How to treat the first signs of a cold? How to cure a cold at home? Treatment of colds and flu with folk remedies at home How to cure colds at home.

When you catch a cold, you feel tired and exhausted. Your throat is sore or sore, your nose is stuffed up; sometimes you feel hot and may even turn red; at other times, you may have chills, aches, and tremors in your body. Experiencing all these cold symptoms can be very frustrating as they cause discomfort and interfere with your daily life.

Getting rid of a cold is also quite difficult, since most doctors prescribe only medicines that lower the body temperature or, at most, bed rest.

So, how to quickly cure a cold at home in a day? In this article, we will discuss 16 Natural Methods and Remedies to Help You Get Rid of a Cold. All of these time-tested remedies work effectively and quickly, so you can feel better the very next day.

What is a cold and how does it develop?

Everyone catches a cold sometimes. Children tend to get up to 6-8 colds a year due to weaker immune systems. We get colds because of microscopic microorganisms called germs, which we introduce into the body from contaminated surfaces such as doorknobs, or even by shaking hands with infected people.

Coldit is an infectious disease that can spread from person to person. Coughs and sneezes that occur with a cold spread the bacteria and viruses that caused the disease, causing the infection to spread further (especially in the autumn and spring).

Viruses also enter the body through sputum, saliva and nasal secretions.. If you touch your face, eyes, or mouth with infected hands, then these microorganisms enter your body through these openings. The main type of pathogens that cause the common cold are rhinoviruses..

Our bodies have the ability to fight most pathogens quickly; however, in some cases, they cannot immediately cope with the infection, which causes cold symptoms, such as:

  • headache
  • chills (trembling with fever)
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • a sore throat
  • cough
  • increase in body temperature
  • general malaise
  • muscle pain
  • fatigue

Sometimes a cold can get worse and turn into a bacterial infection. such as ear infections, pneumonia, or a strep throat infection. These infections must be treated with antibiotics. Cold symptoms can occur 12 to 72 hours after infection.

Who can catch a cold?

Almost everyone suffers from a cold from time to time. However, people with weaker immune systems are more likely to become infected. School-age children are also more likely to get colds because they are in close contact with other infected children. Older people with weaker immune systems can also get colds up to 3-4 times a year.

Standard cold treatment

Most health officials generally recommend drinking plenty of fluids and staying in bed to get rid of a cold. You or your child may also be prescribed fever-reducing medicine. If a cold has caused a complication in the form of a bacterial ear infection or sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.), the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

How to quickly cure a cold with natural remedies at home

Let's now discuss how to treat a cold at home quickly and effectively.

1. Increase your vitamin C intake

Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that boosts immunity and fights free radical damage caused by toxins and pollutants. Regular intake of vitamin C can help fight colds, flu, and other chronic infections.

Studies have shown that a high dose of up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day can help fight bronchitis. At the first sign of illness, take vitamin C and continue taking it for several days. even though you feel better. If you develop diarrhea, reduce your dose and take up to 1000 mg daily until you feel better.

2. Drink lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the best natural remedies for colds. Drinking vitamin C-rich lemon or lime juice will help you cure a cold quickly.

  • At the first sign of a cold, squeeze a whole lemon into a glass of warm water and add some honey. Drink this drink at least 6 times a day until you feel better. Lemon juice reduces toxicity in the body and strengthens the immune system, which begins to fight bacteria and viruses more effectively. This helps to reduce the duration of the cold and you start to feel much better.
  • You can also use roasted lemons to cure a cold in 1 day. Simply toast 2-3 lemons in a hot oven until the peel is cracked. Once this starts to happen, extract the juice and sweeten it with honey. Drink a teaspoon of this remedy before meals and again at bedtime to quickly cure colds and coughs. For a very bad cold, take sweetened lemon juice 3 times a day.
  • For chills and fever, slice half a dozen lemons. Add slices to boiling water. Boil the mixture for at least 30 minutes. Strain. Drink a teaspoon of lemon tea every two hours until the chills subside.

3. Eat hot soups

If you don't know how to cure a cold in 1 day, you can use this time-tested method. You can have any homemade hot soup you like, but garlic and chicken soup work best.

garlic soup

Garlic has antimicrobial properties, which helps you suppress cold-causing pathogens. Garlic also has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Its use reduces aches and pains that usually occur at the onset of a cold. Here is the garlic soup recipe:


  • 2 liters chicken or vegetable broth
  • 8-10 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3 medium onions (finely chopped)
  • 2 cloves (spice)
  • ½ teaspoon ground smoked paprika
  • 5 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 medium tomatoes (chopped)
  • sherry vinegar

Cooking method:

  • Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the garlic and sauté it until it turns brown. Now you can remove the garlic from the oil.
  • Now add the onion to this oil. Fry it until it turns brown. You can re-add the garlic at this point, after mashing it with a spoon or blender.
  • Add the remaining spices and tomatoes, and fry.
  • Once the tomatoes are soft, add the chicken/vegetable broth.
  • Boil for 30 minutes.
  • Add some sherry vinegar to your soup for a special flavor.
  • Drink this soup 3-4 times a day to quickly get rid of a cold.

Apart from eating garlic soup, you can also include garlic in all your meals. If you can tolerate its taste, you can also consume raw garlic.

Chicken soup

You can also drink chicken soup at the start of a cold. In fact: chicken soup is one of the best folk remedies for fighting colds and coughs. This remedy was even used in ancient Egypt to prevent fevers and colds. While it may not directly cure this disease, it will definitely make you feel better.

The fact is that when you are sick, you do not want to eat anything. By drinking chicken soup, you can keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. This will help you feel better and also give your body the energy to fight infection. You can make chicken soup a cold cure by adding other ingredients such as ginger, garlic, and hot peppers that improve circulation and keep your white blood cells moving.

4. Ginger

Like garlic, ginger is another great natural remedy that can reduce the duration of a cold. Ginger will also help you if you have a sore throat or cough. Chop fresh ginger root and add it to a cup of hot water. Add some maple syrup, honey, or stevia to sweeten the tea. Drink this wonderful cold tea 3-4 times a day until you feel better. Ginger not only fights cold symptoms and acts as a decongestant; he is also excellent remedy for indigestion.

5. Steam inhalation

How to cure a runny nose and a cold in one day? Together with the other remedies listed in this article, steam inhalation will help you with this. This fantastic remedy for nasal congestion that usually accompanies a cold. To do this: boil water, drop 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil into boiling water, tilt your face over a pot of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and inhale hot vapors for 10 minutes. Inhaling the steam will help you get rid of a sore throat, runny nose, and persistent nasal congestion.

6. Drink plenty of fluids

Your body uses fluids to fight infections. So drink at least 8-10 glasses of fresh, clean water every day, and even more on sick days. This will help you get rid of bacteria and viruses through sweat and urine. Avoid sweetened sodas and fruit juices. Sugar reduces immunity, which will further weaken your body. You can also drink herbal teas, which should be decaffeinated.

7. Take Echinacea

If you want to learn how to treat a cold with folk remedies that also work flawlessly, try echinacea. Echinacea is one of the best herbal remedies to fight colds, coughs and flu viruses.. Today, echinacea is available in several forms such as tea, tinctures, or tablets. Do not take echinacea for more than 12 weeks.

Patients with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple sclerosis should avoid taking echinacea. Also avoid using products based on this plant if you have allergic to chamomile or other similar plant families.

8. Sleep with your head up

When your nose is blocked, it can interfere with your sleep.. Sleeping with your head elevated can help you breathe much easier.. You can also use a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your nasal passages from drying out, which will also help expel mucus and speed up your recovery. Use two or three soft pillows or raise your bed a couple of inches to help the mucus leave your nose more efficiently.

9. Gargle with saline

This is the best remedy for getting rid of the sore throat that accompanies a cold. Boil some water and add a teaspoon of sea salt to it. Dilute boiling water with cold water so that the saline rinse is warm. Gargle with this solution three times a day - this will help eliminate phlegm, reduce pain and inflammation of the throat. However, if the infection has penetrated deep into the tissue of the tonsils, then gargling will not be of much use.

10. Use Neti Pot

To relieve nasal congestion and accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses, you can use neti sweat, which is used to wash the nose. Fill the neti pot with warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Tilt your head to the right side, place the spout in your left nostril and start pouring water into it. Water should come out of the opposite nostril. Do the same procedure on the other side. You may need to practice using the neti pot properly. After a few tries, you will become an expert! Use neti pot regularly to keep your nasal airways and sinuses clear of mucus.

11. Drink herbal teas

Many herbal teas can quickly relieve cold symptoms.

  • Tea with licorice. Fantastic remedy that helps to quickly cure a cold. Licorice has a sweet taste, but its natural sugar boosts energy, reduces sore throats, and also suppresses the cough reflex. To make licorice tea, boil water, pour into a cup and add a teaspoon of licorice root to it. Let the tea brew for a few minutes, after which you can drink it. Drink at least 2-3 cups of this tea in one day.
  • Tea with thyme (thyme). This excellent herbal remedy also helps fight coughs. Thyme is rich in antimicrobial compounds and also has an expectorant effect that removes phlegm and mucus. It relaxes the airways and throat muscles, thereby reducing coughing. To make thyme tea, boil some water. Add ½ teaspoon dried thyme leaves to water. (Make sure you buy medicinal thyme (thyme) and not the spice you can get at regular grocery stores!). Cover the cup with a lid, let it steep for 10 minutes and strain. Drink this tea three times a day for three days or until your cold is gone.
  • Mint tea. Great for treating colds and flu.
  • Tea with sage. This is an old German remedy for a quick recovery from a cold. Boil some water and pour it into a cup. Place a pinch of dry sage in the water, cover the cup with the saucer and leave for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey and drink this tea hot before bed. Despite the rapid relief of cold symptoms, do this for 2-3 nights until the disease is completely gone.
  • Yarrow tea. Another amazing remedy for a quick cold cure.
  • Tea with tansy. It is a very good natural remedy for colds and coughs, especially at night. Take a teaspoon of tansy, put it in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Drink hot.
  • Strawberry leaf tea. This tea also contributes to the rapid elimination of cold symptoms.
  • Tea with Monarda. This remedy has been used for centuries by the native Indians of North America to combat colds and coughs. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of dried monarda leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink a cup of this tea 3 times a day.

12. Use baking soda

To the best natural remedies, which can help you quickly get rid of a cold, applies to baking soda. You can use baking soda to fight a cold in a variety of ways. For example:

  • You can add some baking soda and salt to warm water and use this solution as a nasal rinse. Simply fill a clean syringe with this solution and flush your nostrils. This will help you get rid of allergens like mold and dust that can cause cold symptoms.
  • You can also drink warm water with baking soda added to make the body's internal environment more alkaline. When your body's pH shifts to the alkaline side, it helps it fight inflammation and infections more effectively.
  • You can also gargle with water containing a teaspoon of baking soda and 2 aspirin tablets. Gargling with this solution at least 3-4 times a day helps to quickly get rid of colds, coughs and flu.

13. Make a breast rub using essential oils

Buy high quality essential oils such as camphor, eucalyptus and menthol oil. These are natural decongestants that can help those suffering from chronic colds. Make your own chest rub with these essential oils. If the oils are highly concentrated, they can irritate the skin; so first try putting a small drop on your wrist and wait for 30 minutes. If there are no signs of irritation on the skin, then you can safely use these oils. Before applying the mixture to your forehead and chest, you can also dilute the oils using a little base oil such as coconut oil or corn oil. Also apply to temples, under nose, pulse points and neck.

14. Use a bow

Onions and onion juice are excellent remedies for a quick cold cure at home.

  • You can make an onion poultice by frying it in a small amount of oil and drying it first. Apply a poultice to the chest. Keep your body warm while using this remedy. Change your poultice often. You can also apply onion juice on your forehead and chest. Drinking onion juice frequently is also a proven natural way to prevent colds.
  • Another way to use onions to quickly relieve a cold is to inhale using onions. Add the crushed pieces to hot boiling water and boil until the onion smell starts to come out of the water. Make up water from the stove. Lean over a pot of water and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the onion vapors for 10 minutes. This remedy will help you sleep well at night and quickly get rid of the symptoms of a cold.

15. Use Vinegar

Vinegar is a great remedy for sinus congestion. Inhale the vapors of the vinegar as you heat it in a saucepan. This will immediately clear the blockage in the sinuses. You can also drink apple cider vinegar by mixing 1 teaspoon of this product with a glass of warm water and honey several times a day to quickly get rid of a cold. Make sure you only choose organic, unfiltered, and raw apple cider vinegar. This will balance the pH of the body and get rid of inflammation.

16. Use Turmeric

Turmeric helps fight inflammation, prevent colds and coughs, and even prevent cancer. There are several ways to use turmeric to fight a cold:

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with a glass of warm milk. You can sweeten this mixture with sugar or honey. Drink this remedy before bed to get rid of colds and coughs overnight.
  • You can burn a piece of turmeric root and inhale the smoke that comes from it. This remedy helps to loosen phlegm and mucus, reducing nasal congestion caused by colds.
  • Eat some honey mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric every few hours to help relieve coughs, colds, and flu. This remedy eliminates the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Make a chest rub consisting of ground turmeric, ghee, and black pepper. Apply this mixture to the chest and throat area. This will quickly cure irritation in the bronchi and clear the accumulation of mucus in the chest.

Colds come on suddenly and at any time of the year. A person may eat an ice cream cone, drink an iced cocktail, or be exposed to cold rain and wake up the next morning with a headache, a stuffy nose, and a scratchy throat. Fever and runny nose are treated with decoctions and rinses. And immunity is strengthened by vitamin dishes and drinks. A cold should not be started, because a simple and non-dangerous disease leads to serious complications.

Rest, fresh air and disinfection

Runny nose and sore throat - a reason to take sick leave. The body, forced to fight viruses, is contraindicated in additional loads. In a bus or office, a person can catch an infection or sit in a draft, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being and increased inflammation. And the patient himself during a cold becomes a source of bacteria and viruses.

The immune system will quickly cope with a runny nose and cough if the patient stays at home and spends several days under a blanket or blanket. At a temperature of 36.6 to 37.2 light morning exercises are allowed. A simple warm-up activates blood circulation and perspiration. But after doing the exercises, you can not take a contrast shower, go outside or open a window. It's better to crawl under the covers and get some sleep. The body recovers during rest, produces more energy and white blood cells to fight viruses.

Twice a day, the room in which the patient is constantly ventilated. In the warm season, windows are opened for 1-1.5 hours, in winter - for 10-20 minutes. The person leaves the bedroom or living room for the kitchen or another warm room. Returned after closing windows. It is impossible to sit or sleep in a draft, so that complications do not begin.

Airing is sometimes supplemented with quartz lamps. The room is irradiated with ultraviolet light to reduce the concentration of viruses in the air. Windows in this case are opened after disinfection. The room will be filled with oxygen, and the excess ozone formed due to the lamp will evaporate.

A patient with cold symptoms is advised to take warm baths twice a day, wash their hands regularly and wash their faces so that bacteria do not accumulate on the skin. During illness, bed linen is changed as often as possible, and pillows and blankets are aired on the balcony.

Ginger tea and berry fruit drinks

The body is cleansed of toxins and viruses when we sweat. The temperature drops, inflammation decreases and well-being improves. Warm herbal decoctions can start the process of sweating. For colds, it is recommended to brew:

  • Dill seeds;
  • sage;
  • marshmallow root;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Birch buds;
  • chamomile inflorescences;
  • burdock root;
  • St. John's wort.

Anti-inflammatory tea is prepared from 30 g of the plant and a cup of cold water. It is better to heat the broth in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. Remove when the drink turns brownish or yellowish. Infuse in a thermos or a container wrapped in a terry towel. Drink with sugar, raspberry jam or honey.

Heat removes cranberry juice:

  • Frozen berries are poured into an enameled plate or pan, kneaded with a fork.
  • Pour cranberry puree into a gauze bag, separate the juice from crushed fruits.
  • The cake is returned to the pan and poured with water.
  • The mass is brought to a boil, cooled to 60 degrees and pour in the juice.

Therapeutic juice is seasoned with honey, less often with sugar. In a similar way, vitamin drinks are prepared from blackberries, lingonberries and viburnum. Berry infusions are mixed with freshly squeezed citrus juices to increase the concentration of vitamin C. The body converts ascorbic acid into substances that strengthen the immune system and destroy the source of the inflammatory process.

Kalina, cranberries and lingonberries are scalded with boiling water, and then crushed in a blender along with a few tablespoons of warmed honey. Eat 5-6 tablespoons of fresh jam per day. 30–40 g of sea buckthorn grated with sugar are added to herbal decoctions.

Important: Honey cannot be heated above 60 degrees, and the berries do not boil for more than 5 minutes. Products contain vitamins, which are destroyed during prolonged heat treatment and turn into carcinogens.

Ginger root speeds up metabolic processes and warms the body from the inside. By increasing blood circulation, the spice helps the immune system fight the viruses that caused the common cold. Fresh ginger is added to cereals and first courses, and is also used to prepare an anti-inflammatory agent:

  1. A piece of root 5–6 cm long is cut into thin slices. The peel is removed before grinding.
  2. Pour ginger into a teapot or pan, add 2 liters of water.
  3. The drink is brought to a boil, seasoned with 20 g of cardamom and 3 stars of anise. Sometimes a pinch of cinnamon is added to the decoction.
  4. Ginger medicine is removed from the stove 10 minutes after boiling. Insist 40 minutes and filter.
  5. Juice from 1 small lemon is poured into a warm drink, or thin citrus slices are simply added.

Ginger tea is stored in a thermos. A little honey, which has antiseptic properties, and 10-15 drops of echinacea are added to each cup of the drink. Alcohol tincture strengthens the immune system, and ginger stimulates the removal of toxins from the body.

Sore throat and runny nose are removed with milk broth. Finely chop a piece of ginger root weighing 25-30 g and pour into an enameled bowl. Pour two cups of milk and send the mixture to a water bath. When the drink becomes hot, 2-3 pinches of black or allspice are added to it. Boil for 10-15 minutes, filter and cool to 45-50 degrees. A spoonful of honey is dissolved in a warm milk-ginger broth.

After taking such a medicine, a slight burning sensation occurs inside. So the components are working. The drink is contraindicated in peptic ulcers, gastritis and liver problems. Freshly squeezed orange juice is added to the milk broth along with honey, which enriches the body with vitamin C.

With a wet cough, the citrus component is replaced with two pinches of turmeric. The spice stimulates sputum discharge and helps with bronchitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Pastes to strengthen immunity

Patients with a cold are advised to abstain from fatty foods. Beef and pork broths, cutlets, sausage and semi-finished products are contraindicated. A weakened body does not need fats and extra calories. Meat soups are replaced with vegetables and fruits, as well as sour-milk drinks. Ryazhenka, kefir and natural yogurt restore the intestinal microflora, increasing immunity.

Some patients practice one-day fasting, but this method of treatment raises doubts among doctors. An organism fighting an infection should not be overloaded with food, but you should not completely refuse food.

Apples, oranges, peppers, cabbage, sea fish and spinach are sources of vitamins responsible for the production of white blood cells. It is these cells that destroy viruses and treat inflammation. Vegetable and fruit salads are supplemented with light and nutritious pastes that increase immunity.

The first, lemon, is prepared from 1 large citrus. The yellow blank is dipped for 2-3 minutes in hot water to soften slightly. The fruit, cut into large pieces, is passed through a meat grinder, and then 100 g of butter is added to the sour mass. The dairy product is softened in a water bath. The workpiece is filled with 4–5 tbsp. l. honey. Pour into a jar with a tight lid and refrigerate. Sandwiches from bran bread are prepared daily with lemon paste.

Salty vitamin snack consists of 100 g of hard or processed cheese and the same amount of butter. The products are crushed, mixed and simmered in a water bath for 5–10 minutes so that they melt and turn into a homogeneous mass. The workpiece is seasoned with gruel of 4 garlic cloves and 10 walnut or pine nut kernels. A bunch of finely chopped parsley and green onion feathers are added to the pasta, which has cooled to 60 degrees. Store the snack in a glass jar for 3-4 days.

Garlic and cheese paste contains vitamin C, phytoncides and amino acids, which invigorate, relieve inflammation, runny nose and cough. After the medicine, there is no unpleasant odor left. Parsley neutralizes it.

Solutions for rinsing and baths

Feet with a cold should be warm. If the body temperature does not rise above 37.2, mustard baths are allowed. They warm and increase blood circulation. Pour 2-3 liters of hot water into the basin. No boiling water, the legs should be comfortable. Dissolve 50 g of mustard powder in the liquid. The feet are lowered into the prepared bath and kept for 20 minutes, periodically adding hot water. Immediately after the procedure, woolen or thick terry socks are put on the legs. The patient is recommended to lie down for 30–40 minutes and not to run with steamed feet on the cold floor. Heels can be smeared with "Asterisk". The tool warms and disinfects, removes the symptoms of a cold in 3-4 days.

Many viruses and bacteria accumulate in the nasal passages and larynx. They cause a runny nose, inflammation of the mucous membrane and perspiration. The infection is washed out with a solution that includes:

  • boiled water - 300 ml;
  • regular or sea salt - 25 g;
  • baking soda - 15 g;
  • iodine ordinary or blue - 3-4 drops.

Instead of saline, herbal decoctions are used: chamomile, eucalyptus, sage or coltsfoot. After washing, the nasal passages and throat are smeared with sea buckthorn oil, beet juice, radish with honey or aloe.

With sore throat and runny nose, garlic-onion inhalations are carried out. Vegetables are cut, poured with cold water and insisted under the lid for 5-10 minutes. Then open and inhale the secreted essential oils through the nose and mouth.

The maxillary sinuses are heated with boiled eggs or fabric bags filled with hot buckwheat. A cabbage leaf soaked in honey or a piece of gauze soaked in a water-alcohol solution is applied to the throat.

After rinsing, Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the nose. Wings and nose bridges are rubbed with "Asterisk", oxolin ointment or "Doctor Mom".

Additional Recipes

  1. With a sore throat, sneezing and the first signs of a runny nose, they drink a glass of vodka or cognac. A pinch of red or black pepper is added to alcohol for a warming effect. After drinking alcohol, a person goes to bed, and in the morning wakes up vigorous and healthy. The method is contraindicated for ulcers, heart problems and pressure.
  2. An aromatic lamp is placed in the patient's room, to which essential oil is added. Use bergamot, rosemary, eucalyptus or mint. Tea tree or cedar oil will do. The essential component is applied to a hot battery if there is no lamp. The additive disinfects the air in the room and the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. The symptoms of a cold are removed by steam inhalation. A decoction for her is prepared from linden and chamomile flowers, mint sprigs, sage and eucalyptus leaves. 40-50 g of a mixture of plants is poured into a kettle with hot water. The boiling broth is removed, the container is covered with a paper cone and the vapors are inhaled for 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Tickle and cough are removed with cocoa butter. Add 1 tsp to a glass of warm milk. grated product. The drink is taken before bed. The oil is also absorbed after eating to soften the throat mucosa and remove discomfort.
  5. Compresses from mustard powder and honey accelerate recovery. The components are combined and kneaded elastic dough. Potato starch or oatmeal flour is sometimes added to the mass as a thickener. The workpiece is divided into 2-3 parts, cakes are formed and applied to the chest. Do not capture the region of the heart. Remove after 1-1.5 hours.
  6. Immunity is strengthened with a decoction of rose hips and vegetable salads with garlic and olive oil.
  7. Three times a day take 1 tbsp. l. onion milk. It contains a lot of phytoncides and anti-inflammatory components. A medicine is prepared from 3 finely chopped onions and a glass of hot milk. The components are combined and infused for 2 hours.

A cold is one of the warning signs of a weakened immune system. After recovery, a person is recommended to improve his health: consume a lot of citrus fruits and honey, exercise and take a contrast shower. And also do not smoke or abuse alcohol, which weakens the body's defenses.

Video: what cold medicines can be used during pregnancy

Quick cure for colds at home.

Is it possible to cure a cold in one day at home?

A question that cannot be answered unambiguously. If you have strong immunity, health is not undermined by bad habits, nervous stress and lack of sleep, malnutrition, then, of course, you can. If your body is weakened not only by a viral infection, but also by any of the above factors, then you will have to literally “sweat”.

An approaching cold in the form of a runny nose, watery eyes, mild malaise and a slightly elevated temperature can be very quickly drowned out with something like Flukold, but we know that this is a powerful “hit on the liver”. 3-4 tablets per day - and you are "like a cucumber." Did you happen to get up on your feet in this way, when you really need it? Colds never come on time, on the contrary, often and thickly when you just need to be on your feet. And since my blog is about natural methods of maintaining good health, this is not the place for such advice.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear (pain in the nasopharynx, sore throat, slight dizziness, lacrimation), in order to quickly cure a cold at home, the following steps can be taken:

Hot mustard foot bath:

◾ take 1 tablespoon of mustard powder for 5-7 liters of water,
◾ water should cover the ankles;
◾ the water should be hot, as far as the legs can withstand;
◾duration - 15-20 minutes, as the water cools, you need to add boiling water;
At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet dry and put on warm woolen socks.

General bath with sea salt and essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary:

◾ on 250 g of salt, drop 2-3 drops of oils or 12-15 drops of any one oil;
◾water temperature should not exceed 38°C, duration 10-15 minutes;
◾ after the bath, dry yourself, wrap yourself up and under the covers.

As much ginger tea as possible (1.5-2 liters per day):

◾ it is always advised to drink a lot of warm drinks, it contributes to the speedy removal of the infection from the body;
◾ ginger tea has a very good effect, it warms well and speeds up the metabolism;
◾ take a ginger root about 6-7 cm, peel, cut into thin slices or grate;
◾ fill with 2 l. boiling water, add 0.5 lemon, 2-3 stars of anise, 1 teaspoon of cardamom, boil for 15-20 minutes;
◾ fill in a thermos, let it brew for 1-2 hours;
◾drink warm with honey after 1-2 hours;
◾ drink echinacea tincture, it is the strongest immune stimulant, just add 1 teaspoon to tea.

Cocoa butter for sore throat:

◾ with severe sore throat, cocoa butter helps, it softens and heals well;
◾ add 1 teaspoon of grated cocoa butter to milk and drink;
You can eat cocoa butter just like this: during the day after eating and then every hour, dissolve 1 teaspoon of grated butter, the sore throat will quickly pass.

Use essential oils to treat colds and disinfect the room:

◾Scent the room with essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot;
◾drip 2-3 drops of oil in an aroma lamp or on a heating radiator, the room will be filled with a healing aroma;
◾breathe essential oils directly from the bottle, put an open bottle on your bedside table, you will breathe it all night.

Inhalations with herbs or essential oils:

◾ to warm up the upper respiratory tract, inhale with herbal decoction or essential oils;
◾2 table. spoons of collecting herbs: boil sage, chamomile, linden, mint;
◾ bend over a container with hot broth, throwing a towel over your head;
◾ breathe for 5-7 minutes.


◾ in general, sleep is important for the treatment of diseases, no matter how decisive;
◾remember, always in the evening, when the body is weakened by relentless activity, all symptoms intensify, and, on the contrary, when steps are taken towards recovery, the effect is most noticeable in the morning after the body has rested and gained new strength to fight the virus, including ;
◾ taking a wellness bath, making a mustard foot bath, eating garlic, drinking ginger tea, breathing in essential oils, wrapping yourself in a blanket, you give the body the opportunity in the process of sleep, rest on your part, without being distracted by anything, to effectively fight the disease.

Let's return to the question of whether it is possible to cure a cold at home in one day.

I repeat, with strong immunity, it is enough to spend one day in such procedures and in the morning you will feel almost recovered, of course, if you start treatment at the initial stage of the disease. Find an opportunity to set aside one day to devote it completely to recovery. Believe me, if the disease gains strength, you will then lose much more time visiting doctors, running around pharmacies in search of prescribed medicines, or simply at home in bed.

If you are not a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, have bad habits, are subject to constant stress, then your immunity is weakened and one day is not enough. Do not finish off your immunity with “flukold-like” drugs, antibiotics and other chemicals, it won’t be faster anyway, and the harm from such methods of treatment is much more than good. Just select if not one, but 3-4 days, because anyway you will not be able to get on your feet earlier, so it is better to try to prevent the further development of the disease.

It is better, of course, to try to stick to a healthy diet, work on strengthening the immune system, engage in energy recovery, and exercise. Then no infection will be terrible for you, you can always cure a cold very quickly at an early stage at home.

Many, in addition to drug treatment, are increasingly resorting to traditional medicine.

At the first symptoms

Plentiful drink helps me - cranberry juice and water with lemon. Press cranberries into containers, then pour boiling water, add a little sugar if desired. Such a fruit drink should be drunk two cups every hour and alternated with two cups of water with lemon (cut the lemon into slices, squeeze out the juice, pour boiling water along with the peel). A shock dose of vitamin C is what you need to fight the disease! (Svetlana, 55 years old)

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Black radish juice relieves many symptoms of a cold (I squeeze it on a juicer along with the peel). About half a liter of juice is obtained from a kilogram of radish. A little salt is added to it so that it does not disappear, and then we put it in the refrigerator. Three times a day, half an hour before meals, you should take a teaspoon, even a tablespoon is better. Even asthma can be cured in this way. Swelling of the neck and throat is removed, the condition of the upper respiratory tract is normalized. I think that the rest of the body is not against such a procedure. But most of all it can get to others: some do not tolerate the smell of radish. I usually do this procedure when I don't have to go to work. ( Sergey, 44 years old)

It is good to do a foot massage when starting a cold, thoroughly massage each finger and foot with the Asterisk balm at night. This is a 100% remedy, it will release in the morning! ( Yana, 29 years old)

Against cough

This is an old but very effective recipe for a wet cough. We take one medium-sized onion, cut it finely, put it in a jar, pour two tablespoons of honey (it is important that the honey is natural). We put the jar in a warm place so that the juice begins to form. Take one tablespoon three times a day. There will be no smell, don't worry! ( Alena, 33 years old)

We cut out the middle of a fresh white radish and add a tablespoon of honey inside. We put in a warm place for several hours, wait until the radish releases juice. This juice should be taken one tablespoon per day. Good for wet cough. (Sergey, 56 years old)

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To combat a dry cough, you can rub your chest with goat fat or honey at night, then wrap yourself in cellophane or cling film and sleep until morning. Another way to prevent complications associated with the respiratory system is to drink a glass of warm milk at night. A piece of butter, soda on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey should be dissolved in milk. The drink does not taste very pleasant, but within two days it relieves cough and its consequences. (Anna, 26 years old)

Any kind of cough can be cured in one day if you drink a mixture of a raw egg, a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of melted butter, a tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of soda on an empty stomach. If it didn’t help the first time, repeat the procedure again - the second time will definitely help. (Ekaterina, 23 years old)

From a cold

You can permanently get rid of a runny nose or nasal congestion if you perform one procedure. We collect hot water in the bath and lower only the feet and hands there! Sit like this for 15 minutes. Problems with a runny nose will stop bothering you after the first time. ( Alexander, 57 years old)

Sinusitis aggravated during a cold is perfectly treated in two ways. First, you need to cut the onion into half rings, wrap the onion slices with gauze or a bandage, insert the resulting tampons into the nose. This method will also help kill the infection in the nasopharynx if you are just starting to get sick. Secondly, with sinusitis, it is necessary to rinse the nose with propolis tincture (you can make it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy) and saline solution: two teaspoons of salt per glass of warm water. ( Alina, 27 years old)

Washing the nose with a decoction of chamomile helps with a runny nose. The procedure should be performed every hour with a profuse runny nose and three times a day with mild congestion. Thus, you can recover in a couple of days maximum. ( Irina, 59 years old)

Proven Recipe! Heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the wings of the nose for as long as you can stand it. The tool helps well with a runny nose and severe swelling. ( Natalia, 42 years old)

From temperature

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Mom always gives me a decoction of nettle, elderberry, rose hips and mountain ash or linden tea for fever. All herbs can be bought at the pharmacy. The temperature does not drop immediately, but after an hour and a half. But no chemistry. ( Vitaly, 23 years old)

You can bring down the high temperature without resorting to pills. It is enough to make compresses from vinegar. Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of cool water and prepare three handkerchiefs. Wet handkerchiefs in turn and, without wringing, put under the armpits and on the forehead. Soak handkerchiefs continuously in water every two minutes. The temperature will drop sharply within 20 minutes. ( Anton, 34 years old)

I am a doctor myself, but I always use the opportunity not to take pills once again. The temperature can be lowered by rubbing the patient with vodka or alcohol, giving him lingonberry or raspberry juice, preferably more, and wrapping him in a warm blanket so that the patient sweats. Twenty minutes and all is well! An old but very effective way. ( Love, 28 years old)

For sore throat

Ice cream relieves a sore throat. But they can be treated only if you have a sore throat and tonsils hurt. With bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract, ice cream can only cause harm. ( Galina, 34 years old)

With a sore throat, I dissolve a piece of propolis under the tongue, very small. I also gargle with propolis tincture (also sold in pharmacies). Propolis kills microbes and heals wounds on the tonsils, which usually happens with purulent tonsillitis. You can heal in a couple of days. ( Irina, 29 years old)

Sore throat is well relieved by dried ginger in sugar. You can buy it on the market or make it yourself - just cut the root thinly, roll in sugar or honey and leave for a few days. The effect is amazing, and the taste is simply gorgeous - better than many tablets and lozenges for coughs and sore throats. ( Elena, 33 years old)

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A good and proven way to relieve a sore throat is ice cream!

But there are also folk remedies, which are sometimes not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacy drugs. In general, prevention plays an important role, it is better to take care of your health in advance than to be treated later and worry about the consequences. Prevention is not difficult to carry out, you just need to spend more time on the street and take tea with lemon and ginger (for a mug of tea - a slice of lemon and three rings of ginger root 2 mm thick).

If you are cold, the first thing you need to do is warm up. Frozen feet will be perfectly warmed by a hot bath with mustard - what we simply call "steam feet". In a bowl of hot water (not lower than + 40-42 ° C), dissolve a spoonful and a half of mustard powder and keep your feet for 15 minutes, adding hot water as needed. After that, you need to thoroughly dry your feet, put on woolen socks and lie down under a warm blanket. Instead of a hot foot bath, you can simply pour mustard powder into your socks and go to bed. And if you don’t have dry mustard on hand, rub your feet with vodka and put on warm socks.

We warm our cold hands under a stream of hot water: for about five minutes, raising the temperature from pleasantly warm to hot (+ 42-43 ° C). Then we wipe our hands dry and put on something warm with long sleeves. To enhance the effect, you can put warm mittens on your hands and spend the next 60 minutes wrapped in a woolen blanket.

To sweat, and, therefore, get rid of toxins and try to cure a cold in a day, the body needs more fluid than usual. Therefore, we will drink - exclusively hot: tea with raspberry jam, tea with lemon and honey, a decoction of lime blossom, thyme, chamomile or elderberry flowers with mint. It is not difficult to prepare decoctions of medicinal plants: take 2 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. spoons of dry color or herbs, brew with boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Herbal teas for colds drink 0.5 liters per day. And the total daily volume of fluid for symptoms of a cold or ODS should be at least two liters.

"Just in case" you measured the temperature and saw that the thermometer went up - do not panic. If the body temperature does not exceed + 38 ° C, then doctors do not advise knocking it down, because a rise in temperature is evidence that a person's immunity has begun to fight the disease. And we can and should help him cure a cold in one day, for example, by drinking hot tea with ginger root, which strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infections from developing. To prepare ginger tea, a piece of root 2 cm long is peeled, finely cut, put together with tea leaves in a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of natural honey to this healing drink.

By the way, after you have sweated, be sure to wipe your skin with a well-wrung out hot towel to remove the released toxins, and change into dry clothes.

How to quickly cure a runny nose with a cold?

If a cold has made itself felt with nasal congestion, you need to take the initiative and apply generation-tested methods to deal with the first symptoms of a runny nose.

Among the many folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose with a cold, there are a sufficient number of very effective ones - especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose with Kalanchoe juice - 2-3 times a day (or instill 2 drops of juice in each nostril). Common salt is often used, which is mixed with butter. This homemade ointment (a third of a teaspoon of oil is mixed with the same amount of salt and warmed up a little) is smeared on the outside of the nose. And for washing the nose, which moisturizes the mucous membrane and facilitates nasal breathing, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. Washing is carried out as follows: one nostril is closed with a finger, and the second is drawn into the nose with a salt solution (the same is done with the second nostril).

An old folk remedy for a runny nose with a cold is an ordinary onion.

It is enough to cut the onion in half and breathe in the phytoncides that stand out from the cut. Onion phytoncides have a bactericidal property and are able to neutralize even the diphtheria bacillus and the causative agent of tuberculosis, the Koch bacillus. So they can easily cope with a runny nose: you need to keep cotton swabs moistened with onion juice in your nostrils several times a day for 10 minutes.

An effective remedy for a runny nose with a cold is to bury your nose with any warm oil (for example, olive, sea buckthorn, menthol) or an oil solution of retinol acetate (vitamin A). The Asterisk balm should also help, if you smear the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose before going to bed.

Of the pharmacy nasal remedies for a stuffy nose, drops of Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Nazol, Nazivin and sprays Sanorin, Otrivin, Vibrocil, Delufen, etc. have proven themselves well.

How to cure a cough with a cold in a day?

When coughing is the first sign that you have a cold in store, you need to start by rubbing your back and chest with ointments that contain essential oils and have a disinfecting, distracting and irritating effect.

You can rub the chest area at night with a mixture of castor oil (2 tablespoons) with turpentine (1 tablespoon) or ready-made pharmacy turpentine ointment. This remedy is rubbed into the skin of the chest (except for the heart area) and into the soles of the feet, wrapped warmly. With the help of two or three rubbing, you can cure a cough with a cold in almost a day. But it should be borne in mind that such procedures cannot be carried out at elevated temperatures.

Badger fat has proved to be an indispensable cough remedy (and not only). Due to its composition, badger fat has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and even immunostimulating effect on the human body. This fat should be rubbed at night on the back and chest area. And in folk medicine, such a recipe is very popular: mix 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder with 50 g of butter and 50 g of crushed aloe leaves (agave). Add 5 g of mummy and propolis, as well as 50 g of medical alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

For the treatment of cough with a cold, 1 teaspoon of this mixture is diluted in a glass of water and rubbed overnight on the back, chest and calf muscles of the legs. And for internal use - as a powerful tonic - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is dissolved in a glass of hot milk and drunk in small sips (before meals).

Instead of tea to treat a cough with a cold, you need to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs: oregano, coltsfoot, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, peppermint. A handful of herbs is taken into a glass of boiling water and brewed like tea, which after 15 minutes of infusion is ready for use - a glass three times a day. Special chest cough preparations are sold in pharmacies. For example, “Breast Collection No. 1” contains marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves and oregano herb; and in "Breast Collection No. 2" - coltsfoot leaves, large plantain leaves and licorice root. These herbal remedies are available in filter bags and are very easy to brew.

A good remedy for severe coughs is fresh black radish juice, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. The radish should be washed, peeled and finely chopped. Then mix with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and put in a jar, tightly closing the lid. After 4-5 hours, the radish will give a healing juice, which you need to take - 1 tablespoon at least three times during the day.

One of the effective methods of treating cough is steam inhalation. For example, with eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine oil. Put a few drops of oil into a bowl of boiling water, sit down, tilt your head over the container, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam. These simple home treatments have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effects.

Aerosol inhalations are also useful, which are carried out using pocket inhalers. Most often, the mixtures include essential oils (menthol, anise, eucalyptus, peach), as well as natural honey and propolis (alcohol solution). Here is a recipe for honey inhalation with propolis: dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of honey in 0.5 cups of boiled water and drip 6-8 drops of propolis. Water can be replaced with a 0.2% solution of furacilin. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.