What tests for eco. What tests are needed for IVF under compulsory medical insurance? Additional examinations of the female body

The clinic you go to will definitely tell you what tests are required for IVF. Pre-IVF tests are a necessary preparation for IVF. Tests before IVF are taken at the appropriate time - so that the results of tests before IVF are valid for the duration of the protocol.

What tests are needed for IVF women:

List of tests for IVF.

General tests before IVF must include: Blood type, Rh factor, Rh antibodies

Hormonal tests before IVF:

Gonadotropic hormones - for days 3-5 of the cycle:
* FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
* LH (luteinizing hormone),
* Estradiol
* Prl (prolactin),
* STH (somatotropic hormone)
* Progesterone (it is better to take it in the second phase at 20-25 days of the cycle)

Thyroid hormones
* TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T1-T4

Tests for infections before IVF :
* chlamydia,
* ureplasma,
* mycoplasma,
* gardnerella (smear, blood),
* gonococcus
* flora smear (degree of purity),
* cytological examination of the cervical canal,
* HSV, CMV (smear, blood),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C.
* AIDS, syphilis (blood),
* antibodies rubella, toxoplasmosis,
* Blood hemostasis

Results of the research
* Image of the uterus and tubes (HSG result),
* laparoscopy results (if performed)
* hysteroscopy results,
* biopsy results,
* results of ultrasound observations,
* photo of the sella turcica (if available),
* results of tomographic examination (if performed)

And other documents that you have accumulated during the examination.

In addition to the IVF procedure. Examination:
1) Collect all information about diseases in the female line (mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.) in terms of: oncology, diabetes and other serious diseases.
2) Remember all the diseases you suffered in childhood (if you don’t remember, ask your relatives).
3) Ask at what age your mother went through menopause (if it did), how your childbirth went, whether there were any problems with conception, the length and frequency of the cycles.
4) It is necessary to treat your teeth before starting the IVF program.
5) Carry out an examination in addition to the IVF procedure:
* biochemical blood composition (blood from a vein - total bilirubin, cholesterol, AST, ALT, total protein, urea) - given on an empty stomach,
* blood test for glucose and prothrombin - taken on an empty stomach
* urine examination (protein, glucose, leukocytes) to ensure the absence of associated pathologies.

If necessary, the list of tests for IVF may increase.

What tests are needed for IVF for men?

List of tests for IVF

* blood type,
* Rh factor
* HIV1/2 (antibodies to HIV),
* RW-(syphilis),
* antibodies to hepatitis B and C,
* spermogram (no later than 3 months),
* smear and blood for urogenital infections (see above, in the list “Tests before IVF” for women)

Where can I get tested? Price.

IVF, like other assisted reproductive technology procedures, is carried out in specialized medical clinics. Tests for IVF can be taken:
* directly at the clinic where you intend to do IVF. The cost of services will correspond to the clinic’s price list.

* in a clinic at your place of residence, if the clinic has the necessary resources to take tests for IVF. The price of the procedures in this case will be much lower and will not be included in the total cost of IVF.

* in commercial laboratories that perform tests in preparation for the IVF procedure. Prices may vary from laboratory to laboratory.
Moscow city:

In the Invitro laboratory www.invitro.ru, tel. 363-0363 (blood only)

At the Pasteur Center www.paster.ru (blood and smears)

At the Antiherpetic Center,
phone number 921-98-65

In the Laboratory of the Institute of Physical Education, Elizavetinsky Lane, 10)

Average prices for tests:
hormone - 190-300 rubles
smear from 100 rubles.

Attention! Tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and syphilis can be taken only at the AltraVita clinic upon presentation of a passport.

For woman

One time

  • blood type, Rh factor
  • determination of Ig M and Ig G class antibodies to the rubella virus in the blood - if Ig G is positive and Ig M negative, then once.
    In the absence of immunity to rubella, vaccination is recommended, followed by the determination of antibodies to confirm the development of immunity.

Valid for 1 month

  • clinical blood test
  • clinical urine test
  • smear on flora from the urethra and cervical canal and the degree of vaginal cleanliness

Valid for 3 months

Valid for 6 months

Valid for 12 months

  • cytological examination of a smear from the cervical canal and cervix
  • physician's report on health status and feasibility of pregnancy, ECG
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (up to 35 years), if pathology is detected - mammography / after 35 years - mammography
  • expert ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • molecular biological study (PCR of vaginal discharge) for herpes simplex virus type 1.2, ureaplasma urealyticum, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalium)

According to indications

  • tubal patency study
  • CA125 before repeat IVF
  • hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy (Pipel biopsy) - performed in addition to expert ultrasound to evaluate the endometrium
  • blood test for karyotype - once

For a man

One time

  • blood type, Rh factor

Valid for 3 months

  • blood test for syphilis (RW), HIV, hepatitis B and C
  • smear examination of urethral flora

Valid for 6 months

Valid for 12 months

  • molecular biological study (PCR of urethral discharge) for herpes simplex virus type 1.2, ureaplasma urealyticum, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalium)

According to indications

  • blood test for karyotype

Before surgery

Valid for 1 month

  • general blood analysis
  • general urine analysis
  • hemostasiogram (prothrombin, thrombin time, APTT, fibrinogen concentration)
  • smear on flora from the urethra and cervical canal and the degree of vaginal cleanliness (for women)

Valid for 12 months

  • fluorography or chest radiography with a conclusion
  • consultation with a therapist, ECG
Consultation with doctors of related specialties according to indications
  • geneticist
  • oncologist-mammologist
  • endocrinologist
  • psychiatrist
  • infectious disease specialist

All couples who decide to have a child need to know what is needed for IVF. Spouses should maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements, and, if possible, avoid alcohol and smoking. They also need to get tested before planning a pregnancy. This will allow you to identify and solve existing health problems at the preparatory stage. However, in some cases, conceiving naturally is not possible. In this case, you can contact the AltraVita Center for Reproductive Technologies.

You should know that some studies must be taken, taking into account certain rules. For example, when preparing for IVF, hormone tests must be taken on a certain day of the cycle - it is better to check with specialists about this. In addition, during some examinations it is necessary to exclude physical activity and sexual relations. Both partners must undergo tests before artificial insemination. In addition, the list of necessary studies depends on the age of the patients and concomitant diseases. For example, people who have relatives with diseases transmitted by inheritance should undergo genetic testing. There are many nuances that can affect the result, so before taking tests you should consult with a specialist.

Artificial insemination is a rather complicated procedure, so a married couple who decides to use the help of the clinic’s specialists must thoroughly prepare for conception. To do this, first of all, you should get tested for IVF.

What tests are needed for IVF?

Pre-pregnancy examination should include the usual set of clinical measures, such as consultation with a therapist, general clinical examinations and specialized examinations for women and men, for example, smears for genital infections

If a couple suffers from infertility and plans to use ART, then the examination before IVF includes a more expanded list. Women are often asked to donate blood for FSH, AMH and other female sex hormones. Men with infertility are recommended to undergo ICSI testing. A complete list of tests for IVF and preparation for ICSI is presented below and is available for printing.

After receiving the results of a complete examination of the couple, the doctor will determine the time when IVF can be done. To exclude contraindications to the procedure and pregnancy, the married couple is examined.

First of all, patients are invited to undergo an initial consultation with a fertility specialist, during which a plan for examination and correction of identified disorders is drawn up as part of pregnancy planning. The doctor will also determine what tests you need to take for artificial insemination. There is a mandatory examination (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2012 No. 107n “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications to their use”) and examination according to indications.

We take tests for IVF

The in vitro fertilization program is a fairly serious procedure in physical and psychological terms. Every couple who starts it wants to get a positive result and become parents. Therefore, you should carefully approach the procedure and pass everything necessary tests for IVF.

Why are tests so important?

An IVF program is never carried out without preliminary diagnosis. The very first thing that needs to be determined is whether a woman can give birth at all. To do this, you need to undergo examination by specialized specialists (ophthalmologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, etc.). This will allow you to identify problems in the body and see a detailed picture of your overall health.

After serious pathologies have been excluded, we begin to study the reproductive characteristics of the couple. They identify the causes of problems with conception, diagnose diseases in the genital area and their stage. Problems with conception can occur in one or two people. In case of male infertility, the IVF program may differ. The received data will be used as a basis and further actions will be planned.

Taking tests for IVF will allow you to identify a strategy for treating infertility. The choice of protocol type, dosage of medications, features of the procedures, and selection of additional micromanipulations depend on the results. Conducting (ob)research is very important; not a single procedure can be done without it.

Tests before IVF for a woman

Before starting treatment, the couple will have to undergo a detailed diagnosis. What tests does a woman need to undergo for IVF? The referral will be issued at the clinic and directly at the artificial insemination clinic. Here is a sample list of them.


A blood test is given for: syphilis, HIV, hepatitis. It is valid for three months. Next, the blood type is determined, and also. Next, TORCH infections are diagnosed: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, toxoplasma, herpes, rubella, etc.

For hormones

Hormone tests for IVF are extremely important; they will determine the hormonal correction scheme and dosage of drugs. They are taken on an empty stomach in the cycle preceding the protocol. At the beginning of the cycle the following are taken:

  • luteinizing hormone;
  • testosterone;
  • follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • cortisol;
  • estradiol

Are common

Within a month, it is necessary to undergo a general blood test, blood clotting tests, a urine test, and a bacteriological smear for vaginal flora.


The examination also includes ultrasound, electrocardiography and fluorography. It will be necessary to undergo examinations by a psychiatrist or narcologist. A conclusion about the psychological state of health will show the patient’s ability to bear and subsequently raise a child.

According to indications, the following may be prescribed:

  • photograph of the fallopian tubes;
  • tomography;
  • cytological examination (cervical canal biopsy);

In addition to all of the above, a reproductologist is able to ask questions about hereditary diseases and problems with conception in the family. Information about diseases suffered in childhood may be required.

List of tests for IVF for a man

A man also needs to undergo tests for the IVF protocol. Studying male reproductive health is no less important.

The number of examinations for a man is less than for a woman and includes:

  • blood for HIV, hepatitis, blood group, Rh;
  • (if necessary);
  • for hormones (if the spermogram is bad);
  • for TORCH infections;
  • fluorography;
  • andrologist consultation.

Check with a specialist about the validity period of certain tests. This way you won't have to take them several times. You may ask: where can I get tested for IVF? This can be done either in the district consultation or in private laboratories or in the clinic where you will do IVF. It all depends on the capabilities of the medical institution. Clinics often provide discounts to those who will undergo an IVF protocol with them.

Tests for IVF according to quota

In Ukraine, women under 40 years of age with healthy ovaries and at the same time having problems with the fallopian tubes can apply for IVF under a quota. The condition may be multiple ectopic pregnancies, obstruction of the tubes or their absence. In this case, there should be no endocrine diseases.

The list of tests for quota IVF is the same as for the standard procedure. In this case, there must be documents confirming the right to a quota. In this case, the patient must have:

  • photo of pipes;
  • endocrinologist's conclusion;
  • ultrasound result;
  • extract from the medical record;
  • doctor's report on health status.

It is possible to prescribe a MAP test, endometrial biopsy, etc. Those who take tests for free IVF need to be extremely attentive to the validity period of the results and the timely submission of documents. In our country, there is only one free attempt at artificial insemination.

Every couple going for IVF has high hopes for this program. In addition, this method is not cheap and not every couple can afford it. Take the examination seriously. Take the necessary tests for IVF in a timely manner.

Today, many couples cannot have children for one reason or another. Then they turn to IVF. This is an effective way to find a child, sometimes even more than one at a time. But you need to prepare for it: before the procedure, you need to pass certain tests. What to do and how much do tests cost before IVF?

In contact with

Many studies for IVF are mandatory, since they are aimed at identifying hidden pathology and preventing relapses. Thanks to others, it is possible to confirm the diagnosis that was previously identified by the doctor and carry out treatment, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism. Some are only advisory in nature in order to prevent pathology during pregnancy. Before performing certain tests, consult your doctor.

List of tests before IVF for women:

  • PCR smear to identify pathogenic bacteria in the form of chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  • CBC and OAM (general blood and urine analysis), additional blood test, which reveals the percentage of protein, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, sugar;
  • ALT and AST;
  • hemostasiogram;
  • tests to determine the status of the hormones FSH, LH, PRL, T4 and TSH;
  • blood to detect the Rh factor;
  • flora smear to identify pathogenic microbes or their absence;
  • cytology examination;
  • tests for the presence of syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C herpes virus antigens (PCR blood);
  • rubella test;
  • blood for herpes antibodies of the first two types of cytomegalovirus;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • fluorography.

List of tests before IVF for men:

  • spermogram;
  • blood to determine the factor;
  • smear on flora from the urethra;
  • blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • detection of antigen to herpes simplex (PCR blood test);
  • PCR smear for the detection or absence of chlamydia, mycoplasma with ureaplasma.

They are also asked to carry out PCR diagnostics of the ejaculate and undergo a consultation with a psychologist.

Don’t be intimidated by such large lists; all tests are taken in order to get a complete picture of the health of the expectant parents, and to eliminate the risk of it worsening if serious pathologies are detected, and to prevent possible negative manifestations during a future pregnancy.

The price of a particular procedure depends on the region of the country. Closer to the center of Russia, the cost may be more expensive than in other regions and constituent entities of the Federation. Mandatory tests usually cost from 250 to 5,000 rubles in private clinics:

  • Donating blood to identify Rhesus costs from 550 rubles, to identify one or another sex and non-sex hormone as well. Donation of blood and smears to identify diseases that interfere with pregnancy or its course from 500 rubles. To detect HIV, syphilis, hepatitis or other diseases - 500 rubles. The cost of analysis for chlamydia with mycoplasma and ureplasma will cost the same price.
  • Taking a hemostasiogram to evaluate blood clotting will cost 1200-3500 rubles.
  • A smear on the flora to assess the cleanliness of the uterus and tubes or the absence of this - from 250 rubles.
  • Identify urogenital infections with chronic infectious diseases from 3200 rubles.
  • to assess patency and study the condition of the endometrium, hysteroscopy will cost from 2100 to 5500 rubles.
  • Colposcopy with a smear taken for oncocytology will cost from 1,200 rubles.
  • Spermogram from 1200 rub.
  • An addition to the woman’s laboratory tests will be a transvaginal ultrasound to look at the structure and contents of the uterus and ovaries. It costs from 1500 rubles.
  • A general urine test to evaluate kidney function and the absence of infectious studies in the bladder costs from 200 rubles.
  • Consultation with a specialist is paid - from 1000 rubles.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands - from 1350 rubles.
  • Fluorography - from 350 rubles.
  • Blood test to determine progesterone levels - 550 rubles.
  • Hysterosalpingography - 1500 rubles.
  • Determine one indicator - 350 rubles.
  • Diagnostic testicular biopsy - from 1500 rubles.

More than half of these tests can be taken free of charge under a general policy at local clinics.

There are many options for getting tests done before IVF. Research required to participate in the IVF program or, possibly free of charge, if referred to a local physician and gynecologist. This method is the most impractical because it takes a lot of effort and time. It will be necessary to calculate exactly how many tests will be ready for the program and whether they will be suitable for it.

The second option is more convenient, but, naturally, it is more expensive. You can take all tests for a fee in special paid clinics. Many of them offer to take everything comprehensively in order to get results faster. Their cost often includes visits to specialists. On average, the price of the complex varies from 40,000 rubles per person. There are no manipulations and some actions to assemble the material (for example, oncocytology studies).

Finally, the third option is free and paid tests. In some places there is no point in overpaying for fluorography, general blood or urine tests, flora smears and others and you can get them done for free, but in others there is no point in having them done in public clinics and they are not done there without paying their cost. For example, these include ultrasound of organs in men and women, testing for hormones, as well as colposcopy and other operations.

Each analysis has its own validity period. This is the period of time over which the results of the study are considered correct. You can view the expiration date table on any portal. It is important that all research is “fresh” in order to receive a quota and get into the program. If the tests are not suitable for the program, they will need to be retaken. Below are the main indicators of how much is stored.

Research is stored for one month:

  • flora tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • urine;
  • hemostasiograms.

Results are stored for 3 months:

  • blood for syphilis with hepatitis and HIV.

Six months are effective:

  • ELISA (antibodies for rubella, toxoplasmosis, genital herpes);
  • PCR (infections in the scrotum);
  • spermogram.
  • 1 year valid:
  • oncocytological studies;
  • examinations in the field of hormones;
  • fluorograms;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • the fallopian tubes;
  • Ultrasound with mammography.

About the tests before IVF on video:

The in vitro fertilization procedure is a real chance for many infertile couples to overcome the problem of the inability to conceive a child naturally and become happy parents. Unfortunately, this service has a relatively high cost and not everyone can use it. In Russia, the implementation of the state program for the compulsory medical insurance policy is envisaged.

Carrying out IVF involves a comprehensive examination of patients and confirmation of the diagnosis of infertility. In addition, it is not always possible to get pregnant the first time, even with assisted reproductive technologies, so couples are interested in how many times IVF can be done under compulsory medical insurance. These questions are very relevant, let's look at the answers to them.

Many families are puzzled by the question of what tests are needed for IVF under compulsory medical insurance. Such an interest is justified, since the birth of a child in a family is the main goal in the life of almost every person. For its part, the state tries to provide comprehensive medical and financial assistance to infertile couples.

Tests for IVF under compulsory medical insurance can always be prescribed by a doctor at a medical institution. In this case, doctors act in accordance with the relevant Order issued by the Ministry. Health of the Russian Federation, dated August 30, 2012. It is marked with the number and series 170n, which describes the rules for implementation and contraindications for ART and IVF.

The presented document currently serves as the main regulatory act containing a list of tests for IVF on compulsory medical insurance and the procedure for in vitro fertilization. The document also contains the following provisions:

  1. Both couples who have previously registered their relationship in the registry office, as well as families living in a civil marriage and single women, can equally take tests for IVF under compulsory medical insurance.
  2. To obtain permission to carry out the in vitro fertilization procedure, a diagnosis of infertility must be established, which can be determined by passing the necessary tests for IVF under a quota.
  3. It is necessary to provide a medical report confirming that the previous treatment did not produce the required therapeutic effect, that is, it turned out to be ineffective.
  4. The Order defines a list of tests for IVF under compulsory medical insurance, according to which the order of couples to undergo the procedure will be determined, according to the criterion that determines the highest probability of conceiving a child after in vitro fertilization.

In addition to the specified state document, Order No. 567n of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which is dated August 12, 2013, is in force. The list of high-tech medical services provided to the population is fully described here. Based on it, specialists were able to expand the list of causes of infertility for which IVF can be completed under compulsory medical insurance. Thus, patients with HIV positive status also fall into this category.

Also, starting from 2015, a special program has been operating in Russia, according to which everyone has the right to receive state assistance in the treatment of infertility and have a compulsory health insurance policy.

All of the above regulations guarantee that each patient who has received a referral to undergo an in vitro fertilization procedure will be included in the waiting list in the order of priority, the right to choose a clinic (public or private) for IVF (from the list of participants), if IVF is unsuccessful, he will be re-entered into the list. waiting list.


Quota IVF tests are the first step towards the possibility of performing in vitro fertilization free of charge. If a married couple comes forward with a problem, both partners will be examined by highly specialized doctors.

The gynecologist prescribes the following tests for IVF according to compulsory medical insurance, confirming the diagnosis:

  • Research and determination of hormonal levels;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the uterus and ovaries;
  • Study of the condition of the fallopian tubes by laparoscopy or hysterosalpinography.

The list of IVF tests according to the quota for men who need to identify the presence or absence of infertility is as follows:

  1. Spermogram according to Kruger;
  2. General urine examination;
  3. Study of hormonal levels.

This short list of tests for IVF according to compulsory medical insurance is mandatory. Based on the diagnostic results, the type of infertility will be determined, and which of the couple has this factor. The next stage will be treatment, which can last up to two years. In situations where during this period the prescribed therapy is not effective, the doctor issues recommendations for the use of assisted reproductive technologies and a list of tests for IVF.


The list of tests for IVF allows you to diagnose the correct type of infertility that falls under this category of treatment. Based on the examination, one of the following diagnoses will be made:

  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • Diseases of the uterus;
  • Pathologies of the cervical canal;
  • Small volume of ejaculate or low level of sperm motility in the sexual partner;
  • Ovarian cystosis;
  • Congenital ovarian dysfunction;
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the ovaries that occurred as a result of the therapy;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Leiomyoma of the uterus.

You will also need to ensure that you have a statement from a gynecologist, which can be obtained at the antenatal clinic, which will confirm the presence of diagnosed infertility.

Examination sheet

The first in the list is always the indicators of the reproductive capacity of the partners. In the female half, it is determined by Anti-Mullerian hormone. The study itself makes it possible to determine the number of eggs in the body of the expectant mother that have a chance of being fertilized by sperm. The AMH norm for IVF according to compulsory medical insurance is from 1 to 2.5 ng/ml.

The level of functioning of the male reproductive system can be determined based on the results obtained after taking a spermogram. In situations where specialists diagnose the presence of a pathological process, they will have to use the expensive ICSI procedure. Not all regions of Russia carry out this procedure free of charge. If future parents are not ready to pay extra, then the quota may be refused.

The list of tests for IVF according to compulsory medical insurance is extensive, and the information provided is only the first block of the examination sheet. The next stage will be laboratory tests, through which it is possible to determine the presence or absence of pathologies of an infectious nature. So, a married couple will have to donate blood to detect antibodies to various pathogens and smears from the external genitalia.

The third diagnostic block includes a list of tests for IVF according to compulsory medical insurance. Here, examinations of a woman’s physical health are prescribed, which will help determine the likelihood of carrying a baby during pregnancy.

Tests for women:

  • laboratory blood tests for HIV, syphilis and other infections, hormones;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood clotting test;
  • blood group test;
  • smear from the vagina and cervical canal;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • examination of the cervix on a chair using a colposcope;
  • examination of the urogenital tract and endometrium;
  • mammography - for women over 30 years old;
  • examination of the lungs for tuberculosis;
  • consultation with specialists in the presence of any chronic diseases.

Tests for men:

  • blood tests for infections;
  • urine tests;
  • urethral smear;
  • spermogram;
  • examination of the lungs for tuberculosis.

Often the reason for refusal of IVF under compulsory medical insurance is the husband’s poor sperm, so it is very important to take a spermogram correctly. Before the procedure, you need to lead a correct lifestyle for as long as possible, preferably the entire period of pregnancy planning. To do this, a man must give up alcohol, smoking, junk and fatty foods.

You should try to normalize your body weight, but you should not engage in heavy physical labor. Before taking a spermogram, it is recommended not to be nervous and not have sex for 3-4 days. Otherwise, sperm quality may deteriorate significantly.

Validity periods

The validity period of IVF tests according to the Ministry of Health is determined specifically for each type of diagnosis. It is also worth noting that both partners may be subject to the same or different diagnostics of the body. So, let's look at what tests need to be taken for in vitro fertilization under a quota, valid for one year:

  • Determining the level of AMH in a woman’s blood;
  • Determination of FSH indicators in a woman;
  • Assessment of fallopian tube patency (for women);
  • Determination of TSH level of the thyroid gland (women);
  • Determination of prolactin content (for women);
  • Cytological examination of the cervix (for women);
  • Fluorography (for both partners);
  • Electrocardiography (women only);
  • Mammography (for women aged 35 or over);
  • The therapist's conclusion regarding the possibility of bearing a fetus (for women).

There are also short test times for in vitro fertilization under compulsory medical insurance; these diagnostic measures are presented in the following list:

  1. Determination of pathogenic microflora based on the results of examination of smears from the external genital organs - valid for two weeks, and both partners undergo it;
  2. Detection of antibodies to syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C in the blood - valid for 3 months and both partners are diagnosed;
  3. Testing blood from a finger prick (general type), as well as testing venous blood for biochemistry - only a woman can give it, and the result is valid for 1 month;
  4. Determination of blood clotting ability - valid for 1 month, only taken by a woman;
  5. General urine test – the result is valid for a month;
  6. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs – given by a woman and valid for 1 month.

A six-month shelf life is reserved for the following analyses:

  • Spermogram according to Kruger (for men);
  • PCR diagnostics for the detection of chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, cytomegalovirus, HHV-1 or 2 (for both partners);
  • Detection of antibodies to HHV-1 or 2 and cytomegalovirus (both partners);
  • Determination of antibodies to the rubella virus in a woman;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of mammary glands.

The validity period of tests for IVF under compulsory medical insurance when donating blood to identify its Rhesus and group, as well as to assess the genetic state of chromosomes (karyotyping) has not been determined. If indicated, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands may be prescribed.

After the examination

When a complete diagnosis is completed and all tests have been taken, the couple or woman should contact the commission of the Ministry of Health, which is located in the city or regional Infertility Treatment Center.

The following documents will need to be attached to the existing analyses:

  1. A complete extract from the medical history, which clearly states not only the diagnosis itself, but also the therapeutic measures taken and their effectiveness;
  2. Statement of health of the woman and her sexual partner, which indicates all the results of tests and examinations;
  3. A copy of the compulsory health insurance policy;
  4. Copies of all completed pages of the couple’s or woman’s passport;
  5. Application for a referral to undergo infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies.

Next, all documents will be reviewed by a special commission. If all documents meet the requirements, and the decision to carry out such treatment under compulsory medical insurance is positive, then the woman will be put on the waiting list. Then all that remains is to wait until the referral is issued and undergo the IVF procedure.

Number of quotas

Many couples are interested in how many times the IVF procedure can be done.

In order to become a participant in the state program, you must have clear medical indications. If a woman or married couple has a complete package of documents, and after passing the first unsuccessful protocol, it is not always immediately clear how many IVF attempts can be made under compulsory medical insurance.

Currently, at the state level in Russia there are no restrictions on carrying out in vitro fertilization procedures under the compulsory health insurance policy. After each failure, you can make repeated requests to add spouses to the waiting list for the issuance of a quota.

Following from this, we can say that repeated IVF under compulsory medical insurance can be performed as early as next month, after doctors have determined that the previous attempt at in vitro fertilization did not result in pregnancy.

As for the number of quotas issued to the regions, this number has a direct connection with the local legislation in force in the region regarding assisted reproductive technologies. Also, quotas depend on how many people have expressed a desire to take advantage of this program under a compulsory health insurance policy. More often, city quotas are more difficult to obtain than federal ones.

Doctors' opinion

Often, reproductive specialists have a different opinion. Even taking into account the fact that there is no limit to how many times IVF can be done under compulsory medical insurance for free, experts recommend that a woman restore her physical health before the next protocol.

It is best to refrain from stimulation for at least 2, and preferably 3 months. This time will be quite enough for all body functions to recover after the previous stimulation. As medical practice shows, only 1 or maximum 2 attempts at in vitro fertilization are carried out within one year.

The point is not that there are no restrictions on how many IVF attempts can be made under compulsory medical insurance, but with a rather long waiting list, as well as certain characteristics of the body of each woman and man.

When a couple plans a second IVF after a successful first one under compulsory medical insurance, then, if they have medical indications and confirmation, they also have the right to be added to the waiting list (this was the case until 2016). Here, experts recommend allowing the body to recover for about a year after the baby is born. Now, after a successful attempt, if you want to make another protocol, the procedure is carried out without a queue.

Regardless of how many attempts the spouses are going to make under the IVF quota, each time before the procedure they will have to undergo a mandatory medical examination, collect the entire package of documents, send them for consideration to the commission, and wait for the result to see whether the couple will be added to the waiting list.