Clotrimazole ointment helps men. Clotrimazole ointment for men: instructions, reviews

Clotrimazole - instructions for use for thrush in men.

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal disease to which women are more susceptible, but the stronger sex is not immune from infection.

The presence of fungi in the body is a common occurrence; treatment is required only when they multiply intensively and damage the mucous membranes.

The solution to the problem is to use clotrimazole for thrush in men.

Symptoms of thrush

The name “thrush” is associated with the symptom – whitish discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese.

Candidiasis rarely affects male genitalia, due to physiological characteristics.

Often the disease in the stronger sex occurs without pronounced symptoms.

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease makes it necessary to prescribe effective drug therapy for men with thrush.

Signs of candidiasis:

  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the penis;
  • painful sensations when urinating;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • burning and increased dryness of the penis;
  • itching in the head area;
  • repulsive odor;
  • swelling in the foreskin area;
  • red rash.

Symptoms of candidiasis are similar to those of other ailments.

A consultation with a urologist will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

Without treatment, the disease spreads to other organs, causing complications:

  • vesiculitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • disorders of the kidneys and bladder.

Important! The later the fight for recovery begins, the longer and more difficult it will be.

Efficacy of the drug

For men with thrush, medicine in the form of an ointment gives good results.

Clotrimazole ointment for men has the following advantages:

  • the active ingredient of the drug destroys fungal cells, leads to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • fungal reproduction stops;
  • the cream for men is easy to apply, store and dosage;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • simultaneously with fungi, the drug fights pathogenic bacteria.

Release form

An effective antifungal agent is available in the following forms:

  1. Clotrimazole gel - intended for external use, prescribed to men with Candida lesions;
  2. Solution - indicated in advanced cases;
  3. For women - clotrimazole suppositories.

Clotrimazole ointment contains 0.01 grams of active ingredient.

Additional Ingredients:

  • propylene glycol is the basis of the drug;
  • water;
  • flavoring;
  • mineral oil;
  • alcohol and other ingredients.

In addition to the therapeutic effect on genitals affected by fungi, the drug can be prescribed for the following indications:

  1. stomatitis (candida);
  2. fungal skin lesions.

Instructions for use for men

How to use? Clotrimazole ointment for men is applied externally 2-3 times a day.

The course of therapy is determined depending on the severity of the disease and is set individually (from a week to a month).

Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients, its method of administration is very simple, and the effect is significant.

Stages of use

How to use the medicine? Please read the attached instructions.

It contains answers to the question of how to use the medicinal composition, describes the effects, contraindications, and composition.

Application for men:

  1. Wash the affected area of ​​the body (head of the penis and foreskin), then dry well.
  2. Squeeze a small amount of cream from the tube.
  3. Apply a thin layer of the product to the head of the penis and foreskin.
  4. Apply the medicine in a circular motion, covering several centimeters of healthy tissue.
  5. Leave the lubricated areas of the body open for some time to absorb the medicinal composition. Do not apply any bandages over the affected areas.

For your information! With regular application, the active substance accumulates in the affected areas, reaching a high concentration that is harmful to fungi.

Features of treatment

If thrush is diagnosed, the sexual partner also needs to undergo treatment.

It is prescribed by a gynecologist, and may include clotrimazole suppositories.

  1. During the period of treatment, the sick person needs to abstain from sexual activity (to exclude infection of the partner);
  2. During the course, it is recommended to wash only in the shower using mild detergents (for example, baby soap);
  3. After a shower, it is important to wipe the groin area dry;
  4. exclude salty and spicy foods;
  5. give up alcohol-containing drinks;
  6. take drugs that increase immunity;
  7. introduce vitamins into the diet.

If you have any questions about how to use the product or difficulties with the dosage, please note that the ointment has instructions for use.

Your attending physician can provide additional clarification. If candidiasis does not go away, it is recommended to undergo a more in-depth examination to look for complex infections and establish serious diseases.

Preventive measures

Fungi are natural components of the body; their complete elimination is not possible.

But it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the excessive development of Candida:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • when having sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, use barrier methods of contraception;
  • periodically (at least once a year) undergo medical examinations to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • it is desirable to have sexual relations with a regular partner;
  • balanced diet;
  • Preference should be given to cotton underwear.

Compliance with preventive measures is recommended for everyone, especially those who have encountered fungal diseases and have used clotrimazole for thrush in men.

The following categories are most susceptible to the disease:

  1. patients with diabetes mellitus;
  2. having endocrine pathologies;
  3. using hormonal drugs;
  4. took antibiotics;
  5. those with weakened immunity and chronic diseases.

If the disease relapses, it is advisable to visit an immunologist. Candida fungi are extremely rarely active on male organs.

This is explained by the structure of the genitourinary system: fungi are simply washed away when urinating.

Their development on the penis indicates a malfunction in the body and requires establishing the cause of this.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is effective and inexpensive, but in some cases its use is prohibited.

Contraindications to the use of Clotrimazole ointment for men include:

  • individual high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • inflammation in a wet state;
  • liver diseases.

Side effects:

  • allergic manifestations are possible (tissue irritation, itching);
  • edema.

Important! If side effects occur, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Analogues of the drug

Remaining one of the best for thrush in men, clotrimazole cream has analogues in its effect on fungi.

Fungal infections on the skin and mucous membranes are equally detected in both young ladies and men. One of the most effective modern remedies against fungal diseases is Clotrimazole ointment. Instructions for use for men and women are the same and virtually no differences. In recent years, this medication is more often prescribed for thrush, but it is also used to treat onychomycosis. The drug has a complex effect and helps relieve itching, redness and burning after the first use.

Today, Clotrimazole ointment is produced in small tubes made of aluminum. On sale you can find containers with a volume of 15 and 20 g. The amount of active ingredient, regardless of the volume of the tube, is 1%. The tubes are packaged in a cardboard box, inside which you can find detailed instructions on how to use the product. If the instructions are lost, its photo can be found on the Internet.

The main active ingredient of the drug is clotrimazole - a white crystalline substance that does not have a distinct odor. This compound blocks the permeability of the cell membrane of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the gradual death of cells.

Clotrimazole contains as auxiliary components:

  • Diphenyl 1 imadazolylmethane. This substance has a powerful antifungal effect, has a detrimental effect on candida structures and prevents their reproduction;
  • propylene glycol. Dissolves pathogenic microorganisms;
  • polyethylene oxide This compound promotes uniform distribution of the ointment and ensures maximum absorption into the skin;
  • cetylstearic alcohol. Thanks to it, all components of the ointment mix with each other and do not separate. Cetylstearic alcohol also helps the active substances to be better absorbed in the epithelial layer.

Thanks to its rich composition, the medication has a complex effect on the causative agent of the disease and eliminates symptoms. The cost of a tube varies between 70-155 rubles, the price differs depending on the pharmacy chain and the volume of the drug.

Doctors warn patients that Clotrimazole is a very powerful drug. The dosage, duration of therapy and regimen of use should be selected only by a physician after an examination and an accurate diagnosis.

When a doctor prescribes Clotrimazole ointment, what does this remedy help men with? More often, doctors prescribe medicine to combat harmful fungi and microbes that lead to infection of the skin and mucous membranes.

  • fungus of the feet and nails, groin and other areas;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • thrush;
  • ringworm;
  • erosion between the fingers;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • urogenital candidiasis.

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that there are practically no pathogenic spores resistant to this drug. When used correctly, the ointment is guaranteed to help overcome fungal infections.

Doctors warn that it is easiest to overcome thrush at the initial stage, so men and women need to know how this pathology manifests itself. A sure symptom of candidiasis is copious curd-like discharge. In most cases, they are observed at the initial stage of the disease.

The disease may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Redness of the epidermis in the area of ​​the head of the penis.
  2. Discomfort and pain during erection. In addition, a man may experience pain during sexual intercourse itself.
  3. Itching and burning in the groin area.
  4. The appearance of a white coating that has a specific unpleasant odor.

If such symptoms occur, you must immediately make an appointment with a doctor, since such signs may indicate the development of various sexually transmitted diseases.

In the absence of timely treatment, thrush in representatives of the stronger sex can lead to the development of unpleasant complications, such as phimosis and chronic cystitis. In medical practice, there have also been cases where, against the background of thrush, a man had problems conceiving a child.

Since Clotrimazole Akrikhin suppositories and tablets are intended only for vaginal administration, such forms are not suitable for men. Representatives of the stronger sex are prescribed only ointment or cream for fungal diseases; in rare cases, you can also use a solution. How long therapy will last depends on the diagnosis. Using Clotrimazole for thrush is very simple: the ointment should be applied to the affected tissue and left until completely absorbed.

In order for the drug to work faster, before applying it, doctors advise rinsing the tissue areas affected by the fungus. It is best to use regular soap foam for this. After the skin dries, the ointment must be applied to problem areas, including healthy tissue. Clotrimazole ointment for thrush in men should be applied three times a day. The product is applied in a thin layer, it must be left until it is completely absorbed.

If the disease affects the head, it is recommended to apply the ointment to the foreskin.

Therapy is carried out until the symptoms of the lesion completely disappear. To reduce the likelihood of relapse, after the disappearance of symptoms, therapy is recommended for another 2 weeks.

For other diseases, the duration of treatment will be slightly different:

  • if the patient is diagnosed with dermatomycosis, Clotrimazole will have to be used for at least 3 weeks;
  • for erythrasma, the drug is used for a month;
  • for lichen, the duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

The patient must take into account that the product must be applied to all problem areas at once. To reduce the likelihood of re-infection, the sexual partner should also undergo therapy (for preventive purposes).

Clotrimazole must be applied very carefully. It is strictly forbidden to allow the product to come into contact with the eyes, as this can cause serious vision problems.

If Clotrimazole ointment is purchased, instructions for use for men will be included with each tube. Before starting therapy, the instructions must be read completely and make sure there are no contraindications.

To achieve the desired effect as soon as possible, doctors also advise following these recommendations:

  • During therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs. A prerequisite is a daily change of underwear. After washing, it is recommended to iron underwear, since high temperatures have a detrimental effect on pathogenic spores;
  • During treatment, the patient must avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, since alcohol-containing drinks weaken the immune system;
  • to speed up recovery, the patient needs to take multivitamins and immunostimulants. These drugs will help strengthen the immune system, so that the body can quickly overcome pathogenic microorganisms;
  • in some cases, doctors prescribe additional antifungal balms.

Doctors warn that regardless of the disease, therapy must be comprehensive. But in any case, medications should be selected only by the attending physician.

Clotrimazole is strictly not recommended to be used together with polyene antibiotics, since these drugs will block the action of each other. Polyene antibiotics include Nystatin, Natamycin and Amphotericin. If the patient takes other medications on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to ensure compatibility with Clotrimazole.

Contraindications and side effects

One of the most important advantages of Clotrimazole is that the ointment has virtually no contraindications. When used correctly, it can be used by absolutely all men and women. The only contraindication for using the product is individual intolerance to the active ingredients and increased sensitivity of the skin.

Despite the fact that in most cases the medication is very well accepted by the body, it is impossible to guarantee the absence of side effects during therapy.

Some patients experience the following complications:

  1. Formation of blisters in areas treated with the product.
  2. Itching and burning.
  3. Swelling of soft tissues (most often this symptom is a consequence of an allergic reaction).
  4. Excessive skin dryness and flaking.
  5. Tingling in the groin area (during the treatment of thrush).

In rare cases, men complain of severe pain during sexual intercourse.

Most reviews about Clotrimazole are positive. Patients are satisfied with the drug and claim that it helps overcome fungal disease in an average of 3 weeks.

On the Internet you can find various videos that describe in detail how to use the product for a particular disease. But despite this, it is still better to start therapy after a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Only in this case can you count on a favorable outcome and the absence of side effects.

Clotrimazole for men is one of the main drugs that are included in the complex therapy of fungal infections of the epidermal layer and epithelium of the mucous membrane.

The causative agent of the genus Candida can normally be present on the surface of human mucous membranes. But if conditions are favorable for it, it becomes active and begins to multiply, causing discomfort and accompanying symptoms.

Often, fungal spores affect the epidermal layer and epithelial surface of external organs. To get rid of the fungus, use tablets or ointment for thrush. One of the effective medications for thrush for men is Clotrimazole ointment.

One of the key manifestations of thrush is copious curdled discharge. When developing in the male body, the disease does not manifest itself in any way until a certain stage, and can be located not only on the mucous membrane of the genital organs (for example, in the oral cavity). The most common manifestations of the disease are:

  1. Redness in the area of ​​the head of the penis;
  2. Pain during erection, during sexual intercourse, and after it;
  3. Pain during micturition;
  4. Itching or burning in the genital area;
  5. Gray or whitish coating with an unpleasant odor.

Such manifestations should not be ignored. Treatment must be competent and timely, which will prevent the development of unpleasant consequences - chronic cystitis, phimosis, paraphimosis, problems with conception.

One of the most popular and effective drugs is Clotrimazole - its price in a pharmacy averages 40-50 rubles

Candidiasis most often occurs in women. Often this disease is contracted through unprotected sexual contact, or the body experiences a weakened immune system (for example, after long-term use of antibacterial medications or a previous illness), as a result of which candida begins to become active and multiply.

Clotrimazole for men and women is available in the same forms - ointment, cream, gel, tablets, solution. This is an effective antifungal drug, the use of which helps to get rid of thrush in a short time. The active components of the drug are able to penetrate deep into the cells of the fungus and prevent its further proliferation.

Even a small dose of Clotrimazole helps to inhibit the development of pathogen spores, and when used in large dosages, the drug can completely destroy fungal structures, thereby stopping their viability.

In addition to the direct effect on candida, clotrimazole thrush cream can also fight other pathogens that negatively affect the human body. For thrush in men, the drug is used in the form of an ointment. Vaginal tablets are intended for the treatment of women, and the solution is used in severely advanced cases.

Medicine in ointment form

For men, Clotrimazole is prescribed as a topical medicine for candidiasis. It contains several active elements, each of which fights the pathogen in its own way:

  • Diphenyl 1 imidazolylmethane is the main component, has a powerful antifungal effect, negatively affects the structures of candida, inhibits their reproduction on the surface of the epithelium;
  • Propylene glycol - designed to dissolve other substances;
  • Polyethylene oxide and proxanol - help the ointment to be evenly distributed and absorbed;
  • Cetylstearic alcohol - promotes mixing of all active ingredients, has a softening effect, prevents separation of the ointment, helps the penetration of active ingredients into the skin and epithelial layer.

This composition of the drug has a comprehensive effect on the causative agent of the disease, eliminating clinical manifestations. But you need to remember that all dosages and duration of therapy are prescribed only by the treating specialist after a preliminary examination and consultation.

Treatment with Clotrimazole should be prescribed only after a medical examination. The instructions for use indicate that a man needs to properly treat the surface of the genital organ. Before smearing the penis with Clotrimazole, it is necessary to carry out thorough hygiene of the external organs and wipe dry with a towel. Then apply a thin layer of Clotrimazole, without rubbing, onto the affected area.

There is no need to apply pressure; the treatment should be carried out very carefully, no more than three times a day.

The duration of therapy in each specific case may be different; it directly depends on the severity of the disease, its neglect, as well as on which tissues and organs are affected by the fungus. The average course of treatment with Clotrimazole ranges from 14 to 30 days. If the use of the medicine is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or irritation of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to consult a doctor to change the drug.

Sometimes Clotrimazole is prescribed as a prophylaxis. This is necessary if a pathogenic microflora is detected in the sexual partner (this often happens during pregnancy). In such a situation, you also need to consult a specialist, since long-term use of the drug is not recommended. The doctor should determine the period of use based on the partner's test results.

Treatment with Clotrimazole has virtually no contraindications. An exception is individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. When used correctly, the risk of side effects is minimal.

Do not use Clotrimazole if you are highly sensitive to its active components, as well as in the presence of pathological processes in the liver. For wet inflammations, ointment is not used. In this case, it is preferable to apply a cream that dries it out.

In most quantities, the drug is well tolerated by the patient. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may develop, which may include itching or irritation, redness or peeling. In this case, you will need to change the medication. If urticaria appears on the skin, you should immediately stop using Clotrimazole and consult a doctor about replacing the drug with its analogues or drugs from other drug groups.

After treatment for candidiasis has begun, personal hygiene must be maintained. It involves boiling and ironing your underwear. It is recommended to wear only cotton items. During intimate hygiene, it is better to use plain or baby soap.

Upon completion of water procedures, be sure to wipe yourself dry, since fungi love a humid environment. During hot periods, you can use baby powder and wash it off while showering. After taking a shower, treat the genitals with Clotrimazole ointment.

During the treatment period, it is important to follow certain rules. Eliminate spicy, smoked, salty and sweet foods from your diet. You cannot drink alcoholic beverages. Avoid sexual intercourse for the entire period of therapy. Clotrimazole can also be used if the appearance of thrush is accompanied by the development of other sexually transmitted diseases.

The active substances of the drug suppress the activity of staphylococci and streptococci. It must be remembered that treatment tactics are always agreed with a specialist. Self-administration of the medicine is unacceptable.

If, with prolonged use of Clotrimazole for the treatment of thrush, no positive dynamics of recovery are observed, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In this case, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis for the presence of other pathological processes in the body, including infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

According to many patients, improvements in connection with the use of the drug are observed already 7 days after the start of therapy. In advanced cases, the doctor may prescribe the additional use of oral medications to suppress the activity of the pathogen from the inside.

Clotrimazole is a substance from the group of imidazole derivatives. It acts as a poison on fungal organisms, disrupting their vital processes. Clotrimazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, a structural component of fungal cells, which leads to their gradual destruction.

Since the ointment is poorly absorbed, the substance accumulates in the upper layers of the skin, which entails an increase in the destructive effect on pathogenic fungal organisms.

In sufficiently high doses, the drug also has an additional toxic effect on fungal cells, increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in them and accelerating the process of their destruction.

The drug is active against the following pathogenic fungi:

  • dermatophytes;
  • yeast fungi;
  • mold fungi;
  • pathogens of pityriasis versicolor and erythrasma.

It has a weak antimicrobial effect against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Clotrimazole ointment is absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes. The substance is concentrated in the epidermis and in the keratin of the nails, hardly penetrating into the lower layers of the skin and practically not entering the bloodstream.

Clotrimazole significantly reduces the effectiveness of polyene antibiotics, so the combination of Clotrimazole and Nystatin is rare.

Clotrimazole and Fluconazole are prescribed to patients of both sexes suffering from various types of candidiasis. These two medicines are absolutely compatible, with their help you can achieve significant results in a short period of time.

Metronidazole and Clotrimazole are drugs with the same spectrum of action, but the work of each is based on different active components. When used together, the substances complement each other, enhancing the therapeutic effect. However, it is worth remembering that in addition to the benefits, the risk of side effects increases.

Pimafucin and Clotrimazole are often used in the treatment of pathologies of the skin, mucous membranes, genitals, and intestines. The active ingredient of Pimafucin is natamycin (antibiotic). With the correct dosage, both drugs quickly cope with any kind of fungal infections.

One of the advantages of Clotrimazole cream for men is the almost complete absence of contraindications. It is suitable for all patients. An exception to this rule is individual intolerance to the components included in the drug, severe liver damage.

If you use the product in accordance with the instructions and in the dosage prescribed by your doctor, the risk of side effects will be minimal. Despite good tolerability, some patients experience the following complications:

  1. Formation of blisters on areas treated with cream.
  2. Itching and burning of the skin.
  3. Swelling of soft tissues due to allergies.
  4. Excessive dryness, peeling of the skin.
  5. Tingling in the groin area.

In rare cases, patients complain of pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately tell your doctor about them.

When using the cream, the following side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions,
  • itching, redness, swelling, rashes, ulcerations and soreness of the genitals,
  • intercurrent cystitis, increased urge to urinate,
  • rarely - fainting, decreased blood pressure, shortness of breath, headache, abdominal pain.

Most side effects occur in cases of intravaginal administration of Clotrimazole, since the mucous membranes absorb from 3 to 10% of the antimycotic into the systemic bloodstream.

According to experts, the use of the drug in question in large quantities does not cause any conditions or reactions that are life-threatening to the patient.

As for the interaction of this drug, when it is combined with Amphotericin B, natamycin and nystatin, its effectiveness is significantly reduced.

When using the ointment with other products, significant negative interactions should not be expected. This is due to the fact that the resorption capacity of the drug in question is very low.

Clotrimazole ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 15 and 20 g, with 1% active ingredient, packaged in a cardboard box with instructions.

The active substance of the drug is clotrimazole, which is a white crystalline substance and has no odor. Excipients are: liquid paraffin, white soft paraffin, ketosteryl alcohol, ketomacrogol 1000, chlorocresol, disodium edetate, citric acid, dibasic sodium phosphate, propylene glycol, sodium metabisulfite, purified water.

Selected in this way, the composition of the drug allows for a broad spectrum antifungal effect; in addition, it includes antimicrobial and antiprotozoal activity.

The action of Clotrimazole is based on its ability to disrupt the permeability of the cell membrane of a microorganism, which gradually disables all cellular organelles and ultimately leads to cell death.

Hypersensitivity to any of the components is the only limitation for men.

Side effects may appear as:

  • local irritation of the skin and mucous membranes - redness, itching;
  • headache;
  • other manifestations of allergic reactions.

All of the above is not a reason to discontinue the drug, but you need to consult a doctor. If the results are good, the regimen is adjusted, but the full course of treatment is carried out.

Despite all the advantages of Clotrimazole, there are also disadvantages to its use. Disadvantages include side symptoms, which arise mainly due to a violation of the course of treatment. It belongs to:

  • The occurrence of allergic rashes, redness and pimples. This is the simplest sign that can be caused by thrush.
  • The appearance of swelling on the body. Most often, swelling occurs in the legs.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Swelling of the vagina.
  • Pain in the pelvis.
  • Discharge from the female genital organs.
  • Cystitis and blistering.
  • Discomfort and even pain in the penis in men.

It is not recommended to use the medicine while undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment, since the latter reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the former. If there are signs of adverse symptoms, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.

During treatment with Clotrimazole, it is necessary to take into account that it should not be used during therapy with polyene antibiotics. These drugs mutually suppress each other's activity. Polyene antibiotics include:

  • Nystatin;
  • amphotericin B;
  • natamycin.

Judging by patient reviews, all forms of the drug are well tolerated, but side effects cannot be ruled out. When applied to skin, the following reactions are possible:

  • erythema;
  • edema;
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • tingling;
  • irritation.

Local therapy with Clotrimazole in the case of urogenital mycoses can lead to thinning, burning, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. More severe reactions cannot be excluded, for example, intercurrent cystitis, increased urination, pain during sexual intercourse. During local treatment of oral mycoses, side effects such as mucosal damage, manifested by irritation, tingling sensation and burning at the site of application of the drug, are noted.

If, after using Clotrimazole ointment, you experience signs of irritation or allergies, then you should immediately stop using the drug.

Many women claim that they experienced the following symptoms during treatment:

  • Itching in the vagina.
  • Burning.
  • The occurrence of swelling.
  • Peeling of the epidermis.
  • Irritation.
  • Inflammation.

Side effects may appear for the following reasons:

  • The body does not tolerate one or more of the constituent ingredients of the drug.
  • Due to improper use of ointment.
  • In case of overdose.
  • During pregnancy, you should use the ointment carefully, and in the 1st trimester, the ointment is generally prohibited. To prevent you from experiencing negative consequences after using the ointment, replace it with other medications in this series, for example, cream, suppositories.
  • If the ointment causes negative symptoms, then look for other drugs that can also be used during thrush treatment.


We have already found out how to use Clotrimazole for women, but what should the stronger half do in such a situation? After all, the medicine is intended to treat their disease. Women insert pills into the vagina, but for men this method will not be possible. But this does not mean at all that they cannot use these pills.

  • One piece of the drug must be diluted with a teaspoon of warm water.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes until a mushy mixture forms.
  • It should be applied to the affected areas of the genital organs.
  • After applying a uniform layer, apply a bandage and cover with a plastic bag on top.
  • The duration of the compress should not exceed a 2-hour period.

Men need to use the drug in this way 1-2 times a day. But, despite the fact that the tablets can still be used by men, for convenience it is recommended to resort to the use of Clotrimazole in the form of ointments or creams.

If a woman gets thrush, then a man (even in the absence of characteristic symptoms of the disease) should undergo a course of treatment by consulting a doctor.

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, the condition of the mucosa and is individual. The average course for women, men and children (after 6 years) is 2–4 weeks.

According to the instructions for use of Clotrimazole ointment, it is recommended to apply it twice a day, morning and evening, after mandatory thorough hygiene procedures using neutral Ph products.

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For thrush in women, rub a small amount in with light movements, spreading over dry, clean skin and the genital area. For vaginal use, a strip 5 cm long is sufficient.

Men apply Clotrimazole ointment to the glans penis and foreskin area. More detailed instructions for use for men with thrush(amp)gt;(amp)gt;

Treatment of a child with Clotrimazole should be carried out with extreme caution, since the skin of children performs an active respiratory function - it is impossible to immediately cover a large affected area. Apply the same way, twice a day, but in small portions to separate areas.

How to use to prevent relapses: treatment should be continued after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared for 1-2 weeks.

For Clotrimazole ointment, the following drugs are similar in action:

Sulfuric ointment

Benzyl benzoate


Terbimycin cream





Mycoseptin Travocort

How to apply Clotrimazole cream to men correctly? To speed up the recovery process, you must adhere to the recommendations below:

  1. Before starting treatment, it is important to undergo examination by a specialized specialist in order to determine the causative agent of the disease and the degree of its sensitivity to the main component of the cream - imidazole.
  2. Immediately before applying the drug, it is recommended to rinse the areas of tissue affected by the fungus. To do this, it is better to use soap foam and running water.
  3. After the skin has dried, it should be dried with a clean towel using gentle blotting movements.
  4. The cream is applied in a thin layer with the obligatory coverage of healthy tissues. Excess does not need to be removed.
  5. It is important to change underwear daily. Preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics. Additionally, it can be ironed with a hot iron.

During the treatment period, sexual rest should be observed. This is necessary to prevent infection of the partner. Doctors also advise giving up alcoholic beverages.

Like other azoles, it destroys cells of fungi of the genus Candida, blocking the synthesis of substances necessary for the creation of membranes. Deprived of their membranes, cells die. In small doses, it stops the growth of fungal colonies, and with increasing concentrations it has a fungicidal effect, completely eliminating pathogenic flora.

The peculiarity of the drug is its ability to penetrate the surface layers of the mucous membrane and skin, accumulating there. Thanks to this property, doctors include Clotrimazole ointment and cream for thrush for men in the TOP 5 of the most effective medicines. For adequate therapy, it is enough to apply only twice a day.

The next important advantage is that when applied externally, the composition is minimally absorbed into the bloodstream. The liver processes substances that enter the body, and the excess is excreted by the intestines and kidneys. Approved for use in patients of all ages (both healthy and those with concomitant diseases).

And one more advantage is the affordable price of Clotrimazole (20 g ointment - 36-75 rubles, cream - 36-163 rubles).

The cream has a drying effect and is useful for “wetting” inflammation. Ointment, on the contrary, is prescribed for dry peeling.

As a result of a decrease in general or local immunity, the fungus begins to multiply more actively, which leads to unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, burning, and cheesy discharge. The causative agent of candidiasis can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. To prevent the pathology from becoming chronic, it is important to start treatment on time.

Release form

Active ingredient concentration

Auxiliary components

Short description

propylene glycol;

sage essential extract;


macrogol 400;


ethyl alcohol 96%.

Sold in tubes of 20 and 40 g

benzyl and cetostearyl alcohol;

synthetic spermaceti;

sorbitan stearate;


polysorbate 60.

Available in tubes of 15, 20, 30 and 50 g

propylene glycol;

ethanol 96%;

polyethylene glycol 400

Solution 1%

polyethylene glycol 400;


Sold in 15 ml bottles

semi-synthetic glycerides

Available in packs of 6 pieces.


100, 200 or 500 mg

potato starch;

sodium lauryl sulfate;

adipic acid;

sodium bicarbonate;


Sold in packs of 1, 2 or 6 tablets

The active substance of the drug is an imidazole derivative. It is effective against pathogenic fungi, including the following microorganisms:

  • dermatophytes;
  • dimorphic fungi;
  • yeast-like fungi.

The mechanism of action is to block the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins and ergosterol. These substances are necessary for the construction of microorganism membranes. Due to the suppression of their synthesis, fungal cells are damaged and it dies. A low concentration of the drug has a fungistatic effect. It consists in suppressing the growth of fungus. At a dose above 20 μg/ml, the drug exhibits a fungicidal effect, i.e. destroying microorganism.

When used topically, the active substance is absorbed by the epidermis. The highest level of concentration is observed in the reticuloderm. Clotrimazole also penetrates the keratin of nails. The drug practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. In the liver it is metabolized to inactive substances, which are then excreted in the urine.

Clotrimazole for men against thrush is used to treat certain diseases. Common indications are skin damage by fungal microorganisms such as yeast, mold, and dermatophytes. The drug also helps in cases of lichen and erythrasma. Other indications for use:

  • nail fungus (onychomycosis);
  • trichophytosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • fungal erosion;
  • athlete's foot;
  • candidiasis;
  • genital superinfections.

Terms of sale and storage

Over the counter.

Protect from moisture and light. Storage temperature should not exceed 25°C. Freezing of cream, gel, ointment or solution is not allowed.

Clotrimazole is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

At the pharmacy, men can buy the drug without a special prescription from a doctor. The medicine must be stored in a place where children cannot reach it. The recommended temperature is 25 degrees. Do not allow the cream, ointment, gel or solution to freeze. The shelf life of all forms of Clotrimazole, except ointment, is 3 years from the date of release. The ointment is stored a little less - 2 years.


Since suppositories and tablets are intended for intravaginal administration, they are not prescribed to men. To treat representatives of the stronger sex, ointment, gel, cream and solution are used. The duration of therapy is determined by the specific disease. It consists of external use of a cream, ointment, gel or solution. In men, it is difficult to treat thrush, because it can be asymptomatic, affecting not only the genitals, but also other places, for example, the mouth.

Before applying the ointment to areas affected by fungus, they must be washed with soapy water and dried thoroughly. You need to lubricate the skin with the preparation, covering a small healthy area nearby. Apply the ointment in a thin layer up to 3 times a day, lightly rubbing until completely absorbed. To treat an area of ​​skin approximately the size of the palm of your hand, a strip of the drug 5 mm long is required. For male thrush, in case of damage to the glans, you need to apply the ointment to the foreskin of the penis.

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Treatment continues until symptoms disappear and for another 2 weeks after their relief for prevention. Course of therapy for certain diseases:

  • 3-4 weeks – for dermatomycosis;
  • 2-4 weeks – with erythrasma;
  • 1-3 weeks – for lichen.

Instructions for using the gel are similar to the principle of applying the ointment. The drug is distributed over clean, dried skin, affecting small healthy areas nearby. The gel is rubbed in with light massaging movements up to 2-3 times every day. This form of the drug is distinguished by the fact that it is well distributed over the skin and is quickly absorbed. It is convenient to use on hard-to-reach areas of the body.

Candidiasis and other fungal infections can be treated with cream. They lubricate the affected areas 2 or 3 times a day, lightly rubbing. The skin must first be washed and dried. Clotrimazole cream for men is used in the same way as the ointment. This applies to the treatment of candidal balanitis and balanoposthitis.

Clotrimazole solution

Before the application procedure, the skin must be washed with soapy water. This is especially true for areas between the fingers. After washing, the skin is dried and only then the solution is applied. They treat the lesions 2-3 times every day. The amount of solution should be such that the entire surface of the damaged skin can be moistened. If your feet are affected by mycosis, then you need to use the solution after each wash. Other features of the use of this form of the drug:

  1. This form is preferable in the case of onychomycosis, i.e. nail fungus.
  2. If the oral cavity is affected, it is treated with a cotton swab or swab up to 4 times a day. After the procedure, you need to refrain from drinking drinks and food for about an hour.
  3. Clotrimazole drops can be used to treat men's ears, into which cotton swabs soaked in the drug are inserted. They are placed for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times daily.

Clotrimazole enters the systemic circulation in very small quantities, so when applied topically to the skin there is no risk of acute intoxication. If you accidentally take the medicine orally, you may experience:

  • nausea;
  • gastralgia;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • anorexia;
  • vomiting.

More rarely, overdose symptoms such as drowsiness, pollakiuria, skin reactions and hallucinations are observed. To eliminate signs of overdose, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. It involves the use of enterosorbents. If there are visible symptoms of overdose, the patient may be prescribed gastric lavage.

First of all, you need to prepare the affected area:

  • Clean it with soap and water and wipe dry;
  • Soft soap should be used, such as baby soap, since an alkaline environment reduces the effectiveness of the medicine;
  • Skin with an impaired acid-base balance has an increased risk of an allergic reaction to the ointment;
  • After drying, the towel must be disinfected, for example, by boiling.

The medicine is applied 2-3 times a day, at the rate of: a column of ointment, half a centimeter in size, on an area of ​​skin the size of a palm. It is also recommended to treat 1 cm of healthy skin around the affected area to prevent the spread of infection.

Treatment of thrush

Thrush (candidiasis) is a disease caused by pathogenic yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Usually occurs in the genital form, causes itching, more often in women and less often in men. sometimes it can affect other mucous membranes, such as the oral cavity. Clotrimazole is often prescribed to treat thrush.

Use of Clotrimazole for female thrush:

  • It is necessary to take a lying position, bend your knees, and inject a sufficient amount of the drug into the affected organ;
  • For convenience, it is recommended to use a special applicator;
  • Then, you need to lie down for at least half an hour so that the product is evenly distributed and absorbed;
  • It is also necessary to treat the external genitalia;
  • To avoid stains on clothes, you can use panty liners without fragrances;
  • Since the ointment is poorly distributed over the surface of the skin, in case of vaginal candidiasis, it is preferable to use other forms of the drug, such as cream or suppositories;
  • Treatment period is up to one month.

Use of Clotrimazole for male thrush (candida balanoposthitis):

  • The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected mucous membranes;
  • Then rubs in easily.
  • For men, with proper use of the drug, a week's course is enough to cure candidiasis.

If one of the sexual partners gets thrush, treatment must be carried out in both. Even if one of them does not have visible symptoms of the disease, preventive therapy is prescribed.

How to use correctly for fungus:

  • Apply the ointment not only to the areas of infection, but also to the skin of the finger;
  • Rub in gently;
  • After applying the medicine to the feet, you can put on socks made of natural fabric - cotton or linen;
  • To avoid new infections, it is recommended to treat the inner surface of shoes with Clotrimazole;
  • For the treatment of nails affected by fungus, special solutions of the drug are more suitable, because interact with nail plates better than ointment;
  • Nails, when sick, need to be cut short, and the drug is better absorbed if they have a rough surface;
  • Usually, to cure this form of fungus, you need a course of Clotrimazole, lasting from 4 to 8 weeks, with 1 week of prophylaxis.

Treatment of deprivation

The drug is suitable for:

  • versicolor (pityriasis versicolor);
  • ringworm.

How to use:

  • Apply the ointment in a thin layer;
  • Care must be taken to ensure that all disease areas are treated evenly. Otherwise, already suppressed pathogenic organisms may become active again and cause new outbreaks of infection;
  • When treating lichen, you may need additional disinfectants, for example, iodine solution;
  • For the most severe forms, in addition to ointments, internal fungicides are prescribed;
  • Apply the product 3 times a day;
  • The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks;
  • In order to prevent relapse of the disease, the product is applied within 5 days after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.

Treatment of dermatitis

Dermatitis can be caused by fungal infections or other causes.

There are three forms of this disease for which Clotrimazole is often prescribed:

  • seborrheic;
  • atopic;
  • diaper

In case of accidental ingestion of Clotrimazole, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, gastralgia, and liver dysfunction are possible. In rare cases, pollakiuria, hallucinations, drowsiness, and allergic skin reactions are observed.

In this case, the patient is prescribed enterosorbents and symptomatic treatment. Gastric lavage is performed in situations where a life-threatening dose was taken within the previous hour, as well as in the presence of visible symptoms of an overdose (nausea, dizziness, vomiting).

Indications for use

The drug is used to treat various diseases of the legs, mucous membranes, and skin caused by fungi:

  • thrush;
  • stomatitis;
  • genital candidiasis complicated by trichomoniasis;
  • superficial candidiasis;
  • some types of lichen;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • paronychia;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • erythrasma;
  • mycoses complicated by infection of pyogenic cocci.

Clotrimazole, an ointment against fungus, has a white color, a fatty base and a specific odor. In addition to the active ingredient (it contains only 1% or 30 mg in a 3g tube), the ointment contains glycerol, wax, propylene glycol, and water. These components provide the form of the drug - ointment or cream.

Clotrimazole appears as a white powder. It is poorly soluble in water and highly soluble in alcohol. Therefore, alcohol is added to the ointment (to dissolve the medicinal powder). In addition, alcohol molecules increase cell permeability and accelerate the entry of therapeutic components into the bloodstream.

The availability of the medicinal composition ensures an inexpensive price of the drug. There is no need to ask how much the ointment costs. This is the most inexpensive pharmaceutical remedy for fungal infections, but it is quite effective and efficient.

Most often, Clotrimazole is used to treat thrush in men and women. It is also used for fungal infections in various parts of the body. Let's list what is treated with Clotrimazole ointment:

  • Candidiasis (thrush)– a vaginal infection caused by the yeast fungus Candida. For thrush in women, this is the No. 1 drug.
  • Inflammation caused by the fungus Candida (in women - vulvitis, in men - urethritis).
  • Skin fungal and some bacterial infections(fungus on the foot and nails, mycosis in skin folds, some types of lichen).
  • Color and ringworm.

Clotrimazole will help cure candidiasis. But in addition to thrush in men and women, the drug is used for such ailments as:

  • Dermatomycosis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Mycotic lesions of the toes.
  • Damage to the genitals by fungal spores.
  • Dermatophytosis.

The doctor also prescribes Clotrimazole for the following diseases:

  • Athlete's foot.
  • Microsporia.
  • Pyoderma.
  • Vulvovaginitis.
  • Candidiasis.

The drug can be used in conjunction with other types of medications. The cost of a package containing 6 tablets is 20–30 rubles. To complete the course of treatment you will need 3-4 packs.

Clotrimazole, despite its effectiveness, has a number of contraindications, so it is better to stop using the medicine immediately than to regret it later. Their main types include increased sensitivity of the body to the composition of the drug. This phenomenon appears immediately after using the first tablet, which contributes to the development of side symptoms in the form of allergic manifestations.

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Women during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as girls who are not sexually active at all should be treated with vaginal remedies for candidiasis with caution. In all other cases, the drug can be used to effectively treat thrush.

  • The ointment has some contraindications. They are due to the negative effects of the Clotrimazole composition on the female body. If you have symptoms of intolerance to the drug, then stop taking it immediately.

To prevent negative reactions early in pregnancy, avoid the drug in any form. Start therapy no earlier than the 12th week of pregnancy. During lactation, use the ointment carefully. The most favorable form of remedy during the treatment of thrush is considered to be a cream or ointment.

We note that it is strictly forbidden to use the ointment while breastfeeding if a woman is treating the mammary glands with the drug. The components of the ointment enter the child’s body, causing poisoning in the baby and intoxication.

Also, doctors do not allow the use of ointment in the following cases:

  • If a woman has kidney or liver disease.
  • During the menstrual cycle. This is because the ointment can enter the body with the blood, thereby causing side effects.
  • For candidiasis of the eye mucosa. Irreversible changes may develop, even causing vision loss.

The advantage of Clotrimazole, used to treat men, is that it has a minimum of contraindications. They are only hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the main component of the drug, i.e. clotrimazole or excipients. If you use all forms of release of this product exclusively according to the instructions, then the risk of side effects will be minimal.

special instructions

It is important to avoid contact of the drug with the eyes and ingestion. For mycosis in men, cream, ointment or gel must be applied immediately to all affected areas of the body. To eliminate the risk of re-infection, sexual partners should undergo treatment together. For men, the optimal dosage form of this product is cream. In the case of trichomoniasis, treatment with systemic chemotherapeutic drugs, for example, metronidazole for oral administration, is additionally prescribed.

  • Clotrimazole is not used for fungal eye diseases;
  • Do not apply ointment to the skin in the eyelid area;
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water;
  • After applying Clotrimazole, occlusive dressings should not be applied;
  • If after 3 days of treatment with the drug there is no improvement, you should check the correctness of the diagnosis;
  • In case of liver failure, it is necessary to monitor liver function;
  • Clotrimazole preparations are not intended for internal use;
  • If ingested, they may cause poisoning. In such cases, you need to take activated charcoal and consult a doctor;
  • After using the drug, wash your hands with soap;
  • Keep away from children.

general information

As a result of decreased immunity, the fungus begins to actively multiply. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning, itching in the genital area, and cheesy discharge. The causative agent of thrush affects not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. To avoid transformation of the disease into a chronic form, it is necessary to begin its treatment in a timely manner.

Use in childhood

The drug can be prescribed to children, even newborns. For example, with diaper fungal dermatitis.

But with some restrictions:

  • A child’s skin is more actively involved in the breathing process than an adult’s, so it is not recommended to apply the medicine to large areas of the skin;
  • Large foci of infection are treated in parts, alternately, 2-3 times a day;
  • The ointment is suitable only for those types of fungal infections that are accompanied by dry skin.

For infected diaper rash in infants, Clotrimazole is used in the form of powders.

Composition of the ointment and indications for treatment

The active component - clotrimazole (imidazole derivative) in a 1% preparation is presented in the same concentration: 10 mg per 1 g. The composition of the auxiliary components differs; manufacturers use preservatives, substances that facilitate easy application and rapid penetration into the skin. The cream contains alcohols.

Medicines are packaged in tubes of 10, 20, 25, and 30 mg.

There are references online to Clotrimazole 2% cream, but this option is not available for sale.

Cream composition 1%: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg/g, cetostearyl and benzyl alcohols, polysorbate 60, synthetic spermaceti, octyldodecanol, sorbitan stearate, water.

Composition of the ointment 1%: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg/g, polyethylene oxides 400 and 1500, propylene glycol, methylparaben, nipagin.

Composition of the 1% solution: clotrimazole at a concentration of 10 mg/ml (in terms of dry matter), polyethylene glycol 400, propylene glycol, ethanol 96%.

Composition of suppositories: one suppository contains 100 mg of active substance and base in the volume necessary to obtain a suppository weighing 2 g. Clotrimazole suppositories contain semi-synthetic glycerides as a base.

Composition of tablets: 100, 200 or 500 mg of clotrimazole, lactose in the form of monohydrate, potato starch, adipic acid, sodium bicarbonate, silicon dioxide in colloidal form, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Clotrimazole price

Since a lot of dosage forms of Clotrimazole have been developed today, their cost also differs significantly from each other:

  • ointment 1% 20 g – 15-35 rubles;
  • cream 1% 20 g – 40-43 rubles;
  • vaginal tablets 6 pcs. – 26-55 rub.;
  • solution for external use 1% 25 ml – 15 rub.

Also, the price may vary depending on the pharmaceutical company. But more expensive does not mean better, the active ingredient is the same everywhere.