14 weeks pregnant what. Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman’s abdomen and video

The second third of pregnancy has begun - the easiest and most pleasant period in all nine months. The nausea and toxicosis characteristic of the first trimester no longer torment the expectant mother, and the heaviness and fatigue characteristic of the last third of pregnancy have not yet begun.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the most optimal time to relax a little and enjoy your new position. Read about what is happening now with the baby and his mother in this article.

How many months is this?

When they say that it is week 14, they mean a period of time of 13-14 weeks. Ovulation occurs in different ways for different women, but always almost in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To simplify, it is customary to count the gestational age in obstetric weeks - starting from the first day of the last menstruation.

Thus, The 14th obstetric week corresponds to the 12th week from conception and the 10th week from the moment of missed period. Pregnancy has already lasted three and a half lunar months. Over the 11 full embryonic weeks of its development, the baby has achieved impressive results, and many things now happen differently in the mother’s body.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How does the baby develop?

During the first trimester, the baby has come a long way from zygote to embryo. After 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, it is officially called a fetus, and now the fetal stage of development is underway, which will last until the baby’s first cry when it is born.

The fetal period means that The child’s organs are formed, now they are developing and improving. At week 14, the baby’s growth reaches 12-14 cm, and its weight is already 40-50 grams.


At the ultrasound, which is planned and can very likely be recommended right now, if the screening has not been completed earlier, the woman will be shown a baby that is very similar to a human. It was in the phase of embryonic development that he had a tail and a huge oval head, but now the proportions are beginning to even out. The tail shortened and turned into a tailbone, exactly the same as mom and dad's. The head rounded and a neck appeared.

Often, expectant mothers, especially those pregnant for the first time, are literally shocked that instead of a plump baby on the ultrasound monitor, they are shown a thin and scrawny baby, whose legs are still shorter than his arms, and whose head still makes up about half the area of ​​the entire body. Do not worry - the child will still accumulate subcutaneous fat, and his body will still have time to acquire roundness. In the meantime, all the main processes in his body are aimed at the growth of bones and muscles - the foundation, which will then begin to take shape and be complemented by those cute rounded shapes that pregnant women so want to see.

If the ultrasound was done in color, then the mother could see that the baby this week was not just thin and wrinkled, but also red. This color is given to his skin by capillaries and larger vessels that “look through” thin, almost transparent skin. Some babies already have hair on their heads, but their hair is not yet dyed with pigment; this week all the babies are natural blonds and blonds.

The fingers and toes have formed fingers and tiny translucent nails. At week 14, the child acquires the main identification feature - it acquires an individual pattern on the pads of the fingers - fingerprints. The fingers themselves have grown noticeably over the past two weeks and, if desired, they can already be counted during an ultrasound scan.

Facial features are becoming more and more individual. It’s hard to imagine, but now the baby is already beginning to look like his mother, father or grandmother, it’s just that this similarity is still barely perceptible. At week 14, the forehead, chin and cheekbones begin to protrude somewhat forward, and the nose continues to grow. Due to this, the face no longer looks “flattened”; ultrasound can clearly determine the baby’s profile.

The eyes are now covered with eyelids, the baby still does not know how to open them, but even through the eyelids this week he is beginning to distinguish between light and darkness. If you shine a flashlight on a pregnant woman's belly, the baby's movements will become more intense. The ears are in their rightful place, the basics of hearing are there. The baby perceives voices and loud sounds as vibration, which also makes him move more actively.

The baby will begin to fully hear sounds when the inner ear begins to convert sound waves, around 20 weeks. But this does not mean that now you do not need to communicate with him, talk, sing him songs and play pleasant music.

Nervous system

The spinal cord, which until this week was “in charge” of receiving impulses from all parts of the body, begins to transfer these responsibilities to the brain, and itself “focuses” on the production of blood cells. The brain is divided into hemispheres, there is the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata. The pituitary gland is already producing hormones. There is more brain matter - up to a quarter of a million new brain cells are formed every day.

Most of the time the baby sleeps, or rather remains in a state close to sleep. But even in his sleep, he continues to move his limbs - this is how the nervous system improves and new neuromuscular connections are established. Reflexes develop.

By the 14th week, the baby has almost perfect sucking, grasping, swallowing reflexes, and also shrinks when frightened. He reflexively pushes his legs away from obstacles, for example, from the wall of the uterus if he accidentally touches it.

In addition, the baby is already quite picky about food. He does not eat in the full sense of the word, but only swallows amniotic fluid, but developed taste buds already allow him to analyze whether their taste is pleasant or not. If the mother eats sweets, the child likes the waters, he begins to swallow them more willingly. If the mother has eaten mustard or garlic, then the taste of the water will cause grimaces of disgust in the baby, and he will often not swallow them.

At 14 weeks, the baby begins to more actively interact with the world outside the mother's belly.

Loud sounds, for example, an alarm clock ringing or a knock on the door, as well as other people's loud voices, cause a semblance of fear in the little man, and he necessarily reacts to such stimuli by changing his behavior and increasing his heartbeat.

Internal organs

The placenta is ready for full-fledged work with full dedication, from now on the child and the “children's place”, which is temporary, represent a single whole. The formed internal organs are already working. The gallbladder produces bile and the bile ducts continue to develop. The stomach receives amniotic fluid, and the intestines, thanks to the villi on its inner wall, have learned to contract.

The pancreas produces a sufficient amount of insulin.

If now a mother eats too much sweets, not only her own pancreas will be activated, but a similar organ in the fetus will be subject to double the load, which can subsequently lead to the development of diabetes in the baby.

The heart is formed and accurately replicates the adult organ. It ensures an uninterrupted blood supply to all internal organs of the fetus, pumping more than 20 liters of blood per day. The normal heart rate (heart rate) this week is 157 beats per minute. In different children it knocks at different speeds, and therefore the norm is expressed in a range of values ​​from 146 to 168 beats per minute.

The functioning of the kidneys is already fully adjusted - they produce urine, which is excreted into the water space surrounding the baby approximately every hour. The waters purify themselves.

Gender of the child

The external genitalia are in the final stage of formation. This week the process will be completed and it will become clear who is growing inside - a boy or a girl. True, gender differences are still extremely small; seeing them on an ultrasound is quite problematic. Doctors cannot now name the gender with certainty; the probability of making a mistake is still too high, but they can already presumably name it, if, of course, the visualization is good and the child “shows” the genitals.

You can more accurately find out the gender by ultrasound after the 18th week, which will be the next planned one.

However, the child himself already “knows” exactly who he is. In boys, the formation of the prostate gland has almost completed, and in female fetuses, the ovaries have descended to their designated place in the pelvis from the abdominal cavity. Boys produce sex hormones, and girls already have more than 2 million eggs in their ovaries.

Skeletal and muscular systems

At the 14th week of pregnancy, all the bones in the fetal body are actively growing. Thanks to the work of the thyroid gland, calcium begins to be deposited in them, and the bones become stronger. Some of the baby’s ribs are formed, the rest will appear in the coming days. The need for calcium is now more relevant than ever.

This obstetric week the baby will learn to smile. The development of all muscle groups occurs at approximately the same intensity. The muscles of the arms and legs, as well as the back, now allow the baby to move more actively, but the facial muscles now not only allow the baby to open and close his mouth, but also make a wide variety of incredible grimaces.

The smile will appear unconsciously for now, mainly in a dream. By the way, a newborn after his birth retains this intrauterine “habit” for another month.

What has the baby learned?

The list of baby skills is expanding daily. At 14 weeks of pregnancy he:

  • swims, tumbles, pushes off the walls of the uterus with its legs and makes movements with its arms and legs, like a little swimmer;
  • clenches his fists and sucks them;
  • feels himself and hugs his shoulders;
  • plays with the umbilical cord, grabs it, squeezes it easily;
  • begins to catch his own legs with his hands;
  • yawns, hiccups.

Fetal ultrasound

Those who were unable to take part in screening earlier are now undergoing ultrasound diagnostics. The first screening is carried out from 10 to 13 weeks. This week there are six more days to be examined, donate blood from a vein and undergo an ultrasound scan. Of course, an ultrasound can be prescribed outside of the plan if there are medical indications for it - threat of miscarriage, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the appearance of pain and unusual discharge.

Be that as it may, the expectant mother, after undergoing an ultrasound examination, is interested in whether everything is normal with the baby, whether he meets all sizes and standards.

Differences in the growth of healthy fetuses at this period are minimal, therefore the norms established for the 14th week are a fairly informative indicator of the child’s development.

This week the doctor determines the position of the baby in the uterus. There is no need to panic if the baby is now located not in the head, but in the pelvic or even transverse position. There is a lot of space in the uterus, the baby’s movements are intense, and he can change body position several times an hour. Fetometric indicators will tell you how the child is growing. For 14 weeks they are normally as follows:

Main dimensions of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation

The coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) may no longer be measured this week, or may be determined for the last time. After 14 weeks, this indicator loses its information content. For now, these are the norms.

CTE of the fetus at 14 weeks of pregnancy

During the ultrasound, the baby’s internal organs will be examined; some will be measured, for example, the cerebellum, the size of which in a healthy baby at the current stage is in the range from 1 to 1.5 cm.

With special trepidation, expectant mothers await a specialist’s opinion on the baby’s health.

During the ultrasound screening process, the size of the thickness of the collar space and the length of the nasal bones are assessed. It is these two sizes, which are determined only during the first screening, that are the so-called markers of chromosomal abnormalities.

Thickening of the TVP or reduction or absence of nasal bones at week 14 may indirectly indicate the presence of Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Edwards syndrome and other pathologies associated with abnormal chromosomal composition.

There is no need to worry if these dimensions meet the following standards:

  • TVP – 1.7 mm (permissible fluctuations are in the range of 0.8-2.7);
  • The length of the nasal bones is 2.0-2.9 mm.

The number of vessels in the umbilical cord at week 14 should be 3, and the thickness of the placenta, if measured (this is not mandatory for this period), should be 16.0–16.85 mm.

How does the woman feel?

The sensations of a woman who is 14 weeks pregnant become softer and more pleasant. If previously debilitating toxicosis did not allow me to live in peace, now its symptoms are beginning to recede, I no longer feel sick from smells, and there is no more morning vomiting.

Hormones that have been “raging” for three whole months come into relative balance with each other, and the woman experiences fewer headaches. If your head hurts, it’s only because the amount of blood that now circulates in the pregnant woman’s body has approximately doubled.

At week 14, the bad omens with which expectant mothers often associate disclosing the fact of their early pregnancy do not “work.” The threat of miscarriage has almost passed, if until this week everything went smoothly and without complications, then There is no need to be afraid to talk about an “interesting” situation now.

Now is the right time to inform your employer that maternity leave is coming soon, as well as to please friends and distant relatives who do not yet know about the upcoming addition to the family.

Under the influence of progesterone, a woman may urinate frequently. This is considered a completely normal phenomenon and is not worth worrying about.

The peculiarities of the action of progesterone are that this hormone not only ensures the safety of the fetus and its development from the very first hours after conception, but also changes a lot in the woman’s body: the mucous membranes become more swollen, fluid is retained in the tissues, the uterus relaxes, but along with it, the intestines relax. That is why A pregnant woman at the current stage may still experience unpleasant constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn.

It is progesterone that is to blame for the fact that the expectant mother often wants to sleep, and not only at night.

Drowsiness is a reaction of the body that experiences a shortage of energy, because it is required in large quantities for the development of the child. And again, progesterone is responsible for the mood of the pregnant woman.

Now the woman’s psychological state has become noticeably better - she is less worried about the prospects of a possible miscarriage or other complications, she is calmer, since the screening has also been passed or will be considered passed this week.

Mood swings - from tears to laughter, from anxiety to hysteria and back, characteristic of the first trimester, are now no longer relevant. The baby learned to respond to his mother’s emotions, and the “wise” progesterone ordered that now all emotional reactions be dulled and do not harm the baby.

For this reason many women now become distracted, forgetful, and are in some euphoria. This is how progesterone “turns on” inhibition processes in the brain. This condition of pregnant women at this stage is a reason for jokes and anecdotes, but if you think carefully, then everything that happens is for the benefit of the growing baby.

Many expectant mothers who are at 14 weeks claim that their appetite has increased and now they want to eat almost constantly. There is also nothing strange in this - progesterone helps increase appetite, toxicosis left in the past in itself becomes a good reason to now “take your breath away” and eat everything that you were disgusted with. The main thing is not to overdo it and not gain extra pounds.

A woman does not yet feel heaviness or particular discomfort due to her growing tummy, but some can no longer hide it. The rounded belly no longer allows you to button the jeans that the woman wore before pregnancy; a couple of centimeters have increased at the waist.

Sleeping on your stomach is already uncomfortable, you can feel the uterus, and lying on your back for a long time is also not very pleasant, since you may begin to feel dizzy due to compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus.

Some expectant mothers may experience rather painful episodic cramps this week - the calf muscles most often “cramp” in the late afternoon or at night, when the woman’s body is relaxed. Such symptoms may indicate calcium deficiency.

A runny nose, which was difficult to explain by a cold or other reasons, because it existed on its own at the beginning of pregnancy, can disappear without a trace at 14 weeks. It was physiological rhinitis, which is associated with hormonal effects on the mucous membranes, including the nasal passages. Now the woman can feel noticeable relief in nasal breathing.

A special source of pride is the chest. Now she is lush and big, luxurious. The advantage is that now a chic bust does not cause severe pain. Previously, my nipples were itchy and painful, my mammary glands were tense and sensitive. Now the glandular tissue stops actively growing, and this brings long-awaited relief.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

The uterus is growing. At week 14, she is already the size of a decent grapefruit, and, naturally, she no longer has enough space in the pelvis. The height of the uterine fundus now reaches 12 centimeters. The reproductive organ changes consistency, becomes more elastic and soft - this is the main condition for its further growth.

The uterus is now located about 4 centimeters above the pubic symphysis; it extends into the abdominal cavity, causing the internal organs located in it to “crowd together.” The ligaments that hold the body of the uterus are under great stress.

During the second pregnancy, the growth of the reproductive organ is faster, while the weight of the uterus is slightly higher than the weight of the organ in women who are going to give birth to their first child. For those who are carrying twins, the belly can no longer be hidden from prying eyes; the height of the fundus of the uterus already exceeds 16 centimeters.

Most of the “strange” sensations at week 14 are associated with the constant growth of the uterus - tingling in the uterus, stretching on the sides of the abdomen. A woman may feel that in some poses her lower abdomen is pulling, and sometimes her lower back hurts slightly. All these are consequences of the growth of the uterus.

If your back hurts this week, it may be due to the fact that your center of gravity has changed due to your large breasts. The breasts themselves have stopped hurting, but “carrying” them when they increase by 2 sizes relative to the usual sizes is not as easy for a woman as it seems.

A properly selected bra will help you get rid of back pain, as it will gently support the mammary glands, easing the load on your back muscles.

Weight gain this week is registered in all women, even in those who suffered from toxicosis throughout the first trimester and lost kilograms. For thin girls and women with a normal build, an increase of 3 to 3.5 kilograms in addition to the initial weight is considered acceptable. For curvy women, the increase should not exceed 2 kilograms, and for obese expectant mothers, an increase of within 1 kilogram is considered normal at week 14.

Hormones (progesterone, estrogens and hCG) for the most part have a good effect on the appearance of the expectant mother - the cosmetic effect is manifested by the fact that the hair becomes thicker, the skin is smoothed, pimples disappear, the eyes shine, the woman looks irresistible and feels accordingly.

The discharge may be a little more abundant than before, and this also has a “hormonal trace”. But neither the color, smell, nor consistency of the discharge should normally change. Discharges that are still considered healthy are white or slightly yellowish (with a lemon tint), not thick, but not watery, odorless or with a faint sour odor.

The appearance of bloody impurities, a change in discharge to pink, orange, or bloody is an alarming sign that cannot be ignored. The woman must inform her doctor about this.

Greenish or grey, dirty-brown discharge may be a symptom of a genital tract infection, and white, thick, curdled discharge may be a sign of thrush. Both types of such pathological discharge most often occur with itching and have an unpleasant and even foul odor. Treatment should be started immediately.

Due to the increased amount of blood (and this happens due to the appearance of the uterine-placental blood flow, which is essentially a new circulation), a woman may notice that her blood pressure level has become lower. But the load on the kidneys, heart and lungs increases, and this begins to be felt: shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat occur more often.

The dark vertical stripe, which is now clearly visible on the stomach, will not disappear anywhere. It is associated with increased pigmentation, and at week 14 it is already familiar to many. The nipples also darkened, as did the nipple circles. Some women now have a bluish vein network on their chests.

Dangers and Risks

Despite the fact that the risks to pregnancy have significantly decreased, this week a woman should remain vigilant and closely monitor changes in her health. Let's consider the dangers that may lie in wait during this period.

ARVI, cold

A woman’s immunity begins to decline from the first days after conception. Its artificial suppression is the merit of progesterone, which is obliged to protect the baby. The embryo is only 50% genetically related to the mother, and another 50% of the genes in it are paternal. The vigilant immune defense of the expectant mother can perceive the child as a foreign object and bring down the full power of its defense mechanisms on it. They will undoubtedly kill the weak and defenseless baby. Therefore, progesterone begins to suppress immune activity.

By the end of the first trimester, a woman’s immunity is weakened enough that it can cause colds, ARVI, flu and other unpleasant diseases at 14 weeks of pregnancy.

If there is a “dangerous” season, you should refrain from walking in crowded places, traveling on public transport and visiting hospitals and clinics.

If, despite all efforts, it was not possible to protect yourself, and the woman fell ill, there is no need to panic. At this stage, the placenta already copes well with barrier functions, and the mother’s illness will not cause much trouble for the baby.

The only danger can be a high temperature, since it can create the preconditions for disruption of blood flow in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system, and the child will receive less nutrients and oxygen. But it is already acceptable to fight the heat at this stage.

With the permission of a doctor, a woman can take antipyretics (with the exception of acetylsalicylic acid, which thins the blood). The placental barrier will protect the baby from the effects of medications.

A sore throat with a sore throat is an additional source of infection, which is not acceptable at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a cold, bacterial or viral infection as soon as possible, naturally, with the means recommended by a doctor, because not all pills and medicines are still allowed, and the consequences of a cold themselves are not as serious as the consequences of taking unauthorized medications.


Isthmic-cervical insufficiency at this stage can be detected only by ultrasound results, because this pathology has no clinical symptoms. When undergoing an ultrasound examination, the doctor will find that the cervix is ​​shorter than required by the gestational age. This creates a threat of its premature opening and the birth of a child much earlier than the term.

The reasons for cervical incompetence may lie in the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs, as well as in acquired circumstances - injuries as a result of difficult childbirth, operations with mechanical opening of the cervix, as well as trauma to the cervix during abortion. ICI is a dangerous and insidious pathology, but even with it, for most expectant mothers, medicine can help carry the child to term.

Sutures may be placed on the cervix; there is an alternative - an obstetric pessary. The method and method of assistance will be determined by the doctor, who will also tell you what lifestyle is best to adhere to in order to maintain the pregnancy - some are given complete bed rest, and some are given only minor restrictions (do not lift heavy things, do not bend over, do not be nervous).

Vitamin deficiency and lack of minerals

Since the baby now requires a lot of calcium, the woman may begin to experience symptoms of a deficiency of this mineral in the body. Also, at week 14, signs of vitamin A deficiency may become apparent. The child also needs retinol in large quantities. The expectant mother may feel that her hair has become dull and her skin is dry, this will be a clear sign of hypovitaminosis A.

Vitamin C deficiency at this stage is manifested by increased bleeding of the gums; a woman can pay attention to this while brushing her teeth - blood will remain on the brush. Also, the need for iron is very high now, since Anemia in the mother can be very detrimental to the growing baby.

A more accurate answer to the question of which vitamins are missing in a woman’s body can be answered by her attending physician, since he has the results of a biochemical blood test. It is handed over upon registration.

In the case of vitamin deficiency and for its prevention, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamin complexes that combine essential vitamins and minerals in quantities that cover the daily requirement.

Now it is very easy to choose such a drug - there are many names in pharmacies. But it is best to consult a doctor, because the balance of vitamins and minerals in different drugs is slightly different. The doctor may also recommend additional calcium supplements during this period if there is hypocalcemia, and will give recommendations on organizing a vitamin-rich diet.

Risk of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage in the sense that was discussed in the first three months is now out of the question. The likelihood of spontaneous abortion at 14 weeks is negligible. But threatening conditions now can be low placentation, and marginal presentation, and retrochorial hematoma, which disappeared from an earlier date or was discovered simultaneously and in combination with a low-lying placenta.

If there are threats of miscarriage, the woman already knows about it. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, if you behave correctly and take prescribed medications, a sad outcome can be avoided.

Women who previously had miscarriages at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy can now be sent to a hospital, where they will stay for at least 10 days during a dangerous period for their child in order to avoid a relapse.

The symptoms of a threatening condition are quite simple to recognize - discharge from the genital organs appears, different from normal, with impurities of blood, brown spotting, and the stomach begins to hurt crampingly, pulling the lower back. If such signs appear, there is no need to hesitate - call an ambulance.


Intrauterine growth retardation is a diagnosis that confuses pregnant women. It can be placed if an ultrasound reveals that the baby lags behind the norms indicated above. At week 14, a symmetrical lag is most often detected, when all baby sizes are reduced relative to the existing average values ​​by 2 weeks or more.

There are quite a lot of reasons that can slow down the development of a child - these are insufficient nutrition, and severe toxicosis in the first third of the baby's gestation period, and bad habits of the mother, as well as infectious diseases she suffered in the first trimester. The woman is prescribed a detailed examination, the cause is looked for and treatment begins. If the problem is detected early, the child quickly “catch up” with the standards and is born with a normal weight.

Papillomas and candilomas

Papillomatosis and candylomatosis are frequent companions of pregnancy. It is noteworthy that a woman’s genital tract can be affected precisely at the beginning of the second trimester, when the immune system is weakened. The mucous membranes of the genital organs are affected by the papilloma virus not only through sexual contact, but also through domestic channels, and therefore a woman may not even realize that she has such an infection.

In a pregnant woman, papillomatosis often recurs; its manifestations on the genitals are more extensive. It may well cause difficulties during childbirth, and therefore it is impossible to ignore the problem if it has manifested itself now.

Detection of candyloma or papillomas is not a clear indication for cesarean section. And after childbirth, in 97% of cases, not a trace remains of the rash on the genitals: They go away on their own because the virus that causes them has the ability to self-destruct.

Many people are now going to change their wardrobe. When choosing things for pregnancy, it is not necessary to buy specialized clothing, which, as we know, is expensive. You can get by with regular dresses and blouses, but in a larger size and loose fit.

The only requirement is to choose clothes made from natural fabrics.

Shoes at 14 weeks should be loose and true to size. High heels should be avoided, since raising the heel of the foot now causes increased tone of the uterine muscles.

Underwear should not be tight or synthetic. It’s now better to put your beautiful tight thong panties aside and buy comfortable cotton panties and a bra with wide straps that will provide good support and fixation for large breasts.

Orgasm provides more than just physical pleasure. It stimulates the uterine muscles and improves its blood supply. There is no need to talk about the benefits of full sexual intimacy for women’s self-esteem and psychological state - this is obvious.

However, the couple should be careful. The tummy does not yet interfere with lovemaking, but you need to choose positions wisely and with imagination. The main thing is to prevent penetration too deep. Sex should be careful and gentle.

Avoid using sex toys and synthetic lubricants. If pink or brownish discharge appears after sex, you should consult a doctor - it is quite possible that a woman is experiencing cervical erosion.


Now that toxicosis has passed or almost passed, a woman may want to treat herself to delicacies. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to know moderation in everything and make sure that your diet is healthy and balanced. To eat correctly - eat this in fractions, dividing the entire daily amount of food into 5-6 meals.

Each meal should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Buckwheat with milk is an example of improper nutrition, and buckwheat with a salad of fresh vegetables and a piece of boiled chicken breast, and three hours later a glass of milk is a correct and balanced diet.

To ensure that a child at this stage of development is provided with everything necessary, it is important this week to include in the menu dairy and fermented milk products, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, nuts, tomatoes, apples and kiwis, as well as lean meats and fish.

You should definitely eat raw vegetables with vegetable oil; seasonal berries and fruits will also be beneficial.

Classes for expectant mothers who have passed the first and second trimester are held free of charge in every antenatal clinic. If your doctor has not yet suggested that you visit them, now you can ask him how to do this.

The expectant mother will not regret at all the time spent on classes. She will learn a lot of interesting things about pregnancy and the upcoming birth, and about caring for newborns. Gynecologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, psychologists, geneticists, and breastfeeding specialists come to meet with women.

Convenience lies in the fact that a woman can ask the doctor her questions at any time and receive comprehensive answers to them.

Reading and movies

Psychologists who study the peculiarities of the formation of a child’s mental foundations argue that the mother’s inner world during the period of gestation has a huge impact on who the baby will be - optimistic or an eternally dissatisfied pessimist. This week you can begin to deal with this issue - read good and positive books, watch good, kind films without scenes of violence and murder.

Perinatal psychologists are sure that now it is important for the child to feel that the world outside the mother’s belly is friendly towards him.

Travel and trips

If a long-awaited vacation and associated travel to the sea or somewhere else occurs in the 14th week, a woman should definitely consult a doctor about the possibility of air travel in her case. If the pregnancy is going well, then usually there is no ban on flying; it is only important to remember that a sudden change in climate and time zone is not very useful for a woman with a weakened immune system, and 100% of pregnant women are like that now.

Independent travel on public transport, where there is always a risk of contracting the flu, ARVI, scabies and chickenpox, should be reduced to the required minimum.

If a woman drives a car herself, she should remember that the windows in the car must be closed so as not to breathe in exhaust fumes, and the seat belt must secure the growing belly from below.

The time has come to purchase a special small orthopedic pad for the lower back, so that when driving, the knees are higher than the level of the pelvis.

A gestation period of 14 weeks corresponds to 12 weeks from conception, 10 weeks from the day of missed menstruation, 3.5 months according to the lunar calendar and the beginning of the fourth month, if we consider ordinary months. Pregnancy 12-14 weeks is the time of transition from the first trimester to the second.


At 14 weeks of pregnancy, the sensations can be described as awareness. You attended your first ultrasound and saw your baby for the first time; now you fully understand that you will soon become a mother. This is a wonderful feeling that gives strength and patience.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 14 weeks are a growing belly, a feeling of a changed gait, beautiful large breasts.

You most likely feel great and are full of energy; there is no trace left of the fatigue and drowsiness of the first months.

Sex in the 14th week of pregnancy has fewer restrictions, and you are able to enjoy it a lot.

Your condition

The 14th obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when weight gain becomes more stable and already noticeable. You're more excited than ever to see the grams ticking up on the scale.

Toxicosis has subsided, your appetite is excellent, but you still need to make sure that your nutrition is complete, but not excessive, you shouldn’t eat for two, excess weight, which is so easy to gain during pregnancy, then comes off with great difficulty.

your child

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy gains weight at an accelerated pace. Now it is growing very quickly.

The development of the fetus follows the path of honing organs and systems and improving them. The placenta does an excellent job of regulating hormonal levels and fully provides the baby with the nutrients and oxygen he needs.

The child is becoming more and more like a newborn. If you could see what he looks like now, you would be very surprised. This fragile, delicate creature, the size of a large peach, has bones made of cartilage, even its skull is now very soft. He seems incredibly thin, simply exhausted, but this is only because while he does not have an urgent need to accumulate fatty tissue, the development of organs and systems is primarily important, and he will still have time to gain weight before giving birth. Its still translucent skin is covered with lanugo, a soft fuzz, and a layer of yellowish-white lubricant. He has eyelashes and eyebrows, and already excellent facial expressions. He feels taste and touch, but does not see or hear yet.

The child lives in a world of tactile sensations: the warmth of the uterus, the pulsation of his own umbilical cord, the water environment around him, the sensations of touching the velvety walls of the uterus and his own skin. He sucks his thumb, and this activity gives him pleasure. When you eat something sweet, the taste of amniotic fluid changes, and the baby clearly likes it, he begins to swallow it more often.

Now the time has come for the first unconscious smile of the fetus; sometimes it is recorded during a 3D ultrasound. The same examination allows in many cases to determine the sex of the child.

The size of the fruit from the butt to the crown is 12 cm, weight is 30-35 grams.

Your tummy

You can still hide your belly at 14 weeks of pregnancy with clothes, but not from yourself. In the mirror you see that a noticeable mound has appeared above the womb.

The size of the uterus is such that its bottom rises 10-12 cm above the pubis, and now there is an objective reason for your belly to require a new wardrobe. If you haven't yet enjoyed shopping, do it.

Perhaps, if you are pregnant for the second time, you have already noticed the first movements of the fetus; during the first pregnancy, women feel this much later.

The size of the uterus allows you to freely feel it through the anterior abdominal wall; in a calm environment, lying down, place your hand on your stomach just above the womb.

There is a chance that you will feel the first kicks of your baby with your palm (unless, of course, you are overweight).

Analyzes and examinations

An ultrasound at 14 weeks of pregnancy reveals amazing things. For now, the fetus fits completely on the monitor, it actively moves, turns over, and tries to “escape” from the ultrasound sensor.

When conducting research using modern devices, it is often possible to diagnose gender. Determining gender is difficult due to the small size of the child’s genitals, and only a device with high resolution allows this to be done.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the time for the next round of tests; the doctor will give you directions to the antenatal clinic.

One of them could be screening for developmental defects, which is carried out at 14-20 weeks, this is a blood test from a vein. In some cases, a chorionic villus biopsy is performed at this time. This is done in cases where Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities are suspected. There is a certain risk in the procedure; if you agree to it, think about what you will do with the result? Suppose if they tell you that a solar child will be born, will you terminate this pregnancy? If the answer is a resounding “no,” reassess the risks.

Possible complaints and problems

Most often, at the 14th week of pregnancy, women have a headache, and against this background there is nausea and even vomiting. Nausea and vomiting can also occur independently; your body is sensitive and instantly gets rid of food that is not very good quality or if it is abused. This is fine.

If you feel sick, pay attention to what foods cause it and try not to eat it, since forceful eating is a guaranteed vomiting.

Headaches, unless they are caused by high blood pressure, are more like migraines. Since it is not advisable to take medications, you will have to look for other ways to alleviate it.

If you just feel a headache, even if the pain is not severe, immediately lie down in a well-ventilated, darkened room. Sometimes just half an hour of superficial daytime sleep relieves it completely. To prevent headaches, try to eat often and avoid feeling hungry, and get plenty of rest. Walk every day in the park or in the forest, in quiet corners of nature, in the clean air.

Some women experience back pain at 14 weeks of pregnancy, and lovers of high heels often suffer from this. It's time to give them up; the load on your back will increase every day.

And simple exercises for pregnant women will help relieve pain, since lower back pain is usually due to a change in the center of gravity and gait pattern; an unusual load is placed on the muscles.


Although the onset of the 14th week of pregnancy reduces many of the dangers of the previous months to a minimum, misfortune is still possible, as at any other stage of pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy occurs only in very rare cases. Sometimes it happens when the fetus dies in utero for various reasons (most often infections are to blame, even severe colds, fever, and acute intoxication), a miscarriage can occur.

Symptoms of trouble and threat are typical: - complaints that the stomach hurts or even just pulls - pain in the lower back, in general, pain with a threat is often in the nature of cramping, going from the lower back to the stomach, as if tightening. - Brown or watery discharge appears, and bleeding may develop.

A miscarriage at this stage occurs according to the type of birth: first the amniotic fluid leaves, then the fetus is born, then the placenta leaves.

The 14th week of pregnancy can be called a kind of “turning point” - at this time the second trimester of pregnancy begins. This means that from this moment on, most pathologies and anomalies for the fetus are no longer as terrible as in the early stages of pregnancy. An actively growing and developing baby will make itself felt more and more - even now it has grown to 8-10 cm and weighs about 30-40 g.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy becomes even more similar to a person, only “in miniature”. Small, he moves actively, frowns, clenches his fists and, touching the abdominal wall, pushes away from it. True, the woman does not feel this yet, although many pregnant women claim that even at such an early stage as 14 weeks, they felt the “movements” of the baby within themselves.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to “build up” its bone skeleton, and its first ribs begin to appear. Surprisingly, the baby is already preparing for birth - making movements with the diaphragm that resemble breathing. A 14-week-old fetus can already distinguish tastes: when swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby reacts to sweets with rapid swallowing reflexes, and to sour or bitter - on the contrary, with weak ones.

The fetal body is now still covered with a thick protective lubricant, but underneath it, a fluff has already appeared on the baby’s thin skin, the name of which is lanugo. The first and thin hairs that cover the fetal body (by the way, the same fluff is already on the baby’s head) are designed to hold a special protective lubricant: thanks to it, in the future the baby will easily slide along the birth canal. In addition to the fact that soft and light lanugo covers the entire body of the fetus, the baby can already boast of the presence of eyebrows and eyelashes.

All systems and organs of the baby are already established and functioning, their work is becoming more and more perfect and harmonious. In addition, the genitals have already been formed, although on an ultrasound it is still difficult to distinguish who “lives” in the mother’s stomach. But it is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor inherent in the baby - despite the fact that the blood composition has not yet been fully formed.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks of pregnancy

But an ultrasound examination is not only and not so much carried out to determine the sex of the baby and its size. Ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy is one of the very informative methods for assessing the degree of fetal development and whether this development is normal. Moreover, establishing such a correspondence is already quite simple: the fetus at this stage has a size sufficient for clear visualization of all its structures.

The main parameters that are assessed using ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy are the coccygeal-parietal size of the baby (length, fetal growth from crown to tailbone); biparietal size (transverse size of the fetal head); head circumference and abdominal circumference. Also, an ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy allows you to measure the length of the baby’s hip, and at the same time - the ratio of the two femurs to exclude developmental defects.

Additionally, the specialist assesses the development of the long bones of the fetus (ulna, radius, humerus, fibula and tibia), feet and hands. And with them - an assessment of the development of internal organs: heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, bladder, brain.


Screening today is considered one of the most modern and reliable examination methods, allowing timely identification and identification of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal development abnormalities. And the first screening examination, which is often also called a double test (due to the study of two markers in a biochemical blood test), is usually indicated at 11-14 weeks. But the most optimal time is 12-13 weeks: screening also involves, in addition to a biochemical blood test, an ultrasound examination of the fetal collar zone. Such a study makes it possible with a high degree of probability to exclude the possibility of the baby developing any congenital abnormalities. But, since the collar zone is a non-permanent marker and constantly changes as the fetus develops, its study is possible within a clearly defined time frame. And usually, during the full 14 weeks of pregnancy, examination as part of screening does not provide reliable results. Why, it is advisable to carry out screening either earlier than this period, or to wait for the right moment to conduct a second screening examination, which occurs at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy (optimally at 16-18).

Tests at 14 weeks of pregnancy

If by this time the expectant mother has not yet passed all the tests indicated by this date, she may be prescribed tests at the 14th week of pregnancy - in the form of a general and gynecological examination, urine test, consultation with a therapist, dentist and otolaryngologist. As mentioned above, tests at the 14th week of pregnancy may also involve a routine ultrasound examination. The blood test, among other things, may also include determining levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the pregnant woman's body. If during the first few weeks of pregnancy the level of hCG in the body of the expectant mother constantly increases, then, starting from 8-9 weeks, having reached its peak, the level of hCG decreases slightly and remains so throughout the entire second trimester. If the hCG level at this stage is not normal, this may indicate the possibility of developing some chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. However, such an analysis is not a definitive diagnosis and becomes a reason for additional research.

In some cases, amniotic fluid puncture may be required for analysis. This analysis is carried out solely according to indications, and the woman can refuse it: the doctor must notify the expectant mother, albeit of the scanty, but still existing, possibility of miscarriage (the risk of miscarriage is 1:200). The process of collecting a sample for analysis involves inserting a needle into the uterus (at the same time as an ultrasound to see where the baby is), through which a certain amount of amniotic fluid is collected for testing. In the future, analysis of amniotic fluid will make it possible to assume or exclude the presence of possible chromosomal pathologies in the fetus.


Toxicosis at 14 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, remains a thing of the past. However, it is often replaced by pain of a completely different nature, most often back pain and headaches.

Painful sensations in the back are often the consequences of a woman’s love for high heels. Therefore, if since the beginning of pregnancy the expectant mother has not given up this “luxury”, then now is the time to do it. Lower back pain during this period also occurs due to the gradual increase in the weight of the expectant mother and a shift in the center of gravity.

Migraine-type headaches at week 14 can occur spontaneously and unexpectedly, and it is better, of course, to prevent them than to deal with the pain later. To do this, you need to get enough rest, not overwork, avoid feeling hungry and avoid noisy, smoky rooms. If the headache does make itself felt, the main thing is to avoid taking medications. To relieve pain symptoms, you need to lie down in a dark and cool, well-ventilated room; a massage of the temporal part will not hurt.

It is possible that the expectant mother will also experience pain at the 14th week of pregnancy, concentrated in the lower abdomen and of a weak and dull nature. This is a consequence of stretching the ligaments that secure the uterus. However, you should be wary if pain in the abdomen at 14 weeks of pregnancy is constant or occurs sharply and unexpectedly, the pain is cramping or aching - this is a clear sign of uterine hypertonicity. You should also call a doctor immediately if abdominal pain is also accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, copious watery vaginal discharge or bleeding. It is very likely that such symptoms indicate a high risk of pregnancy failure and even intrauterine fetal death.


If the pregnancy proceeds according to the norm, then the sensations at the 14th week of pregnancy, characteristic of the early stages, recede. The expectant mother has already “suffered” from toxicosis, her emotional state has also stabilized, the baby is practically not threatened by all the dangers that could have harmed him in the first weeks of pregnancy... And a happy time comes for the woman, filled with the awareness of imminent motherhood, pleasant worries and worries associated with preparation with your child.

A woman’s joy can be somewhat overshadowed by some physiological changes that are increasingly occurring due to a deficiency of nutrients in the body of the expectant mother. A lack of vitamin C, for example, can be accompanied by bleeding gums and a decrease in the body's defenses during pregnancy. Vitamin A deficiency affects dry and brittle hair and nails, flaking of the skin. However, all these negative manifestations can be avoided by eating well and constantly replenishing the increased need for minerals and nutrients.


But how much joy a woman experiences admiring her already clearly rounded tummy! The belly at 14 weeks of pregnancy may still be quite small, but it is already quite noticeable. From the navel down, dividing the tummy in two, a dark stripe may clearly appear. There is no reason to worry in this regard - this pigmentation is temporary, it is associated with the accumulation of melanin in skin cells, and will go away on its own over time.

But now is the time to think about clothes for pregnant women, as well as the choice of cosmetics to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Today, such cosmetics are freely sold both in pharmacies and in specialized stores; the choice of gels, creams, and balms for stretch marks for pregnant women is unusually large. If a woman is not satisfied with “factory-made” products, she can always resort to effective and well-proven remedies for stretch marks in the form of olive or almond oil.


The belly continues to grow for the same reason - due to the gradual enlargement of the uterus as the baby grows. At the 14th week of pregnancy, the uterus, relative to the pubic bone, already begins to rise towards the navel. Its bottom is located between the pubic joint and the navel, while the upper edge rises approximately 10-13 cm above the pubis. Having significantly increased in size, the uterus can already be felt through the anterior abdominal wall, and a woman can feel it by placing her palm on her stomach.

Discharge at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Normally, pregnancy at this stage is accompanied by discharge, which is also typical in the early stages. Thus, moderate and uniform discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy, having a light color and a slightly sour odor, indicates a normal pregnancy. Any changes in color and consistency - the appearance of pus or mucus, cheesy discharge, which is also accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area, indicates the appearance of an infection.

Candidiasis (thrush), caused by the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida, often becomes characteristic of pregnancy. Other troubles that can befall an expectant mother while carrying a baby can be colpitis and vulvitis. Each of these diseases requires mandatory treatment - not only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also to avoid infection of the fetus.

An alarming sign is the appearance of bloody discharge, which is also accompanied by abdominal pain. This situation indicates a high probability of premature termination of pregnancy, and contacting a doctor when such symptoms appear is necessary immediately: delay is now unacceptable. Additional examination will also be needed if spotting and spotting appears at the 14th week of pregnancy, occurring more and more after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, and is not accompanied by abdominal pain. The presence of such symptoms indicates the possibility of cervical erosion.


Bleeding at 14 weeks of pregnancy becomes a very frightening symptom. Bleeding is nothing more than an incipient miscarriage. It is usually accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen: the uterus, contracting, pushes the fetus out. In this case, you will not be able to deal with the situation on your own, and the intervention of specialists in order to maintain the pregnancy becomes a necessity. Just the appearance of minor spotting should already be a sufficient reason for urgently seeking medical help, and bleeding that occurs at the 14th week of pregnancy - even more so. A timely response may well stop an incipient miscarriage and prevent premature termination of pregnancy. But to do this it is necessary to act very quickly.


Although the main dangers for the baby at the 14th week of pregnancy remain for the most part in the past, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy can still become a catalyst for quite serious complications. Colds are especially dangerous, accompanied by a prolonged increase in temperature to 38 degrees and above. Already at the first symptoms of a cold, you should definitely consult a doctor - it is imperative to treat the disease.

As in the early stages of pregnancy, first of all, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy requires the woman to maintain rest and bed rest, and to eliminate symptoms - the use of predominantly traditional methods of treatment. However, the use of certain medications is also possible: at the 14th week of pregnancy, some drugs prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy are already permitted for use. But only with the consent of the doctor and strictly according to indications; self-medication during pregnancy is not acceptable and can cause a lot of trouble.


Fever at 14 weeks of pregnancy can be accompanied by a fairly large number of different diseases. Although the most important reason for fever, of course, is various colds and viral diseases. Fever is caused by infectious diseases (influenza, rotavirus infection, toxoplasmosis), inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis), and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis).

If the temperature rises, you cannot do without consulting a doctor: initially it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease, from which the main threat comes, and, if necessary, prescribe competent treatment. Long-term fever is quite dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy: from the second trimester, high temperature can cause pathology of the placenta and the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, and in case of infectious diseases it also poses a threat of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Then, consultation with a doctor if you have a fever is necessary. If for some reason it is impossible to immediately consult a doctor, you can and should bring down the temperature with “improvised” means. Bed rest, plenty of warm fluids are recommended, at high temperatures - rubbing and lotions, and in extreme cases, the use of paracetamol-based drugs. If the high temperature persists for several hours, hospitalization of the expectant mother and further observation in the hospital is required.


Alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy, as before and after this period, is best left on the list of “not consumed” products. If in the early stages of pregnancy alcohol can cause pathology in the development of developing organs, now alcoholic drinks, although they do not have a damaging effect, are no less dangerous. After all, the baby continues to develop very quickly, all its main organs and systems are already working, and alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy already causes a disruption in their function. In addition, alcohol at 14 weeks of pregnancy can have a negative effect on still-forming bone tissue.

Nutrition at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Recommendations regarding nutrition remain the same: nutrition at the 14th week of pregnancy should be balanced, healthy and nutritious. It is also advisable from now on to limit the consumption of foods that can cause allergic reactions and increase the risk of developing allergies in the baby in the future.

You need to be careful with citrus fruits, honey, eggs, caviar, cow's milk, chocolate, vegetables and fruits that are bright orange or red in color. It is advisable to remove strong rich broths, all kinds of steak kebabs, smoked meats and canned food from the table. Cooking is shown using the steam method, by baking, boiling or stewing.

Although meat must be present in a pregnant woman’s diet as a source of essential protein, it is better to replace fatty varieties with dietary ones - rabbit, chicken, lean veal or beef. At the same time, it is regularly necessary to include fish in the diet to provide the body with phosphorus and healthy unsaturated fatty acids.

You should not get carried away with foods that increase gas formation and “fix”, which can cause constipation - pears, legumes, cabbage. Instead, it will be useful to enrich your diet with fermented milk products, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits to avoid constipation.


At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, has already said goodbye to the unpleasant companions of pregnancy that are characteristic of the early stages - toxicosis, drowsiness, irritability. The “golden time” is coming, the time of realizing one’s future motherhood and a new relationship with the future dad - intimate ones as well. Sex at 14 weeks of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but can open up spouses to each other in a new way. Therefore, in the absence of any contraindications, there is no point in giving up physical intimacy, especially since sex now can bring much richer sensations and colors. A woman, preparing to become a mother, becomes more and more soft and pliable. The man, in turn, realizing the full degree of responsibility, treats his wife with greater tenderness and caution. And therefore, sex at 14 weeks of pregnancy even turns into a kind of sacrament, a way to get to know each other even better and get closer.

In gynecology, doctors calculate the gestational age starting from the first day of the last menstruation. An obstetric week lasts 7 days, 4 weeks make up 1 obstetric month. Conception occurs during ovulation, which corresponds to days 12-18 of the cycle. This is why the obstetric pregnancy calendar is one and a half to three weeks ahead of the actual age of the unborn child.

14th week of pregnancy corresponds to the very beginning of the second trimester or the third and a half obstetric month. This time plays an important role in the development of the child - the development of all organs and systems occurs, the placenta is formed, the fetus continues to gain weight.

Fetal development

At 14 weeks of pregnancy the size of the fetus is about eight centimeters, its weight is 30 grams. By this time, the baby acquires the features of an adult. The fourteenth week of pregnancy is the time of final formation of the placenta. The organ provides nutritional and respiratory function, and also protects the child from harmful substances and the woman’s immune system.

The musculoskeletal system of the unborn child undergoes strong transformations. Calcium begins to accumulate in the bones, making them harder and stronger. Joints appear in the upper and lower extremities, allowing the unborn child to perform a variety of movements. By the beginning of the second trimester, 12 pairs of ribs are formed.

At the fourteenth week, the baby’s appearance changes. His face gradually changes its shape - the fetus has a distinct nose, bridge of the nose, cheeks. The eyes are still closed at this stage of pregnancy. At the beginning of the second trimester, active formation of hair follicles in the skin is observed. From these appear the first “fluff,” called lanugo. The child also develops hair on his head, eyelashes, and eyebrows.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the rudiments of all digestive organs have been formed, they can already perform their function - when amniotic fluid is swallowed, primary feces are formed. The liver is the main organ of hematopoiesis, the pancreas begins to synthesize the hormone insulin. Thanks to this, the child’s body develops its own metabolism.

At 14 weeks of gestation, the organs of the urinary system are ready to do their job. The baby may swallow amniotic fluid, which are absorbed into the blood and filtered by the kidneys. Due to these processes, the unborn child can secrete his own urine.

By this time, the lungs are two collapsed bags that are not yet ready to inhale atmospheric air. However, already at the 14th week of pregnancy the baby is preparing to be born. The baby begins to make movements similar to breathing, they are performed due to contractions of the diaphragm - the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities.

The cardiovascular system of the unborn child at the 14th week of pregnancy is highly developed, thanks to which all organs are nourished. The pulse rate at this stage of pregnancy is about 140 beats per minute. The heart has four chambers, just like an adult's.

The endocrine system undergoes major changes at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the fetal thyroid gland synthesizes its own hormones. The ovaries in female babies produce estrogens, which leads to the development of internal and external genital organs and mammary glands.

By the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the prostate begins to function in male fetuses. The gland synthesizes testosterone, which leads to the development of the genital organs. Despite the described changes in the hormonal system and the external differences between boys and girls, at this stage it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child.

The beginning of the second trimester is a time of active maturation of the nervous system. The development of the brain and spinal cord continues, and peripheral nerves differentiate from them. Various centers responsible for breathing, heartbeat and other processes are formed in the cortical structures.

One of the senses appears in the child is taste. If the mother eats a large amount of chocolate and sweets, the baby may feel that the amniotic fluid has become sweet. The fruit distinguishes light and darkness well; it can turn away from the source of bright flashes. Also the child actively uses the organ of hearing, he distinguishes sounds in the external environment and reacts to them.

By the beginning of the second trimester, the fetus has some reflexes. The main one is sucking, the child can grab his finger in his mouth, which imitates breastfeeding. The baby may also frown, clench his fists, or grab the umbilical cord.

Movements at this stage of pregnancy are very varied. The baby can move his upper and lower limbs, turn his head, and spin around in the uterine cavity. However, only some repeatedly pregnant women manage to notice fetal movements. They feel like “fish swimming” or “butterflies fluttering”.

14th week of pregnancy: the baby's first movements and kicks

Woman's well-being

The fourteenth week of pregnancy is usually one of the most beautiful moments of pregnancy. By this time, the expectant mother is no longer bothered by toxicosis. The uterus is small, which does not affect the woman’s body.

The belly at the 14th week of pregnancy has a rounded shape, but it can easily be hidden under loose clothing. At this stage, a dark horizontal line may appear under the navel. Its occurrence is associated with increased production of melanin due to the action of hormones. To prevent stretch marks, women should start using creams and oils, since they only have an effect if used in a timely manner.

The height of the fundus of the uterus at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is about 10 centimeters, the girth of the abdomen is 70-75 centimeters. By this time, the expectant mother can gain 1-2 kilograms, which is a variant of the norm. If a woman’s body weight increases by 4 kilograms or more, she should reconsider her diet and reduce its calorie content. An increased amount of adipose tissue significantly increases the load on the spine and other organs.

At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is recommended to consume milk, cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and other products. They are a source of protein and calcium, which are necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby. A woman should also include in her diet sources of essential amino acids such as eggs, fish, lean meat and poultry.

A woman during the second trimester of pregnancy you need to eat cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. They are sources of B vitamins. It is also recommended that the expectant mother include fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, and nuts in her diet. The total daily caloric intake is calculated based on the height, body weight, and physical activity of the mother; on average, it should not exceed 2500-3000 kcal per day.

Usually, by the beginning of the second trimester, all symptoms of toxicosis disappear. The exception to this rule is women carrying twins. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn and other symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant twins can continue until the sixteenth week of gestation.

Vaginal discharge at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy is normally not abundant and has a light or transparent color. Also, they should not be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. A variant of the norm is a slight sourness of vaginal discharge.

Attention! If pathological vaginal discharge, bleeding, or cramping pain in the abdomen appears, a pregnant woman should immediately seek medical help.

Some women experience pain in the lower abdomen at 14 weeks of pregnancy. Such sensations can normally be a consequence of stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. In this case, the pain will be intermittent, weak in strength, and should not be accompanied by other symptoms.

Also in the second trimester for some expectant mothers. This is due to increased load on the spine due to the enlargement of the uterus and a shift in the center of gravity. To prevent pain, you should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes; if pain occurs, it is recommended to take a knee-elbow position, lie down, or do light exercises.

The enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the organs of the urinary system, which increases the load on the kidneys and reduces the size of the bladder. Because of this, a pregnant woman begins to want to go to the toilet more often. The uterus also puts pressure on the intestines, which can lead to the development of constipation.

12-14 weeks of pregnancy: ultrasound examination, sensations

Complications and risks

Usually the fourteenth week of pregnancy is not accompanied by complications. In rare cases, the following pathologies may develop:

1. Frozen pregnancy.

With this pathology, the fetus dies in the womb, but does not leave the uterine cavity. During a frozen pregnancy, the expectant mother may not notice any abnormalities, but in the absence of timely medical care, severe inflammation develops. That is why a woman should not skip routine doctor’s examinations.

It is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, then bleeding is added to this symptom. If you consult a doctor early and take medications, pregnancy can often be maintained.

3. Infection of the internal genital organs.

Some of them occur latently, so before planning conception you should donate blood for antibodies to the main pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. If the infection occurs during pregnancy, it may be accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge, which differs in consistency, color, abundance and smell from normal discharge.

4. Anemia.

One of the most common companions during pregnancy is a lack of iron, leading to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin. With anemia, a woman’s general condition worsens, her performance and well-being decrease. The skin becomes pale, dizziness, headaches, and neurological disorders are observed.


The fourteenth week of pregnancy is the deadline for the first screening. It includes donating blood for tests and ultrasound. However, doctors recommend the first screening before the 12th week of pregnancy, since abortion in the presence of chromosomal abnormalities is safer in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The amount of hCG and PAPP-A in the blood is calculated. These substances are secreted by the placenta and are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Their increase or decrease may indicate a chromosomal abnormality of the fetus - Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc. However, a deviation of hCG and PAPP-A does not indicate a 100% probability of the disease in the unborn child, it only estimates the risk of its presence.

The first screening also includes ultrasonography. With its help, the doctor examines the structure of the fetus’s body, observes its movements, records its heartbeat, and determines the gestational age. There are “ultrasound markers” of Down syndrome and other anomalies - enlargement of the collar zone, abnormalities of the nasal bone, etc.

If there are abnormalities in the blood test and ultrasound, it is possible to prescribe additional research methods - amniocentesis and cordocentesis. They are invasive procedures in which the doctor uses a puncture to obtain amniotic fluid or blood from the umbilical cord. These methods help to detect congenital pathologies of the fetus with almost one hundred percent probability.

Some women register for pregnancy at 14 weeks of gestation. It is advisable to do this in the first trimester, but a slight delay is possible. When registering, an expectant mother is required to undergo a list of tests.

A prerequisite for registration is donating blood for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B. The causative agents of these diseases can penetrate through the placenta to the fetus, therefore, if they are detected, medical abortion is recommended, and if it is refused, maintenance therapy is recommended.

Also, the expectant mother must donate blood to determine her group and Rh factor. If there is a risk of conflict (the woman has a negative Rh factor, and the partner has a positive one), the pregnant woman needs careful monitoring and, if necessary, medication support.

When registering, the expectant mother must donate blood for a general and biochemical analysis. The indicators reflect the functioning of internal organs: pancreas, kidneys, liver. A woman should also have her urine tested for general analysis. The results of the study will help identify urinary tract infections and protein loss.

Another mandatory test when registering a pregnant woman is taking a vaginal smear. This test helps diagnose bacterial vaginosis, thrush, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, the expectant mother may be referred for an enzyme immunoassay blood test.

Since the last ovulation, when the female cell was fertilized with sperm, many changes have occurred in a woman’s body. The embryo (blastocyst) was fixed in the uterus, and from that moment a global restructuring of the entire hormonal system began, which also affected the appearance of the expectant mother.

By week 14, weight gain is no more than 2-3 kilograms from the moment of conception. The increase occurs due to the growth of the uterus, fetus and the volume of amniotic fluid. In some cases, when a woman experienced severe toxicosis during the first trimester of pregnancy, sudden weight loss is possible. Therefore, now, after improving your appetite and well-being, it’s time to replenish the necessary kilograms.

However, you should not be too zealous in this matter. Doctors say that the total increase during the second trimester (cycle from weeks 14 to 26) should be no more than 2 kilograms.


If, against the background of normal health, pain suddenly appears, the expectant mother should be careful and go to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. An experienced doctor will be able to understand based on the symptoms shown whether urgent treatment is necessary. If there is insufficient information to make a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations.

Pain at 14 weeks of pregnancy can occur in different places:

  • Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Drawing and aching pain in this area can often resemble the sensations during menstruation. They talk about the tone of the uterus, and if they increase, they indicate the threat of miscarriage.
  • Leg pain. Pain is caused by swelling and cramps, which bother pregnant women starting from the second trimester. The doctor should prescribe medications that will alleviate the woman’s condition and eliminate discomfort.
  • Stomach ache. Such pain is associated with problems in the digestive process, which include constipation, heartburn, and flatulence. They signal that it is necessary to reconsider the diet.
  • Pain in the head. A common problem among pregnant women, it occurs due to hormonal imbalance and pressure changes.


The mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs during pregnancy is quite easily affected by various types of fungi. For example, the most common infection among pregnant women is candidiasis or thrush. This is a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by itching, pain and copious curdled discharge with a pungent odor. If left untreated, complications and infection of the fetus are possible.

In the second trimester, the expectant mother should carefully monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. They should be light, colorless and odorless.

Any deviation from the norm is a reason to go to the doctor.


Bleeding is an unconditional sign that there is a threat of miscarriage.

To save the fetus at 14 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother urgently needs to call an ambulance. Arriving doctors are required to conduct an examination and, if necessary, hospitalize the patient. If blood appears from the vagina, it is important to act quickly and clearly; there should be no panic. It must be remembered that the life of the unborn child depends on the timely actions of the mother and the medical team.

Bleeding at this stage can be caused by various reasons:

  • cervical injury (careless actions during sexual intercourse, during examination by a gynecologist);
  • pathology of the uterus (presence of myomatous, fibromatous nodes);
  • lack of progesterone;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis after a thorough examination. It is worth saying that in many cases, when bleeding occurs, doctors manage to maintain the pregnancy.

Colds and fever

If the expectant mother has a cold, then the main task is to cope with the illness in a short time and not harm the child. To solve it, you need to remember that self-medication is strictly prohibited. You cannot follow the recommendations of mothers and grandmothers, friends and girlfriends. During this period, the final word remains with the gynecologist and therapist.

So, what needs to be done if a cold occurs:

It is important not to forget about the prevention of colds. To avoid illness, you need to eat foods rich in vitamins, dress for the weather, and also avoid crowded places during epidemics.

Dear future and real mothers of the site, even though the dangerous period of pregnancy has passed, the expectant mother should be careful in her actions and expression of emotions. Excessive activity and carelessness can only harm the child and put him in danger. According to statistics, in the second trimester there is a high probability of injury to the child due to bruises, blows and falls of the mother. When taking care of your child, do not forget about yourself.

Now the child hears his mother, subtly senses her mood and well-being.

  • Talk to your baby, surround yourself and him with pleasant people and beautiful places. Positive emotions will definitely be passed on from you to your child.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes with stable soles. During this period, it is important to completely eliminate the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Take a vitamin complex as advised by your doctor. The body of a pregnant woman is acutely lacking in the nutrients that the baby consumes. It is necessary to replenish them with the help of pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Do not use medications unless prescribed by a doctor.
  • Exercise at home or join a gym. Physical activity will only benefit you. Those who are lazy are advised to walk in the fresh air.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

One of the most important recommendations for expectant mothers is to watch their diet. It should be frequent, fractional and, most importantly, useful. The expectant mother should switch to proper nutrition from the very beginning of pregnancy. But if for some reason it didn’t work out, then it’s never too late to start. The 14th week of pregnancy is the period during which the baby’s body needs a huge amount of nutrients. A mother should provide them to her child by eating healthy foods rich in vitamins and microelements:

  • calcium (found in cheese, butter, milk; necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child’s bones);
  • fats (seeds and nuts);
  • phosphorus and fish oil (fish and seafood);
  • protein (eggs, poultry and beef).

It is healthy to eat fruits and vegetables, natural freshly squeezed juices, and herbs. It is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks, alcohol, and fast food products from the daily menu. It is best to give preference to dishes cooked steamed or in the oven.


Even healthy food cannot fully provide a pregnant woman’s body with the necessary vitamins. And here various vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies come to the rescue. These drugs are developed taking into account the daily dose of certain nutrients that a pregnant woman needs.

The gynecologist will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex, which is usually taken throughout pregnancy. They help cope with problems such as bleeding gums, cramps, dry and brittle nails and hair, headaches, etc.

Physical activity

The second trimester of pregnancy is the best time to start maintaining your physical fitness. An interesting position in no case can be a contraindication for doing fitness, with the only caveat: the exercises should be of moderate intensity, and the load should be within reason.

Interestingly, it is during pregnancy that many women leading a sedentary lifestyle suddenly rush to swimming pools and fitness rooms. Everything is understandable: the lightness and inspiration characteristic of this period require movement. And that is great! Moreover, expectant mothers have a choice:

  • swimming pool (swimming and water aerobics classes);
  • fitness club (exercise bikes, treadmills, aerobics classes);
  • dance clubs (dancing of any type, but without the risk of falls and injuries);
  • yoga centers (yoga classes, mastering breathing exercises).

Those who do not like sports in any form should remember that a complete lack of movement will not have the best effect on the development of the child and the general well-being of the mother. This is especially noticeable in the last weeks of pregnancy. You should at least take a walk.

Intimate life

The intimate life of the expectant mother at 14 weeks of pregnancy does not imply a prohibition. On the contrary, some women, after a long time, finally develop a desire for intimacy with their partner. As mentioned earlier, all this is associated with improved health and mood of the expectant mother.

If there is any risk to pregnancy, the doctor will warn the woman about this and advise her to abstain from sexual relations. Often a ban on intimate life is imposed due to multiple births or problematic pregnancy.

Necessary studies and analyzes

The first screening, during which a woman takes a triple test (hCG hormone and estriol, alpha-fetoprotein protein), occurs at 11-13 weeks. It allows you to get a complete picture of the child’s health status and the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities. By the 14th week, the doctor and the expectant mother herself already know about the main parameters of fetal development. If everything is normal, then at this time the woman will have to undergo standard procedures at an appointment with a gynecologist:

  • measuring weight and blood pressure;
  • measuring the height of the uterine fundus, abdominal volume;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • Listening to the baby's heartbeat using a stethoscope.

For special indications, some pregnant women are prescribed a blood test for hormones and developmental defects. If the first screening revealed the possibility of defects, the doctor orders additional examinations. For example, placentocentesis is the collection of amniotic fluid to clarify the diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound examinations are prescribed strictly according to indications. From a photo of the 14th week of pregnancy, the doctor can tell a lot about the state of the baby’s health and whether the parameters of its development correspond to the norm. Ultrasound is often prescribed to patients with a threat of miscarriage when their general health worsens or bleeding occurs. This procedure helps to make a diagnosis with high accuracy.