Allergic reactions: ways to identify the allergen. How to find out what you are allergic to? How to find out if you have an allergy or

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Pets, citrus fruits, pollen, house dust... How do you know what you're allergic to? How to identify the “criminal” and protect yourself and loved ones from an insidious allergic reaction? Alas, in most cases, only by trial and error.

Laboratory methods for determining allergens

Today, doctors have many methods in their arsenal, how to find out what you are allergic to, so if possible, it’s better not to guess at the tea leaves and not take risks. For example, skin tests are used in which purified allergens are injected in small quantities into the skin of the forearm. There are three types of skin tests - trick test (prick test), scarification test (the top layer of skin is scratched under a drop of allergen), intradermal test (injection of the allergen with a syringe).

Provocative tests are considered the most informative, in which allergens are introduced into the shock organ - i.e. to the organ that is most affected by allergies. So, for allergic conjunctivitis, the allergen is instilled into the lower conjunctival sac, for allergic rhinitis - into the nose, for bronchial asthma, the allergen is inhaled through an inhaler, for a test with a piece of ice, for thermal - a bottle of hot water is placed on the skin of the forearm, to diagnose food allergies the patient is given a product that is a possible allergen and is tested for the number of leukocytes. Exposure provocation tests involve placing the patient in an environment where possible allergens may act. In other words, provocative tests are a kind of laboratory trial and error method: the patient is given or injected with a suspected allergen and the reaction to it is checked, excluding or confirming an allergy.

Detecting allergies at home

How to find out what you are allergic to if you don’t want to see a doctor or don’t have the opportunity? Today, you can purchase tests for diagnosing allergies at home in pharmacies. Blood is taken from the patient and applied to a special test strip. So, if a reaction to some allergen is detected, a plus appears on the strip; if there is no reaction, a minus appears. The result of each test is known within 30 minutes. But, of course, it is better to take a blood test for specific allergens in a laboratory - they will be more informative and correct than those done at home.

Other - non-laboratory - methods for identifying allergies imply the independent exclusion of certain suspected allergens. So, if you suspect a reaction to animal hair, you should temporarily transport your pets, vacuum and treat the room. If after some time the allergy symptoms go away, then most likely you will have to give up your pets. Allergies can be caused by house dust and mites contained in it (about 150 species). Regular wet cleaning and air purifiers can alleviate or completely eliminate symptoms.

It is known that in the first years the baby’s immune system is just developing, so various tests for allergens in a child under 2 years of age are not very informative. How to find out what you are allergic to in this case? In the case of food allergies, it is recommended to keep a food diary, where you would record the foods you eat and your reaction to them. When possible allergens are identified, they are completely excluded from the diet, and then gradually, one at a time, introduced, observing the reaction. These recommendations are relevant for monitoring allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Allergies are not a reason to guess and make assumptions. Even if you have identified allergens yourself, consultation with an immunologist is still necessary. Do not let such a serious condition of the body take its course, and even more so, do not self-medicate.

The term “allergy” appeared at the beginning of the 20th century - it was proposed by the Austrian doctor K. Pirke, who observed states of altered reactivity in children with infections and serum sickness.

A person’s allergic mood is often called hypersensitivity - this is a painful reaction of the body to components that are safe for most people (citrus fruits, pollen and others).

Allergy - what is this insidious disease?

Allergy is the acquired ability to specifically react to foreign elements received from outside and to one’s own modified components and cells. On the one hand, this is a kind of protective mechanism, on the other hand, it damages the structural elements of the body, which ultimately causes an allergic disease.

It is based on the immune complex “antigen-antibody” (AG + AT), in which the antigen is a foreign element. In addition to immunoglobulins E, M and G, the reaction involves cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (T-killers or lymphocytes that dissolve damaged body cells), white blood cells (eosinophils, neutrophils and others), mast cells (white blood mast cells that secrete inflammatory mediators) , circulating immune complexes, biologically active substances (leukotrienes, prostaglandins and others).

The most important link in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases, namely immediate hypersensitivity reactions, is histamine.

What kind of reaction a particular person will have depends on certain conditions. As a rule, weak antigens in large quantities or allergens that repeatedly penetrate the body are more likely to cause allergies.

The danger of allergies lies in the fact that a person does not know and cannot predict when he will develop (and whether he will develop at all) a severe form of hypersensitization. Any immediate reaction requires emergency medical measures, as it can result in death (usually due to swelling of the respiratory tract and asphyxia).

Allergy symptoms compared to similar diseases

When making a diagnosis, you need to understand whether it is an allergic reaction or not, and then identify the allergen itself and the mechanism of development of the reaction. For these purposes, at the initial stage, exogenous allergy is distinguished from an autoimmune or infectious disease.

The form of the allergy is determined by the route of penetration of the allergen. In case of inhalation contact, various breathing disorders occur; in case of cutaneous contact, manifestations of skin diseases occur.

Clinically, allergic reactions manifest themselves:

  • hyperemia of the skin, the appearance of various elements on it (pimples, small rashes, and so on);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • rhinorrhea (profuse runny nose);
  • lacrimation;
  • itching in the nose and eyes;
  • skin itching;
  • dry night cough and so on.

How to identify an allergen

If it is determined that the disease is allergic in nature, we begin to determine its cause. At the same time, a differentiation is made between an allergic and pseudoallergic reaction.

Any allergy requires a comprehensive diagnosis, following a strict sequence of measures (that is, one test follows another).

At the initial stage, the doctor collects an allergy history. This information plays an important role in making a diagnosis. When talking with the patient, they find out hereditary predisposition and cases of previous allergic diseases, hyperreactions to foods, medications, insects, and so on. They take into account the relationship with climatic conditions, temperature factors (heat/cold), household objects, and occupational hazards.

One of them is the Shelley test (indirect basophil degranulation). The assay is based on the ability of the antigen-antibody complex to degranulate basophils. A positive result means that there is sensitivity to the allergen. But a negative answer cannot exclude it either.

A mast cell degranulation test is also performed. The analysis is interpreted in the same way as in the case described above.

The test for the blast transformation reaction of lymphocytes (RBTL) is based on the ability of lymphocytes, in the presence of an antigen, to enter into a blast modification reaction.

Analysis for the reaction of inhibition of leukocyte migration (RTML). The essence of the reaction is that when they encounter an antigen, sensitive leukocytes become less mobile.

Neutrophil damage index (NDI). Subject to sensitization to the antigen, the latter contributes to damage to the corresponding cells. Specific tests with allergens, so-called skin tests, are required. This is a completely objective diagnostic technique. A positive skin test result provides a basis for identifying the type of allergy.

An immediate reaction is characterized by a pinkish or colorless blister surrounded by a hyperemic ring. Reactions of the third and fourth types are manifested by redness, swelling, and hardening of the site.

A positive skin test indicates sensitivity to a specific allergen, but does not indicate its clinical manifestation.

Types of skin tests used:

  • drip;
  • invasive (via injection);
  • intradermal;
  • cutaneous;
  • scarification.

The test is carried out in the area of ​​the inner side of the forearm, sometimes on the leg or back.

Provocative tests are also used in the diagnosis of allergic diseases:

  1. Thrombopenic test. It consists of detecting a reduction in the number of platelets (by more than twenty percent) after the arrival of the antigen.
  2. Leukopenic test. Detection of a decrease in the number of leukocytes by analogy with the method described above.
  3. Nasal provocation test. If, after instilling an allergen into the nose, congestion, sneezing, and rhinorrhea appear, it means that there is an allergy to this substance.
  4. Conjunctive provocative test. An allergen is injected into the eye, if after this itching, swelling and hyperemia occur, it means that there is an allergy to the substance.
  5. Analysis for inhibition of natural leukocyte mobility. The test allows you to detect a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the liquid after rinsing the mouth in the presence of an antigen.
  6. Sublingual test. The result is positive after placing an eighth of the tablet form or a small amount of liquid medication under the tongue.
  7. Gastrointestinal provocative test. The appearance of signs of hypersensitivity after consuming the test product.

The process of identifying an allergen in an adult

Antigens of an infectious nature are usually administered cutaneously or intradermally, as well as by rubbing into the scarified skin area. With the intradermal method, about 0.1 milliliter of allergen is injected into the middle third of the forearm using a thin needle.

The result is checked after a day or two, checking the diameter of the blister at the site of the skin test.

Allergens of a non-infectious nature (dust, food, pollen, medications, household products, etc.) are introduced into the skin invasively (prick test), cutaneously by scarification and rubbing, or intradermal injection of a diluted antigen solution. Sodium chloride is used for negative control, histamine is used for positive control. The result is assessed within twenty minutes by the size of the formation (can reach two centimeters), as well as by the presence of swelling and itching.

An intradermal test is done when the test result is negative or questionable. In this case, the antigen dosage is reduced many times (up to several thousand).

What are allergies to?

There are several groups of allergens. By origin, they are internal and external (exo- and endogenous). Endogenous antigens are body proteins; they are divided into primary and acquired. The latter are formed as a result of damage to proteins by various external factors (radiation exposure, burns, etc.).

Exogenous antigens enter the body from the outside. They are divided into infectious (medicines, pollen, food, wool, household chemicals and others) and non-infectious (viruses, fungi, bacteria and so on).

Routes of penetration of exogenous AG:

  • respiratory (dust);
  • nutritional (food);
  • contact (ointment, creams);
  • parenteral (, invasive administration of medication);
  • through the transplacental barrier (medicines).

Before going to the allergist

Before visiting an allergist, you should consult a general practitioner, who may determine the non-allergic nature of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe blood tests.

It is important to do allergy tests on a “clean” body, that is, stop taking antihistamines at least a month before the test. A few days before donating blood (if such a test is prescribed), you need to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. The collection of biomaterial is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.

For a consultation with an allergist, you should take the results of previous tests, a food diary (if available) and other information materials.

The likelihood of developing an allergy in a person depends on the nature, quantity and qualities of a particular antigen. In the diagnosis of allergic diseases and the identification of a specific allergen, an important place is taken by taking an anamnesis, after which various provocative tests, skin tests and other laboratory tests are carried out.

Determining the source of an allergic reaction at home is possible through trial and error, which can turn into a life-threatening condition.

Doctors have a lot of ways to find out the cause of an allergy in a more reliable way, without playing a fortune teller. For example, skin test methods, which are divided into the following types:

  • trick testing - using an injection;
  • scratching test - the allergen is applied by scratching the skin;
  • intradermal test - the suspected substance is injected with a syringe.

These types of examinations are carried out by examining the skin of the forearm area after contact with a small amount of purified allergen.

How to find out what you are allergic to in the most informative way? Allergists use provocative testing. The essence of the technique is to place the allergen directly into the hypersensitive organ. In case of a primary reaction from the eyes, the provocateur is injected into the conjunctival sac; in the case of allergic rhinitis, into the nasal sinuses; for asthmatic manifestations, the allergen is inhaled using an inhaler. Such a study of the patient’s condition when interacting with the source of the allergy requires the presence of a physician who can provide emergency assistance if necessary.

How to find out if you have an allergy?

The allergy manifests itself on any skin, can “masquerade” as a runny nose, and the duration of the painful condition lasts from a couple of minutes to several days.

How to find out if you have an allergy? First of all, you need to remember the signs of the development of the disease:

  • redness, a feeling of pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • rashes on various parts of the skin accompanied by itching (urticaria, eczema, etc.);
  • changes in stool, nausea;
  • constant, dry cough, mainly at night;
  • pulmonary wheezing, suffocation;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, soreness and itching;
  • prolonged nasal congestion with clear, watery discharge;
  • swelling of certain areas of the body, most often the face/eyelids;
  • paroxysmal sneezing for no apparent reason;
  • joint pain.

The listed phenomena are protracted, chronic in nature, aggravated in the presence of an allergen. For example, when dust accumulates at home, the patient’s painful symptoms increase. Only properly done cleaning brings long-awaited relief.

How to find out if you have an allergy with medical help? A consultation with an allergist is never superfluous. It can be very difficult to independently identify and generally understand whether you have an allergy. Initially, the doctor collects data on suspected allergic manifestations based on your words. Next, a special examination is prescribed - skin testing, which helps to determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. If necessary, a blood/sputum test, respiratory function test, and chest and sinus x-rays are performed. After which the doctor can draw conclusions about the presence of the disease.

How to find out what causes an allergy?

Most of us do not like to go to the hospital and try to independently identify the cause of the allergy.

How to find out what causes allergies without leaving home? This can be done with special tests available at pharmacy kiosks. One drop of blood is enough to get results equivalent to laboratory ones. Increased sensitivity to the allergen will be indicated by a plus on the test strip; if there is no reaction, a minus will appear. The duration of the study of each suspected substance takes half an hour.

You can also try to avoid contact with the suspected allergen. Transport your pets and do a thorough cleaning if you notice signs of sensitivity to fur. If the painful symptoms decrease or completely get rid of, you will have to forget about the animals in the house.

The situation is more complicated with children under two years of age. The child’s immune system is still developing, so laboratory diagnostic methods are ineffective and even erroneous. How to find out what you are allergic to in such a situation? If there is a sensitivity to any product, parents are advised to keep a food diary. It is important to record each product and the baby’s reaction in it. This way you can avoid allergic reactions to food. If there is a painful manifestation of several types of foods, you should first cancel all of them, and then introduce the diet one at a time, carefully monitoring the reaction. Similar advice is also relevant in adulthood.

Even if you get to the bottom of the true cause of your discomfort, still consult an immunologist. A specialist will help you choose the right treatment for your specific situation, while self-therapy can only worsen the situation and lead to chronic diseases.

How to find out what you are allergic to? - an important question, but this is only the first step in a complex medical intervention, including: preventive measures, reducing the strength and frequency of attacks, immunocorrective programs.

Allergic diseases in adults are a fairly common pathology. More and more often you can hear from a loved one: “I have an allergy, I don’t understand what.” Hypersensitivity develops in response to the entry of allergenic substances, foods or particles into the body. The relevance of pathology is increasing all the time - the frequency of cases of allergic diseases increases from year to year. The mechanism of development of hypersensitization is well studied, but this does not completely eliminate the manifestations of the disease. It is important to know how to identify allergies and how to understand what you or your loved ones are allergic to.

What can trigger an allergy?

All allergenic substances, products and particles are divided into two main groups: exoallergens and endoallergens. Endoallergens are formed in the body, and exoallergens can come from outside. For the most part, hypersensitivity reactions are provoked by allergens of the second group, that is, exoallergens. They can also be divided into several varieties:

You need to understand how to identify an allergy in order to eliminate its consequences. To do this, you need to understand the main symptoms of the pathology, and only then look for the answer to the question of how to identify the allergen that caused the pathological reaction.

Symptoms of allergic diseases

Any allergist should know how to identify allergies in adult patients. So how do you know if you have an allergy? This disease manifests itself in several groups of symptoms, namely:

Skin manifestations: rashes, redness of the skin, itching. Manifestations from the respiratory system: sneezing, clear discharge from the nasal cavity, cough, wheezing, difficulty breathing. Symptoms from the organs of vision: conjunctivitis, lacrimation, itching. Symptoms of digestive system dysfunction: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence. Swelling, most often in the area of ​​the lips and eyelids. In severe cases, widespread angioedema is possible.

If such symptoms are detected in an adult, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. An allergist knows how to identify the allergen and eliminate the symptoms of the pathology.

Methods for diagnosing allergic diseases

So, the symptoms have been confirmed, now you need to find out the answer to the question of how to find out what you are allergic to. Diagnosis of hypersensitivity reactions allows us to answer the question of how to identify an allergen in an adult. To do this, the allergist, after a detailed interview with the patient, prescribes a set of studies, which includes several tests. So, how to determine the allergen that caused pathological reactions in the body? The main diagnostic methods include:

Skin tests. During the study, subcutaneous injections of the allergen are made, the positive result of which indicates the presence of hypersensitization to this allergenic substance. Scarification tests. Drops of the allergen are applied to the skin, after which incisions are made through them using a scarifier. When hyperemia and swelling appear in a specific area, a positive test result is determined and a specific allergen is recorded. In this case, during one procedure, the presence of allergies to a maximum of 15 allergens is examined. Determination of the level of immunoglobulin E. An effective method that records the severity of allergic pathologies of various origins by determining the concentration of immunoglobulins. Elimination tests. The method is implemented by excluding certain substances from the menu and recording all products in a food diary. If the patient's condition improves within two weeks, then the excluded product is an allergen. This is one of the simple ways to answer the question of how to determine what I am allergic to. Provocative technique. It is carried out by a highly qualified allergist in order to promptly eliminate the symptoms of hypersensitization when it occurs. The doctor applies the allergen under the tongue or puts it in the nose, monitoring the reaction. When symptoms appear, the presence of an allergy to a particular substance is recorded.

After passing all the necessary tests, the specialist makes a diagnosis and prescribes effective treatment. The answer to the question of how to find out what you are allergic to is not so simple and requires a professional approach.

We will look at the symptoms and treatment of allergies in this article. What it is?

An allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to harmless and completely ordinary substances. Symptoms can occur in different parts of the body. As a rule, it occurs over several days and may vary in severity. Let's talk about the symptoms of allergies, and also find out what the consequences of this phenomenon are.

general information

People are usually allergic to the fur of certain types of animals, as well as to various foods, medications, chemicals, dust and insect bites, as well as pollen. Below we consider the symptoms and treatment of cold allergies.

Substances that cause pathology are called allergens. In some situations, such reactions may be so mild that a person may not even be aware that he or she is suffering from an allergy at all.

But despite this, allergy symptoms, on the contrary, can be extremely dangerous and life-threatening. People who suffer from allergies may develop anaphylactic shock, which is a severe medical condition associated with an extremely severe reaction to an allergen. Anaphylactic shock can be caused, as already noted, by various allergens: medications, insect bites, and also food. Among other things, anaphylactic shock can occur as a result of skin contact with a certain allergen, for example, latex.

in the cold

Symptoms of cold allergy:

  • skin changes occur quickly, within 1-5 minutes;
  • the pathology is characterized by urticarial manifestations, similar to nettle burns;
  • itching, burning, tingling;
  • swelling forms at the site of contact with a cold object;
  • severe redness (erythema);
  • flat, whitish or bright pink blisters; a small red rash may also occur;
  • peeling;
  • bruises on the areas of the rash within a day or two.

Symptoms manifest themselves to the maximum when the affected areas are warmed, when a person returns to a warm place, and allergies occur not only in frost, but also in damp weather.

The symptoms subside within a couple of hours. Symptoms and treatment of cold allergies are often interrelated.

Cold reaction therapy

To mitigate the manifestations of a cold attack, comprehensive treatment is carried out, which involves the use of medications that eliminate various symptoms.

An itchy rash, severe redness, blisters, and swelling are well relieved by ointments, gels, sprays, and creams (“Fenistil-gel,” “Protopic,” “Gistan,” “Elidel”). Hormonal ointments for severe swelling and painful itching are resolved in short courses (Hydrocortisone, Flucinar, Sinaf-ointment, Gistan N, Akriderm GK, Celestoderm).

Food allergies

A food allergy is an immune reaction caused by certain foods. This allergy is accompanied by well-known symptoms. A food allergy occurs when the body mistakenly perceives a particular food as a threat to itself and, in order to protect itself, triggers the immune system to produce antibodies. When encountering an allergen again, the immune system quickly recognizes the “dangerous” substance, reacts immediately and again produces the antibodies it believes are necessary. It is these substances that cause allergy symptoms in adults. As a rule, the food form is almost always formed in this way.

It happens that adults may experience allergies that were observed in childhood. But if the reaction occurs in an adult, it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Runny nose

Allergic rhinitis, which experts call rhinitis or hay fever, affects one in ten people, and the phenomenon is often hereditary. Allergy symptoms in adults (photo presented in the article) are not limited to this.

People with asthma or eczema may also often suffer from allergic rhinitis. Such allergies are predominantly observed in women than in men. Against the background of an allergic rhinitis, symptoms may appear in the form of itching in the eyes and throat, and in addition, in the nose and palate, sneezing and nasal congestion are also possible. In addition, people may experience watery eyes, which will be accompanied by nasal discharge, and in some cases conjunctivitis occurs. In more severe situations, an allergic runny nose can trigger an attack of asthma or eczema. Cold allergy symptoms are also quite unpleasant.

What are the causes of allergies?

In some people, the immune system may overreact to certain substances, causing the production of various chemicals. One of them is histamine, which causes allergic symptoms. A similar reaction from the body can occur through inhalation, and also through skin contact or ingestion of the allergen. In addition to the allergens already listed, they can also be fluff, cosmetics or cigarette smoke.

Common allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions can appear on completely different parts of the body, and the symptoms themselves can last up to several days. Typically, the following symptoms are observed as a result of an allergy:

  • The condition of the upper respiratory tract is complicated by hay fever or asthma.
  • There is redness and tearing in the eyes.

  • The appearance of pain and inflammation of the joints.
  • The occurrence of urticaria and eczema.
  • The appearance of diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset.

What complications can allergy symptoms lead to?


The appearance of a particular allergy can be complicated by the following reactions of the body:

  • The development of anaphylactic shock (an extremely severe allergic reaction).
  • The appearance of difficulty or wheezing.
  • The appearance of a rapid pulse.
  • The appearance of cold sweat.
  • Skin stickiness.
  • Development of urticaria.
  • The appearance of stomach cramps.
  • The appearance of dizziness and nausea.
  • Development of collapse (acute vascular insufficiency).
  • The appearance of seizures.

It is important to note that the lack of medical care when observing a severe form can lead to death for the patient. We discussed the symptoms of allergies to cold above.


The consequences of body allergies are more than serious. An allergic reaction generally has a negative effect on the body and its functionality. Against the background of this condition, a person may experience increased fatigue, irritability, and in addition, the performance of the immune system decreases. As such, the consequences suggest the transition of allergic reactions into diseases in the form of hemolytic anemia, serum sickness, eczema, bronchial asthma, otitis media, chronic bronchitis or rhinitis and much more. The cause of such consequences is most often untimely diagnosis of an allergic reaction or its incorrect treatment. For example, suppressing food allergies with medications can lead to the occurrence of a chronic pathology such as atopic dermatitis.

To avoid allergy symptoms in adults, it is necessary to promptly consult a doctor and carry out the correct treatment for a particular reaction. It is important to note that negative consequences are most often caused by patients self-medicating. The worst thing is that this “treatment” is usually symptomatic, in which the symptoms of allergies to cold, for example, are relieved, but their underlying cause is not identified.

Anaphylactic shock

A particularly severe, and at the same time dangerous, consequence of allergies is anaphylactic shock, which, however, is quite rare, but a rapidly developing phenomenon. Anaphylaxis is a combination of several symptoms that develop rapidly:

  • The occurrence of severe pain and itching as a result of contact with the allergen.
  • The appearance of difficulty breathing.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • The appearance of Quincke's edema.

Reaction to an insect bite or medicine

Most often, anaphylaxis is observed as a result of an insect bite, and in addition, against the background of the administration of a drug that causes an allergic reaction in the patient. Less commonly, anaphylaxis can occur due to a food allergen. It is important to note that a phenomenon such as anaphylaxis is a dangerous consequence that can be fatal. In this regard, when the first symptoms appear, you should call an ambulance. Allergy symptoms in a child are especially dangerous (photos of the manifestations of the disease are presented in the article).

Certain consequences can often be caused by the fact that the body’s susceptibility to an allergic reaction was not taken into account, and therefore there was no correct and timely therapy. Or this may be caused by the fact that an incorrect diagnosis of the disease was chosen along with self-medication. Considering all of the above factors, it is important to note that every person should take care of their health without waiting for dangerous allergic consequences, which can be much more difficult to cope with than with what caused them.

What should a person do if an allergy occurs?

In the presence of mild allergic reactions, a runny nose may occur, watery eyes, and in addition, other symptoms that resemble a cold may appear. A small rash may appear. If a person often notices similar reactions in himself or his relatives, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

It is important to know that in the event of anaphylactic shock, the resulting allergy affects the entire body. Anaphylactic shock, as a rule, occurs within fifteen minutes after ingesting the allergen, which requires urgent action, namely calling an ambulance. You should also avoid foods, medications and other substances to which you have ever been allergic.

All friends and family members should be aware of the development of allergies. This information should be shared with all professionals, including dentists, dermatologists, etc. This also applies to prescription drugs and also to over-the-counter products. Always, before taking this or that medicine, an allergy sufferer should carefully read the packaging and the attached instructions.

Decongestant drops

For mild allergic rhinitis, decongestant drops should be used along with sprays designed to relieve symptoms. If an allergy was caused by a drug, you should immediately stop using it and consult your doctor.

You should also take antihistamines, but only those prescribed by a specialist. If you are taking antihistamines that have a sedative effect, you should avoid driving as these medications can cause drowsiness.

What can the attending physician do?

The doctor must rule out the possibility of other diseases and also perform tests aimed at identifying the allergen. After this, as a rule, patients are prescribed antihistamines and, if necessary, steroids. In situations where the allergen has been identified, and contact with it due to certain circumstances is inevitable, the doctor must administer a special vaccine to the patient in order to prevent and treat the deviation. Among other things, the doctor may recommend a special diet for patients who suffer from the development of food allergies.

What should be the preventive measures?

As already noted, first of all it is necessary to identify the substances that cause allergy symptoms (photos of which are presented in the article), and then, of course, always avoid them. It is equally important to ensure that the house is always clean and free of dust or fluff, and also that there are no ticks. During periods when people are sweeping, vacuuming, knocking dust out of furniture, changing bed linen, and other similar contacts, you should cover your nose using a gauze bandage or a special mask. If you have an allergic reaction to pets, you should not keep them in your home.

Medical card

If you have a medication, it is advisable to always have a special card with you, which will indicate which medications the corresponding reaction exists to. Thanks to this, even when a person is unconscious or cannot remember the names of drugs, he will be protected from the introduction of one or another allergen. Among other things, if a person has a severe allergy, he should inform his entire family about this, and in addition, his colleagues, and do not forget to inform the attending physicians about this fact.

We looked at a disease such as allergies. Photos, symptoms and treatment are presented.