best for people with blond hair and blue eyes.
It occupies a place between Calc.k and phosphorus, the addition of the latter gives a great advantage.
Calc.f and Berberis are both very effective in anal fistula. Both are very similar in chest symptoms, especially if they occur after surgery.
For headaches with anemia, it is prescribed after Magn.f
With dental caries, it is similar to Ats.fl, Magn.f., and Silicea. With epilepsy Fer.f., Potassium MUR, Potassium f. and Silica. In diabetes, potassium f. and Natr.f. The latter is similar to helminthic invasion
It is prescribed after Hina for hydrocephalus and anemia
Complementary to and Rute
With neurasthenia Calc. hypophos. can be prescribed for relatively the same symptoms
With profuse sweating during asthenia after acute diseases, compare with Psorinum
In acute articular rheumatism, if after Natr.mur and Potassium phos traces of the disease remain
For lupus, compare with Potassium mur
Cream and koumiss are invaluable food for the elderly because the lactic acid they contain dissolves lime phosphate and prevents ossification in tendons, arteries and elsewhere.
As a medicine for the elderly compare with Barita
In Anemia and chlorosis, compare with Natr.mur, which has a great affinity for Calc.f., especially in constipation, palpitations that occur when the patient lies down, with sallow skin
For acne, Calc.picr is more commonly used in boys, while Calc.f. in girls
Dyspepsia relieved by eating occurs in Calc.f., but the remedy for which this symptom is specific is Anacardium.
Chelidon has a similar condition
Compare Helonias for Mental Depression, Fatigue, and Urinary Phosphates
Silicea, anemia in infants, thin and feeble, with a tendency to rickets, but with profuse oily sweat on the head, also Ferr., Cupre., Ars, etc.
Zinc is complementary for hydrocephalus, and Ruta for joint damage
For non-healing fractures, compare with Symphytum
With tuberculosis for Calc.f. Silicea, Sulf., Tuberca follow well. Often shown after Foss., Merc., Yod., Ars. Yod.